In New Vision - Awareness #24

In New Vision
A great and joyful movement is experienced as passion for living. Cosmic and eternal heaven and earth are one in self and in other. Experience of vision as dream, unfolding as dream and dreamer. Anticipation of union. Within every moment, IS, the complex and genuine union of Awakening. Fluid sustainable wonder in complete beauty and joy in happiness. Surrender in complete abandon in genuine unity from our eternal devotion delightfully embodying joyful presence complete.

Integration of Teachings
Story of Creation - "Hopi Mandala - Transition into the 5th World" is a story which tells of our journey and participation as human beings in the creation and re-creation of the earth as worlds.
Song of Creation - A slide show presentation called the 'Tower of Peace'. This story tells of our cosmic connection to Divine Love, recognizing 32 awareness's in the process of awakening.
Dance of Creation - Is a dance which brings the various aspects of the body into a gentle awareness and integral alignment, with earth and cosmic connection. This dance is called a revealing dance. New and personal awareness's are revealed to the dancer as each balanced movement honors the sacred center connection of human being with earth and cosmic directions.
Community Mandala - is the creative expression of the group which has gone through the processes of integration and awareness. This mandala is a 'soul portrait' which holds the intention of the group.
10th Dimensional Medicine Wheel - The mandala is placed upon the Medicine Wheel. The medicine wheel becomes the pathway which holds the sacred intentions of earth nature, human nature, and cosmic nature as one intention of unity co-created by this group. As the wheel is journeyed the mind heart intentions of the common group are brought into physical, mental, spiritual and emotional alignment and awareness. Through this
Co-creative process the heart mind intentions of the group have manifested in communion, compassion and co- operation.

Today I saw an embryo grow from graceful cherishment. Graceful cherishment of life of unity of all that is precious becomes presence. Today I experience myself as precious to me and to the other, to another who holds like understanding and maybe experience. In my life I have sought this other and now they are here as not one other but as many other. I am grateful My physical matter is accumulating to acceptance that I no longer need to worry. Life welcomes the building of passionate passageways of strength in peaceful ease. Slow and steady movements which can support our co-creative ascension in full health and wellbeing in faith.
It is true that for the first time in my life I feel truly peaceful ease in completeness of understanding. Immeasurable cosmic consciousness, presence in all existence throughout eternity. Beautiful splendor does find its way through universal matter as 'cells' of miracles in emotional wisdom of potentiality.

We are compelled by the exact magnitude of this day of geometric coming together thought it's significance goes unspoken or understood to even the most open of hearts and brightest of minds.
yet "oh day we sing to you and praise you for your greatness of who you are in this enlightenment and initiation".

In the center of adoration is the dignified self in the great mystery of Faith. The mind of the universe knows all self to be reflections through faith holding, embracing and embodying the Great Mystery of Empathetic Compassion. Inner Soul reflects the minds intentions. Mind is held in Soul Memory of the reflection of what is within so is without. Emotions wisdoms holds and embraces minds discovery of inner and outer self as adoration in steps of charitable ideas through noble trust. Noble trust is the exact reflection of self.

Today I saw an embryo grow from graceful cherishment. Graceful cherishment of life of unity of all that is precious becomes presence. Today I experience myself as precious to me and to the other, to another who holds like understanding and maybe experience. In my life I have sought this other and now they are here as not one other but as many other. I am grateful, My physical matter is accumulating to acceptance that I no longer need to worry. Life welcomes the building of passionate passageways of strength in peaceful ease. Slow and steady movements which can support our co-creative ascension in full health and wellbeing in faith.
It is true that for the first time in my life I feel truly peaceful ease in completeness of understanding. Immeasurable cosmic consciousness, presence in all existence throughout eternity. Beautiful splendor does find its way through universal matter as 'cells' of miracles in emotional wisdom of potentiality.
We are compelled by the exact magnitude of this day of geometric coming together thought it's significance goes unspoken or understood to even the most open of hearts and brightest of minds.
yet "oh day we sing to you and praise you for your greatness of who you are in this enlightenment and initiation".

In the center of adoration is the dignified self in the great mystery of Faith. The mind of the universe knows all self to be reflections through faith holding, embracing and embodying the Great Mystery of Empathetic Compassion. Inner Soul reflects the minds intentions. Mind is held in Soul Memory of the reflection of what is within so is without.
Emotions wisdoms holds and embraces minds discovery of inner and outer self as adoration in steps of charitable ideas through noble trust. Noble trust is the exact reflection of self.

I awaken to intensive dreams of formation. I go straight to work this morning, realizing that something needs to be tended to and I get right on it. I hear a new song from the geese who are passing overhead and it is not a calling, but a song of gratitude. It is a wonder and my heart sings and I feel glad to be alive.
There is a double rainbow which glows in the eastern sky, each raindrop is the cleansing crystallized form watering new life and vision. I am the physical breath which connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth. I am the colors of the wind. I am the sap of the tree. I am the great and small rock of the mountain. I am water in mist, cloud and sea. May each of us share with each other the wisdom of open hearted tenderness, born of humility in joy and in peace.

I see the Three Trinities move through the body of the I Ching as Faith in Communion, Compassion, Co-Operation and Co-Creation. The core influence of the unification of Trinities is in New Vision Being Comfort and Inspiration. Comfort and inspiration when brought in Faith, co-create a wonder that has brought about much harmony in culture. I saw Faith joyful and happy to be alive and to contribute to the mundane by connecting hope and unifying communion, compassion, co-operation and cocreation through play and creativity. Comfort coming from the resonance of 'sure' experience of inspired hope thus creating the 'surefootedness' of communion, compassion, co-operation and co- creation. Communion, compassion, co-operation and co-creation become the Wisdom Pathway. Pathways are connections of sustainable and maintainable matter. This matter is identified, classified and connections co-created through the 8 Aspects through supreme quality experiences. These experiences create a sustainable Culture.

Define your personal experiences as related to comfort and inspiration.

A. Questions for contemplation.

  • How do I experience comfort and inspiration in relationship to work?
  • How do I experience comfort and inspiration in relationship to family?
  • How do I experience comfort and inspiration in relationship to home?
  • How do I experience comfort and inspiration in relationship to vehicle?
  • How do I experience comfort and inspiration in relationship to friends?
  • How do I experience comfort and inspiration in relationship to partnership?

B. What are the things that I participate in that bring comfort and inspiration into my life?

C. What aspects best connect experiences into co-creative pathways,

  • Of communion?
  • Of compassion?
  • Of co-operation?
  • Of Co-Creation?

D. How do my qualities contribute to the fullest experience of creating comfort and inspiration for my life and therefore sharing in communion with all relations?

E. Write a summary of what you have learned about yourself?

F. Create a plan for living life fully as an Art.
Use ideas like 'who, what, where, and when' to guide you on your journey of experiencing life in comfort and inspiration as it travels from faith to wisdom as the song and art of Being Presence.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024