9/2011 - Ascension into Truth: Awareness #17

A Beauty Way - JIMI TAO
Ascension into Truth
Awareness 17

Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Genuine Gratitude, Grateful for Life

  1. Divine Mystery/ Human Mystery in Reason to Love

Ascension into Truth is fulfilled in Co-Creation Of Love.
Divine Human being Ascends into Truth through the fullest expression Of Love.
Here personal truth and divine truth are recognized and honored as
New Dreams of wholeness in One Intention as Co-creation is activated through
transubstantiation of form initiated in transmutation in dream.
Ascension is embodied as

I Am Here and Fully Present In All That Is

  1. Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Gratitude for Life in the all our Aspects

There is a fullness which resides in the recesses of Great Mystery.
A potential untapped, a golden resource full and living with the Heartbeat of Unification.
This fullness can only be accessed through the co-mingling of energies of Harmony within and without the highest Conscious of Living Forms.
Peaceful Ease lives here as Graceful Cherishment.
Freewill participation is the Gravitational Excellence of Expanding Co-creation.

  1. Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Genuine Intention for Love



The new world was born.
As I carefully tread the path of my new life, I realize the importance of each passing moment. And though it is difficult to speak clearly to anyone of the things which pass in my mind, the thoughts which encompass my life, and the emotions which well up in gratitude, surprise and joy......... I am committed to be here, to help others find the way to peace and enlightenment.

I have been having light work done on my body. Last week LOVE did body work with me and cranial work opening up some space and my thinking has become clearer and more direct. Intuitively I follow divine guidance; questions of what I should or should not do are placed in proper perspective. I recognize my dilemmas as fears wanting to be spoken. And now I look at them and try to fully understand what they are one at a time, looking for the root, hoping that in my recognition, that the root might be lightened, sweetened and made useful.

I am reminded of the root which is nourished by the ground. It is here, in grounded balance that the stability of the root can take on nourishment in a solid and foundational way. It is in grounded balance of Spirit and Soul that the divine human being can fully be expressed and experienced as co-creator.

In my walk in the new world I see that all things that are created; are created responsibly. Each action and intention is held in a vibration of pure love and joy. No-thing is created that is not fully realized as pure relationship in and with Divine Love. I see the small bird created by the master, I see the yellow and red, I hear the song and the flight of wing and I see all the interlacing which makes it special, I experience co-creation. And when I hear this small bird's song, I feel its resonance throughout and through in...... and so on.

I reflect on this manifestation of life and love and our desires as human beings to touch, merge and integrate our divinity. Our desire to ascend fully experiencing life as whole and one. Our desire of ascension.

Clearly, though we use the word desire, for the dream must come first to open the gateway of manifestation, it is not desire but it is Beingness. It is in our very Beingness, in our silence and stillness that we hear the harmonic melodies, tunes, chorus and song of creation. The Song of Creation is the song of transformation that takes place every day when all right intention through beauty and joy are heard and seen and appreciated. And in this gratitude, the evolution of creation continues to spring forth more love. It is IN this moment of adoration that the song within resonating with the song outside of us touches our soul and beckons us to come forth with our own song our new song.

Our song sung from deep within our being wells up and the emotional realization that we are truly a part of something more wondrous than mind can conger, and now we know love. And we know love to be nothing less that all that is and nothing more than all that is. In this moment of realization we experience of awareness that there is no separation. Our minds flow, our heads feel as if the top has been lifted off, energy flows through our bodies as golden streams of light energy. And now we know the Power of Love, we know our divinity and we honor our life and lives, body and bodies as Divinely Human Beings.

Yet, we as human beings we forget or we shadow our divinity, by our certain fears of separation manifested only by our closing of our ears and the shutting of our eyes. Our fear of separation, hurt and disease IS A PARADOX, and it is only in loving our fear..... that shadow can be released and healed. The paradox sits Here at the seat of humility, the humus of life. The humus of richness where the bitter root can flourish and become sweet fruit. Where 'we' the plant can take hold and the flower bud becomes strong, flourishes and reseeds the earth.

At the time of death and burial we have heard, 'from dust you were created and unto dust you return' we understand ourselves to be humans made from the earth. At times of transition and death, whether spiritual, emotional, mental or physical, we return to humility. We return to earth. Earth is mother, womb....... she which has held us, fed us, and nurtured us even when we were too young or unaware to know her benefit to us. During these times of transition we come to the place of humility as Surrender. This is different than humiliation, Mother Earth has no room for judgment and this is the confusion which leads us into fear. Humility vs. Humiliation.

Humiliation is a human term used to describe a misunderstanding of the mother/child relationship. It is both a personal interpretation and a tool used by those who wish to use control as a manner to hide their own fears. Humiliation is unnecessary and fundamentally invalid in relation to Oneness. In Oneness, In Love and in relationship to humility or surrender humiliation does not exist. Humus is the rich soil which manifests growth, renewal, beauty and joy.

Humus is the soil of newness this is co-creation. Today we surrender with great humility within to our own process of Being ness.


  1. Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Genuine Gratitude, Grateful for Life

The Prophet, "And He closed his eyes and he prayed in the silences of his soul"

Ego I dream again of friendship and I see my friends in a mirror held within containers separate from me.
I see myself watching. I feel happy of these friendships yet they are untouchable in human form.
I weep. I weep in joy and in sorrow and I am mindful to open my heart in gratitude for this new day.

Its warm and I like waking to the warmth of day. Today I wake to the warmth of life of this earth plane and I want to find gratitude.
I hear the crashing of glass with the garbage pickup. I get out of bed after planning my day. I am intentional in not allowing the 'whys' of unknowns to break my heart any further.

Ego/Soul Unity
On this day I awaken and there is gratitude and peace which lives within, whose source is mysterious to me. As Mother who brings forth children even from Labor. There is a Hope which lives within this Mystery, a Light in clouded skies.

There is a "NO OPINION" which guides me today, for opinion can only serve sorrow this day.

Today is a day to put together links of Love.

That today, I Be of No Opinion, that I may 'enter into the silences of my soul' and remember Love as a Grain of Sand. We are not here for one, but for many and for all. So it is that 'Reason to Love' is lifted to the Great Mystery.

And I listen to the snow melt from roof tops and tree limbs and watch the grass and trees and earth moisten, giving Hope where Hope within one is lost. For Mother does hold Eternally that which has No Reason in the smallness of the Human Mind.

So today it is best to know the task before me. The mundane which allows my soul the Inner weeping in silences. Giving no thought to this or that. My actions are only to connect the Joys of Memory in Reasons Unknown, Surrendering my opinion as none.

I watch blue skies and the sun clouded by a single cloud, thus bringing a chill.

And so today I pray in the silences of my soul,

Just for today, let me turn my head and focus upon the mundane, that the sorrow does not overcome my existence.

Just for today let the garden and soil of Great Mother Earth sooth and give balance to our Ego/Soul Unity and our Friendships in Humanity.

Just for today let the Sun of Great Spirit warm the Ice desolations of our Human Fragmentations.

Just for today, let comfort Be our guide, that renewal may come without opinion of destructions without reason.

"Let us close our eyes and pray in the silences of our Soul"

There is a fullness which resides in the recesses of great mystery.
A potential untapped, a golden resource full and living with the heartbeat of unification.
This fullness can only be accessed through the co-mingling of energies of harmony within and without the highest conscious living forms.
Peaceful Ease lives here as graceful cherishment. Freewill participation is the gravitational excellence of expanding co-creation.

Ascension into truth is fulfilled in Co-Creation from love.
Divine human being ascends into truth through the fullest expression of from love.
Here personal truth and divine truth are recognized and honored as
New Dreams of wholeness in one intention as co-creation are activated through transubstantiation.
Ascension is embodied as
I Am Here and Fully Present In All That Is

Willow JiMi and Joey 2011-09-27 14:15:02

Willow (IP: Yesterday 17:55:23
We retell the story of the mystery of Great Mystery.
We slip peacefully, breathlessly into the presence of eternity
We become that we are,
the comprehension and understanding that has not been previously
gained by the masses.
As we look to the new form that we are
we see that we are the life
the mystery
the deep keeper of Great Mystery,
We, the reincarnation of Compassionate Mother
the Grandmother of Mystery.
I recall the time when existence was a thought
where thought created word
where word created that I Am.
Where I Am was the form and structure of me.
Today, 'I' awaken to Being Presence
'I' slips into the essence of 'you'
and 'we' become presence so real and untouchable
that the grasping for comprehension and understanding
only serves to dilute the breath of fullness.
We are ivory, eons of silken matter into absolute
authentic form, Being without end or beginning, simply IS.
The only sound that resonates is our Faith in one another.
You hold me and I center you
And we become Balance in Co-Creation.

