Awareness 37th Evolution Inlove – Considerations of Transparency

I look today at what has gone that needs letting go of.
Like the leaf that falls from the tree......
the leaves need to be gathered and placed in areas where they will return to the humus of the Great Mystery.
So what are the leaves of my life that have fallen and need to be gathered and disposed of?

Maybe for the first time in such an incredibly long time I Feel (Sense, Emotion, Mind unified recognition),
I feel a settled creativity.

Settled Creativity, that place not bound by the vice grip of domesticated structure.
But rather a freedom found only in the letting go of all the 'things' that keep me stagnate in my oh so perfected self.

Not that anyone would see me as perfect,
not that I see myself as perfect.......
But rather, in the perfected container of my life that I created along with the domestication's of my relations.
This unified perfection of being that did invent that me of proper and orderly size, weight, measure and proportion of
mind, emotional and physical form.
I the perfected imperfection, free from the need to think outside the box.

And so today as moment of 'broken bracelets' as Issi calls it.......
As moments of broken bracelets' lay scattered like fallen leaves in autumn frost,
my filters of perfected self receive a new fragrance.
A surprising new fragrance of merging temporal and in-temporal (worldly and spiritually),
a chance anomaly, a chance spark which gallantly rides wave of eternal presence.
This Eternal Presence, eternal being the past, future and present in this single moment in time and space.
This eternal presence offering the mundane an opportunity of a new experience.

And the thing about experience is that one experience is based upon another experience,
and we remember that everything is connected........
connected thoughts, connected emotions, connected senses.
Evolution of matter occurs in the connectivity ofloves generosity of unified expression in that which is whole.

So it is that we can think that we create a new painting..... and yet it is simply and evolution of that which has been before.

I might experience an insight which leads me to a new way of painting. Is this new?
I consider only the insight to be new for it is a evolution of
'Manner and Occupation', meaning that which has held steady the existence of any particular form steady.
This manner and occupation allow for the minute and incremental step in evolution.
And what is evolution but the love of life's existence from on perfect imperfection to the next perfect imperfection?

It is within these Ananda Bliss moment, these moments of extreme happiness in pure experience of blessedness,
it is here that the OPENHEART knows home eternal. Eternal as now, this moment. This moment as being every moment in Presence.
Pure open heart is the perfection of imperfection.

Here opinion and no opinion are of no matter.
The only existence is a spark, an anomaly of loves purity in the great mystery.
This anomaly arises as a chance opportunity to adventure further,
and step one step closer to the undifferentiated self (the not different self) as Unified Being.
This Unified Being (Ego/Soul) occupying only the bliss state of Perfect Presence as Imperfection.
Inlove JiMi

So today as the chill covers the roof tops
and sun shines in rainbows of crystalline forms
and Clouds gather as grey billows of 'sure to storm'

There is a stillness on this cabana porch
A quiet beautiful stillness behind cedar scented pine fence planks.
Here, where flowers of red and pink bloom.
Where chili peppers continue to fruit
and birds are still singing.

And I remember that I live between heaven and earth
in light, color and form.
And that the sound of life comes to me and our world
as expressions of likes uniting in gratitude.

So just for today
I sweep up the fallen leaves
I sit in bliss gratitude as life's gratitude
in perfect imperfection.

Inlove JiMi Tao

Round 2 part 5 Journey out continued

  1. What would happen if I, you, we ..... were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?
    a. Trust would be defined by the outcome.
    b. I would learn about the character of myself and the character of the other.
    c. I would learn the eternal truth of love as presence.

  2. What would this require?
    a. It would require a sense of inner safety and balance.
    b. It would require a surrender to the greater unknown.

