LSD 11/2012 - Third LSD after 6th Initiation
Magic of Communion - Presence is a Sonorous of Stability
I dream that it is an over cast day yet pleasant along my river walk. I jump into the river for a swim. Refreshing. I allow the blessed water to renew my heart and my mind from the this and that of the world. But only some, I still cling to something, I call this attachment.
The pathway is supposed to be paved by today, but they say it will take a little longer. I return to the house where my things are still needing to be sorted and I have not been able to come to a decision about whether to leave them here or place them somewhere else. And yes I feel a little bored and overwhelmed with the decisions before me.
I awaken from my dream with the conversation of "Spiritual Relationship" in my forethought's and questions come to me:
- What would happen if 'I, you, we'..... Were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?
- What would this require?
- How would this idea become a remote possibility?
So I begin to think, “What would happen if 'I' were to believe what another said regardless of my own unknowing?”
I think about the years that I have spent in working with my qualities of truth, trust.......this system of communication, Communion.
This development of a language system to help each Being come to know and to know their authentic truth. And in so knowing, develop a keen wave resonance to help our relations to understand their unique frequencies. This, so that each frequency becomes a sonorous, a harmonious wave of one Sound Symphony of pure heartmind that Is One. One Universal Love's clear frequencies of all walks and ways of Being. Frequencies unfiltered by domestication's of culturally bound taboos.
So I begin to think, “What would happen if I were to believe what another said regardless of my own unknowing?"
I recall a Grandfather Story:
Once there was a boy who walked along the banks of the river. He was a young boy about the age of 6 years. He was playfully quiet and quite content to image the reflections of water as his friends. He would look upon the face of the rippling water and reflections of cloud people marched by all moving in unison of his dream and marching feet.
Every once in a while brother breeze would come by and harp a note, taking his song deep into the woods through the branches and leaves. Sometimes brother squirrel would come out from the tree hollow and join the chorus with his chipper squeak and nut crack bites. Soon the birds would swoosh by with feathers carrying the clan dance. Soon all the river walked the way of harmony. Thank you Grandfather for your spirit which reminds me that it is simply my perception which defines the way in which I choose to walk this Beauty Pathway.
Spiritual Relationship is like this. All nature is naturally in unison with one another; eager to play and simply 'Is' in resonance with one another. We as human beings also have this innate ability to be of such likeness in the nature of our authenticity. However it means that we must give up our attitudes of superiority and glean the eternal nature of, Loving Kindness. This loving kindness is found as core light, innate within ourselves and each other.
Loving Kindness begins with a kind of creative playfulness, were a single moment of Presence moves into 'like' or the translucent wave of light and water, we call the Miracle and it is within the Miracle that Magic does reside. Magic must be played with by hands of deep loving resonance, hands, being reaching deep inside the Miracle of Mystery, that ‘Feminine' may bring forth that which 'Masculine' does imply.
We can witness in the nature of the river, this Presence of LIKE-Like as the 'slate' iridescent and transparent, where life from above and below are held as one experience. And it is only from our place of 'Visions Reason to Love', that we are able to see this transparency. It is here within this transparency in Presence that our own 'idealisms' give way to the 'in-between'. It is within this in-between that our judgment of knowing or not knowing become the outer reeds. The outer reeds, being the boundaries from which we are able to further explore our inner concept of 'Living Life as Art'.
The Art of Living Life requires as spiritual relationship of unison in thought, word and deed. Like the pine tree which provides circle for the aspen grovę; the aspen grove does provide sanctuary for the sweet blissful meadows where creeks flow, wild flowers lush, butterflies dance and dragonflies dart. It is here that the newborn lay nestled in the heart of mother and buck stands guard with friends.
So it is within the Co-Creative (spirit and soul, that substance is united in infinite dream by the dreamer as enmattered spirit and enspirited matter). It is here that Three and Nine become Twelve, and all life in Magic, Mystery and Miracle 'Become' and the collets are formed substance as Presence InLove. And We are Unified as DivineHuman Being InLove.
Letter of Spiritual Direction Summary, 'articulating what has been learned'.
Theme: Authenticity of Love's Vision
10-19-2013 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. 11-16-2013 Living Life as the Art of Nature 12-21-2013 Creative Playfulness merges time and space through Co-Operation. 1-18-2014 Presence is a Sonorous of Stability.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024