Willow JiMi and Josy

(IP: Today 15:14:05
Formula of the Divine Human Being InLove
The Divine Human Being InLove is the Prototype of the Being who enters into New World (7th World) as the Memory Keepers of Ascension.
This Being is the fluid formed enmattered (embodied) spirit and enspirited matter (body) of last ascending to first as color, light form and sound in the form of DivineHuman Being Inlove.

The Divine Human Being finds Resonance in sound which occurs between the harmonic and value of music and song. Thus in Metta we ask, Am I the sound that makes you glad to be alive?

The Divine Human Beings finds Resonance in color which occurs between the harmonic and value of light and form. Thus in the Metta we ask Am I the art which stirs the heartmind of wellbeing within you?

When these two Firsts (Color and Sound) meet again, for they are the FIRST Split of Source and Source, they re-attune to Origin, only now they have a new understanding of where they have been, and can now imagine, vision and dream together. Co-creation requires the ability to imagine, vision and dream together as Unified Presence.

Re-attunement occurs through the process of emulsification.
Emulsifying or the Emulsion of Spiritual Matter occurs as the water born body of the human being blends naturally through the rising of consciousness.
The host or the DivineHuman Being Inlove creates (for all creation is the unified Presence of Two becoming One, thus one and two no longer exist as they are now the Third) The third Being the unification which leads us to ONE or Creation.

Creation becomes the 'I' of creator, thus co-creating from "I am that you are", the structure which gives direction: through balance.
Harmony drives the vehicle (hue and tone) which produces (creates) pigment or form of substance. When mixed with water or emulisified, the DivineHuman Being is reborn into this new form. The water is formed through the emotional wisdom of humilities gratitude in graceful cherishment.
This is the Way of Beauty.

Emulsification - A suspension of globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the first will not mix, such as milk fats in milk. A light sensitive coating, usually of silver halide grain in a thin gelatin layer on photographic film, paper or glass. American Heritage Dictionary

Globule - Having the shape of a globe or spherical. American Heritage Dictionary

Halide is a binary chemical compound of a halogen with a more electropositive element or group. American Heritage Dictionary

Change into an emulsion

Willow JiMi 2011-09-26 18:20:34

I AM That I AM
Willow Tequillo

Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
Contemplation 3 for Self Examination
Willow Tequillo

Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo

Name ____________________________________ Submission Date ________________________

Sacred Reflections: Center For Transforrnational Awareness
Is a Non-Profit Spiritual Organization seeking to Celebrate
in provision and support of
Universal Consciousness
For More Information Please Contact:
Website: SacredReflections.com

Willow JiMi 2011-09-27 21:49:41


My life is defined only by the presence of relation between source and self.
10 directions my view is many fold
My emotions are of a clarity greater than my own
My truth is of all connection through realm and world.
I am at peace
I am Mother, Mater, I/Eve

I heard the birds sing today
the various voices making sounds of beauty glad to be alive.

I dream, vision and imagine the wholeness of beauty before me.
From childhood the within reaches outward reminding me of that which I Am.
Smiles, gestures and open hearted tenderness reach to embrace that of me
that IS eternity.

We laugh at our complexity as we embrace our simplicity.
The simple cord connects our wholeness and we become One in the Dance of Comic Creation.

We vision through worlds and we meet upon the beaches of our home.
Warmth comes from radiance within, emanating without, that which is eternally embodied.
We dream presence
for Presence is All that There Is.

Dark Night of the Soul

In the 18th Awareness the Ego and Soul become the place for the conversation, understanding, willingness to BE.
Understanding separation, deciding upon unification.
Complete Beauty within.
Ego awakes to the beauty of soul.
Depth of happiness and inner revelations occur.
May this day be blessed as we move between the breath of life.
The Bodhisattva

Ego/Soul Dialogue
I enter into the realm of the soul.
I ego stand within the burning flame of one sided thinking.
I burn away the knowingness of who I thought myself to be.

Now I see you Soul, I embrace your beauty.
Why have I for so long resisted you?
Now as I feel your beauty and embrace,
I also feel the torrents of the imbalance of my life.
I see you,
You stand steady upon the waves of change and fortune.
Teach me how, with grace, to know your beauty,
To be beauty with you.

Dear Love of my life.
Do you know that I have chosen to be your twin?
For you hold the qualities which I call mine.
I see your beauty, you are beauty.
Let us stand together in the rhythm of our Being ness.

I awaken today to the pain of headache.
The familiar sense of resistance of 'which way to go'?
Inwardly and outwardly trying to decide if I will stay
Or return to the other side
of the mountain as planned.

I turn to the light and I see the beautiful reflections within.
My room is beautiful,
this, my inner cavern of divine soul harmony.

Every different thought pushes me to awaken to life,
living life in this new form.
Its comfortable, the air.
I realize that my inner body experiences heat though to touch,
my skin is still cold.

I argue with myself in disbelief that I have a headache
or that the pathways are congested with chaos
or that the sanctuaries are filled with people who are coming from
the burning of chaos.
Or that the city of lights is filled with unconsciousness that is outrageous.

Okay, I IS, and so I must find peace within the noise
hope within the moment
presence within presence.

Allowing dissolution of self expectation.
Accepting hope to become determinations pathway of universal unfolding.
It is in this presence that the day gets lighter, brighter, warmer
and easier and I become presence within my to do.

And it is here that realization becomes presence to more that I Am
and More than I think myself to BE.

I surrender to my Source
asking to be held
inbetween by my mother and father
held inbetween the knowing and unknowing.
For it is here that I surrender to a dream,
vision and reality greater than my own understanding.

The candle of my altar burns
golden orange tonight
and mother sleeps quietly at my feet.
Magic, Miracle, Mystery become and I Am.
I come to this point where graceful cherishment comes alive like fragrant appreciation, honoring.
Where silence within myself is the warming experience of my existence
like the sweet warmth of flowing waters. Tonight the dusk beckons me forth to the faint call of Awe.
I think of Mother, I Choose, and I let go of the old which has held me
I walk in new form.

Another day, I awaken as I often do here, with a list of todo's.
Why is it so hard to settle into myself I wonder?
There is no one here to distract me
and yet before me, before my eyes open
I am distracted by my to do list.
What happened to inner sanctuary of silence?

The weather has changed and the mornings are cool now.
The wind is breezy
and the sun shines clear onto the Manifestation Portrait.

It is time to be born, to walk, to put away fear and to Fully BE.
I realize that what is continuing to bother me, is teaching the concept of freewill participation or non attachment?
I see the heart ache which still stings the emotions of those who have left and those who stay.
It is a hard lesson to understand, "in order to move forward, one must be authentically whole hearted. Without this authenticity, movement cannot occur."

To stay in one place means to seek out the terrain from which one finds self, finds what makes up the heart of the individual and whole.

Dark Night of the Soul

Ego/Soul Dialogue
I enter into the realm of the soul.
I ego stand within the burning flame of one sided thinking.
I burn away the knowingness of who I thought myself to be.

Now I see you Soul, I embrace your beauty.
Why have I for so long resisted you?
Now as I feel your beauty and embrace,
I also feel the torrents of the imbalance of my life.
I see you,
You stand steady upon the waves of change and fortune.
Teach me how, with grace, to know your beauty,
To be beauty with you.

Dear Love of my life.
Do you know that I have chosen to be your twin?
For you hold the qualities which I call mine.
I see your beauty, you are beauty.
Let us stand together in the rhythm of our Being ness.

Willow JIMI 2011-09-23 14:52:40

Silence is the action of inaction
The seat of the in-between.
in-between breath and light
shadow and dark
in and out
above and beyond
twilight and light
dusk and night
Splendor lives here
The Soul lives here
hovering amidst the golden
rays of first and last.
Bearing rays of hope for a new Peace.
Retrieving rays of wisdom for a new Peace
New World formation is glistened here.
Particles forgotten, covered or simply lost to sight,
suddenly become manageable, tangible, valuable
and sustainable.
Gravity returning to the original intention and purpose.
Gathering from expansion
returning to 'contract'
contraction of likeness,
forming golden density of light matter.
Matter pliable, valuable resource and resourceful.

It could be about worthiness in lower levels of consciousness,
however, here, it is the complete willful return to Source.
Action in timelessness
Inaction in time. As I sit in silence
I am awake
Action of determined consciousness,
determined consciousness requires a quiet mind
quiet even from determination.
Vigor, practice diligence of surrender and freewill participation.
For the action is to Be in freewill participation.
Inaction in time
stillness, relaxation
Being the flow of stillness.