  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?
    a. I would have to have great faith in the natural order of existence.
    b. I would need to know the character of the people I am trusting.
    c. I would need to know the inner strength of my own character

I learned last night that my friend Elyssa passed away.
I will miss her, her pottery, her kindness, her securities and insecurities.
Her love of life's fringes.
Her ability to see through worlds,
touch the mystic untouchable
to name stars and seasons
cycles of earth and sky
to mold and form vases and vessels

to be wanting to connect and connections allusiveness to her.
And maybe just maybe she saved that connection for this
complete and total surrender into the arms of her Source.

So it is with so many tears of appreciation and sorrow that I
walk with my sister up the threshold to her new world
where family and friends embrace her.

I could not have been of more help
for I loved her just as she is.
But I will miss her rambled and often cluttered appearance,
her devotion to Mother Earth and human relations.
Her Jewish Mysticism
her Freedom of choice.
Her kindness no matter what appeared.
Her seeking always to love more deeply.
Her inner knowing that Love is all there is.

And I trust she lives fully in the embrace that she has so longed for.


Round 2 part 4

  1. What would happen if I, you, we......were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?
    a. Trust would be defined by the outcome.
    b. I would learn about the character of myself and the character of the other.
    c. I would learn the eternal truth of love as presence.

  2. What would this require?
    a. It would require a sense of inner safety and balance.
    b. It would require a surrender to the greater unknown.

  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?
    a. I would have to have great faith in the natural order of existence.
    b. I would need to know the character of the people I am trusting.
    c. I would need to know the inner strength of my own character

I dug for some time,
moving the dirt out to my knees in a large mound.
Dug 3 feet into the cavern..........
I found my self neither surprised or unsurprised that
NOTHING was there.

No bag, no remnant of bag, not bead, nor stone, nor bone.
No thread.
Percussion got a 3' stick and handed it to me.
still nothing.

Percussion began digging........nothing.

I went to the altar rock and began ceremony.
I kissed and danced and prayed........
for the first time in my whole life........ maybe my existence
I felt and knew freedom completely........
Freedom from loss and gain or gain and loss

Freedom to simply be.........
not hindered by label, duty or to do.............

I embodied freedom from suffering
and freedom from suffering embodied me

Gratitude swelled inside of me as loves purest form of acceptance.
A gift of my life, well done,
a gift of my life lived
a gift of my life received
a gift of my life received
a gift of my life given

I knelt down and kissed the granite altar rock which held the willow in the crevice.
First snow crystals lay formed in the natural bowl.
Pure white crystal forms.

I walked down the steps on the south side.......
remembering all of the treasures buried below.......
offerings of gratitude for shared moments of relations memories.

Tears filled and fell through me.
Voices heard of directions called by the outer circle.
Mountain echoes through feather prayers and crystal line pathways.

YaMaYa ringing in sweetest inner circle voice
Connections of ancestors form and formless.

I walk down to the guardian rock where Percussion is on his knees.
Together we take the triangular plate rocks.
The first we place as a door
the second as a platter.

Upon the platter we place the fire starter and we burn it.
WE smudge with the smudges we made at summer solstice.
We break the remnants apart, pour water commingling our tears,
say our prayers of gratitude for life
and freedom to live................

and we place a portion of the inner dirt in our new deer skin.

We fill the cavern with our gifts and Percussion fills hole and secures the gateway.

Round 2b post 3

Post 3 -Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. 10-16-2013 2013-10-20 16:49:48

Post 3 -Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. 10-16-2013

LSD, "I awaken from my dream with the conversation of "Spiritual Relationship" in my fore thoughts and these questions come to me:

  1. What would happen if l, you, we ......were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?

  2. What would this require?

  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?

I think about the years that I have spent in working with my qualities of truth, trust...........this system of communication, Communion.
This development of a language system to help each Being come to know and to know their authentic truth.
And in so knowing, develop a keen wave resonance to help our relations to understand their unique frequencies.
This, so that each frequency becomes a sonorous, a harmonious wave of one Sound Symphony of pure heartmind that Is One.
One Universal Love's clear frequencies of all walks and ways of Being. Frequencies unfiltered by domestication's of culturally bound taboos.
So I begin to think, "What would happen if I were to believe what another said regardless of my own unknowing?" "

  1. What would happen if I, you, we......were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?
    a. Trust would be defined by the outcome.
    b. I would learn about the character of myself and the character of the other.
    c. I would learn the eternal truth of love as presence.

