Earth Day

And so as I awaken at the dawn of first light. A simple glow bringing forth the hope of the horizons Sun.

I get caught by ego distractions of what needs to be done today, what hasn't been done, what could be done. I feel pushed.

I hear this earth day, the songs of birds outside my window. I decide to listen to the length and breath of the song in melody. I realize that the intervals of repetition are a song which can only be for the joy of life for this new day. The tones are clear and the notes are sweet and I feel gratitude for this wake up call!!!!

Then I simply move out of bed and light my candle. I sit for a moment in prayer, I want my mind and heart of prayer to be as clear as possible that those whom I do pray for are not distracted by energies of monkey mind. I breath silence and settle into my heart bringing each name and face into my heartmind.

I feel happy to sit with my light and I notice that in this earlier morning glow, more than usual, there is a softness at my altar. A softness that touches my heart, a welcoming comfort that tells my ego that it is okay today to put away fear, nervousness and the anxieties of need to do. I ponder the crystal ball which sits upon my geoforms. And I notice that "no-thing" sits within the glow of presence. No-thing, today meaning no distractions or interfering thoughts of this and that. So it is, in this moment, something - someplace within chooses the path of pleasant peace today ....and there is a laughter which bellies up inside of me and flows through my heart and throat smiles extending beyond self realization, into a cosmic dance of appreciation.

I finish my prayers and go to make coffee. I feel happy, I feel grateful to be a part of those who pray early for the beckoning of a new day. Wishing sparkles of star light blessings of loving happiness upon those who have begun, are just beginning and are still snuggling.

Coffee is the next step. I place old grounds into the compost jar and rinse the filter. I notice the water is no so well pressured. I turn on the hose part to rinse the sink. Place it back. Oh I need to warm my cup. I turn on the water and A steady flow of water reaches my heart and soaks me. I laugh, somehow I feel that it is mother water kissing my heart today. And I am grateful for being touched today.

And so it is that just for today, I choose to be in the universal synchronicity of delight. Choosing to play in the elemental noticing's that Tender Up my Heart and Soul and give my Ego a rest and a reason to Laugh!!!!

Si .... Just for today I take a moment of breath in and out of my heart, awakening a fluidity that simply resonates with the harmony of life's expression in gratitude for Our Earth Planet.

And just for today I will kiss the ground that holds and feeds us, bless the water that nourishes, honor the air that breathes us, hanging flags of prayer in gratitude and burn a fire starter....calling forth Great Spirit to warm our ridged ness, give flexibility to our determinations and absolutes. Warm our chests with breaths of clarity in deep humors which resonate our Simple Joy for living.

Just for today, I will plant the Seeds of Hope in the Generosity of Kindness. That the Wealth of Resource which is grown this Year May know unwaveringly of Our Appreciation. And that the foods which support our bodies are received in the spirit of co-creation.

That my hands do touch in the reflection of heart mind spirit and soul, my physical love for this Planet Earth.

May the Tears of Joy flow freely from my Body to Earth in Appreciation and Gratitude and be received as Birdsong in harmony with the rising dawn of this new day in Presence.

Just for today I will play in the mud as Ceremony in Celebration in Living Life as Sacred Art.

Blessed Be,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024