Note Ego soul unity presence

On Thread 8, Miracles,

Ego Soul Unity and Presence

"It's all about how we integrate our Ego/Soul and maintain stability through compassion. I think she also said when our Aspects are held in our imagination as gratitude (gratitude for home, vehicle, partner, friend) they/we create images of love.

thread book, p. 103, Miracles use imagination to Image Love into the Aspects of our lives. And Miracles are the planting energy for the Eternal advancement of the Aspects, always with the intention of supporting Ego/Soul thorugh the harmony of group effort.

Thread 8, "Aspects in imagination as Gratitude create Images of Love, Gratitude is the Image to 66 Then, Living life in Unity occurs here deep within the Eternal Aspects of Life. Partnership on every level creates Ego/Soul Unification."

Miracle as being a wave. Everything goes back to one. One to two, Great Mystery and Great Spirit. Magic and Mystery of existence itself. This split is where duality is born, and that's when/where qualities are born. Miracle is a wave, an interaction between magic and mystery. Ji-Mi said, "we experience those miracles as everything we want, that's where our choice comes from. All life in form is miracle. All existence in Aspects is a Miracle." We are riding the wave. The Presence is a wave. Then I imagine the duality turns to polarity and the magnetic quality of the wave returns to one.

Miracles are particles of metal. Gravity is an attraction magnet, Presence is the magnet. It draws all Miracles together. We can attract whatever we want.

I asked her, "Is there resistance to Presence?" "yes." There are two kinds. The kind of resistance that helps co-create form, and resistance that takes freedoms away. The door opens both ways, or becomes a block/illness. We want to create a healthy form. We want to create strength-muscle.

Thread 8, about miracle and Ego/Soul Unity

Miracles are wavy, magnetic, metal, attract ooe another, image to love, through the aspects. I get visuals of sparklies, and they kind of are like glimpses.

We are learning to train our mind in glimpsing the illusive. It is like seeing something through a veil in the dark room lit by candle light. We must calm our minds, hearts and physical form Allowing time to slow and the multidimensionaliy of space to become points of vivid clarity.

"Magic plays as Unexpected and Unforseen. A momentary fleeting Idea that crosses over the tip top of the Mind like the breath of the angels' wings. The breath, let go of as quickly as it peeked its eye around the veil. Let go for the Image of concept between Idea and Thought, Image only, 'ponderless', clear alertness without energy or provocation. Without breath, yet not breathless, inbetween the out and the in. Pure Mind and Emotion's memory, no current of doing or being, just IS."

"Everything is about ego/soul. When there is an attachment to consciousness, there is striving. When there is willful attachment, that is selfishness.

We have to live in the in-between, which is between consciousness and unconsciousness, where there is an intention of choice without willful attachment. When I want to see something happen a certain way, it is essentially a teaching on selfishness, and the Universe will definitely supply the lesson.

This is why people leave the path, they are attached to sight, but they are afraid to see. It's about accepting where you are, accepting faith.

She said to write down what I am feeling, whatever it is Once you write your feelings your qualities will kick in and help deal with the dualistic nature.

Jimi then said on March 27th she saw parallel worlds and how they connect. That there is one light that is doing the accounting for the rest of these realities.

Talk to your emotions and physical body so that you can change your mind. She said to try to understand without the mind."


The universe wants to keep sharing. There is ongoing curiosity about how the universe works. The universe is about creativity. The universe naturally co-creates. question... 'Why are you not producing this thing in the world?' There is an assumption of dream. Dream is co-creative, an unfolding of energies... it is not about individuality. There is a middle way. What do we want to co-create? Where do we want to put our energies?

WE are co-creating a cultural form and structures we believe in. So that people feel they belong, authentic without sacrifice. So that people don't have to give up that core/critical part of themselves.

When we co-create something, we are asking on a Divine level for the qualities of existence to move into the form.

Questions: Are you happy? Are you providing something for the universe that creates happiness? Are you strong and clear in your work?


We have concession in our intentions. You move to a place of non-concession through evolution of who you are. You must meet your concessions. To go into faith without doubt takes away the freedom of what doubt holds for us as we walk into what preciousness is.


Tell me what you want, soi can give you energy. And the Mystery says: where do you want to be so the Mystery can be there. Make a decision about what you are going to do, so it can be supported. Then Spirit and Mystery are in exact alignment with what they are love with (full moon).


A path of love to remember that the quality of oneness is a desire to love, to be love is love. The split came in desire to know self as love. What is the reflection of love in you and in me from a point of existence? Everything you experience (flower, fork) is from the moment of Love and reflection of love from the universe and so are you. That's all.

We want to know that we came from love. We are children of love and need to know that.

Option of choice

It is not an option not to be challenged. But the challenge does not have to suffering. It's like a math problem; the challenge of concept, watching things grow... and for jimi that is peaceful and easy. The challenge of climbing a mountain, not breaking and tearing, it's about strengthening, fluid. How high can the tree grow. Challenge of competition, it's not about suffering hurting, it's about growing fluid. When we talk about life, it does not have to be the challenge of sickness, there are so many greater challenges.

