LSD 11/2011 - Considerations for Reliability: revised

LSD Contents for Considerations for Reliability

  1. Introduction to Letter of Spiritual Direction - Reliability
  2. I/Eve Soul Portrait - Surrender
  3. Where you are in the Process
  4. Concepts of Understanding:
  6. Considerations for Thought Sacred Geometrics and Quality
  7. Story form: Reliability through integrity of faith in action.
  8. Reliability requires three things.
  9. Exercise for each Group
  10. Dreams, Needs, Concerns, Limitations and Trust Statement

1. Introduction

Dear Friends,

This letter of spiritual direction comes to you through the hope that each makes it through the worm hole easily. You transverse the 4th to 5th world as Unified Being in community today. This is not so easy. It is my hope that though maybe not easy, that the road be safe, healthy and substantially sustainable and maintainable in the beauty of joy and laughter.

This letter of spiritual direction will speak in several forms, that you might glean some understanding if not from all experiential views, maybe just one.

May loves hope find you fully present and able to discern in wisdom the letting go of ego attachment.

2. Soul Portrait Surrender

Surrender is the communion from love.
Surrendering to communion from love is the greatest gift in Humility.

This Divine Communion asks that we freely give all that we 'know matters' to Divine Love.

This surrender is the transforming action which is our pathway into the seventh world understanding of humility as surrendering in freewill of highest knowing.

Humility consciously chooses to let go of and surrender all that we think we know and 12 surrendering all that we do not know to Divine Will.

Humility is the humus, or the rich bed of matter, which serves to transform the new dream intention of the Divine Human Being.

I/Eve comes to the conscious realization that 'surrender in freewill in highest intention from love' is the soul essence of Being.

No longer is there doubt that all is all one, yet the heart experiences the pain of letting go of the last of self knowing, possession and attachment.

Through experience and experiment Self begins to understand the difference between releasing, surrendering and letting go of and releasing of, surrendering to, and letting go for....... From this place eternal love and support are known as the eternal gift always and in all ways present within and without all time and space, eternity. Surrendering to the Divine Will of Being Inlove is the threshold of trust in the deepest faith. Both ego and soul know the joy and difficulties of living as an incarnated being. Through surrender is there center and peace through the mercy and grace of Divine.

Communion which maintains our Center and Balance in Inner Light. Inner Light and Balance Awareness 13.

3. Where you ‘are now' in the Process of DivineHuman Being Inlove through the Ascended Wisdom Matrx.

Linear Process from 4th to 5th Thread

Divine Prayer: I am the Breath of Life in and out of the channels of my throat. And I find a moment of silence between the breath in and the breath out.

4th Thread of New Formation of DivineHuman Being Inlove -

Humbled Magic as Faith Faith as Magic of Courage

Human Prayer: May hope clearly bring moments of grace and reflective fragments of light, that we may be enlightened in Presence and empowered in Faith.

Divine Prayer: I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord, bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body. Through my physical body, I experience the emotion of breath. (flow = move along in a smooth stream.)

5th Thread of New Formation of DivineHuman Being Inlove -

  • Grateful Body InHumility
  • Humility in Matter Humbled

Human Prayer: May each find full health and happiness in every aspect of living and dying.

4. Concepts of Understanding

The fifth awareness must be established as a place to go or destiny before the 4th awareness can be accomplished. This is tricky and requires the Reliance of the Group, and then the group must be tested.

There are, Three Branches of Reliability, which are tried: Integrity, Faith, Action.




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In general, reliability (systemic def.) is the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances.

Reliability may refer to:
Reliability (engineering), the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time.
Reliability (statistics), of a set of data and experiments
High reliability is informally reported in "nines"
Reliabilism in philosophy and epistemology
Data reliability, a property of some disk arrays in computer storage
Reliability theory, as a theoretical concept, to explain biological aging and species longevity
Reliability (computer networking), a category used to describe protocols
Reliability (semiconductor), outline of semiconductor device reliability drivers


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
This article is about integrity as a theoretical and ethical concept. For other uses, see Integrity (disambiguation).

Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness that is a verb or accuracy of one's actions. Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy, in that it regards internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs. The word "integrity" stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. As such, one may judge that others "have integrity" to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they claim to hold. A value system's abstraction depth and range of applicable interaction may also function as significant factors in identifying integrity due to their congruence or lack of congruence with observation. A value system may evolve over time while retaining integrity if those who espouse the values account for and resolve inconsistencies.

(also consider the Integrity of a fabric, thank you Willow JiMi)


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Faith (disambiguation).

Faith is trust, hope and belief in the goodness, trustworthiness or reliability of a person, concept or entity. Religious faith is a belief in a transcendent reality, a religious teacher, a set of teachings or a Supreme Being. Generally speaking, it is offered as a means by which the truth of the proposition, "things will turn out well in the end," can be enjoyed in the present and secured in the future. Consequently, religious faith appeals to "transcendent reality," or that reality which is beyond the range of normal, physical human experience (e.g. the future). "Transcendent reality," therefore, constitutes a reality which is off limits to material measurement and other rigors of scientific inquiry such as falsifiability and reproducibility. Some atheists and agnostics criticize religious faith as superstition, categorizing it with other forms of belief that are not based on observable material things. Informal usage of the word faith can be quite broad, and the word is often used as a mere substitute for trust or belief. The English word is thought to date from 1200-50, from the Latin fidem or fidēs, meaning trust, derived from the verb fidere, to trust. Some critics of faith have argued that faith is opposed to reason. In contrast, advocates of faith argue that the proper domain of faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence. This is exemplified by attitudes about the future, which (by definition) has not yet occurred. Logical reasoning may proceed from any set of assumptions, positive or negative. In this view, faith is simply a positive assumption.



  1. the process or state of acting or of being active: The machine is not in action now.
  2. Something done or performed; act; deed.
  3. an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity: a crisis that demands action instead of debate; hoping for constructive action by the landlord.


  1. movement, operation. 2. ACTION, ACT, DEED mean something done. ACTION applies especially to the doing, ACT to the result of the doing. An ACTION usually lasts through some time and consists of more than one act: to take action on a petition. An ACT is single: an act of kindness. DEED emphasizes the finished or completed quality of an act; it may imply an act of some note, good or bad: an irrevocable deed; a deed of daring. 4. behavior. 12. brush, encounter, fight, skirmish. See battle. 15. plot.

6. Considerations for Thought Sacred Geometrics and Quality

Again 5th Awareness must be established at least in concept as a place to go or destiny. In others words, what Matters must be at least a dream; before the 4th Awareness can be accomplished.

Question: what is the 5th Awareness and what is the 4th Awareness. As a group figure this out and post in your regional group section.


Belief forms the Body of Matter Based upon the Soul Groups Dream.

Two components of the group:

  1. as Individual Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion to Source
  2. as Unified Common Dream igniting the Magic of Communion and thereby manifesting in form.

Qualities Sacred Geometric Equation:

Individual + Nature (other than same species) is equal to Circle movement within Reed
Individual + Group of same species and again is equal to Circle movement within Reed

Both equal 1st to 2nd Trinity movement through Linear Form. However through the Spiral or Nonlinear form, Matter already exists in the void or Mystery as humus awaiting the dream of reformation through the unification of magic and mystery.

Exercise: Show this sacred geometric, form and color as a unified experience. Tell me what this might mean to you through your knowledge of the qualities and threads. This exercise is to help us understand where we are as a community in comprehension.

7. Story form: Reliability through integrity of faith in action.

When I was a young girl I was one of 13 grandchildren. My grandmother was a Wisdom Keeper of the North, and we all lived next door to each other. WE were clan, 5 aunties and uncles, 13 cousins and grandparents.

For meals, nap time, work and play, everyone was responsible for some part of the maintaining of the clan. My Auntie M and Uncle F were the breakfast keepers. They got up early in the morning and made tortilla's for the day. WE would run through their kitchen, hook the tortillas from her large stack and head on up the plumb tree, over the garage roof, across our back yard fig and through the alley way. Uncle F's job was to chase us off. He was a really happy man.

