This Work is © as Original Works of JIMI TAO and meant for general information of the works that are currently being published.

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Original Concepts

  1. What is JiMi Tao-Beauty Way? a. Introduction b. Who are We? c. What is it about? d. Reason e. Principles f. Commitments and Intentions g. Spirituality
  2. World Cultures contribution to Fifth World Harmony, Sixth World Vision and Seventh World Formation a. Enlightenment - Vision gives Reason to Love b. Awareness's - Consciousness - Aspects in Imagination of Love c. Revelation - Intentional Dreams for Love d. Living - Quality of Life is the Dreamer from Love e. Cultural Formation
    • Ancient Eastern and Asian Culture
      • Language through Waves of Form Spirit Names
    • Ancient Egyptian Culture
      • Language through Blocks of Form Soul Names
    • Judaism and Christian Cultures
      • Language through Songs of Form 42 Generations
    • Ancient Aboriginal Cultures
      • Language of Qualities through Dance of Form
      • Song and Dance of Creation

Part 2 - Composition


    • Tower of Peace
    • VEve Merging of Worlds
    • Prayer Book 1 & 2
    • 5th World Hopi Mandala
  2. SACRED GEOMETRICS - Ascended Wisdom Matrix Merging of Qualities

  3. SACRED ART - 32 Awareness - Soul Journey

    1. Essential Being
    2. Inner Light
    3. Inner Chaos
    4. Matter of Void
    5. Halls of Healing
    6. Wave of Matter
    7. Wave of Universe
    8. Womb of Life
    9. Duality
    10. In the Dance
    11. Fire of Formation
    12. Essence of Life
    13. Inner Light and Balance
    14. Surrender
    15. Diving Human Being InLove
    16. Sanctuary
    17. Ascension into Truth
    18. Dark Night of Soul
    19. Crystallization
    20. Manifestation
    21. New Earth Seed Being
    22. Journey Into Void
    23. Gates of Heaven
    24. New Vision
    25. Reclaiming Shadow
    26. Point of Stillness
    27. Wisdom of Matter (VateMare)
    28. Co-Creation
    29. Heavenly Participation
    30. New Seed Being
    31. Cycle of Creation
    32. Brilliance

    • 1st Trinity - Diving Mind/Human Mind of Love is the Eternal Memory Teachings: Akasic Record, Eternal Memory, Physical Form: The Ascended Wisdom Matrix
    • 2nd Trinity - Diving Faith/Human Knowing to Compassion is the Limitless Structure Teaching: Community Concepts, Enspirited Matter and Enmattered Spirit Physical Form: Cards and Thread Books
    • 3rd Trinity - Divine Wisdom/Human Emotion for Joy is the Infinite Spark Teaching: Connecting With Spiritual Bodies, Guides and Counsels Physical Form: Story Books and Sacred Art
    • 4th Trinity - Diving Co-Creation/Human Ascension from Equanimity is the New Form Teaching: Medicine Wo/Man, Spiritual Guide, Visionary Artist Physical Form: Ceremony-Co-Creative Ascension as Universal Ceremonialists

    A. Cycle of Life Prayers - Human Experience Aboriginal Divine Love, I/We ask you guidance and tender holding of all Beings.

    • Thread #1 - As we move through the passages of inner knowing may we be blessed in a lightened and easy path.

    • Thread #2 - May we be surefooted and grateful for the abundance of hope which lies within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our Soul.

    • Thread #3 - May we find the courage and strength to hold steady in center and balance.

    • Thread #4 - May hope clearly bring moments of grace and reflective fragment of light, that we may be enlightened in Presence and empowered in Faith.

    • Thread #5 - May each find full health and happiness in every aspect of living and dying.

    • Thread #6 - May each of us share with each other, the wisdom of open hearted tenderness, born of humility, injoy and inpeace.

    • Thread #7 - May beauty surround each of us and may each be given the creative voice to sing of this beauty, that our shared compassion may open Earths' Heavenly Gateways of Eternal Bliss.

    • Thread #8 - May Mother Earth experience our every devotion and may we share with our own bodies this life of Being InGratitude and InCherishment.

    • Thread #9 - May Father Spirit continually flow through our bodies as we seek the deeper meaning of our Humanity.

    • Thread #10 - May we BC a Unification of Oneness through Highest 5th World Vibrational Quality, Empathetic Compassion'.

    • Thread #11 - May we honor our lives and honor the lives of all Beings InHappiness and InWonder.

    • Thread #12 - Blessed Be

    B. Immeasurables

    • Love
    • Compassion
    • Joy
    • Equanimity
  6. SACRED LANGUAGE 5th Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience

    • Thread 1 - I allow Divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all life and relation.

    • Thread 2 - I sit in patient discovery and revelation of all that I do not know.

    • Thread 3 - I honor what I know and let go of attachment to Being stagnate.

