LSD 7/2012 - 10th Thread, 19th Awareness: Crystallization
From: This Letter of Spiritual Direction is dedicated to Mitch in "Prayer with Grains of Sand"
Date: 7-7-2012
Subject: 10th Thread
Awareness: 19 Crystallization
Letter of Spiritual Direction: Part 1 - Ego
Tuesday Morning Dedication
Today I awaken with gratitude as first thought crosses my mind before opening my eyes. I recall dreams of white roses which follow dreams of red roses. My heart lights up and I am grateful for the fragrance. I slept well, awakened by fresh gentle breezes through aspen and cotton wood joined by birdsong. I laugh at how easy it is to be awakened in delight.
Soon, even before my feet hit the ground, the 'everyday' comes lingering in the background, through my mind, and the 'to do' list begins to slow down the motion in my half asleep wellbeing. Creeping in talking to me of my own Actions, inability and lax which make my smooth and quick path a slower and more tedious journey.
I ask, 'How will these behaviors change and do they want to?'
I think, well maybe if I receive the information that I need from the laggards, I will be able to get what I need done. Until then I must just sit and wait. Thoughts run through my mind, 'will they speak to what needs to be spoken to or will they gloss over or just not respond, placing me in a position to confront the present course of resistance? Resistance to what? Being here, not being here? What's the point of saying you want to move if you need to be shoved? Why not just get off the road or take a different road? Why does one stick so long to a path which requires freewill and not wanting freewill? Is there shame in saying, 'just tell me what to do?' Why must the other say, 'if we go any further you are going to fall off the cliff', can't they see the cliff? Can't they see why I'm asking consciousness? Can't they see that the journey up the mountain really requires commitment to full sense awareness.......... meaning being present in all our bodies. How is it that one would ask another to be the instability in their lives in order to 'not pay attention' to what is under their feet? Why must I send them back to get proper shoes, why am I more concerned that they travel the path of freewill more than they? HUMMMMMMMM
Better Jump out of bed before the monkey mind gets a hold of me, or has it already hooked me? Ha
I bend and light my candle, not quiet making my bottom to the floor, 'in a rush today you know'.
Quick prayer, "That I might be free to love my Being without the restrictive tethers of worthiness." Hum, I think I need to work on this.
Off for the day, 4 more days to go................
Part 2 - Soul
Tuesday Morning Dedication
I sit and watch the light of my candle, morning light waving laminar flow across the walls, light playing with light. My prayers go out to our world and universe and all Beings in hope becoming dignified grace in cherishment.
I must in great humility ask the other, 'What cause does our relationship evoke within you?' What direction does our presence together call you to follow, 'note see the Dance of Creation'. And in so following this direction with the actions of your own will, what effect has it had upon your own life? Has it brought you into a closer more intimate relationship with your source? How has it given you charge over your scarcities, thereby freeing you from limiting boundaries with have kept you from finding your deeper within? And in finding this 'deeper within' have you found 'gentle pathways' of self acceptance through loving kindness? Have you found the value of your life? Have you enriched this life with acts of generous kindness for self and other? And in so doing have you committed yourself, your actions and attitude to be in harmony with the ways of Peaceful Ease? Have you found Patience to be your guide? Has this Patience given you Allowance? And this Allowance brining Divine messages of other views which may be of greater clarity? Thus allowing for a more wholistic view, allowing for 'personal limiting agenda' to step aside, giving each a voice which can be heard in harmony?
Soul Prayer
Divine Love, Source of All Being
Divine Love, Resonance of All Life Creation
Divine Love, Creation as All Resource
Divine Love
Above All
Below All
Within All
Without All
Your Courage Be Dignified
For you in your unfolding and unfurling
Come face to face with that which you are, US
............ And in your discovery of Us, you have been challenged to know the matter in which we are 'we'. And, in your loving kindness, challenged to accept and allow that which you are. Light/dark, color/sound, this /that, your deep your crystal forms of reflections 'worthy' of existence. Remembering, always the intimate part and particle which is, One Whole Love. So it is that we continue to step gladly into the graceful Journey of unfolding this day in Ego/Soul Unity. Peaceful and Easy, Remembering that we are a tiny point of existence, carefully and intimately valued as a small diamond of cherishment.
And in a greater view, a part, a simple reflection of the great diamond from which all Hope is able to reflect upon both from within and without; we do call this 'Our Presence in Journey with You'.
For to be 'with' is neither within nor without, but simply, 'is with', which most naturally defines the US and the We in Presence. And it 'Is With' in Presence as transubstantiation of All Matter of Spirit into Loving Kindness. This being our eternal song of self and other as 'Is One'. One Being, One Being-ness. One Hope of Becoming Dignified Cherishment, of to for from, Compassionate Joy in Equanimity. Equating the Magic of Love as to the Mystery of Compassion to emulate the Miracles of Joy for the Co-Creation of Equanimity. And from this place of Equitable Oneness, may all hearts BE.
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