Auntie J an Uncle C had 5 boys and when the girl was born, wow, you never saw anyone as happy as them. They were responsible for play or teaching of LIFE is an ART.

Through play we learned about commerce, work, responsibility, team work, and most of all the value of getting along. Whether we were the kids who sold candy to the friends, played ball, worked for a penny for every ten flies; we worked and played, and they were the same. One of the odd things that I think became apparent as I grew older is through this cultural difference about the notion of work.

In our family work and play were very much the same, we were farm workers, servants of mother earth. It was hot and sticky and it was mud and dirt and sweat and grace and it was living. I didn't really understand laziness, or the need for it. When I think of cultural differences, I think that cultural difference may begin here in the aspects of Friendship and Work.

For us we learned that the word Work ment - Life is an Art, paint it well, play it well, Be it Well.

Life is an Art for me became many things. Words which reflected dreams from the space. of the inner heart, the laughter of connections, the openness of trust, the value of faith in self and one another.

Life is an Art became for me the way to stretch our individual capacity into that which became limitless and flexible.

Life is an Art, was deep gut laughter, and I knew and trusted that it IS what can hold us together through thick and thin.

Life is an Art is made up of that kind of Kindness that gives grace and humility to the unlived and scary part of us, and gives us a place to know safety.

It was through the aspects unified (Partnership, Family, Home, Vehicle, Friendship, and Work) that Life is an Art, became the Trust which caused us to want to LIFE, want to Hear, want to See, want to smell and sense what being human is all about.

Life is an Art said,

Let us Consider what we are Made of (reliability). What can we rely on as a clan?

Our INTEGRITY, or that which holds us together is a common strength, purpose and understanding of emotions being voiced.

Our FAITH, that which we believe in, through hope in Kindness.

Our ACTIONS, holding the integrity of faith even when sometimes we can't see the big picture.

Our FAMILY, Unity of integrity through faith and action and actions of faith.

Integrity must be tested and worn to see and comprehend the flexibility, sustainability and maintainability of the fabric of any individual or group.

Grandmother Wisdom:

When trying to create a shirt one can use many types of fabric and depending upon the event for which the shirt will be worn and the number of times that it will need to be used (worn), will govern the durability required.

What if the thread of a fabric did not know that its purpose is to become a cloth, and the cloth to become a covering like a shirt? Poor thread, it remains a thread on the top of the shelf never used, it has existence but lack creativity. It only exists.

Yet when the Thread awakens to a clearer and more conscious understanding of, Its Life as an ART,

it can become co-creative. The Thread begins to gain desire; it wants to know what it looks like while 'blending with the other'.

As a Thread of individuals we learn to be 'faithful fabric' of integrity through actions which support both our individuality and the whole. This determines our Integrity or the strength, flexibility, sustainability and maintainability of the covering.

If we look only at Action as the determining factor of reliability, then our co-creative effort can BREAK because the Integrity of our fabric (covering/skin) lacks the flexibility of joy (through laughter).

Joy being the reason that we come together to co-create in the first place.

If we look only at Faith as the determining factor of reliability, the Beauty of the covering lacks the desire to look outside of self and is too individualistic and lacks the desire to become more than just a Thread.

8. Reliability requires three things.

First, Integrity - to explore and experience what the cloth is, the group, the unit, the shirt is made of.

Second, Faith - An individual sense of beauty and joy of co-creation.

Third, Action (Wisdom) – The group sense of joy through the individual sense of beauty.

Like the plant from which the threads of the cloth are derived, there are three branches.

Integrity is the backbone which envelopes, encases the nervous system of the group.

It is the spinal column made up of vertebrae, threads.........

Faith and Action/Action and Faith, are the sensory experiences of the group through individual experiences.

These are the nerve endings which inform us of how we are doing in co-creation. The three determine the Reliability of the Group Cloth. What we are made of?