  2. What would this require?
    a. It would require a sense of inner safety and balance.
    b. It would require a surrender to the greater unknown.

  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?
    a. I would have to have great faith in the natural order of existence.
    b. I would need to know the character of the people I am trusting.
    c. I would need to know the inner strength of my own character


"I think about the years that I have spent in working with my qualities of truth, trust...........this system of communication, Communion.
This development of a language system to help each Being come to know and to know their authentic truth.
And in so knowing, develop a keen wave resonance to help our relations to understand their unique frequencies.
This, so that each frequency becomes a sonorous, a harmonious wave of one Sound Symphony of pure heartmind that Is One.
One Universal Love's clear frequencies of all walks and ways of Being. Frequencies unfiltered by domestication's of culturally bound taboos.
So I begin to think, "What would happen ifl were to believe what another said regardless of my own unknowing?" "

Journey OUT continued, part 2

As we made our way around the lake,
the day was without sound,
save the geese on the west end.

The water placid
the ground crisp from both dry grass and remnant snowflakes turned to ice.
As we walked it was really amazing to walk exactly at the snow line.
The exact line of in between.
Percussion wondered and used 'surprise' talk to share his experience.

I could tell he was a bit nervous
= maybe I didn't know the way
maybe I forgot where it was
maybe ...........................

and every once in a while his wonder would get the best of him and he would remark something that helped me to see where he was mustering up his courage to follow.
I kept walking and asked that he be quiet.

I heart resonated the place,
because he was right in that,
on the other side of the lake the boulder I pointed out was deeper east than the one which was below the altar rock.
and because the lake was low, the out cropping of granite boulders disguised the altar rock from the far off view.

So, I walked slowly, listening to the heart resonance of nature of our ceremony.
Our dances, our songs, yamaya......
our calls to the directions
our swims in grassy warmth of summer waters.

OUR unity of being.

And we walked a while longer and there the path opened,
not by sight, but by inner vision.

I began the southern ascent
as shadows fell eastward.

I physically felt the presence.
The land untouched by man's foot print.
Sacred space UN-noticed by the unconscious.

Percussion stood a hefty length away and silently watched as
if he held this space for me ten thousand times before.
I felt grateful, humble, and fully connected to my wisdom.

I found the guardian rock that held my bag.
The triangular shape of a slit in the granite boulder.
I placed my hands and left cheek upon it.
My forehead and tongue.

I looked to the left, the south
and in clear plain view,
the giant altar.

I could see the willow growing like bonsai out of the center.
I thought, 'I will wait to greet the altar after I retrieve my bag,'
that the blessings of walking into the new form
may be blessed by the ancestors.

I removed my jacket that dad had given me so many years before.
Musterd yellow, slick, warm inside and lite to wear.

I reached into my back pack and pulled out my pink garden gloves
(which Percussion would later tell me brought him great humor and a smile.

I pulled out my hand shovel and removed the base dirt.

The soil was so beautiful, sweet brown dirt, so healthy,
scent of pure life and easy to move. I offered Percussion and sniff.
He commented on its beauty.

I cleared dirt for some time before getting to the base of the caved entry.
The place where the triangle meets the ground.
I looked for the two triangular rocks that Lori and I placed over the
small cave entry and the smaller rocks and dirt in front.

I dusted with my hand, the entry.
Everything was intact.
I prayed in silence.

JiMi round 2

"JiMi 10-15-2013 Post 1 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.

