Who am I and who are you?
Who am I and who are you?
Dear Spiritual Family,
For some time now I have been preparing for this initiation.
At what point in existence do we call Beginning?
At what point in existence do we call End?
Existence is an ever flowing wave of Presence, this is Absolute Sonship/Sunship. Meaning we are Matter Enspirited and Spirit Enmattered. Feminine and Masculine, United color and sound, IS
So where is the beginning and where is the end?
And how do we choose the Path that we call ours?
From what eternal space does this calling come from?
As I reflect upon my life, these are the things that I ponder about my many awakenings.
The brush of the holy skits and beads of devotion.
Incense that lifted my heart and mind higher that the reality from which I found myself.
The breeze that travels as wave across the universe.
The waves which carry water in every direction simply as life substance for the resonance of LIFE. Light of my Eternal Parents in Absolute LOVE, shock that I returned to a place where Loving Kindness was in the heart of all yet the Mind still distant in discovery and evolution.
Allowance for Being Humanity in Acceptance of Freewill.
Completion and End of Wheel of LIFE
Devotions beyond comprehension from hearts so open and willing..
How does one choose a path to be this or that? Here or there? In or out, when we are ALL ONE?
And this is why as Universal Servants we are given preference and our preferences weighed by the need of the whole..........................in service of Freedom.
As I review my notes, I see that there could be for some, no point of reference for my spiritual disclosures. For me this has been a comfort. Not knowing the next step has helped me to be present in all of my bodies. And the Word in Form here or there after my full experience, has helped to know my unconscious disclosures and revelations as being One Song within the Will of Source, LOVE.
So as I enter into this initiation, again I only know what I am told by my counsel. And as I find some points of reference for you to understand my core, I am delighted to see some speaking, though in a very frame work way and maybe not so exact in skeletal form, yet some peek into my journey.
May Peace be your guide and master
Inlove, JiMi
JIMI in 6th/7th Initiation
I write a few preliminary things on some paper to remind me of the path that I have chosen. And this is a path that I have committed to 😊
I have chosen to Take the 1^st^ Path of EARTH Service
I ready myself. As I move through the surreal ness of becoming. I place some dirt on my feet after watering some plants outside. I want to remember to come back home here.. I sit in meditation. As I light my candle thoughts run through me, was it okay that I didn't do the Dance of Creation on the Lake today. And in that movement I ask the candle which I light, to go out if I have left anything undone and to burn through as my guide as I go through these inner heart changes in initiation. Candle burns.
I think about my life and this life and my walk and this walk and my spirit and my emattered/enspirted matter being, my soul. And I think about all the beautiful existence that there is here on the Earth planet and I experience gratitude and beauty.
I sense my physical form to be ICE COLD and I put on many layers to comfort me. I remember that this cold began at the Light Ceremony when the fire of ice moved up my spine and has since been reforming my electrical energy systems.
As I let go to the light my concerns of this or that, "Lights" wave moves through the top of my head and melt the initial cold that enveloped me. I saw that it was the end of the ice age. The age in every evolution where life is ice and water burns like fire and is melted in the warmth that is graced by Source, INLOVE.
This Ice created through blocks, decisions actions all of which resolve fear into life.
Heat moves through me and Presence of that which I have (hold, embrace, lived) vows through me and rushes particle waves of all existence only the likeness of my beingness. Gravitates as wave in mulberry laminar flow illuminating waves in color. This is the story of the mental and physical. The emotional body is being initiated.
The initiation begin in the Esscene halls in the emerald room where the Akasic Records are held as a surround pictures are revealed. The long tube like structures are held together by marble pillars which are about five screens side by side and reach to the ceiling. The floors are made of a beautiful emerald color and are soft and smooth.
Each part is meticulous in its structure and the harmony is of a deep enduring presence. Seraphis Beye and the Keeper of the Records are with me. Seraphis to the left and the Record Keeper to the right.
I saw the pillared records becoming flowing White Presence with yellow emanating out of the top as I spoke these words which came from deep within.
I hear my eternal chant... and simultaneously I see all life through the cosmos, each moment of every existence, of form and reform...... and eternity through time and beyond. As I move through the Akasic I hear my self, my soul singing........ and blessing all eternity with peace.
I let go of all need, want and desire.
I let go of all need, want and desire.
I let go of all need, want and desire.
I let go of all memory of need, want and desire.
I let go of all jealousy and memory of jealousy.
I let go of all jealousy and memory of jealousy.
I let go of all jealousy and memory of jealousy.
I let go of all memory of jealousy
I let go of all judgment and need for judgment.
I let go of all judgment and need for judgment.
I let go of all judgment and need for judgment.