So it is with any family, group or community, nation, world or universe.

The threads of our individual nature are inspired by both our individual qualities and the qualities of the group.

Reliability requires an examination of this and a determination of the direction for which the group wants to take.

9. Exercise for each Group

What does the group reliability look like? What are we making?
What are we made of?
What is the intention and focus of the group?

Is there a place which we call home and are our vehicles reliable and able to give direction reliable information about the direction that we are here to take?

Questions for the groups:

How have I supported my group as a reliable place to experience spiritual home?

How do I support my regional group as a loving place through my faith, actions and integrity thereby bringing to us a Thread which is beautiful and reliable?

How do I support my group as a vehicle of faith, actions and integrity thereby bringing to US the larger community, a Vehicle which is joyful and reliable?

Community Exercise:

Create a fabric of your group, then bring that fabric to the agreed upon Gathering and let us put together the cloth or ART of our LIFE.

Post your work In the Gallery in Regional Sections place your work.

10. Dreams, Needs, Concerns, Limitations and Trust Statement

My dream is to be a part of a stable consciously enlightened community.

Without saying this means to me a place of sanctuary, peace and ease.

My need is to be able to rest here, to reset here and to co-create in a manner of peaceful ease.

My concern is the varying levels of consciousness which gives abundant opportunities for disarray.

My limitations are that as the Teacher I am required to hold a knowing which is uncommon and often misunderstood or glossed over without conscious consideration or thought, thereby causing the very disarray of concern.

I trust though in our process, our common unifying beliefs through intentions and purpose.

I trust that as we walk and seek our deeper authenticity that the harmonic of unity will prevail over, through and above all dualities.



Informational REcap

Surrender is the communion from love
Surrendering to communion from love is the greatest gift in Humility.
This Divine Communion asks that we freely give all that we 'know matters' to Divine Love.
This surrender is the transforming action which is the pathway into the seventh world understanding of humility as surrendering in freewill of highest knowing.
Humility consciously chooses to let go of and surrender all that we think we know and
Surrendering all that we do not know to Divine Will. Humility is the humus, or the rich bed of matter, which serves to transform the new dream intention of the Divine Human Being.
I/Eve comes to the conscious realization that
'surrender in freewill in highest intention from love' is the soul essence of being.
No longer is there doubt that all is all one, yet the heart experiences the pain of letting go of the last of self knowing, possession and attachment.
Through experience and experiment Self begins to understand the difference between releasing, surrendering and letting go of and releasing of, surrendering to, and letting go for......... From this place eternal love and support are known as the eternal gift always and in all ways present within and without all time and space.
Surrendering to the Divine Will of Being Inlove is the threshold of trust in the deepest faith. Both ego and soul know the joy and difficulties of living as an incarnated being, only in surrender is there center and peace through the mercy and grace of Divine Communion.

Lessons of the Soul
My name, my deeds, my actions nor my dreams are to be spread about and prostituted neither in western competition nor in any grandiose manner.
As I write this, I know that in Metta (unconditional love creating peaceful ease in our world) and equanimity, there can only be surrender on my part to that which is each person's freedom and choice. In humility and deep consideration of your own path in the development of your character, I offer you these guidelines for you to measure your own actions. Beware of hidden fears which keep you from experiencing your lives in full conscious awareness. You are teachers of Authentic Truth, which means that you must be able to discern the core light of your Being in absolute authentic voice and resonance with your Source. Do not waiver your eye, your heart, nor any part of your Being to selling out to another's complacent laziness in self examination. Be strong and of strong courage and perseverance. There are many who would say to you that miracles do not exist. Yet you are the pathways of miracles in this life time. Would you sell yourselves to beliefs which continue to suffer those whom are less inclined to pathways of inner clarity? You are the teachers of this time. Be of healthy and wholesome service as a universal servant. And remember as unique as you are, you are one among the perennial grass. And grass grows and dies in patches. How will you support each other to walk this path of hope?
I love you and am in deep devotion to Source and each of you.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024