Post 2a -Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. 10-15-2013

LSD, "Magic of Communion I dream that it is an over cast day yet pleasant along my river walk. I jump into the river for a swim. Ahhh refreshing. 1 allow the blessed water to renew my heart and my mind from the, this and that of the world. But allow only some renewal, for I still cling to something and I call this attachment.

The pathway is supposed to be paved by today, but they say it will take a little longer. I return to the house where my things still need to be sorted. I have not been able to come to a decision about whether to leave my belongings here or place them somewhere else. And yes, I feel a little bored and overwhelmed with the decisions before me."

I, soul dream deeply about us, ego and soul uniting and being together.
We are so inlove, yet there is still something in between us.
Ego asks me what it is,
I say it is about the EARTH.

Ego does not understand that his withholding from me has caused me to seek out another conversation.
A conversation that is more able to help me to connect with myself in incarnation.

I connected, and this connection turned out to meet me in so many various ways.

Ego tells me he feels I should have waited for him.
Yet my reality is that in all of its oddness, this earth saved my life.
Saved me from not belonging.
And so it is I incarnate as heart,
and my heart surrenders to allowing the natural course of nurturance to heal and renew me, soul"


The day of our Community Meeting was very interesting.
I am still unclear as to how I heard most of the conversation with community members as I was on skype, they were not. They were on the phone.

Anyway, I felt as ifl were in another world, listening and hearing. Yet I could only hear what was being said authentically. Whenever anyone got into an space of fear or lack of authenticity the conversation dropped.

It was as if I could only glean what was Truth in Trust. And for me it was a lovely experience not to have to participate in the less than real experience of another's sense of wholeness.

I am in a deep ponder about this gift of awe in communion.
Percussion called me and asked me if I wanted to go to Twin Lakes and pick up my medicine bag.
It's been four years since the light ceremony and the day that Lori and I buried my bag.

Less that understood by most.......
the gift of self without interfering knowing's of this and that.
A trust in truth of authenticity which requires leading through trust in the truth of Love ONLY.

These last four years have been dynamically rugged in journey and experience.
A challenge beyond my own unknowing.......
and so this last month......being beckoned by the ancestors to return for my bag, has left me in a point of in between this and that.

And Percussion calls and says the day is perfect and I agree.

The day is warm for this October. The leaves, some dropped, and others yellow.
There is very little red as the water levels were high Percussion says.
And so we cross over on the high bridge and see the Washoe holy valley below.
Pass long golden field where calves have been recently birthed.
Hawks sitting on standing posts, blue sky and snowcapped mountains.
The thrusting granite mountains surrounding us as we make the trek up the pine, aspen and willow trail.
The Carson River is still pretty high and the boulders warm the canyon as the sun sets high in clear blue majestic mountain skies.

The path is empty save a few campers and fishermen.
The canyons are quiet, the cedar trees in full stature and the pine dropping needles and cones.

I love sitting next to the man whose eye for adventure beats with the mind of curiosity and trembles with a heart of knowing and unknowing.......
The love of great mystery. And he enters into the great mystery as prepared as possible in the center of inner balance.
This is both a talent and a long exercise in self-acceptance, allowance and disciple .......! think and appreciate.

We get to the top of the mountain, Blue Lakes and it is past 3.
The last time I went up the roads were full of holes John and I had to hike back most of the way.

Percussion thought that we should just try to go as far as possible in the car.
It could take us several hours to hike up and around the lake, this would take us into dark and it is cold now.

So we drive in, and to our surprise the holes in the dirt road had been mended.
We were able to drive right in.

It was odd to see the hunters and fishermen up this high in their motor boats, camper trailers and quads........rifles.
There was a truck and camper parked on the beach............
Though I saw, I chose not to say anything.

Percussion began to walk around the lake.

I stopped, I did ceremony of blessings.......noticing a twinge inside of ...feeling as ifl were an intruder in the sacred home of my being.
Tears fell into this sanctuary that for so many years I have known as the home of my life.
And so it is that I chose to be without opinion and to honor that which I know and surrender to the unknown.....
to surrender to loving in the whole presence of life.

