
Thread 1 / 10

Thread 1

3 Courage / Divine Intention - Dream

Khu - Spirits of Wisdom - Dominicans Life

1a Mind / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Truth / Aspect - Imagination

5 Co-Operation / Image

1b Mind / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Dignified / Human Quality - Dreamer

Soul Body 1

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
KhuSoul Body Self That Resides with Prime SourceEternal Light

Divine Human Soul Awareness (Soul Portrait)

1 Essential Being 10 In the Dance 19 Crystallization 28 Co-Creation

Dominians (Life)
Spirits of Wisdom

Soul Khu AwarenessAspectsCharacteristics
1 Essential BeingDivine PartnershipHumility
10 In the DanceHuman FamilyCreative
19 CrystallizationDivine PartnershipCharity
28 Co-CreationHuman FamilyIdealistic
37Divine PartnershipRhythm

Thread 1 - Soul Cycle

Divine Mind - Thread 1 - Human Mind
Spirits of Wisdom (Life) Dominions
Morning Prayer Contemplation

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

As we move through the passageways of inner knowing, may we be blessed in a lightened and easy path InLove. Through the Generosity of Giving of Oneself, I allow Divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all Life & Relation.

Divine Hope - Thread 10 - Human Becoming
Spirits of Wisdom (Life) Dominion
Morning Prayer Contemplation

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May we be the unification of Oneness through Highest Vibrational Quality of 5th World "Empathetic Compassion" in Joy's Compassion. Through the generosity of giving of oneself in equanimity and serenity, I allow Divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all life and relation. I dance with all spiritual earth and spiritual cosmos, in the dance of creation we are One.

Thread 2 / 11

Thread 2

3 Beauty / Divine Intention - Dream for Love

Spirits of Will - Thrones Will

1a Charity / Divine Vision Reason - Vision of Love

2 Trust / Aspect - Imagination

5 In Compassion

1b Idea / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Noble / Human Quality - Dreamer from Love

Soul Body 2

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
ShuUnity of Voice (Lower Bodies Involvement of Sacred Art)Sacred Art

Divine Human Awareness (Soul Portrait)

2 Inner Light
11 Fire of Formation
20 Manifestation
29 Heavenly Participation

Thrones (Will)
Spirits of Will

Soul Shu AwarenessAspectsCharacter
2 Inner LightHuman FriendsJoy
11 Fire of FormationDivine WorkSharing
20 ManifestationHuman FriendsPatience
29 Heavenly ParticipationDivine WorkMercy
38Human FriendsHonesty

Thread 2 - Soul Cycle

Divine Charity - Thread 2 - Human Ideas
Spirits of Will (Will) Thrones
Journaling Contemplation

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May we be surefooted and grateful for the abundance of hope which lies within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our soul. In love's compassion. Through virtue morality, proper conduct I sit in patient discovery and revelation of all that I do not know.

Dance of Creation.
With my left hand and my left foot, I call forth my feminine, where center and balance reside within.

Thread 11

3 Charity - Trust - Beauty / Divine Intention - Dream for Love

Spirits of Will
Thrones - Will

1a Wisdom / Divine Vision - Reason of Love

2 Delightful Devotion / Aspect - Imagination

5 Adoration / Image

1b Emotion / Human Vision - Reason of Love

4 Ideas - Trust - Noble / Human Quality - Dreamer from Love

Divine Wisdom - Thread 11 - Human Emotion
Spirits of Will (Will) Thrones

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May we honor our lives and honor all lives in happiness and wonder in Joy. Through virtue, morality, and proper conduct in equanimity and serenity I sit in patient discovery of all that I do not know. I dance with all spiritual earth and spiritual cosmos, in the dance of creation we are one.

Dance of creation, may we honor our lives and honor the life of all Being in Happiness and Wonder.

Thread 3 / 12

Thread 3

3 Generosity / Divine Intention - Dream for Love

1a Power / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Allowance / Aspect - Imagination to Love

5 Acceptance in Miracles / Image - Divine Human Being In Love

1b Thought / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Generous / Human Quality - Dreamer from Love

Thread 3

3 Generosity / Divine Intention - Dream for Love

Spirits of Motion

1a Power / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Allowance / Aspect - Imagination to Love

5 Acceptance in Miracles / Image

1b Thoughts / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Generous / Human Quality - Dreamer from Love

Soul Body 3

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
SehkemVital EnergyKundaline

Soul Awareness (Portrait)

3 Inner Chaos
12 Essence of Life
21 New Earth Seed Being
30 New Seed Being

Divine Power - Thread 3 - Human Thought
Spirits of Motions (Virtues)
Meditation - Studies - Active Dynamics

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May we find the courage and strength to hold steady in center and balanced in love's joy. Through Renunciation of Death surrender to living life in a new Form, and living life in Peaceful Ease. I honor what I know and let go of the attachment to being stagnet.