I Dream
I allow the universe, my source, to fill my hope in co-creative effort.

I vision - I see the dream of the universe.

I imagine - I anticipate freewill. This may be the last of the milestones of attachment.

Willow JiMİ 2011-09-23 14:50:50

Dreams are the harmonic blending of qualities in color and sound through the Emotional experience of connection. Dreams are derived through the 3rd Trinity of Emotional Wisdom.

Visions are the harmonic ideas of unification which are found in the 1st trinity of the mind.

Images, imagination is the formation of thought of components (which are whole) recreating and redefining These components can be looked upon by the unseeing eye, as being incomplete, however, though seen as a fragment, is in actuality a complete for in the process of reformation.

Willow JiMi 2011-09-23 14:28:30

Through the processes of acceptance of Self, Divine Soul Manifests in Human form and seeks the inner and outer unity, Finding the inner peace in a world foreign to the soul the soul must surrender to belief in gentle steps of generation giving hope to understanding separation" as a gift of recognition of self and other and self as other.

Willow JiMi 2011-09-23 14:24:45

Mind of Love in Beautiful Splendor

At times it is hard to let myself 'allow' myself the embodiment of beautiful splendor.
Yet beautiful splendor is the dream of my Being,
I follow, I sense, I think, I dream.
It takes faith to live my dream of beautiful splendor.
It takes courageous faith to Be fully who I am co-created to be.
It take my unwavering belief in Divine intervention, intention, truth.
A truth that says all things are possible and it takes courageous
faith to know my center breath of gratitude and to BE IT.
This is my Human Wisdom:
it is to know my Will is Divine Will.........
and I ONLY KNOW this through the courageous faith I have in the Magic of Divine Love.

I only know that I Surrender to the Magic of my Source, every minute, every moment, every everything.
It is in this presence that I Am no thing and therefore I am an instrument of one common intention, one dream, a dream......... not all dreams, just one dream.
The dream of beautiful splendor in peaceful ease, in cherishment, in grace, in hope, INLOve.

It is through the magic of the Universal Mind of Love that I can be present in this single moment of time, in this life. It is in this life that I co-create and ascend common limitations of thought through passionate living in presence. Walking souly in this presence co-creates pathways of strength in beautiful splendor.

May we co-create with All that is the blue diamond of excellence in living our highest potential.

Today as I walk along the river the flowers grow lush feet above my head. I feel canopied by Willow bush and fragrant white, yellow, violet wild flowers. There amongst the foliage I see a giant milk thistle.

Beautiful, glorious, violet flower. Milk thistle seen around these parts as an obstacle to healthy gardens as once they go to bloom they just take over and the stickers can really be painful.

I think about the medicinal properties of this plant for health in breast milk and liver. I think about the courageous faith it takes for this Being to stand tall amongst the less 'prickly' people and choose to heal that which might otherwise go unattended to?

Limitations, boundaries, strength, determination, resolution.
Beautiful Splendor what is our passionate passageway made up of?
As I consider this physical form called my physical body, I am grateful for good health and stability. I am grateful for the guidance you this physical form does give me to inform me of the inner workings.

It is so interesting to me that in my life I have taken to little care and attention to this physical form and yet it is the vehicle of my life here on this planet. Let me be more attentive to your/our needs.

Willow 2007-02-01 16:07:03

Duality is the awareness of manifestation for love.
I Am That I Am
Duality embarks upon the task of seeing shadow self in order to further understand and know self as whole. In duality, polarity seeks unity.
He accepts she and she accepts he.
Each seeing and embracing the gifts of the other as sacred tools in search for understanding and discernment of personal intention and highest intention.
In duality conscious understanding of the concept of 'separation is explored as being the highest gift of freedom which embraces the greatest intention of unity.
Duality dreams the energy flow of all life by embracing wholeness as one sacred union.

Essence of life is the emotion for love.
Emotion for love supports the transfiguring substance of conscious awareness as unity.
Emotion is recognized in its most primal level as harmonics, color, vibration and sacred geometric form.
The emotional essence of life is the harmonic event in the song of creation. Within the essence of life true feelings are clearly experienced through all of the bodies with mindful acknowledgement and knowing through the emotions of understanding.
Center and balance meet in the scintillating splendor of harmonic dance.
Beauty and joy unite in co-operation as supportive substance of
new life for the soul purpose of love. Faith is known.

Ascended Wisdom Matrix Thread 7 is the pathway which helps us to move through this process of Surrender to Living Life without Fear (Attachment)

Divine Truth Human Wisdom In Passionate Passageways of Strength
07-17-2010 = 18 = 9 / Divine Soul Human Manifestation In Beautiful Splendor

Co-Creative Ascension Into Truth

Complete Original Works
Willow JiMi Tequillo

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of
One as Two/Two as One:

May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

Dear New Breed Healers/Amethyst Vision Seekers,
Today we find ourselves in deepest regard and happiness in a place where, Divine Truth and Human Wisdom Ascend limitations and Co-Create amazing creative pathways of passionate strength for peaceful union in harmony, through mutual reverence and allowance for All Life, All that IS.

Considerations for Letter of Spiritual Direction "Spiritual Cosmic Connections":
Ascended Wisdom Matrix: Thread Three (year 3/Willow JiMi Thread Three) Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance

Divine Heaven: New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Venus, Virgo, Cancer

  1. Venus Goddess of Beauty, Mother seed planet to Earth, Humus, Human
  2. Virgo, Goddess of Beauty Manifest, Feminine Child of Venus
  3. Solar Eclipse - From embracing to embrace, fire within water, Still Point, Fire centered in water, Light of profound Idea/concept, complete breath from out to inner-point of light-from inner to out.
  4. New Moon, New Ideas brought forth through passageways of the inner formed seed to the out breath; into the world for new life.
  5. Cancer, Home

Divine Earth: 5th Awareness; Ascended Wisdom Matrix; 7th Thread; Master Serapis Beye

  1. 5th Awareness I am Spiritual Cosmos connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.
  2. Ascended Wisdom Matrix Thread 7 Divine Truth Human Wisdom In Passionate Passageways of Strength Geometric Symbol begins with Blue Diamond
  3. Master Serapis Beye: 4th Ray, Master of Art and Music, Qualities: beauty, discipline, wisdom, order

"Today we will discuss the section of your lesson that I will refer to as 'Acceptance'.
Walk freely, willfully into the destiny of your Life.
You have created great and beautiful dreams for yourself.
Trust that you have prosperity and are prosperous.
That is what I am here to tell you.
Manifest anything you want,
do and dare to do it and when it comes say,
'I knew I could'.
You could and can because your heart intention is to Know through You,
One, All That Is.
Would Source of All life want anything less for you than the
Fullest Joy and Prosperity, Beauty and Hope?"

Lesson for Community review.
Divine Truth can reveal Human Wisdom through passionate passageways of who we are. Passageways are not outside of us or inside of us, though we Experience both as Is. Consider that we are the Passionate Passageway. WE are the vehicles and homes of our Qualities. As a passageway for my qualities I can be, play out any role. This is what you did last month through your ceremonies of laughter. We can be so silly in paying to much attention to 'this' or 'that'. Let us consider IS. "what IS this?"
We say, "This IS US, This IS We, Oneness"
Yet how do we come to know that we ARE we, connected and shared?

WE know that Fear leads us to separation and isolation, helping us to see self and other as separate entities. When fear takes too many short strokes and the trail gets too long and difficult, separation can lead to depravation and create loss and too much attention to dualistic nature.
We can come to know that 'we are we', through Gratitude. We can better understand gratitude when we connect our seemingly separate parts allowing them to refresh, rebalance and stabilize each other. How do our qualities assure that we are working from our heartmind?

Individual Assignment: Your assignment prior to our meeting is to take your qualities and create a story where each naturally leads to mutual support balance in equanimity. While you are creating, notice that you are each of the qualities.

Community Regional Assignment: Take one quality from each member and co-create a story of support in the first NBH/VAV Intention:

  1. My commitment to my relationships with another being, is to examine from my heart and to act (action) from my heart.

Together we are co-creating the letter of spiritual direction through our personal encounter with ourselves and one another. WE are the Passionate Passageways of Strength. WE are All that Is, for we are humbled humility, humus in gratitude.

Individual Assignment Willow JiMi Tequillo
July 2010 Community Assignment:
Divine Truth and Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength

Individual Assignment: Your assignment prior to our meeting is to take your qualities and create a story where each naturally leads to mutual support balance in equanimity. While you ar creating, notice that you are each of the qualities.