The lake level was down and it was easy to walk the inner circle in peace.
No one was out but us and some young campers on the western peninsula.

We began our journey.

JiMi 10-17-2013 Post 8 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.

LSD, "The Art of Living Life requires as spiritual relationship of unison in thought, word and deed.
Like the pine tree which provides circle for the aspen grove;
the aspen grove does provide sanctuary for the sweet blissful meadows where creeks flow, wild flowers lush, butterflies dance and dragonflies dart.
It is here that the new born lay nestled in the heart of mother and buck stands guard with friends.

So it is within the Co-Creative (spirit and soul), that substance is united in infinite dream by the dreamer as enmattered spirit and enspirited matter.
It is here that Three and Nine become Twelve, and all life in Magic, Mystery and Miracle
Become and the collets are formed substance,
"Presence InLove" and We are Unified as DivineHuman Being"

We return to a warm cabin among tall a frame, silence, tea brewing, a mutual joy in our companionship .......
I sit and I cry, weep, tear for a completeness that seems so simple today. A peace, an ease that is just pure appreciation for a goodness that we know is our core relationship. Our conversation, our satisfaction, our humor and so much more......our friendship.....

Percussion begins a conversation about not knowing what happened to the summer. He begins talking about Willow coming into his life and time ended........
and I said, "and when you are 89 years old, you will look upon this summer in such gratitude, that it being the year that SHE came into your life and unraveled your mundane."

We danced in deep acknowledgement of our matters to us that we create open heart spaces with each other to enjoy our time together.
That this time and space be created often.

Inlove, JiMi

JiMi 10-17-2013 Post Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.

LSD, "We can witness in the nature of the river this Presence of LIKE, Like as the 'slate' iridescent and transparent existence......... where life from above and below are held as one experience.
And it is only from our place of 'Visions Reason to Love', that we are able to see this transparency. It is here within this transparency in Presence that our own 'idealisms' give way to the 'in-between'.
It is within this in- between that our judgment of knowing or not knowing become the outer reeds. The outer reeds, being the boundaries from which we are able to further explore our inner concept of 'Living Life as Art'."

We decide to go up to the cabin, take a hike and watch the sunset and return in the early evening.

We walk down to the lake and notice its calm, smooth slate silken body.
The lake is lower by ten feet.
At the edge of the road, Percussion shows me a tree, it has a single base and has forked body about four feet above the ground.

He asks me, "How do you think this grows?"
I say, "It has to have the same root systems like the Aspen, only this is a pine."

We go around the lake and notice the rocks, boulders, clouds, rainbows, light on pine..
He takes me to a part of the lake that has some exposed root systems.

I look, and to my surprise and delight, the roots of these beings are single under the water, merge the same distance below the water as above and split like legs upside down,,,,,,,,,,the descent.

I am in awe at its balance and beauty.

The merge of these great beings is by choice ...I cry and I don't really know why.
Maybe it is because it is a wonderful experience to share sight, vision, experience sensory with another.......
freedom, adventure......
maybe it is seeing that the merge is equal in choice even when unseen...........

Something happened and joy filled me, him, us.......

JiMi 10-17-2013 Post Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.

LSD, "Loving Kindness begins with a kind of creative playfulness, were a single moment of Presence moves into 'like' or 'the translucent wave of light and water'. WE call this Presence, the Miracle and it is within the Miracle that Magic does reside.
Magic must be played with by hands of deep loving resonance, hands. Hands as beings of love reaching deep inside the Miracle of Mystery which allows the 'Feminine' to bring forth that which 'Masculine' does imply."

Percussion called and we had a short chat that was dualistic. WE laughed out loud with each other in each of us seeing ourselves there.