Afraid of conversation? Sit down with Source and step into it. Otherwise then creating fear.

Are words not being met by action? We can't meet things with action without knowing the quality that sits behind it.

People don't understand what qualities exist in the world. People do not have a focused area to figure out value, ingredients in our lives that we are co-creating, maintaining. We have fast food. Qualities gives people focus.

Masculine role

To look at the shadows. Where are the shadows? The masculine doesn't see shadows as awful. Light shines on it, sees what's in between.

What is a contemplative?

Meditation is the Mind of Love. Moving into nonattachment, but JiMi doesn't want to be without emotional experience in her life in the co-creation of her life. She can pray to be released from the attachment of the way it looks but also to be in the wonder of awe of where it is and unfolds b/c she believes in co-creating. As contemplatives that is what we do. Meditation is about no tangible, no home, vehicle... right we can live without all of that, but she's all about co-creating sustainable and maintainable resources in this world in comfort. That is what we do as culture creators, actioning forms of love in the aspects of co-creation. We are very intentional in this way. We are creating home through action; vehicle through action; work through action... butit is a contemplative experience in our bodies.

What's different about our path? Two hands together. "On this side I see the vastness of this universe. So my council and I walk in this space. This is in the information that we need to bring in and bring it in in this form... it looks like a galactic light. We are willing to bring it in and hold that space. On the other side is humanity. I have no capacity to go in there. That is why there are individuals in humanity who are geniuses in earth and humanity, so we will meet here in the in between. That's NBH. We meet JiMi in the middle. NBH can only go so far beyond the earth stuff before we say, "I don't get it." We are creating this pathway for energies to co-mingle in this space called the anatomy of the ascending body which is a creation of a culture called a world, 5th and 6th world together. What makes us different from others is that we are creating forms through the aspects and the qualities of love. Humanity knows that the qualities exist but not what they are and how they interact and how they move through our lives. That is the very body that is a reflection of the body of the above. This system can be applied to every system-- planetary, physical, emotional, how cars are made, how houses are made. This system speaks to evolution of qualities through all of creation. We are providing people access to the system through the aspects. Aspects are the tangible things that measure the tangible things in our lives.


Vehicle on the outside is masculine. Ego must become humbled before it can breathed in. In order to know the love of a vehicle, the masculine has to be humbled before it can breathe in love. Breathe into physical body... now I can meet myself in humility and when i meet humility inside of me then I can breathe out presence. Wave of presence is the vehicle of love itself which is the presence strand.

We can imagine anything when in complete harmony with EgoSoul and Universe. In the walk with our elements, this is the place where our relationship with the elements actually becomes fruition. This can only happen through humbled space. We stand before the doorway of ourselves and our Source and kneel and bow. That is why we kneel and bow. That's where cherishment is born.


Demonstrates the ability to protect. Machismo can be domineering and violent and so can the inner passive aggressive male.

What is the beauty of machismo? It's theheat... Great Spirit radiating. The feminine is still. She has to move in smaller ways. He must provide warmth for her to move. It's joyful to see a man laugh... or sport... or camaraderie ... that movement that men can do in a wild way. Men can jump way higher. Strength and muscle.

Path 7, the passageway. Feminine is about passion, masculine is about strength when they come together in a passageway, it creates a path to something new.

Time and Space

Timeliness is respect for another person.

Mother nature herself knows time. we don't know time. indigenous ceremony happens on time. we are learning that. in our western world, we have a system, it's flawed, but it's what we have... so it is important to show up on time... it helps us get to clarity of time.

Time and space merge. matter and energy create time and season. time and space came together in matter and say, 'it's time for spring.' Yes, it's time AND space In Matter. we call it time... butthat is a misconception. it is time and space in matter.

Time is a respect, an honoring of the matter of space and matter. we create clock, it helps us to remember what matters in space. time honors that. as cultures grow and merge together. we are co-creative. clock is necessary. say a family is going to gather for supper, that is cultural formation. we need to meet up on time. we might say, 'when sun gets at that part of the tree, we'll have supper... moon gets to this place, come home.' b/c we are creative beings that want to co-create we need time. we need clock.

This is the time of times, where all time comes together. clock. it's honoring. time respects matter and space.

How can we grow if we only see ourselves? Selfishness.

Masculine is timekeeper ... there is frustration when the masculine is not on time and trust is broken. and trust is broken when the masculine experiences that the feminine forgot what matters.

© What a journey we're on.


Addiction is when arrogance takes the place of humble.

We are in a flow of presence and that is called love and we are a drop of existence in the presence strand and that is all that we are and it is a beautiful thing. The only Source there is is Love itself. It is the intention of existence. It is what makes the spark.

In working with qualities it is important to ask, "Why is that quality important to you?" "What is the purpose of that quality?" Because then we experience how it has direction, it has dream. If it does not have direction, it becomes chaos.

Integrity is about authentic being. To ohm and awaken the light that is first spark of our beingness... that's where we need to be as culture creators.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024