    • Thread 4 - I am the breath of life in and out of the channels of my throat, and I find a moment of silence between the breath in and the breath out.

    • Thread 5 - I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord, bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body.

    • Thread 6 - The physical breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth.

      • I am the colors of the wind
      • I am the sap of the tree
      • I am the great and small rock of the mountain
      • I am the great and small rock of the mountain
      • I am the water in mist, cloud, and sea
    • Thread 7 - I am Spiritual Cosmos, the connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.

    • Thread 8 - I connect with my Counsel and my Guides.

    • Thread 9 - I dance with all Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos, in the Song and Dance of Creation, we are ONE.

  7. METTA

    1. Generosity of Giving of Ong's self
    2. Virtue, Morality, Proper Conduct
    3. Renunciation of Death, or Surrender to Living Life, or Living Life in Peaceful Ease.
    4. Transcendental Wisdom and Insight
    5. Energy, Vigor, Diligence, Effort
    6. Patience, Tolerance, Forbearance, Acceptance, Endurance
    7. Truthfulness, Honesty
    8. Determination, Resolution
    9. METTA Unconditional Love
    10. Equanimity, Serenity
  8. NINE SOUL BODIES Nine Egyptian Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder, Robes of Light)

    1. Khu - Resides with Prime Source
    2. Shu - Unity of Voice through lower bodies involvement with Sacred Art
    3. Søhkem - Vital Energy of Kundalini
    4. B - Soul which knows soul purpose
    5. AB - Conscious which reflects other Subtle Bodies
    6. Rhaibet - Unconscious Shadows
    7. KA - Etheric Body Subconscious
    8. Khat - Physical Body Hologram
    9. Ren - Nam of Soul at First Incarnation
  9. NINE SPIRIT BODIES Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stigner)

    1. Spirits of Wisdom
    2. Spirits of Will
    3. Spirits of Motions
    4. Spirits of Form
    5. Spirits of Personality
    6. Spirits of Fire
    7. Spirits of Love
    8. Son's of Twilight
    9. Spirits of Harmony

    • General Prayers
    • New Breed Healer Thread Prayers
    • Divine Source
    • Prayer for Centering Teachers and Spiritual Guides
    • Regional Group Trust Statements
    • Community Group Trust Statements
    • Prayer of Great Spirit
    • Prayer of Ancestral Healing
    • Splendor Song of Creation
    • Just for Today
  11. SACRED DANCE Dance of Creation

    • Great Spirit/Great Mystery
    • Great Father/Great Mother
    • Cosmos of One Circle
    • InCenter, I stand here in your presence. Three times I lift my hands ingratitude. Once for the dreams of my vision quest. Second for the vision held in this moment of light. Third for the dreams of tomorrow. Here I stand in your presence.
    • Thread 1 - With my right hand, I reach out into the world of the masculine, the energy and strength of life focus and direction.
    • Thread 2 - With my left hand and my left foot, I call forth my feminine, where center and balance reside within.
    • Thread 3 - Together in inner unity, I lift up my presence to you Great Father Spirit.
    • Thread 4 - Together in inner unity I hold within my heart my presence in you Great Mother Mystery.
    • Thread 5 - I bend my knees in honoring your vision and dream.
    • Thread 6 - I move with my masculine into the depths of the feminine dream, crossing the full horizon, honoring the dream of new and fresh ideas.
    • Thread 7 - Together, we, feminine and masculine do sit in unity in the heart of Great Mother Mystery.
    • Thread 8 - Together, we masculine and feminine do lift our unity to the life force of Great Father Spirit.
    • Thread 9 - From the Life Force, all prayer ingenuine unity of Divine Love is brought through the heartmind intention of the DivineHumanBeing InLove.
    • Thread 10 - I honor you Mother Earth for the stability that you give me in standing.
    • Thread 11 - From your womb into my own do I embrace your dream and care; lifting high into the embrace of Great Father Spirit.
    • Thread 12 - Again I reach around, fully extending and embracing the memory of this direction and I with all of my heart do move forward into the next direction of my life.
    • Dance of Creation of Grandmothers

    • Partnership
    • Family
    • Vehicle
    • Home
    • Friends
    • Work
    • ego
    • Soul

    • Thread 1 - Morning Dedication Prayers - Living Art in the form of peaceful ease
    • Thread 2 - Journaling - Miracles in Co-creative Ascension
    • Thread 3 - Meditation and Contemplative Studies Living Life as Art
    • Thread 4 - Exercise/Nutrition Yoga, Walk, Jog, Hike, Green Food, ...
    • Thread 5 - Evening Dedication - Painting Reflections of magic, mystery and miracle. Song and Dance of Creation into 5th, 6th and 7th worlds.
    • Thread 6 - Service - Being the Song and Dance of Happiness.
    • Thread 7 - Contribution- Teachings and Writings through Generosity of Self.
    • Thread 8- Retreat - I am retreat, sanctuary.
    • Thread 9- Personal Qualities - I am the Song and Dance of Creation in Beautiful Splendors Joy as Miracles. I live life in a new form, Happiness.

