Who are we? (NBH)
Whenever I/JiMi think about NBH for any reason, I look at it in this context. It may be helpful to you to do the same:
NBH: Who are we?
Sanctuary: As it is in the...
So let us begin...
NBH: Who Are We?
- Past Life:
"We were known as Amethyst Essenes."
"Our eternal commitment is to bring conscious awakening in peace -- peaceful ease -- to our world and universe, to our Source. It always has been and always will be. We are that reflection and whatever other worlds or other lifetimes may bring... this is our enlightenment... it is who we are."
"Have we made progress? It's been difficult. During the time of Atlantis, we as a group of people made a decision to end that world, which was Third World, knowing that we were here to bring peaceful ease to Third World. We are in high places. The reason we are so afraid right now is that we choose to destroy that world. Why? During Third World people became very powerful energetically and used energies to manipulate others - psychically, environmentally, physically. They were NOT in touch with compassion. It was very mental. Mental thoughts about right and wrong were very powerful and it caused suffering and ownership. We were not part of that group that did the manipulation, but they were very valuable as a reflection. Because the world could not see the whole as community, the people who felt left out strove for power through narcissism, and it was destroying humanity. A dispensation happened where the Universe said if you destroy the world now, we will rebuild it. There was not supposed to be four worlds; there was supposed to be three. Fourth World of Chaos was created to sort out this balance between good and bad and right and wrong. We as a group/Amethyst Essenes, left our sanctuary and went out into the world and became points of light in that world.. and together in a focused and intentional way co-created the destruction of Atlantis through water. We all have different roles. We are all powerful."
- Present Life:
"We are in transit, and it's hard to be here again. We have to be in trust. Rather than be part of the destruction of humanity, we are here to allow a method, a freedom of thought, a fluid consciousness. Walk away without energy (nonattachment)... no sympathy... walk in empathy, non- destruction. This is a promise we've made to self and each other because of the kind of loss we experienced as life givers and takers. So on a soul, group, and family level, this is our commitment to ourselves to stay in presence. And if we are not in presence, then shut up and step back and allow our Source to have the hand in helping this Creation. Our job is to teach, it doesn't matter if people understand or not."
"You have to know your job (gifts, calling). You have to name it yourself because you remember it. I can't tell it to you."
"We agreed to come back to the planet at this time to bring the New World - 5th World Authentic Voice, 6th World Vision, and 7th World Formation.... and to do it in peaceful ease. We do not participate in disgruntled energy, which is an impossible task! But Peaceful Ease is the gift of who we are... it's our authentic core."
"We came in (this present lifetime) without memory so we could walk the path of the human being and not live from presumptiveness. We are fully human and fully divine. We choose to be non-presumptive because that was such an issue in Third World. That's why we teach humility. That's why we learn from the specks of light on the ground (dirt) rather than a big thing."
"We know the vastness of who we are and why here... to our core. Yes, we all have our domesticated self in human state, and in life, structure, even its betrayal. We value it all. It's a part of what we have to know... we must know we are all of 'that' in order to be divine and in order to say, 'it's (all) okay.' How can you be the reflection of Source in peaceful ease without coming to terms with ugliness? We can see ugly in self and not ugly... it's all Beauty.
What is domestication? "Domestication is more of compliance without consideration, automation, an automatic response due to being taught that. Go here, do that......... it is the complacency for following without regard to consideration of personal thought. Therefore giving personal rights away on every level. This leads to not having to take personal self responsibility."
"We are Spirit and Matter as emotional wisdom in empathy as humility."
- Future Life:
"We are the "meek that will inherit the earth"... all history of all the worlds... we are those beings. We have to dream. We dream 5th, 6th, 7th Worlds. We are dreaming our world. It is so important to stay in ease, beautiful splendor, of living life in authenticity. All life will follow that. We are acceptance of all that is."
"How do we practice presence as we move through the worlds? We must be able to see multi-dimensionally and be present in all our bodies, DNA, Akashic... it all informs me/us. When I am in presence in my highest potential of self, I am informing the future of my dream. That is why strong emotions are to be harnessed, not restricted, but fully stabilized so it's fluid on one hand and contained on the another hand. Breath has a channel. When we breath, it breaths up and down the channel of our core and the Breath and Oxygen move out of our pours as emotions."
"Fluidity feeds our Akashic and World. Yoga! Walk! Breathe! All our bodies in presence inform our future. If we are not processing our past in a fluid and accepting way... and transforming, transfiguring, uniting, merging, stabilizing -- i.e. all the things that we do in the merge -- then our physical being gets stuck and illness sets in."
"We are at a huge stopping point. 4th world was not supposed to occur. We've been given a dispensation in the universe to move forward and find equanimity in the self, for everyone. Destructive energies that can't be bridged cannot move forward, and they will self-destruct. Our job is to find the reason for loving our life. That is the beginning of all threads... the reason for love... love is life."
Sanctuary: As it is in the...
- Past:
"We/NBH co-create sanctuaries. We've always done that... in every form. We are in presence. Presence is all aspects. Presence is a sanctuary for E/S to reside. Presence = center, balance, InLove, equanimity, compassion, joy. With the memory that we are creators of sanctuary, the present always exists... it's never has not been. So when I say to you that the Sanctuary (in the East) is the first Sacred Reflection Center for this time, it's true... it's always been true. (I asked JIMI why her home in Tahoe was not the first Sacred Reflection Center)... I do not own property so my home was not that. But my Being is the first the sacred reflection center!"
