Five Transitions Occur in Soul Life

5th thread and 5th awareness speaks to matter in Unity

  • 1st transition - TRANSCENDENCE

Soul at birth descends to human form, child is born, a new being transcending into new world understanding its divine and human experience as new being. Transcendence from point of birth.

  • 2nd transition - TRANSMUTATION

More of a process where the physical changes occur---ie. Like a caterpillar changing into cocoon stage.Place where caterpillar disintegrates itself as it knows itself, feels like falling apart- breaking down to new energy form- moving into different stage.

  • 3rd transition - TRANSFORMATION

Using the caterpillar form, learning how to be part of the new world as butterfly- Now has feet, wings, a different confirmation, a time for ego to go into disillusion of self birthing into more solidified formmission is the same but now is something greater than it was, even though it was great before. When being becomes butterfly, potential is greater, now can fly from a tree, has a greater vision, different perspective.

  • 4th transition - TRANSFIGURATION

Humility is the quality of transfiguration. Just having gone through a great event, we become humble with each other, honoring others voice, knowing that individual perceptions are limited. As team, you fly on fragrance of existence, creating out of the wisdom of the Universe. Use highest potential of team that is greater than the individual. You become the lifef/host, you are perceptive/compassionate. New being sees self as a whole unit. Having gone through the Halls of Healing and coming out as the fragrance of life.

  • 5th transition - TRANSUBSTANTIATION

That which is holy and sacred meets with that which doesn't know what is holy. Another transfiguration occurs when one holds unconditionally the fragile and the strong, and as particles come together we think of consciousness at different level. Not possible without a group, without individual consciousness.


  • Trans work is about personality, what has created it. First go into Halls of Healing to heal the experience of life as Divine Body/Human Matter. Human matter must accept Divine Body's ability to heal it.

  • Perseverence of ego to continually let go to Soul's knowing of how to care for it. Soul is given Divine work to heal Human Matter. Human ego finds it difficult to surrender and let Soul do its Divine work.

Redeveloping you personality:

  • Define what is fun, comforting and healing.

  • Make basket, painting from Soul

  • How does ego persevere while letting Soul be?

  • Ego has to have Faith that Soul can embrace it

  • Trans work needs to go through all the bodies

  • Have to be in full harmony with self and others

  • Be around those where you choose to be in peace

  • Measure self everyday

  • Resistance in back of head, spine and neck?

  • What do I do every day for comfort?

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024