Outer Circle: Letter of Conversation
Initial Questions:
- What does the feminine BE(do) that serves trust in me, the masculine?
- What does the masculine BE(do) that serves trust in me, the feminine?
From the Masculine speaking to the Feminine:
There is nothing you have to do, you are Being. You give me everything I need, in every way,
You give me my life; you saved me from my own confusion and death.
You held me, hold me and you are always there. I can never leave you for we are one, the same.
I must always return to you and it was really hard to return to you, you hold the key to the mystery of me, you are Holy, Woman.
The question is 'what do 'I' need to do as a masculine to be in this relationship with you feminine?'
- The masculine needs to show up
- Answer the call
- Recognize that Ego wants to have THE say
- All men are liars...... A man must move into understanding that he is a lion - for lions are true... Before man took on the nature of the Lion, he lied, because he was confused about his identity. The Lion gave life to man. Lions gave us a way to survive the ice age. During the time of transition, man as gatherer was on the brink of extinction. The lion jumped into the fire of the cave, the circle of man and gave man his body for survival. By this act of giving self he became a part of man. By going through fire Lion, gave men consciousness of what it takes to be authentic, true.
- For the tribe as adoration and holding sacred, the Lion Heart was given to man.
- All men must go through initiations that come from the Holy Woman.
- Men's primary responsibility is to adore and love their mothers.
- From there, they become a man with the Spirit of the Lion Heart.
- From there they learn their responsibility to be their Best, no matter the cost.
- The key to being their best is to:
- Exceed by Excelling to Attain.
- Exceed BEING pure of heart,
- Excelling common ideas and boundaries
- Attaining beyond the measures set by conformity.
- Being Ones Best through surrender and grace
- Advancement without competition
- Being Presence in every step of Life.
- Men need to call one another in, call one another, check in, listen, share
- Fall into Order
- Then they must recognize that their job is to give the feminine what she wants.
- We do this by walking away from our narcissistic reflection "I"
- A wise man knows that he needs to call on the Holy Woman/just as the Holy Woman must equally call upon the Holy Man.
- To do that he must 'feel' needed, wanted and to be of use.
- This takes a masculine into 'presence'.
- In this PRESENCE there is NO looking away; for wherever he looks, he sees her face - Mother Earth
- When masculine gets to this place of understanding, THE CHAINS POP OFF, and the masculine experiences his first and last breath.
- There are two paths of the masculine to travel
- The Path of the Trusted Servant
- The Path of the Holy Man
- The masculine can walk both; however, 'How can a Holy Man BE without first Being a Trusted Servant?'
- However a Trusted Servant can Be without being a Holy Man or can he?
- Each man must choose the path that they are on.
From the Feminine to the Masculine
What does the masculine BE(do) that serves trust in me, the feminine?
- He speaks clearly and authentically with kindness.
- This kindness comes from 'deep' consideration for my feelings, ever holding precious and sacred the woman in me.
- He sees tenderness, youth (Purity of Spirit, Heart and Innocence) through the veils of time.
- For it is this Innocence that feeds the Acceptance of Him.
- And we call this pure innocence, Beauty, for it is One with Source (All Creation, Created, and Creating)
- And it is the Heart Magma of Existence.
- The molten magma of which All Life is Formed:
- Enspirited Matter/Enmattered Spirit.
- EnSpirited Matter (spirit put into matter)
- EnMattered Spirit (matter put into Spirit)
InLove Forever US
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024