- Present:
"Past moving to the present... In this present state there needs to be a foundation of holding the vibration. We need to know the steps of co-creating sanctuary. Your home, your body needs to be in harmony. You need to test it out, look in mirror, that's part of it. Awareness. Look: I can use my mind, heart, physical body, emotions, all 9 bodies... I'm unified... and that reflection is a gift, a grace to help me be."
"We heal the past in the present. We are able see through time. We don't go back there and live the past. We always stay in the present. We see... are we bathing, kind, productive in every aspect of our life? This helps us to measure where we are in authenticity."
"It's our job to set the tone. We are the heart of the world."
"Sometimes we choose restraint to avoid the truth of past (i.e. recreating it the present)."
"On a soul level we are to come to terms with self/Source and get over the Ego of I because we must learn about the I Am That I Am. We are okay and worthy. And then a deeper soul level we learn 'That I Am That You Are'... and then a deeper learning of 'We.' We are all learning the same thing (JIMI learned 'we' first). Our Ego is really big whether it is an 'I' or a 'We' (e.g. individual or a community)."
"Narcissism comes up now. It's the next step we must look at. We are a country that serves narcissism as its food. Narcissism creates fear. It's hard to come past it. In one way we must look at ourselves as a reflection of self and see our beauty AND then look past our beauty, into our inner beauty, which is the power of our Source... and see everything else that makes us, US. And see that we too are a part of that thing. It's a pinhole step to walk through. And we can see it in the struggles that we have. There is this huge lesson when we see into the mirror. We must be able to see ourselves, but if that's the only thing we see, we're in trouble... there's more. And if we see everything but ourselves, we're in trouble... because there's no "I." It's only there that we can see us... this is us and this is we."
- Future:
"A Sacred Reflections Center: we are to make it concrete in our world. It already is because we are. But we have to make it in the concrete material world that we live in. And that will support our unified E/S."
"All NBH initiated at the Light Ceremony are part of our family no matter what... whether we like them or not, whether they did something or not. They are invited to gather in the sanctuary of the Healing Circle at any time. The Healing Circle is their home too. We are to be in consideration of all NBH initiated at Light ceremony. There are conditions. Our love is unconditional, but it doesn't mean that we live in a world without conditions. We must eat, there must be dirt and water for things to grow."
"Make clear rules for sanctuary. Right now the space is under construction. It's a lesson for our community. Create a natural order of reverence and create steps to cherishment and adoration -- qualities that our world does not yet get. It is our job to offer presence as a peaceful way. E.g. at JiMi's cabin she asks people to leave their shoes outside... people want to know the rules. Domestication must stay outside the sanctuary. If it shows up, the outer circle is responsible to escort it out in compassion."
"Is there a condition of acceptance? I.e. Can we say that somebody who has destructive behavior can come into our sanctuary? This is the challenge of the outer and inner. The Outer makes a stand, and The Inner makes a stand. Reverence for the sanctuary is so important. How do we NBH co-create a reverence -- a presence of reverence -- without it becoming dogmatic? It must be kindness, set in appreciation and cherishment for self and others. People who cannot think past Ego will have no capacity for reverence. We are trying to build a bridge between reverence, some reverence, partial reverence... so we can be in complete surrender... a bridge between 2 worlds. Each NBH holds a torch as part of their thread, which is a marking point that says, 'This is a truth that we hold as this chord... we are a chord... each thread is bound by threads that make up the braid... each thread is make up of 3 or 4 threads woven... and the combined threads make a chord. This is the same cord that we tie around our waist when we go on a journey. This chord is our community, and it is what has held us together through all eternity. We are one with one another. Sometimes a thread wants to break away from the chord because of domestication in this world and because we have freedom and free will. We are Beings of freedom. Everyone has the right to stay or go... BUT the community suffers. We miss each other because we know what we ARE together. And sometimes a part of us too is split because of that other part that has left. Where we live is in this community."
"Learning to be 'in presence as sanctuary.' We are here to create methods and teach people how to be people in reverence... and teach presence itself. That's why each person has to know their authenticity... anything other than authenticity is confusion."
"We have to move between faith and wisdom -- a place where our faith can be confused -- and then we must move into the diamond of wisdom. The diamond is authenticity. It is where honesty lives. And we go there and it becomes no-thing. We create a space in our world."
"Unless you know the quality of your life, you can't measure your value and worth. We are people that need to know that we are worthy. No one can tell us our worth. We must know it for ourselves. Community helps us see... when we are worthy or not. We are all worthy. We live in a world that measures, so we have to create a lattice for people to measure their worthiness through themselves. You have to measure yourself. We are challenged to teach this to our world. Each view that people have can be a bit confusing. Be present with supreme quality and it will all become clear."
"How do we as a community grow and cherish one another, be in natural order with one another, and not over/under give? Be in grateful humor of the Universe that teachers us certain lessons."
"For the person who originally lived at the Healing Circle and set her intentions there... an alter needs to be set in the NorthEast because that person's energy continues to hold that vibration. Ask her to be there but not interfere in the present goings on and state of the house. She's an ancestor but she's can't interfere with presence... that takes away free will."
Blessed be.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024