Percussion came and picked me up at noon as we had had a strong,

Be There at 12
Be Ready at 12


I waited outside for 8 minutes past 12
and when we met
we looked at the clock and we both let it pass
we kissed, smiled
and I was grateful we found some space to be together.
Percussion had made a large effort to prepare for our time together.
Calling ahead to the restaurant, figuring out the crowd,
knowing how unnerved I am around crowds these days.

I appreciate so much this presence.
The presence of a partner who really considers our time together as special and makes great effort to share our time together as special.

Percussion thinks about him, me and us..... Cares for and enjoys spending time with us.
I like that a lot.

WE had a wonderful lunch at a eclectic vegan cafe and shared great conversation with some people there.
Afterward he took us on a walk. He found a high place where I could walk up and down on clean clear trail.
Isn't that funny, I think. His complete noticing the kind of trail I like.
Far below the valley was filled with changing colors, distant mountains, golden pastures and homes.

We walked for some time, chatting, looking at the trail and its surrounding life..........
at the same moment. we both stopped, looked and each other and in the same moment,
we realized that we missed each other.

In this moment, when sun warmed, breeze flowed, birds chipper-ed with aspen,
sage scented the air, soft soil cushioned our feet, we held hands,
saw each other........and presence was all that existed.

10-17-2013 Post 5 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. (Goodness)

3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?
   a. It would require an understanding of goodness.
   b. Compassionate kindness would occur in my Being.

  1. There is a tender goodness in the air of Presence.
    A gentle grace motivated only by the unveiling of an inner heart connection in conversation.

  2. Goodness is quiet and easily overlooked by the goings on of the eternal and limitless to do list.

  3. Goodness IS (exists),
    whether or not it is defined or recognized by self or other.
    "May goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life"
    "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life" Psalm 23

  4. To recognize goodness is to simply weep.
    No other expression of quality fully embodies the primary nature of
    Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity

  5. Goodness is the substance from which all unification grows, nurtures, heals and ascends.

  6. Goodness of life continually flourishes pathways for joyful sustainable, maintainable life as evolution in loves connection ingenerosity.

Post 4 -Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. 10-17-2013

Notes: Noticing Transparency

Many times in my every day, I live in this Presence.
I meet important people in my life through this participation in transparency.

I ask myself, How does my sensory experience speak to the unity of time and space merging?

Time and space become transparent and we become the breath of peace and ease.


  1. What would happen if you were to believe what another said, regardless of your own unknowing?
  2. What would this require?
  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?"
  1. What would happen if you were to believe what another said, regardless of your own unknowing?
    a. All life believes life as truth and trust.
    b.I would understand that the tree trusts the sun.
    c. I would understand the cycles of life to be of natural order.
    d. Mother Earth (Great Mystery) and Father Spirit (Magic) naturally balance themselves.

  2. What would this require?
    a. My own belief would require my own practice of noticing.
    b.Being quiet.
    c. Listening and then hearing.
    d. For me to pay attention to my sensory experience through practicing my sensory experience.
    e. Practice exercise as if it were a delightful gift ofmy incarnation.

In this book I am reading, the Tarahumara People remember their connection upon the earth as 'the first love of mother earth'. Hands and feet touching that which gives them life, love.

  1. How would this idea become a remote possibility?
    a. It would require an understanding of goodness.
    b. Compassionate kindness would occur in my Being.

Post 3 - Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. 10-16-2013

LSD, "I awaken from my dream with the conversation of "Spiritual Relationship" in my fore thoughts and these questions come to me:

  1. What would happen if I, you, we .......Were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?
  2. What would this require?
  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?

I think about the years that I have spent in working with my qualities of truth, trust.......... this system of communication, Communion.
This development of a language system to help each Being come to know and to know their authentic truth.
And in so knowing, develop a keen wave resonance to help our relations to understand their unique frequencies.
This, so that each frequency becomes a sonorous, a harmonious wave of one Sound Symphony of pure heartmind that Is One.
One Universal Love's clear frequencies of all walks and ways of Being. Frequencies unfiltered by domestication's of culturally bound taboos.
So I begin to think, "What would happen if I were to believe what another said regardless of my own unknowing?" "

  1. What would happen if I, you, we...... Were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?
    a. Trust would be defined by the outcome.
    b. I would learn about the character of myself and the character of the other.
    c. I would learn the eternal truth of love as presence.