Dance of creation: again I reach around, fully extending and embracing the memory of this direction and I with all of my heart do move forward into the next direction of life. Thank Great Spirit and Great Mother.

Active Dynmamics (Virtues)
Spirits of Motions

Soul (Sehkem) AwarenessAspectsCharacter
3 Inner ChaosDivine VehicleSteadfastness
12 Essence of LifeHuman HomeKindness
21 New Earth Seed BeingDivine VehicleTrust
30 New Seed BeingHuman HomeDevotion
39Divine VehicleHope

Thread 3 - Soul Cycle

Divine Miracle - Thread 12 - Human Miracle
Spirits of Motion (Active Dynamics) - Virtues
(Meditation - Contemplation - Studies)

Blessed Be, Let Joy Be in Equinimity through the generosity of giving of oneself from Living Life in peaceful ease. I honor the dance with All Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos. In the Dance and Song of Creation We Are One.

Dance of Creation
Again I reach around fully embracing and extending the memory of this direction and I with all of my heart do move forward into

Thread 12

Spirits of Motions

3 Absolute / Divine Intention - Dream for Love

1a Miracle / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Eternal / Aspect - Imagination to Love

5 Acceptance in Miracles

1b Miracle / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Authentic / Human Quality - Dreamer from Love

Thread 4

Thread 4

3 Humbled / Intention - Dream for Love

1a Magic / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Faith / Aspect - Imagination to Love

5 Acceptance in Communion / Image - Divine HumanBeing In Love

1b Magic / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Courage / Quality - Dreamer from Love

Ensouled Being (Powers)
Spirits of Form

Soul (BA) AwarenessAspectsCharacter
4 Matter of VoidHuman FamilyHonest
13 Inner Light and BalanceDivine PartnershipBoundaries
22 Journey into the VoidHuman FamilyOrganization
31 Cycle of CreationDivine PartnershipLaughter
40Human FamilyCaring

Thread 4 - Soul Cycle

Soul Body 4

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy

Soul Portrait Awareness

4 Matter of Void
13 Inner Light Balance
22 Journey into Void
31 Cycle of Creation
40 _______________

Thread 4
Divine Magic - Spirits of Form - Human Magic
Ensouled Being (Powers) - Exercise

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May hope clearly bring moments of grace and reflective fragments of light, that we may be enlightened in Presence and empowered in Faith in Love's Equanimity. Through transcendental wisdom and insight, I am the breath of life in and out of the chambers of my throat; And I find a moment of silence between the breath in and the breath out.

Dance of Creation: Together in inner unity I hold within my heart, my presence in you Great Mother.

Thread 5

3 Grateful / Intention - Dream for Love

1a Body / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Humility / Aspect - Imagination to Love

5 Awe in Communion / Divine Human Being InLove

1b Matter / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Humbled / Quality - Dreamer from Love

Personality (Principalities)
Spirits of Personality

Soul (AB) AwarenessAspectsCharacter
5 Halls of HealingDivine WorkPerseverance
14 SurrenderHuman FriendsWonder
23 Gates of HeavenDivine WorkForgiveness
32 BrillianceHuman FriendsWisdom
41Divine WorkAnalytical

Thread 5 - Soul Cycle

Soul Body 5

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
ABReflections (of subtle bodies)Consciousness

Soul Portrait Awareness

5 Halls of Healing
14 Surrender
23 Gates of Heaven
32 Brilliance

Divine Body - Thread 5 - Human Matter
Spirits of Personality - Personality (Principalities) - Evening Dedication

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May each find full health and happiness in every aspect of Living & Dying in Compassionate Love. Through Energy, Vigor, Diligence & Effort, I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord, bring life force to my limbs and each cell of my body. Through my physical body I experience the emotion of breath.

Dance of Creation: I bend my knees honoring your vision and your dreams.

Thread 6

Thread 6

3 Noble / Intention - Dream for Love

1a Faith / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Unity / Aspect - Imaginatin to Love

5 Awe in Communion / Image Co-Creative - Ascension

1b Knowing / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Genuine / Quality - Dreamer from Love

Exertion (Arch Angels)
Spirits of Fire

Soul (Khabit) AwarenessAspectsCharacter
6 Wave of MatterHuman HomeCommunication
15 Divine Human BeingDivine VehicleCourage
24 New VisionHuman HomeCommitment
33Divine VehicleTruth
42Human HomeCo-Creative Ascension

Thread 6 - Soul Cycle

Soul Body 6

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
KhaibetRectifier (Emotions & Thoughts)Unconscious Shadow

Soul Portrait Awareness

6 Wave of Matter
15 Divine Human Being
24 New Vision
33 Zuan Yin Buddha Zuan Yin (Power Feminine Principle) - Zuan Yang (Power Masculine Principle)

Just for today, let me be the heartmind flexibility which allows for understanding.