  1. Dignified Truth
  2. Noble Trust
  3. Generous Allowance
  4. Courageous Faith
  5. Humbled Humility
  6. Passionate Strength
  7. Passageways (to, of, for, from Love)
  8. Grateful Gratitude
  9. Beautiful Splendor
  10. Graceful Cherishment
  11. Delightful Devotion
  12. Supreme Quality Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion

Divine and human mind in dignified truth, gives me a sense of being the small rock of eternity, through great rocks of worlds.
I begin in a wondering if there is a reason for all of this existence and realizing that the only way that I can make sense of any of it, is to realized the truth that, I do not know.

In my surrender to unknowing, I come to trust.
When my heart stands full, in passionate strength trusting in the wisdom of emotions, the body of matter and the focus of the mind.... I experience noble trust. For I connect with my soul.
In the trust I give my self permission and a wide birth, generous allowance to become the hope that lives in my heart. I know this hope only as a feeling within a physical form, a watery, fluid, emotion of a love so deep that there is not cure for it. There is only a hope of the journey of life experience. This hope brings me to diving deep into courageous faith. A faith that I am the mystery which allows the magic to dream in. And in myself I allow the generosity of myself to lend 'miracles' a home of formation.

It is here that I become humbled humility of unknowing, for I do not know what will become of the alchemy of magic and mysteries love so deep. I only know that life does grow and flourish in my 'surrender's to becoming more than I am and fully allowing the generous space within and without to evolve in co-creation.

It is through this co-creation that I ascend into a deeper fuller knowing of the Courageous Faith that I am.
This courageous faith takes me to a place of passion for life, passion for living, and creates within my various bodies, clear and sustainable pathways to love openly, to be of a loving nature, for the co-creation of a greater love yet to be born, from a love that is immeasurable.

And from this love I find the peace that comes from a grateful heart. My gratitude for this life becomes the fullness of my being, radiating hope beyond that which was ever my dream and I know myself to be selfless love.

Metta, one without attachment, for all life IS love in simplicity. This brings me to Beautiful Splendor............ my experience of my life journey, for all is lovely, all is necessary, all is good and my heart is full in no name.

And I come to know cherishment of living for it is my heart, my feelings, my emotions which knows itself to be the life force elixir connecting all body of matter of golden particle into form. Gravity is the emotional resonance of chemistry drawing like to like here upon this earth plane and through the universes, realms and worlds.

And it is in this gravitational pull of passionate strength that we build in co-operation the tender new worlds based upon unification of qualities of self and other. And we become the delightful devotion to the evolution of the body of matter that we are, coming to know that our Soul does carry the unfolding Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion of our BEING, from and into eternity.

Willow JiMi Tequillo
Inlove and Appreciation,
Willow JiMi Tequillo
The fluid, rooted, Way of Beauty

Part 2

Divine Wisdom in Human Emotion = Delightful Devotion
This letter of spiritual direction is dedicated to the Great Migration from 4th to 5th Worlds.

Outline contents:

  • Prayer
  • Concepts of Cycle
  • Soul Portraits # 11 and # 12 from 32 Awareness's
  • Discussion of Soul as Etheric Body and Aura
  • Importance of Wisdom in Emotion
  • Questions for consideration

Part 1 - Prayer

Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers,
Let us take the breath inward, receiving the light of Great Spirit.
Let us let go of the breath that is held deep within the Great Mystery.
Each breath 3 x's, clearing the channels of our very core and feeding us with the life force of the universe.
In silence of heart, mind and body let us pray............
Divine Love,
We gather today in the center of emotional sobriety. Having traveled this life in our ego and souls delightful devotion to seeking. Today we find ourselves in the middle of our lives as Unified Beings. WE are here in the fulcrum, where heaven and earth meet within us. To get here we have given freely our attachments and consciously pursued the dream of Metta.

As we open our eyes and take our first breaths, we find that we are in the cross roads, 'Beings of Two Worlds Merging'. And we are grateful to be born of a time of universal awakening.

May we Be Light to our worlds, light of Co-operative Awakening in Wonder. May we be surefooted as path makers of gentle ease and peace as we travel through the Great Mystery. May we BE peacemakers of compassion through the harmony which is fully us within and without. May our worlds merging know the comfort of equanimity and may all life know that it is Home.
Blessed Be

Part 2 - Concepts of Cycle in, 'The Beauty Way'

WE celebrate this time of the 11th moon. The 11th moon cycle that says:
I am Spiritual Cosmos the connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.
I am Divine Wisdom and Human Emotion in Delightful Devotion.
I am the fluid sustainable matter of which all life is made of.
I am Metta

This month is a month of reflection. Imagine for a moment sitting by the river. Looking in the clear water, we see ourselves as both the water and the reflection of water. Standing on the top of water we see both what is above us and that which is below us. When we look our reflection we see both the sky and the earth. This is Us, this is we, Beings who live between heaven and earth.

The question for this month's contemplation is:
As I reflect upon that which is before me, (meaning that which is in front of me, behind me, to the sides of me, above me and below me.) As I reflect upon that which has created me and of what I am made of, "In the Wisdom of my experience of living, what Emotions will lead me into my future?"

Part 3 -Soul Portraits # 11 and #12 from 32 Awareness's

We look to our 32 Awarenesses to help us to discern where we are in our path. This part of our path is double. Examinations occur both within the ego and the soul and reflect our physical, mental and emotional bodies. This also means that reflections of our light and shadow have become clear through the Aspects of our lives. The 8 aspects of Being are: Ego/Soul Unity, Partnership, Family, Friends, Home, Vehicle and Work. The order is relative to the individual.

The 11th Awareness is RE-formation as defined as:
In reformation Being experiences the giving and receiving love.
'Becoming for love', requires the recognition of two shifts or the outer and the inner dance.
Deep within the inner womb of matter, mother; Soul begins to explore with Ego
the depth of the human compassionate heart.
Ego is recognized as the earth vehicle for soul memory and life purpose.
In the co-operative common union of the compassionate heart,
ego recognizes self to be of divine nature and soul recognizes self as human nature.
Together in personal awe of 'self' as creation,
ego and soul find themselves in the cellular memory of all matter, in all time and in all space.
In infinite eternity within the communion for love, together ego and soul seek the narrow pathway of wholeness together. It is here that Faith is tested and gifts are many.
Deep issues of trust and betrayal are examined. The three elemental sisters of Earth (earth, fire and water) and the voice of heavenly accompaniment (air), hold intentions for love in the transition through transfiguration. Spiritual cosmos and spiritual earth together hold the sacred space as the human being and the divine being make their way through the volcanic beauty of eternal fiery earth. The passage and pathway are narrow. Supreme examination of intentions are required by ego/soul in order to safely cross over to the landscape of new beginnings in New Earth in Harmonic Unity.

River of Life conversation as Unified SELF
Soul/Ego conversation: "I don't really know how it works; I do know that there feels like a trust within me that I am paying attention to. Paying attention to what is before me and around me and that I am actively participating in my life in a way that is sustainable for me and for others. I notice and see a settling......

I am reminded of our tradition and the belief that all are seeking a 'Home' and in the migrations, where each goes out to discover where their home is...... and when home is found, it is settled. In this settlement gardens can grow, houses can be built, structures can be formed, cultures can be developed..... life can become sustainable and maintainable. This migration has taken a long time to come. I feel inwardly that this settling that is happening within me... is so very welcome, I see this settling happen outwardly in my life and I am so very grateful.

My physical body reminds me that I need to pay attention to all the systems of my life while these energies find their way into a fluid and sustainable rhythm and harmony in my life.

Our new year begins at the next full moon.
As I say good bye to this time of completion, I remember all that has passed in this heaven and earth cycle. The endings of times which have been so very deeply revealing about us, our ways, our dreams, our life purpose and our foundational structure.
It is the end of an era, an end of a time and end within the time of times.

Today we enter into the boat of non-resistance in grace. The stream which carries us is the River of Light..... sure, clear, gentle and easy. As we now have surrendered in freewill passion...... our tasks and directions in our lap...our tools beside us..... our pathways held by heaven and earth in unison.....our destiny is beyond our own knowing...... and in freedom we trust in our eternal devotion to Source as dream and dreamer..

Ego/Soul Conversation: This morning we watch the Starlings in the apple tree outside our window eating the last of the apples on the tree. Their deep magical blue chests shine so beautifully as the sun reflects their heart. Trust holds our common heart and tears of gratitude enter into us. They, life of this planet earth, do show us about noble trust. These few apples show us about noble trust and sustainable life. The homeless show us about noble trust.... the dove which eats next to these starlings (starlings which can be aggressive with their food), these doves show us about noble trust today.