  2. What would this require?
    a. It would require a sense of inner safety and balance.
    b. It would require a surrender to the greater unknown.

  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?
    a. I would have to have great faith in the natural order of existence.
    b. I would need to know the character of the people I am trusting.
    c. I would need to know the inner strength of my own character.

LSD, "Part II Experience: Noticing Transparency

  1. How does the boy experience transparency where time and space merge?

Take into consideration the six senses: Sight Hearing Taste Touch Smell Intuition

I recall a Grandfather Story: "Once there was a boy who walked along the banks of the river. He was a young boy about the age of 6 years.
He was playfully quiet and quite content to image the reflections of water as his friends. He would look upon the face of the rippling water and reflections of cloud people marched by all moving in unison of his dream and marching feet.

Every once in a while brother breeze would come by and harp a note, taking his song deep into the woods through the branches and leaves.
Sometimes brother squirrel would come out from the tree hollow and join the chorus with his chipper squeak and nut crack bites.
Soon the birds would swoosh by with feathers carrying the clan dance. Soon all the river walked the way of harmony."

Thank you Grandfather for your spirit which reminds me that it simply my perception which defines the way in which I choose to walk this Beauty Pathway. "

Boy, age 6
Walks in Divine Faith and Human Knowing.


  1. He walks in quiet silence within himself, he is without opinion.
  2. He images the reflection of the water as his friends.
  3. In the reflection of the clouds he sees himself as both heaven and earth as his feet march upon the ground.
  4. He saw a moment of unison, communion.
    a. unison of clouds.
    b. unison of waves of water of the river.
  5. In his unison he dreamed the names of the cloud river formations.


  1. He noticed relationships through sound.
  2. He noticed the sound that came through the air, breeze.
  3. He noticed the sound of squirrel that also came through air.


  1. I imagine he is walking over rocks as he plays his flute and they sing with the river. In an inbreath he tastes the breath of willow and rose and so he sniffs.


  1. I imagine the day is warm and the sun is touching his brown skin and he experiences comfort.

His transparency comes as all of his senses become unified in the quality of comfort as one experience of truth and trust.
Comfort becomes for him truth and trust.

ie. is a wonderfully beautiful day and I feel comfortable.
Trust.....I trust this moment of communion because I am here in this moment in presence.

Transparency, where heaven and earth and boy define this single moment as Presence.

JiMi 10-15-2013 Post 1 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.

Post 2 -Transparency is a vehicle between This and That. 10-15-2013

LSD, "Magic of Communion I dream that it is an over cast day yet pleasant along my river walk. I jump into the river for a swim. Ahhh refreshing. I allow the blessed water to renew my heart and my mind from the, this and that of the world. But allow only some renewal, for I still cling to something and I call this attachment.

The pathway is supposed to be paved by today, but they say it will take a little longer. I return to the house where my things still need to be sorted. I have not been able to come to a decision about whether to leave my belongings here or place them somewhere else. And yes, I feel a little bored and overwhelmed with the decisions before me."

I, soul dream deeply about us, ego and soul uniting and being together.
We are so inlove, yet there is still something inbetween us.
Ego asks me what it is,
I say it is about the EARTH.

Ego does not understand that his withholding from me has caused me to seek out another conversation.
A conversation that is more able to help me to connect with myself in incarnation.

I connected, and this connection turned out to meet me in so many various ways.

