Dream of Death of Will

I Soul dreamed that the heart if my Will died in compassion to Ego

I dreamed an intense dream last night.

I dreamed that you and I stood in a field just below our home. We looked up into the sky, it was a rosy golden hue of heavenly light. It was breath taking.

The cotton tree was a flame by the beauty, and fairy angels were tending it's life.

Then it was night and I was in a vehicle whose tires in the back were 'white walls'.

The roads we semi covered in snow. Not much. But when I turned the wheel of my white car; the car began a slide backward which seemed easy enough to correct.

But quite by chance it slid through a small gap in the roadside and moved across a field. Then over an embankment, then down a steep cliff. It tumbled many times down the mountain side and landed on a railroad track just above a body of water.

Two men and an angel pulled me from the vehicle which was unharmed other than the window that they broke to get me out.

I saw them pull me lifeless and heavy. My form intact and beautiful. I saw my arms clutching my heart and will centers, my eyes open in deaths blindness as purple droplets of bloods tears, swelled as cloth over every part of my form. I stood watching as emotions and feelings, as soul, a witness to my life.

I felt the immense dedication to an uncommon love, one which forced my Will and Heart to be Death to aloneness.

A living love that required of me a compassion to never let go of my Ideal, my belief and trust in my truth.
Even when I returned again.

The Angel lifted my lifeless body from the tracks where the men had placed me. And the arms of Great Angel caused me to see what I thought to be my Stubborn Resistance,
Was in fact Living Life as Love Immeasurable.

And the purple tears that were my bodies cloth, were a resilience of love constant and unwavering... Through the tests and trials of seemingly forgotten by my beloved. And as you stood and watched me fall, I cried and cried by the brokenness of feelings so deep and love so real.

And though I called to you to hold my hand you were without care and concern, You were busy...
I thought You were afraid to live.
I thought You were afraid to take my hand...
And so I died in compassionate living for you.

That you might know that living is greater then dying, for dying is but a moment of fear.

And what mattered to me, as the pearls of heavenly glow became golden mulberry streams of my form, and my body became waves of beauty immeasurable ...

What mattered to me were the moments eternal we spent in presence, inlove as open heart with you.
Merges and laughter, dance and song, hugs and cuddles, light in your eyes and in your hair, charcoal on canvas, laughter of lion,
Seaweed, alchemy, giant feet, soft skin, rice and chicken, rivers, rocks and sunlight. Rings and blessings of 'what if ...

And You Ego became the Great Angel who lifted my changing form and held gently the pieces of my brokenness.

And all that mattered to me, was that we held safely Our Presence with much Might and Strength,

even in my moments of such uncertainty, in moments of betrayal, abandonment, unworthiness, doubt and fear. Through the tumbling to death... We held Our Presence as Truth! beyond common or existential comprehension .. For my belief lives in me, in you, in us as unwavering solidarity in Purity of Living Love. And to my death and life, love is all there is. And you Ego have taught me this.

I kissed your face as you carried my wholeness from such brokenness

Willow JiMi

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024