Prayer – Vision of Love

part 2
Vision of love
May we forever follow the deepest yearnings of our sacred hearts yearnings?
That the fruition of 'life well lived' does reflect a sweet and easy love ..... Supportive of pure passion in generosity of happiness.

Where safety of care though,
held sacred in communion of randomness ...
Be Heartfully trusted and embraced in
Ones more common communion of innocence within the steady sturdiness of like design.

That trusted energies find fullest potential within the sustainability and maintain ability of the Quality of Joy Immeasurable in loves hope in happiness meaning filled.

And let us always support this hope in the integrity of our lives.

That trust in living may give to others a reason to believe in living.

That love itself be healed in generosity in hope that "sharing in caring" is our deepest truth dignified.


From my notes from a recent call with Ji-Mi
Ji-Mi had a recent Skype session with my Dad about Math andGeometry
Ji-Mi told me how about a month ago she was working with Pi. When she heard my Dad say the triangle fits within the Vessicait confirmed something for her, how it completed Ascension and the co-creation symbol and how it works. She nowknows something of how 1st Trinity moves into second trinity as a complete form, how they merge.

She said my Dad said, "All math leads to Meta." My current understanding of this statement is that Math leads to something of a higher order, something spiritual, beyond this plane.

Ji-Mi said, "Qualities are the energetic energy system that moves the geometrics." So in my mind I'm thinking there must be a math formula for each Quality? No? Ji-Mi had asked how many connections does it take to be complete? My Dad answered, depends on the form.

Ji-Mi said she was going to see a physicist in May. She said he wants to speak with her because Hopi is the only culture able to meet metaphysically with science. He wants to have 2 days of non-stop conversations. Ji-MI said, "Hopi culture speaks to spirituality and the organic nature and evolution of all existence"

Ji-Mi is working on doing the writing for Awareness 32-47. And she says our work is new, you will not see anything out there like it. That is why she wants to be so precise. I get that.

Thank you for this conversation, I will post most of it in What I learned from Ji-Mi.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024