I let go of all memory of judgment.
I let go of all pain and suffering and need for pain and suffering.
I let go of all pain and suffering and need for pain and suffering.
I let go of all pain and suffering and need for pain and suffering.
I let go of all memory of pain and suffering.
I let go of the need to be seen or unseen,
I let go of the need to be seen or unseen,
I let go of the need to be seen or unseen,
I let go of the memory of being seen or unseen.
I let go of the need to be heard or not heard.
I let go of the need to be heard or not heard.
I let go of the need to be heard or not heard.
I let go of all memory of being heard or unheard.
I let go of the need to teach or not teach.
I let go of the need to teach or not teach.
I let go of the need to teach or not teach.
I let go of all memory of teaching or not teaching.
I let go of the need to Be or not Be.
I let go of the need to Be or not Be.
I let go of the need to Be or not Be.
I let go of all memory of being or not being.
I let go of all memories of "I"
I let go of all memories of "I"
I let go of all memories of "I"
The Akasic Pillars become white fluid as Presence with yellow rays flowing from the top. Through my physical body there is a current of energy that moves from behind my left ear, to my heart, to my right kidney out the second toe of my right foot.
I turn to the Halls of the Amethyst Escenes and the Hall is Full and everyone is there.
There is a welling up inside of me that matches the tones of breath throughout the halls.
There is a tone that is coming from the deep caverns of Heart and Will. A flow within the great chamber. The light is emanating from the front which I used to think was closed altar area. Now I see there is a tunnel through the immaculately carved and cared for stone. The stone gives off a semblance of white and yet it has a wave like pattern that maybe is like rose quartz when cut and polished. Could be white quartz and rose blended. HE is seated in the chair to the left of me. The chair vacant for so long. Often I wondered whose seat it was as the one who came before me. Leading and protecting me.
He leads me toward the light that is golden white.
I notice he is on my right and we are walking up these golden steps that are solid but not. And I realize that HE is taking his vows too and for a moment I wonder if we will take the same vows.
Golden light surrounds me and the Masters who are initiating me.
Initiation. I kneel on a pillow of golden threads. HE stands before me. The jewels which were planted in my crown are removed as are the gems planted in various parts of my brain long ago.
Three Sounds I am given
L "la
E "e
T "ta
I hear myself accept the 7th path, The Path of Absolute Sonship/Sunship.
I realize that the initiation vows come from what we are able to let go of. This is a way in which the universe can decide which path the universal servant is to go on.
The essence is clear and fluid and the radiance fills me like an electrical storm through heavenly clouds, I AM Presence in Equanimity..
He hugs me. The Sunat Kumara. He Beauty hugs me. And I become the flow of energy as the hand reaches through the light for me and my existence becomes OM Light, without form into formless wave eternal matter and I am gone..
Then like a particle form, somewhere in eternity. And.....deep within, like a grain of dirt burrowed deep within the core of existence, I remember 'my' choice to the First Path of Earth Service. I can not remember 'why' but I remember it was well thought out and a commitment. I ask 'Is there a way to merge both pathways? 1 and 7? Laughter flows through me and thoughts that Seriphas is in charge of these and other pathways sparkles in my mind. There is a deep silence and no decision made at this time.
There is a moment.
Then my eyes are open and I see the Christ and Buddha have also chosen these Ways as one path. I didn't know this.
I remember sense awareness of life. I feel relief that I remembered my commitment though I still cannot remember why I made the commitment. There is a vacancy in this space inbetween. And there is humor and lightness that comes forth from within me and I laugh and I cry and I JOY as I realize that no answer will be given at this time and I am relieved and happy that I remembered something precious about Earth.
I am asked, 'Are you here to take a vow?'
I answer:
"I" cannot take a vow for 'I' do not exist.". and clarity of Mind, Heart and Will I see that ONE is All and All are WE.
And I see every creation from all of existence and I am presence in all.
I say, "I am Presence therefore I Am the Vow"
They ask what is my vow?
I say, "I Presence Vow to Enjoy my Life through Absolute Eternal Authentic Miracles in Beautiful Splendor"
Again. They ask what is my vow?
I say, "I Presence Vow to Enjoy my Life through Absolute Eternal Authentic Miracles in Beautiful Splendor"
And for the third time, They ask what is my vow? I say,
"I Presence Vow to Enjoy my Life through Absolute Eternal Authentic Miracles in Beautiful Splendor"
There is a tone that one hears through the top of the left side of the brain. It is the space where the music of the spheres are held, played, sung as creation of new form. I creation am new form in the dance of intimacy inbetween, the atmosphere of light in color and sound as LOVE.
Inlove JiMi TAO
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024