7/2012 - Jimi's response to her work
Dear Community,
During the writing of a letter of renewal for spiritual guidance I asked JiMi... "The question on my heart is whether my teacher loves her work."
JiMi's response:
"Please post this to the community along with your question."
"Dear love,
I do enjoy my work with NBH
Where I have not enjoyed it, I have with the guidance from both earthly and heavenly source, made decisions which ended the relationship that I might continue upon the path that I am here for.
There has been quiet a bit of consideration these weeks since my initiation and things are coming together with a clarity that I have not had in the past.
A long story which begins for me at the death of my mother some +20 years ago. Thank you mother for you love.
I was 23 when she passed. Our relationship wasn't the greatest and we had just been forming a new language of understanding. Not long after our conversations began she became very ill and passed in severe pain within a year.
The intensity of my emotions were so great, it was many many months that I could not comprehend.
Then it happened. The gift, which I speak to in The Tower of Peace. Enlightenment, clear, sure unwavering clarity of Love as Being the Source of all life.
And they asked me, 'why do you teach the children of god, the word of god, in a world created by god.' and clearly I understood that there is only one god and that is Source Love.
and in answering, 'to help them to remember'
I found myself back on this Earth Planet quite dissolutioned because I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
And in reality I had, yet why was I here?
So my question to Source Love, is in that moment, Why am I here? and I knew that in answering the question, I was returned.
Having no sense of what was happening to me as my cultural nor my acquired cultural beliefs could speak to, I was left to roam these many years. Not to say that I did not have the opportunities to take a different path which might have been easier for the sake of comprehendsion.....in my early college days.
fast forward......
8 years ago, I finished my wheel of life. ha ha ha
again they tell me a little clearer this time
"you can leave the earth plan now or you may continue to work with humanity inlove in Beauty"
I chose humanity willingly and in full consciousness of why I am here.......as clearly as one can be at any given moment in time. And so I continue moving along my path, recalling all of eternity, or as far back as I can remember hahaha
Yet I still had that nagging question, why did I return here in the first place?
I had been told by psychics that I had ascended many times and that I would again teach ascension, not that that meant much to me.....again cultural belief systems gave me not point of reference for this.
It was during this last 6th initiation that I am coming to understand something about me. Finally lol
And I am sure it is only a small part of me.
First, my life since my mother passed and my enlightenment....my question was 'to wake up to why I came back and did I come back out of freewill or was I sent back. This has been of supreme importance to me, this freewill, because I could have a resentment, if I were sent back without my permission. And so my quest has been to answer these questions.
And in my sixth initiation I understand, that through my own actions of Will in Harmony with Divine Will, I have openly chosen to be here in absolute sunship of my Source Love. Here in Beautiful Splendor, here in actualization of what I believe in, where I exist as a Divine Human Being and that is Inloves compassionate joy in equanimity, without exception.
To aid each of you as you have aided me in remembering who I am and why I am here.
And I do this with an open heart of gratitude and joy.
In knowing my boundaries today and shedding that which pulls me this way or that, I am a Unified Being as Divinely Human and Injoy I sit.
I am grateful for the events of these last few months which have caused me great inner looking, not easy but necessary for comprehension. Not willing again to go there, so I step back and maybe move into a place where I can show you a path that is easier. And in that, allowing each of you to come up against and with each other. For it is that If I be there, Karma would indeed be again a cycle. For it is clear to me that as that That I Am today can not be measured by a way and language which i DO NOT SPEAK. My resource is to guide you in the things that are uncommon and to give you hope where otherwise none be found.
In Delightful Devotion,
I, JiMi Tao, do walk this path of Presence with You.
May our path be easy and our heart be light
Inlove always eternally, limitless inharmony
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024