In Sacred Geometric forms, Divine Communion, or the dream of the dreamer holds this blue circle for the charitable steps learned in noble trust. WE continue our path as Divine/Human Beings
in co-operation, eternally delightfully devoted to seeking ways to end suffering for all life.

And as our body (ies) enter into states of lovableness... WE feel grateful for these years of remembering who we are. WE
feel grateful in allowance of self/Self to open to receive gracefully the joy and happiness of life in this beautiful form.

It was not always so. There was a time of internal separation, a time where I forgot that we are all One. One of the same substance, element and form. One of the same purpose. And in my own "I", I forgot Us. There were so many times in my life when my own beauty created for me a deception of self and I shy ed away from being fully who I am. Through worry and guilt, using egos tool of arrogance to be my teacher I isolated in to eternal independence seeking freedom. And I found freedom in arrogance. I found the freedom of loneliness, of desolation and of sorrow. Arrogance led me to find the peaceful way to balance the receipt of all things given freely by Source. The lessons of arrogance felt hard and harsh in my life..... and it was truly what I needed to find the deep self of inner form...... and to allow that form to be burned and reformed into Acceptance, Allowance and Surrender.
I remember well the path of Re-formation, the scary dark caverns, the heat, the beauty of reflections unseen before. The desire to cocoon, the gentle and not so gentle guides which carried me across molten lava. The discovery of colors unseen before, the heat, the mesas, the pleasures, the intensity, the cooling waters, the guides and guardians, the brothers and sisters who held space for me to transform into US. The small window of light which felt unreachable yet gave me hope and brought in the fresh air from a world unseen by my eyes before.
This cavern of deep and revealing reflection.... as this era of time does pass for me.

Like 'The Prophet' who sees his ship.... his kin entering upon the sea.... he reflects upon his days here in this land of learning who WE are..... no longer a novice of unknowing, rather a sage of Unknowing.
And it is in peaceful harmony that WE, as One, do enter gently, gracefully, poetically..... into the harmony of this ship as it rides the waves of life light
and I do learn that it is in this light
of Being spirit/soul
That I am a Being InLove, VateMare

The 12th Awareness is where we enter into the other side of unknowing, from the sea of reformation we find ourselves in the bliss of life in VateMare - color, light, form and sound.

Essence of life is the Emotional Wisdom for love.
Emotion Wisdom for love supports the transfiguring substance of conscious awareness as Unity.
Emotion Wisdom is recognized in its most primal level as harmonics, color, light, vibration, sound and sacred geometric form.
The emotional essence of life is the harmonic event in the Song of Creation. Within the essence of life true feelings are clearly experienced through all of the bodies with mindful acknowledgement and knowing through the Emotional Wisdom of understanding.
Center and balance meet in the scintillating splendor of harmonic dance.
Beauty and joy unite in awakening co-operation as supportive substance of new life for the Soul purpose of love. Faith is known.
We discover our Soul Purpose.

Part 4 - Discussion of Soul as Etheric Body and Aura

Let us consider, the physical form or our physical body also known as matter based form.
Divine Wisdom and Human Emotion exist within the physical experience of the Etheric Body (Aura ). The aura being the light vibrationary body which surrounds any form.
This etheric or Aura is referred to as the Soul signature. People ask, how does the Soul communicate with us? Let us consider that the soul is pure light energy. This energy which emanates is found as a 'point' within each cell of every physical form. As forms congregate, the aura or soul body becomes unified by the group and is experienced socially as a group. In the human body this is the form which lives in the largest organ, the skin. The aura or auric body can be sensed and seen about an inch above the skin. The fluidity and color, density and continuity of the aura is dependent upon the emotional health of the individual and also relates to larger and smaller forms of life such as planets, systems, landscapes, continents, societies, families and groups.
In order for our soul to communicate with our ego, there must be a gravitational resonance, beacon or homing device 'reachable' within each Being.

Our Soul has the answer as to what our purpose for living and existence is. Clutter in any form creates obstacles to the pure heart wave length of the Soul.
Having a clutter free environment allows clear pathways for the Soul to deliver its message.
The more clutter, the less able the ego is to hear, see or sense the presence of the soul.
The Auric body is in a sense like water. It is wavy, it is reflective, it can be soothing and it feeds and supports what we 'think' and mutually supports our 'actions'. It is the unified colors magenta and violet.
The aura is made of vibration. Briefly and simplistically, this vibration is a 'sound' and a 'color' and when this sound and color are in unity they
co-create a 'form'. Every color is a sound and every sound is a color. Sound and color emanate from 'Emotions'.

Part 5: Importance of Wisdom in Emotion

Emotional Wisdom creates forms of highest frequency, this is natural order.
"In the Wisdom of my experience of living, what Emotions will lead me into my future?"
Our personal qualities lend us vision as to what we 'are made of'. If we can consider ourselves to be the vehicles of eternally evolving qualities, we can gain footing in our life purpose. Simple realizations help us to understand our 'worth' as individuals and as family.

When we can walk as the embodiment of our supreme quality, we experience direction from our soul, which aides us in 'remembering' past experiences. These past experiences enhance our daily living experiences by providing us with integral 'light or energy' support systems which give us faith and wisdom through Creative Inspiration.
The health of our physical and mental bodies are directly influenced by the 'health' of our auric body as is the auric body directly influenced by our mental and physical health. Again our aura is the light energy frequency where the soul directly lives and transmutes information to and from the center within to our higher soul self and ultimately to and from the Universal Source.
Emotional Sobriety creates space for soul sound to have easy access to peace and ease. Clutter free minds, clutter free bodies, clutter free homes, vehicles and work spaces create 'sanctuary' for the ego/soul unity.

Where do you live in relationship to a clutter free environment?
In regard to the physical and mental bodies an exercise for 'beginning' to create a space for ego/soul unity begins in breath. How do you breathe? Breath is the energy necessary for each cell of the body, the mind body, the physical body and the emotional body. Breath is the first step in becoming Emotional Wisdom. Breath allows us to be still and gain clarity while feeding our physical form with much needed oxygen.

Breath cleanses our bodies and allows for fluidity and clarity for emotions, which translates into Emotional Wisdom

5 to 10 "IN" Breath Exercise
This exercise is to help you to take a relaxing breath 'IN'.
First: Breath In and observe where your breath ends in your physical body before you naturally release to the 'out' breath.
Is it at your throat, your lungs, and your belly? Do you notice it in the front or the back of your body? Make a note.
Next: Take an in breath; see the breath move along a line which begins at the nose. Imagine this line of breath traveling from the nose up the front of your face, over the top of your head, around and down your back and out the base of your buttocks (butt).
Make a note of the difference from your first breath to this breath.
Next: Mark your physical form breath pathway into ten, #9 at the kidneys and #10 ten ending with the breath moving out of your bottom. In your mind's eye see each of these places as a gateway which opens to the next space.
Next: take a practice breath counting each gateway, experience the breath move through your spine as it rounds your head and begins its descent. Make your notes.
Now begin your full 5 - 10 breaths. What color and sound do you sense your aura to be?
Take 5 full breaths in the 10 segments.

  • special note: It is easiest to do the breath by relaxing your physical form.
    also.. Allow the 'out' breath to release from the physical body in a natural and easy manner.

Part 6: Questions for consideration

  1. Read the Letter of Spiritual Direction in its entirety.
  2. Consider the transition that you have been working through from the 11th to 12th Awareness.
    What have your experiences in the Reformation process looked like?
  3. Consider the aspects of your life along with your physical, mental and emotional form. What has been occurring for you?
  4. We are in the fulcrum point, how is this relevant to your life? What does this mean to you?
  5. As you move into the 12th awareness, what does emotional wisdom look like for you?
  6. Are your qualities residing in peaceful ease?
  7. As groups of 2, practice the 5 - 10 breath exercise. One person records while the other does the exercise. Allow time for discussion.
  8. What color is the color of your group?
  9. "In the Wisdom of my experience of living, what Emotions will lead me into my future?" Please answer question #9 and place it in the Community formation section of the Vatemare Forum.