    • Thread Book 1 - Diving Mind/Human Mind
      • Thread 10-Divine Hope/Human Becoming
    • Thread Book 2 - Diving Charity/Human Idea
      • Thread 11- Divine Wisdom/Human Emotion
    • Thread Book 3 - Divine Power/Human Thought
      • Thread 12- Divine Miracle/Human Miracle
    • Thread Book 4-Diving Magic/Human Magic
      • Thread 13-DivineHuman Communion
    • Thread Book 5 - Divine Body/Human Matter
      • Thread 14 - DivineHuman Compassion
    • Thread Book 6-Diving Faith/Human Knowing
      • Thread 15 - Divine Human Co-Operation
    • Thread Book 7- Diving Truth/Human Wisdom
      • Thread 16 - DivingHuman Co-creative Ascension
    • Thread Book 8 - Divine Mystery/Human Mystery
    • Thread Book 9- Diving Soul/Human Manifestation


Jimi's copy with corrections 9-18-2012

4th Trinity
Great Spirit · GREAT MOTHER
The Kiss

The Kiss


  • 42 Characteristics - Color Form Sound Ascpect
  • 25 Major Arcand
    • 4 - Immusurable Trinities
    • 12 - Spirit Cycles
    • 9 - Soul Cycles
-ne NameSpiritsEnergy
pirit = SpiritHuman Name (Hierarchy)
-oueSoul BodiesEnergy

Spirit Codies

  1. Spirit Wisdom - 1a / 1b
  2. Spirits of Will - 2
  3. Spirits of Motions - 3
  4. Spirits of Form - 4

1st Trinity: Magic of Love of InCommunion 5. Spirits of Personality - 3 6. Spirits of Fire - 1a / 1b 7. Spirits of Love - 2 8. Son's of Twilight - 4

2nd Trinity: Mystery to Compassion In Compassion 9. Spirits of Harmony - 2

9 Spirits of Harmony - 2
2 The Spirits of Will - 1a/lb
1 Spirits of Wisdom - 3
3 Spirits of Motion - 4

3rd Trinity: Miracle for Joy for In Co-Operation 5 Sprits of Personality - 1a/1b 9 Spirit of Harmony - 2 4 Spirits of Form - 3 8 Sons of Twilight - 4

Divine HumanBeing: From Co-Creation
4th Trinity In Ascension 5. Spirits of Motion

4th Trinity - Spirit Bodies
From Co-Creative Ascension

3 Spirits of Form / Dream Intention

1a Spirits of Personality / Divine Reason Vision

2 Spirits of Harmony / Aspects

15 Spirits of Motion

1b Spirits of Personality / Human Mission Vision

4 Son's of Twilight / Dreamer, Human Quality

Soul Bodies

  1. Khu - 1a / 1b
  2. Shu - 2
  3. Sehkem - 3
  4. BA - 4

1st Trinity
Lore of Communion
Magic of Love in Communion

  1. AB - 3
  2. Khaibet - 1a / 1b
  3. KA - 2
  4. Khat - 4

2nd Trinity
Compassion to Compassion
Mystery to Compassion

  1. Ren - 2

Soul Bodies

9 Ren - 2 2 Shu - 1a / 1b 1 Khu - 3 3 Sehkem - 4

3rd Trinity
For Joy
Miracle for Joy

5 AB - 1a / 1b 9 Ren - 2 4 BA - 3 8 Khat - 4

4th Trinity
Divine Human Being from Co-Creation
In Ascension

1st Trinity of Love / Soul Bodies

3 Sehken / Divine Intention - Dream

1a Khu / Divine Reason - Vision

2 Shu / Aspect - Imagination

1b Khu / Human Reason - Vision

4 BA / Human Quality - Dreamer

2nd Trinity To Compassion / Soul Bodies

3 KA / Divine Intention - Dream

1a AB / Divine Reason - Vision

2 Khubet / Aspect - Imagination

1b AB / Human Reason - Vision

4 Khat / Human Quality - Dreamer

3rd Trinity For Joy / Soul Bodies

3 Khu / Divine Intention - Dream

1a Shu / Divine Reason - Vision

2 Ren / Aspect - Imagination

1b Shu / Human Reason - Vision

4 Sehken / Human Quality - Dreamer

4th Trinity Co-Creative from Ascension

3 BA / Divine Intention Dream

1a AB / Divine Reason - Vision

2 Ren / Aspect - Imagination

1b AB / Human Reason - Vision

4 Khat / Human Quality - Dreamer

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024