12/2012 - A Sign of our Times

Divine Love,

There is a circle that holds us
even when we do not know the circle.

There is a Hope that carries us
even when we feel lost and unheld.

As these times of change emerge in our world and universe
'Cause us to heartfully and mindfully call upon you to lead us

That the transitions may be easy
that all Life Form may call upon your innate Kindness
reminding us of your Promise to remember that you
love us, and we love you.

Blessed Be

Dear Friends,

Around us for a long time now we have been witness to miracles of safety through Fires, Floods, Earthquake.................and yet in these disasters few human beings have been hurt, though property has been lost.

In a large way, we call this Miracle and we see the response to Great Mystery and Great Spirit to the desire of Peace through the change of Worlds. We are moving from 4^th^ World of Chaos into the 5^th^ World of Harmony. This transition has been happening for several years now, and it is now that we see the climax of this changing world. And it is the Empathetic Compassion of the Earth that Birthed Us which shows us how we can transcend difference and unite while experiencing the change.

We do believe that there is enough Goodness and Kindness in
the world at this time to curve the nature of destruction
within the Human Being through the
Acceptance of Miracles Inlove.

Is there Hope of Becoming a Race of Humans who can Be Kind? Is there a Divine Human Being, being born on this planet now? There is. There is within each individual a Merging of our Divine and Human selves happening now, which calls each of us to remember that we are 'Love itself'. In remembering that we are Love, the source of all energy and matter of existence; through Love we can call forth the Kindness that lives innate within each of us. This Kindness creates an expansion of space which allows for Understanding and Empathetic Compassion. This space is a place of harmony of all Beings.

How do I begin? How do I know if I am being kind?
Smile in gratitude from the heart.
Breath a breath of gratitude for life,
send out this breath into the world.
Like air, let it be the breath of peace.
A peace that says, "I love you world.'

Today, the great tragedy has hit our Country, The United States of America. The Heart of our planet, the Hope of our planet Earth.

It is one thing to see disaster. In natural disaster we can shun our involvement of an earthquake or flood or.......because it is outside of us. Seemingly not something we have control over. However, today we come face to face with the sickness that lies within us, the human being. 20 children k-4^th^ grade children were shot and killed along with 6 adults, while in school.

We do not need to ask what caused this young man to do this and then take his own life. Through the this and that of reasons why, there lives one quality, the quality of 'being unwanted' disposable: Feeling unloved, abandoned, coarse and fruitless. A place of apathy where life value was lost long ago. That one could create such sorrow for so many, is a big wake up call to each of us. These, our small innocents, the precious of our humanity. Sorrow, pure sorrow.

So it is that we must ask ourselves, "What can I do to help change the tide of this unbelievable day?"
There is ONE Course from which the river of life does flow. It is the course of kindness.
It is reminding another that there is hope, that 'no one is disposable'. Everyone belongs.
How?, you ask.
Caring is so simple and it means so much. A smile from the open heart. A daily prayer of care for our world and universe. A generosity of hope. This hope can only come from within the heart of knowing that we are loved by Love Itself.

A Prayer
Just for today let me remember that I am loved
Just for today please remember that I love you.
Just for today, let those whom I meet and greet,
know unseen, that I send love to them.
Just for today, I put aside my need for disbelief
Just for today, I believe in the Miracle of Life
Just for today, I accept the Miracle of Love
to change division into harmony.
Just for today, I pray for Peace.

May Kindness find the core light within all beings, may our world and universe find peace.
Blessings of comfort to all families this day and especially hold loves' presence for the families who mourn this night.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024