Divine Faith - Thread 6 - Human Knowing
Spirits of Fire (Arch Angels) Exertion - Service

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May each of us share with one another, the wisdom of openhearted tenderness, born of humility in Joy and in Peace in Compassionate Compassion. Through Patience, Tolerance, Forebearance, Acceptance & Endurance, the physical breath connects me to my physical world.

I am the color of the wind
I am the sap of the three
I am the great and small rock of the mountain

Thread 7

Consciousness (Seraphim)
Spirits of Love

Soul (Ka) AwarenessAspectsCharacter
7 Wave of UniverseDivine PartnershipHonor
16 SanctuaryHuman FamilyDiscernment
25 Reclaiming ShadowDivine PartnershipEmbrace & Embracing
34 EmmergenceHuman FamilyImagination
43Divine Partnership

Thread 7

Soul Body 7

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
KaEtheric BodySub-Conscious

Soul Portrait of the Etheric Body Awareness

7 Wave of Immerse
16 Sanctuary
25 Reclaiming Shadow
34 Emmergence

Thread 7

3 Grace / Intention - Dream for Love

Ka Spirits of Love - Seraphim

1a Truth / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Passionate Passageway / Aspect Imagination

5 Awakening - Co-Creation / Image

1b Wisdom / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Strength / Quality - Dreamer from Love

Divine Truth - Thread 7 - Human Wisdom
Spirit of Love (Seraphim)
Consciousness - Contribution - Creative Sound

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May Beauty surround each of us and may each be given a creative voice to sing of this beauty, that our shared compassion may open Earth Heavenly Gateway of Eternal Bliss in Compassionate Joy. Through Truthfulness & Honesty, I am Spiritual Cosmos, the connection between Divine Heaven & Divine Earth.

Dance of Creation: Together we feminine/masculine do sit in the heart of Great Mother.

Thread 8

Thread 8 - Ascended Wisdom Matrix

3 Genuine / Intention - Dream for Love

1a Mystery / Divine Reason - Vision of Love

2 Gratitude / Aspect - Imagination

5 Adoration / Image

1b Mystery / Human Reason - Vision of Love

4 Grateful / Quality - Dreamer from Love

Music (Angels)
Sons of Twilight (Sons of Light)

Soul (Khat) AwarenessAspectsCharacter
8 Womb of LifeHuman FriendsClarity
17 Ascension into TruthDivine WorkDreaming
26 Point of StillnessHuman FriendsSensuality
35Divine WorkChallenge

Thread 8 - Soul Cycle

Soul Body 8

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
KhatHologramPhysical Body

Soul Portrait Awareness

8 Womb of Life
17 Ascension into Truth
26 Point of Stillness

Divine Mystery - Thread 8 - Human Mystery
Sons of Twilight - Sons of Light - Music Angels - Retreat

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May mother earth experience our energy devotion and may we share with our own bodies this life of Being in gratitude and cherishment. Incompassionate Equanimity through determination and resolution, I connect with my counsel and my guides.

Together we masculine and feminine do lift our unity to the life force of Great Spirit.

Thread 9

Thread 9

Spirits of Harmony

3 Strength / Dream - Intention of Love

1a Soul / Divine Reason - Vision of Love - Human

2 Spendor / Aspect - Imagination

5 Wonder in compassion / Image

1b Manifestation / Human Reason - Vision of Love - Human

4 Dreamer - Quality from Love

Regulators (Cherubim)
Spirits of Harmony

Soul (Ren) AwarenessAspectsCharacter
9 DualityDivine VehiclePassion
18 Dark Night of the SoulHuman HomeVision
27 Wisdom of MatterDivine VehicleHarmony
36Human HomeMotivation

Thread 9 - Soul Cycle

Soul Body 9

Divine NameHuman Name (Hierarchy)Energy
RenFirst NameIncarnation

9 Duality
18 Dark Night of Soul
27 Wisdom of Matter
36 Unification (Sacred Union) (Unity)

Divine Soul - Thread 9 - Human Manifestation
Spirits of Harmony (Regulators) - Cherubim - Personal Qualities

Cycle of Life - Immeasurable - Metta - 5th Awareness

May Father Spirit continuously flow through our bodies as we seek the deeper meaning of our humanity in Joy's love. Through Metta Unconditional Love, I dance with all Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos, in the Dance of Creation we are One.

Dance of Creation: From the Life Force all Prayer in Genuine Unity of Divine Love is brought through the Mind Heart Interntion of the Divine Human Being InLove.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024