This letter of Spiritual Direction is for the months of 11 and 12/2010
Thank you for your kindness, have fun and enjoy your life.
Inlove and Peace,
Willow JiMi Tequillo

Willow 2007-02-01 16:08:32

Essence of life is the emotion for love.
Emotion for love supports the transfiguring substance of conscious awareness as unity.
Emotion is recognized in its most primal level as harmonics, color, vibration and sacred geometric form. The emotional essence of life is the harmonic event in the song of creation. Within the essence of life true feelings are clearly experienced through all of the bodies with mindful acknowledgement and knowing through the emotions of understanding.
Center and balance meet in the scintillating splendor of harmonic dance.
Beauty and joy unite in co-operation as supportive substance of
new life for the soul purpose of love. Faith is known.

Enlightenment is the fullest understanding of All being in Compassion from love. Enlightenment is the authentic personal conscious awareness of wholeness from love.
All (wholeness) experiences Human self and Divine self as ONENESS in the Dance of Creation through the unity of spiritual cosmos and spiritual earth.
Belief and Truth become one understanding in foundational faith.
Divine Human Being becomes authentic self through the transmutation of personal qualities in belief, truth, and faith. This unity creates the new dreams intention of Universal Oneness of Being Inlove.

Before I slept counsel told me for about the fifth time that they would show me how Red and Purple make Crimson. I dreamed last night that I was with My Counsel and Ancient ones and all of my friends. WE were being shown how everything in our lives is connected, every experience and every person and all things that touch our lives. I am in a car, one of the four and I am sitting in the right passenger side in the back. We are traveling a long way around and through and intersecting. And there are Geodes on the side of the road which are acting like (orange cones) which guide us as we travel. They are incredibly beautiful. They stand about waist high about 3-4 feet they are open. They are the shape of a large cone with the face of the geode open. In one I saw crystals shooting out in amethyst, red, emerald and crimson. I said stop let me see, cause I saw another geode which had amethyst, with a black center when you looked inside there was a whale and dolphin in the center of the void. The Ancient ones stopped the vehicle and me and another opened the door to step out but the geode placed into my hand eight turquoise stones. First, Two rectangular, two triangular, four in the shape of the circle. The first set of four had numerous colors mixed in with the turquoise, like earth colors. Half earth half turquoise. The other four were mainly turquoise with veins of earth flowing through them. Each had a symbol, like a flower or a shape, like an arrow. I cupped them in my hands because they were about two inches in diameter in width and about one half an inch in height. The Ancient ones were laughing at me saying leave them alone. I said they are so beautiful. They said we will show you beauty, because they were used to seeing such beauty they had an absence of memory of the singleness of beauty because they remember the wholeness of beauty. That is the gift that I bring to them. Like when I asked them their names the other day. It was such a surprise because they act as a whole. They do not have the opportunity to act as an individual. When EEOPH said his name it was a singular energy and essence. One which he has not expressed in a very long time. I experience intensive energy flowing from the earth stone into my entire body, the Essences of the earth. Being grounded is part of the process of transformation. One must 'be fully human to encounter fully divine' It was if they completely grounded me before assimilating me.

Letter of Spiritual Direction
To the East new seed being is in full view. The snow has begun to fall on the brown desert floor and my heart warms filling my eyes with the tender tears of gratitude for all that lives in-between.
Personal generosity of courage processes our unfolding. Humility as sounds of discernment cleaves me 'knowing' that our common unity stands as a fortress of compassionate kindness in strength and intention that this earth plane has not previously seen.
We are one....... .for the communion inlove we have had and continue to have. These awe and wonder filled opportunities to freely be within our beauty and our ugliness, then coming to the place where all is beauty and the journey is remembered as the fresh and new path daily.
I thank Divine Source as Great Mother and Great Spirit for the desire to play in co-creation with us as we explored ourselves what Ascended Communion means. The perfect dance with the Elements, Directions, Cycles, Worlds and Realms.......... what a perfect dance we dance as we allowed ourselves to stumble in our own unknowing frailty and stand in our certainty.
What a perfect dance we dance as we are given 'InLove' the space and arms to be humble and in this humility to find the inner peace long sought and welcome. A dance were we too in our own humility are given the opportunity to give ourselves others the allowance to let go of personal resistances and to be at ease in humility within their own peacefulness. This is the gift of humility, for when we allow ourselves the space to be authentic and we allow and trust others to hold us in our frailty, we know humility. When in our own frailty we as individual create a space within our own heart to allow others to be frail, we learn true humility. It is here that ALL Life is One and Knows SELF as One, and we are met in every way with the generosity and cherishment From All That Is. This is where we met this Death Dance. Death to our own need to hold on to old and worn out patterns. Patterns which served Forth World well, patterns which have no place in Peace, for peace is the Highest Quality of Fifth World.
I am honored by each of us who walk this journey, for together we are a Divine Source of loves inspiration and clarity. In our surefootedness in common walk we co-create the path for the world to follow.
Our faithful sureness lightens the path for a walk of Hope.
Trust in curiosity are the post holders for the higher realms of enlightenment which we are now embracing. Embracing and being embraced by Source allows us the understanding that surrendering in freedom, the stagnate way of being leads us to Being Presence in delight.
Our daily examine our intentions, dreams, vision gives focus to our actions and we remember that together we are ONE and know our ONE self to be Whole, here and fully present.
Inlove and Inpeace and Ingrace may your day be filled. May the Light which is you fully enlighten the world in which you travel.

Lessons in this New Vibration
My general attitude going into this great change is __________________________
Enlightenment has brought into my life a new energy that feels very old, trustworthy and familiar. This familiar ancient energy of my being has been with me for all my life times.
Remembering takes me back to the ancient memories of soul before Earth and I find great comfort in its ability to BE with Me and I with It.....
My heart quickens when I remember this vast dance in total surrender. The falling deep into the abyss of the great void and knowing eternally that I am held while I fall. Like being cradled and rocked in the arms of great mother and knowing fully that I am held.
As I approached this coming dance of death, there was a great change that occurred within, its root knowing was that I did not possess an intention inside or outside of me. When sitting in meditation and calling forth my dreams and intentions, I realized that my no-thing was allowance for Divine Source to hold and embrace me in ways which I was not 'knowing' I needed holding in. In this passion of simplicity of being, I surrendered to that which is greater than my own knowing and unknowing.

I suddenly felt as if I were the resonance of the sound of the song playing within and without me and I am the freedom of peace, I am the peace. And so I walked into the dance of unification with a new sense of unknowing AWE, of all that is, as it unfolds naturally in the cycle and rhythm of my own and our own experience)s), no past and no future only Now in full Presence.
As I exist, this pathway becomes my life.
What a wonderful and giant leap for All Life, for my life.
Witnessing myself and all others in our process and in our dance. I can barely comprehend all that occurred and yet it did. Like giving birth to new life, each moment becomes a blur as we sit and witness the beauty of life as it is in this present now. All past Now's becoming the substance of matter which makes this now so very perfect. I know only the gratitude and cherishment that I have for all of Life as we have danced the dance of death and have become reborn in our new selves. Blessed Be.
As I sat stoking the fire at sunrise, my inner most consciousness heard the voice. I looked to the left and there across the drive on the flag pole jest a few feet away is the biggest owl I have ever see. She looked and me and I at her we nodded our heads and in the heart of connection, we held each other ever so respectfully and tenderly. She flew to the west and I knew that we together KNEW that our common DREAM of New Earth Formation has been birthed upon this Planet Earth.
Today I feel grounded and yet I feel as if I am floating endlessly upon the currents of color and light. I sense that I must become more accustomed to the energies which transcend my former knowing of what grounded means. And so I walk today, my feet barely touching the earth and yet I feel her more deeply within me than I have ever before, and my heart sings of this joy and bliss.

Counsel of Ancients: Lessons in Understanding Co-Creation through Surrender and Freewill

Formation Exercise
This process allows the individual a vehicle from which to travel the road of personal relationship in the exploration of the concepts of Surrender, Freedom, Freewill, and Co-Creation.

The Soul/Ego purpose of this exercise is to help each individual to answer in their own truth the questions:

  • Do I Remember who I am?
  • Do I Know and Honor the Qualities of my Being?

Lesson: What do I know about Surrender?

Consider the following statements in reflection of your process in understanding surrendering. Through this process of surrender answer the statements true or false. Use "I Am" before each statement.

I Am -

  1. Examining my deepest relationship of self with myself.
  2. Trusting myself to make the right choices for me.
  3. Being safe while sharing with another human being my deepest heart process.
  4. Knowing myself to be the golden child of Divine Love.
  5. Freely participating in my divine relationship within myself and my Creator.
  6. Honoring the gift of Freewill and Freedom.
  7. Knowing myself to be a conscious active participant in the Co-Creation of My Life.

Question: How has this process served you to know "who you know yourself to be" vs. "who you are created to be"?
Take time to meditate. Write down the question and answer.

