LSD 8/2011 - Ancestral Healing

Letter of Spiritual Direction for August 2011

Dear Community,
Blessings and wellness to you.

I am perplexed in writing this to the whole group, and yet from the experiences and issues regarding my not contacting both VAV and NBH, I have decided to address the whole. It is my hope that NBH will answer any questions that VAV or other NBH may have. I pray that VAV does find more quiet mind and allow for stillness to be the reference point of expanding harmony.

Inregard to my current state.

I am going through an intensive doctoring. As you know I had some serious episodes which I am recovering nicely from. Thank you for your prayers.

I personally do not take the bumps in the road with so much concern as I do know that I am held and that the extensions do need to be tried in order for the bridge to be built. However that is the beauty of having Spiritual Guides, sometimes they can just be more clear as they can see from the outside and insides.

My mind is clear and my physical body is healing. Emotionally I am tired. The doctoring is to help me find the balance of my emotions in working at such extremes.
It feels difficult. On one end of the spectrum I am putting together the 32 Awarenesses in an order that is teachable for our world and universe. On the other end of the spectrum there is 4th world chaos which is soooo very difficult for me to even speak to, as I have not lived there for a long time. My last seven years of revisitation to 4th world, has cost me a lot in my ability to maintain my own health. I do not see this as above or below or right or wrong or here or there...... thus being the reason that I question addressing the whole community. Explaining the duality of ones existence is hard for me to return to and repeat over and over and over again. And yet I know that each position and place where each is, IS VALID and is to be honored by all.

My work in the Ancestral Realms is very important for you, us.
On Sunday I took an intensive day of silence preparing.
On Monday a large shift took place in the healing of OUR ANCESTORS

WE will be working with your ancestors for the rest of the week.
If there is anyone who is experiencing fear, please post in prayers.
I do realize that there are some among us who do not understand that.

Clearing means "removing of harsh properties, such as nails in the road, mending pathways of understanding, setting aside instability."

Please remember that we work in free will participation. If you have fear, you will be passed over to receive the healing. You must come in open heart. If you do not have an open heart, then you must find peace in silence.

How does this help me Willow with Emotional Stability?
We are so connected, more than you know.
With your mind you think that I am not with you
and yet I feel you, I see you and I embrace you
with all that I am.
I love you beyond measure, and all you have to do is
call on me and you will see me.
I am tired of trying to convince you of my presence.
It is time for you to find me within you.
I bring to you peace and strength to flourish.
My desire and hope for you and all that you love
is to BE so intensely inlove that
your mouth waters in grace
your eyes well up with emotions of cherishment
you smell the freshness of new comingling of life
you touch the blessed boundaries of skin of kin
you vision through worlds
you know the embracing arms of a Love greater than your own MIND

I love you, and when I say that I am in a doctoring and we are Ancestrally Healing your Lineage,
these are the hopes and petitions that we bring before your ancestors and counsel.

I pray that in this earth walk, that you too in your everyday walk with one another, too pray for that which we pray for, that our desires and intentions may be of the same harmonic.
That the experiences of pain and suffering which befell that which has come before us, might be healed and saved, mended and renewed. That all that comes after us, our children and our grandchildren, our newly forming relations and our hopes of a new cultural formation, may be met Instantly in Harmony. That our roadways, pathways, hopeways may be free to unify in the highest potential of our supreme qualities.

I know that many of you suffer in your day to day, I do pray the prayer of ancestral healing that you may glean from the Hope of Love from which you were created.

For truly remember that you are of Star Dust and the Love from which Dust is created is of ONE single particle, graviting from chaos into reunification of ONENESS.

Hold steady in the Still Point of ONENESS and the gravity of Love's Likeness will reunite with First Intention, thereby supporting your hopes and dreams of co-creative manifestation.
Clear away your fears, for fears take up space, as rocks in a jar. Make room for the fluidity of life well lived, to grow and flourish in your very BEING. BE PEACE. Choose Living Life in a New Form.

In regard to the meeting on Sat.

I will not be on the call on Sat. I will be meeting with each of you this next week at our regular times.
I ask the Whale Song Dreamers
lead the call. Make it simple.

Southern Group please make sure the call times and phone numbers are posted for the community.

Please go over this letter of Spiritual Direction.
Do a check in

If you are meeting in a group you may want to begin an organizational process for last months letter.
We will be taking 12 months to work through it.

My love and gladness for each of you.
Please make sure that you are posting in your private area
a written summary of the events taking place in your lives
so that I can understand more clearly your personal experiences
of the shifts that you are going through as we continue this ancestral healing.

Inlove and grace,
Willow JiMi

For the merging regions: Nomadic, Western and Southern

please post your dreams, needs concerns and limitation in your regional group section.

Willow JiMi

Dear Community,
I hope this note finds you well and happy and that your Metta contemplations continue to grow you inside out, from seed to plant.

In regard to our appointments this coming week,
I will need to meet with each of you the following week if possible.
I will be in an intensive native 'doctoring' beginning on Monday. I will need rest from Wed. through the weekend.
It is my hope that you will be able to relax and enjoy this time and know that each of your energies is balanced.
It is time to just 'know' the fluidity of your measure, meaning what you are made of.

This doctoring will entail the movement of reconciliation of ancestors for new world formation.

VateMare, to be clear. Your job is to maintain a steady walk with your rule as always. Keeping your need, desire, or common reactions to know, to grasp........ under your belt. If you are feeling any unsteadiness go to water and allow for the cooling mother of compassion to carry your worries. This is not a time to freak out, it IS a TIME to accept the graceful gifts of the Universe, thus building your faith in a conceptual manner.

NBH, this is a time when you will receive clear voice and boost for your teachings. Maintain your rule, allow for unknowing to guide you, work daily with the 5th awareness.

Both, record your experiences.
You will feel me as waves, the Essence of Life.
I will try to record my experiences for you, though I can not promise this.

Please continue your Metta.

Also, I am opening the VAV conversation area.
I ask the NBH to help the VAV with the Earth Medicine Book.
Advising as to where we are and how to find the calendar if they get lost.

NBH it would be helpful if you too began your daily reads here.

My love and grace to each of you,
May joy find your every wish and fulfill it in the beautiful splendor of becoming form, thus being hope for our world and universe.

Willow JiMi

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024