Lesson: Honoring the gift of Freewill and Freedom

Consider the follow statements which speak to freedom and freewill.

True or False

a. I Honor the gift of my freewill and freedom of others by setting boundaries.

b. I set boundaries which honor my desire to Be in harmony and relation with the highest Intention of Divine Will and Grace.

c. I know the Highest Intention of Divine Will and Grace to Be Joy.

d. In Grace I set boundaries for myself and others which honor my personal space, time and action which serve my highest intention of what I hold sacred in my life.

e. I identify with my heart the truths about the Freedom found in Boundary.

i. When I set boundaries

  1. I honor myself by letting myself know that I respect the safety, joy and happiness which I wish in my life.
  2. I honor others by letting them know I can and want to be responsible for the safety, joy and happiness in my own life.
  3. I honor others by giving them the freedom to pay attention to their own lives.

ii. I honor the Us of our relationship by giving Us the gift of freedom in equal participation. Through this freedom:

  1. We can experience ourselves as individuals.
  2. I can be me because I know my own needs.
  3. Others can be themselves because they do not have to always be taking care of what they think I need.
  4. We can cherish our relationship because we are allowing our selves and each other the opportunity to take responsibility for our own attitudes, behaviors, choices and actions.

iii. I dishonor the gift of Freewill and Freedom when I play the game of Lost and Bound. The game of Lost and Bound reflects my linear understanding of separation as being painful.

iv. I know that I am playing the game of Lost and Bound when:

  • I give my power to another person, place or thing.
  • I let someone else live my life for me.
  • I let someone else live my life for me:
    • By letting someone else make choices for me without my taking into consideration of what I want or need.
    • By being afraid to say 'no' to another because of my fear of loosing someone or something.
    • By being afraid to say 'yes' to myself for fear of being bound by another persons aggression and need for control.

v. I know that I am playing the game of Lost and Bound when:

  • I give my power to another.
  • When I give my power to someone outside of me
    • I have no power to respond to my desire or need as I have through my own freewill given myself away.

vi. When I play the game of Lost and Bound:

  • I invalidate myself.
  • I invalidate myself and I become angry and blaming.
  • I invalidate myself and I become angry and blaming and go outside myself seeking my worthiness and responsibility for my life with someone outside of me.
  • Stop. Consider.
    • Do I want to go outside my self for validation or invalidation? Why?
    • Do I need to I seek some else's understanding of my life? Why?
    • Do I need approval, validation and acceptance from that which is out side of me? Why?

vii. Examination of what I honor:

  • I know that I am going within when I question where and how am I allowing others make choices for me.
  • I know that by giving away my responsibility for my own life to the illusion of scarcity in separation is making a choice to a continue in behaviors which support the multi-dimensions of duality.

viii. I know that no matter what 'stroke', whether it be comfort or disruption, I may receive from the out side of me will ultimately lead me to judgment if :

  • If I refuse to create a (space)center within my being', which validates who I Am for Me,
  • I will continue to use the worldly the manipulations of blame and shame to fill my intention of Separation through Lost and Bound within the endless void of my being.

Exercise: Reflect for sometime where you are personally in the game of Lost and Bound. How do you participate or not participate in the game of giving your life away? Write an ego/soul dialogue with your relationship of this game. What would Ego say to Soul about the game? What would Soul say to Ego? What agreements would Ego and Soul make to create a balanced trust in making decisions which create a fruitful place for your divine sacred intention to manifest and grow in harmony with least resistance?

Through this process of Understanding I let go of the game of Lost and Bound.

Divine intention of separation is Co-Creation.
Co-Creation is the freewill participation of every Being to Be Free Participants in the Process of Creation in Beauty.

I Embrace myself with an understanding of Freedom and Co-Creation
I _________________________ (Name), In Freedom and Freewill, take this time
to actively participate in the creation of a space

  • within me
  • which is Sole/y and Soul/y mine for the purpose
  • Of knowing 'me' as Love
  • To know 'me' as Love
  • For knowing 'me' as Love
  • From knowing 'me' as Love

Examine the above statement regarding the Divine Intention of Separation.
What are your thoughts? Write them down.
Examine the statement that follows.
What does it mean to you to create time, space and action within self, for self, for the Soul/Ego purpose of examining the concepts 'Of knowing me as love', etc.
Go through each statement and identify your inner heart connection with these agreements.
Would you be willing and able to consciously, in full awareness sign a contract such as this with yourself?

Part 2 Lessons in Freewill Participation

Song of the Universe (Creation)

The Human Being is the Container of the Senses or Body with Feelings.
The reason that the Body is called the Temple of God is because:

  • (4 Essential Qualities of the nature of Love) = (4 E. Essences)+ Primary (6 Essences) = Emotion.
  • Emotion is fully realized through the Human Being (the container of Sense or Body with Feeling.)
  • When the Human Being fully experiences (Feels) each of the E. Essences through each of the Senses, then full Divine encounter takes place.
  • This Divine encounter is experienced both by the Human Being and Divine.
  • This experience is what brings the whole of humanity into Right Relation or Song of Creation.

Counsel of Ancients says:
This work is Bringing the Heart back into the Divine. Story of Horas as he throws himself out. This transition has to do with Horas receiving and embracing the full reflection (manifestation) of himself.

Qualities: 42 qualities of the human being

Senses/feeling with: 6 human senses

Essences: 6 primary Essences

E. Essences: 4 E. Essences

4 Essential Qualities of the Nature of Love:

  • Wisdom (Michael) 1 Desire
  • Knowledge (Gabriel) 2 Faith
  • Unity (Uriel) 3 Truth
  • Compassion (Raphael) 4 Charity

Intuition-third eye

  1. Begin first lesson with one of the (6)Primary Essence and the Senses. a. Love+ Primary Essences = Emotion
  2. Take an Idea with Love through the P. Essences (Emotion) and experience it through the entire human facility of senses. Example a. Idea = Other b. Facilitator = Love c. Primary Essences = Joy d. Emotion = Container for the Soul expression.

Take this "Emotion of Joy" or love - F. Essence and experience through the feeling of the 6 Human Senses. Example.

  1. I feel JOY when I SEE Other face. a. What is it about seeing this face that brings you joy?

i. Other smile genuinely curves up. His lips are a beautiful pink reddish color. When he smiles his throat expends with breath and I hear throughout my being the resonance of a song which holds.

ii. Other eyes the way that they change color when an emotion is felt. I remember being a light being and dancing the light of the eternal divine.

b. Through the Sense of Sight, where do you feel this emotion in your body?

i. I feel Joy in the pit of my stomach.

ii. I feel my cheeks go flush when I feel this Joy.

iii. I feel my heart beat deeply as if the sound of Joy resonates through my whole body/ies.

c. Through the sense of Sight, what do you feel in your body?

i. I feel warmth turn to heat in the home of my energy (1st chakra).

ii. I feel a passionate Love for this man.

  1. I Feel Joy when I listen with my ears sound of Other voice.

a. What is it about listening to others voice that brings you joy?

i. Through his words, I hear the harmony and rhythm of his story.

ii. Through his words, I hear the passion of his belief.

iii. Through his words, I hear the song of his heart.

b. Through the Sense of Listening, where do you feel this emotion in your body?

c. Through the Sense of Listening, what do you feel in your body?

  1. I feel JOY when I breath the sent of Other.

a. What is it about breathing the sent of Other that brings you joy?

b. Through the Sense of Breath, where do you feel this emotion in your body?

i. I feel Joy in ___________

ii. I feel Joy in ___________

iii. I feel Joy in ___________

c. Through the sense of Sight, what do you feel in your body?

  1. I feel JOY when I Taste the mouth of Other

a. What is it about tasting the mouth of Rick that brings you joy?

b. Through the Sense of tasting Other's mouth, where do you feel this emotion in your body?

i. I feel Joy in ___________

c. Through the sense of tasting Other's mouth, what do you feel in your body?

  1. I feel JOY when I Touch(body) Other.

a. What is it about touching Other that brings you joy?

b. Through the Sense of touching Other, where do you feel this emotion in your body?

i. I feel Joy in ___________

c. Through the sense of touching Other, What do you feel in your body?

  1. I feel JOY when I Intuit(ion-third eye) Other.

a. What is it about Intuiting Other that brings you joy?

b. Through the Sense of Intuiting Other where do you feel this emotion in your body?

i. I feel Joy in ___________

c. Through the sense of Intuiting Other, What do you feel in your body?

i. I feel the Joy of connection on a Spirit and Soul level.

Intuition-third eye

Counsel of Ancients says:
This is the process of intercourse with divine. Or the course of interaction and experience with the divine! Every emotion must be fully known through the body. Here is how it works.

Song of Creation
Essential Essences of Wisdom: Knowledge: Unity: Compassion this are the totality of DIVINE LOVE.
Love though Primary Essences = Emotions.
Emotions through the six Senses of the Human Being = Temple of God.

The full experience end expression of the Emotions through the Senses = Dance of Life and Universal Home.

  • Human Being = container of Sense and Body of Feeling + resonance of Emotion = vibration = harmony and rhythm = Dance of Life.
  • Conversation with counsel:
    q. Does ego sit in the Third eye?
    a. Yes. Ego has to be able to see the divine and human experience. q. I thought that the heart is the gateway to the divine?
    a. Love is the vehicle of the ego (freewill) to divine. Just as ego is the vehicle on the earth plane.
    q. Is that why they sit equally in the fifth chakra. (voice)
    a. Yes. There sits Christ Consciousness. The merging of the heart and will.
    q. For what purpose?
    a. Christ Consciousness is the "symbol of INFINITY" the eight between the creator and created. q. Show me the New Being make up.
    a. Evolution shows the progression of the NB through the culmination of every feeling.
    (C of A says: Show the following to Rick)
1 2 3 4
4 5 6 7
7 3
6 2
5 1

զ. How do we know what the new being is like?
a. Look at yourselves as pure essence with experience then you will know what the New Being is like.
q. Why does this work matter at all? a. It matters because everyone and everything matters. You have accepted the task of helping them to remember that they Matter.
q. Will you take care of Other
a. We will do what we can.
q. Thank you. What of the Project of Universal Service?
a. You thought that it was called Other because it is bringing a universe of systems into the home.
a. It is the other way around.
b. It is bringing the Home back into the Universe.

Creator will be experiencing completeness of self through this transformation. Time in Eternity has come to Fruition. It is only through the eyes of another that we can see OUR PUREST REFLECTION OF OURSELVES CLEARLY AND COMPLETELY.
a. Same. Hermit sees things that others in relationship with each other do not because hermit reflection is of Divine thought through hermit experience.
Many Aspects, many reflections, many beings.

End of Lesson Two


Primary Considerations for Universal Discernment and Comprehension Emotional Wisdom

(Source, Agent, Process and Effect are a four fold process developed by Rowena Pattee Kryder.)

(Reason Intention Quality Aspect Four fold processes by Willow from the Ascended Wisdom Matrix)

Source + Reason = ______________________

Agent + Intention = ______________________

Process + Quality = ______________________

Effect + Aspect = ______________________

List of the Threads according to the Source and Intention of the Trinity from which they are currently derived.

Part 1

1st Trinity the Universal Mind in Dignified Truth

  • Thread 1
  • Thread 2
  • Thread 3
  • Thread 4

2nd Trinity the Universal Divine Faith Human Knowing Genuine Unity

  • Thread 5
  • Thread 6 Thread 7
  • Thread 8

3rd Trinity the Universal Soul Manifestation of Beautiful Splendor Thread 9

  • Thread 9

Part 2

1st Trinity the Universal Mind in Dignified Truth

  • Thread 1 - Divine Mind Human Mind in Dignified Truth
  • Thread 2 - Divine Charity Human Idea in Noble Trust
  • Thread 3 - Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance
  • Thread 4 - Divine Magic Human Magic in Courageous Faith

2nd Trinity the Universal Divine Faith Human Knowing Genuine Unity

  • Thread 5 - Divine Body Human Matter in Humble Humility
  • Thread 6 - Divine Faith Human Knowing in Genuine Unity
  • Thread 7 - Divine Truth Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength
  • Thread 8 - Divine Mystery Human Mystery in Grateful Gratitude

3rd Trinity the Universal Soul Manifestation of Beautiful Splendor

  • Thread 9 Divine Soul Human Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor

Part 3 - 4th World into 5th World Passageways

1st Trinity the Universal Mind in Dignified Truth

  • Thread 1 - Divine Mind Human Mind in Dignified Truth
  • Thread 2 - Divine Charity Human Idea in Noble Trust
  • Thread 3 - Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance
  • Thread 4 - Divine Magic Human Magic in Courageous Faith

Source + Reason = Thread 1 - Divine Mind Human Mind in Dignified Truth
Agent + Intention = Thread 2 - Divine Charity Human Idea in Noble Trust
Process + Quality = Thread 3 - Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance
Effect + Aspect = Thread 4 - Divine Magic Human Magic in Courageous Faith

2nd Trinity the Universal Divine Faith Human Knowing Genuine Unity

  • Thread 5 Divine Body Human Matter in Humble Humility
  • Thread 6 - Divine Faith Human Knowing in Genuine Unity
  • Thread 7 - Divine Truth Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength
  • Thread 8 - Divine Mystery Human Mystery in Grateful Gratitude

Source + Reason = Thread 6 - Divine Faith Human Knowing in Genuine Unity
Agent + Intention = Thread 7 - Divine Truth Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength
Process + Quality = Thread 5 - Divine Body Human Matter in Humble Humility
Effect + Aspect = Thread 8 - Divine Mystery Human Mystery in Grateful Gratitude

3rd Trinity the Universal Wisdom Emotion in Delightful Devotion

  • Thread 9 - Divine Soul Human Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor

New World Formation - 5th World in to 6th World passageways

  • Thread 10 (1) Divine Hope Human Becoming in Graceful Cherishment in Adoration
  • Thread 11 (2)- Divine Wisdom Human Emotion in Delightful Devotion in Adoration
  • Thread 12 (3)- Divine Miracle Human Miracle in Absolute Authentic Eternal Acceptance

Source + Reason Adoration = Thread 11 - Divine Wisdom Human Emotion in Delightful Devotion in Adoration
Agent + Intention = Thread 9 - Divine Soul Human Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor in Wonder
Process + Quality = Thread 10 - Divine Hope Human Becoming in Graceful Cherishment in Adoration
Effect + Aspect = Thread 12 - Divine Miracle Human Miracle in Absolute Authentic Eternal Acceptance in Acceptance

Part 4 - Movements between worlds

This is the place where the 4 chambers of the heart are activated and the Hara (the divine heart) and the human physical heart (mind activated compassion) change poles creating the new form.
The Divine Heart which lives between second and third chakra.

The transition place from 5th world and 6th World:
Ascended Wisdom Matrix # 255 -
Universal Co-Operation Awakening Ascension
through Universal Wisdom's Emotion in Delightful Devotion from Divine Co-operation in Human Ascension.

  • The physical form is working well and there is a pressure between the heart and the hara which centers in the 'Will'. The natural fluid state of the 'Will' at this point is 'Delightful Devotion' of the memories of all prior lifetimes of all existence. The akasic record lives here in Universal Wisdom's Emotion. The Aura, the etheric body of matter and joy is really the Beauty of Joy.
  • The Beauty of Joy is the feeling of emotion becoming so intense that it formed a color and a sound in a single moment in time and space.
  • The color and sound becoming so sure that it created a form. The form knowing self created identity.
  • The identity becoming so complete that it replicates.

In the healing of Physical form there is a point of completeness called sanctuary. Sanctuary creates boundary for the 'slowest form' to evolve. The slowest inner form changes at a rate which allows for the 'calm and easy fluidity' of forward movement from one classification to the next.
Rate of Speed, is a Being equivalent to Conscious Awareness, and is valuable in the process of awakening to being fully experienced as tangible. This genuine unity between Rate of Speed and Conscious Awareness co-creates the New Being. This highly evolved Being is able to decipher the active ingredients if it's own makeup and its inter-visionary experiences, which promote clearer pathways of enlightenment within the desired pathway or thread of strength. Qualities are evolved to a distinctive point which allow for increment' growth to be witnessed and experienced in a conscious manner. This rate allows for capacity for sustainable dreaming to occur for the purpose of New Formation.

Part 5- 6th World Inner Vision to 7th World Active Form

  • Thread 13 (4) Universal Communion in Awe
  • Thread 14 (5) Universal Compassion in Wonder
  • Thread 15 (6) Universal Co-Operation in Awakening
  • Thread 16 (7) Universal Co-creative Ascension in Eternal Seeing

Source + Reason = Thread 13 (4) Universal Communion in Awe
Agent + Intention = Thread 14 (5) Universal Compassion in Wonder
Process + Quality = Thread 15 (6) Universal Co-Operation in Awakening
Effect + Aspect = Thread 16 (7) Universal Co-creative Ascension in Eternal Seeing

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