Ego tells me he feels I should have waited for him.
Yet my reality is that in all of its oddness, this earth saved my life.
Saved me from not belonging.
And so it is I incarnate as heart,
and my heart surrenders to allowing the natural course of nurturance to heal and renew me, soul

JiMi 10-15-2013 Post 1 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.

Magic of Communion I dream that it is an over cast day yet pleasant along my river walk. I jump into the river for a swim. Ahhh refreshing. 1 allow the blessed water to renew my heart and my mind from the, this and that of the world. But allow only some renewal, for I still cling to something and I call this attachment.

The pathway is supposed to be paved by today, but they say it will take a little longer. I return to the house where my things still need to be sorted. I have not been able to come to a decision about whether to leave my belongings here or place them somewhere else. And yes, I feel a little bored and overwhelmed with the decisions before me.

I awaken from my dream with the conversation of "Spiritual Relationship" in my forethoughts and these questions come to me:

  1. What would happen if I, you, we.......Were to believe what another said, regardless of my, your, our own unknowing?
  2. What would this require?
  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?

I think about the years that I have spent in working with my qualities of truth, trust.......... this system of communication, Communion.
This development of a language system to help each Being come to know and to know their authentic truth.
And in so knowing, develop a keen wave resonance to help our relations to understand their unique frequencies.
This, so that each frequency becomes a sonorous, a harmonious wave of one Sound Symphony of pure heartmind that Is One.
One Universal Love's clear frequencies of all walks and ways of Being. Frequencies unfiltered by domestication's of culturally bound taboos.
So I begin to think, "What would happen if I were to believe what another said regardless of my own unknowing?"

I recall a Grandfather Story: "Once there was a boy who walked along the banks of the river. He was a young boy about the age of 6 years.
He was playfully quiet and quite content to image the reflections of water as his friends. He would look upon the face of the rippling water and reflections of cloud people marched by all moving in unison of his dream and marching feet.

Every once in a while brother breeze would come by and harp a note, taking his song deep into the woods through the branches and leaves.
Sometimes brother squirrel would come out from the tree hollow and join the chorus with his chipper squeak and nut crack bites.
Soon the birds would swoosh by with feathers carrying the clan dance. Soon all the river walked the way of harmony."

Thank you Grandfather for your spirit which reminds me that it simply my perception which defines the way in which I choose to walk this Beauty Pathway.

Spiritual Relationship is like this. All nature is naturally in unison with one another; eager to play and simply 'Is' in resonance with one another.
We as human beings also have this innate ability to be of such likeness in the nature of our authenticity. However, it means that we must give up our attitudes of superiority and glean the eternal nature of, Loving Kindness.
This loving kindness is found as core light, innate within ourselves and each other.

Loving Kindness begins with a kind of creative playfulness, were a single moment of Presence moves into 'like' or 'the translucent wave of light and water'. WE call this Presence, the Miracle and it is within the Miracle that Magic does reside.
Magic must be played with by hands of deep loving resonance, hands. Hands as beings of love reaching deep inside the Miracle of Mystery which allows the 'Feminine' to bring forth that which 'Masculine' does imply.

We can witness in the nature of the river this Presence of LIKE, Like as the 'slate' iridescent and transparent existence ...... where life from above and below are held as one experience.
And it is only from our place of 'Visions Reason to Love', that we are able to see this transparency. It is here within this transparency in Presence that our own 'idealisms' give way to the 'in-between'.
It is within this in- between that our judgment of knowing or not knowing become the outer reeds. The outer reeds, being the boundaries from which we are able to further explore our inner concept of 'Living Life as Art'.

The Art of Living Life requires as spiritual relationship of unison in thought, word and deed.
Like the pine tree which provides circle for the aspen grove;
the aspen grove does provide sanctuary for the sweet blissful meadows where creeks flow, wild flowers lush, butterflies dance and dragonflies dart.
It is here that the new born lay nestled in the heart of mother and buck stands guard with friends.

So it is within the Co-Creative (spirit and soul), that substance is united in infinite dream by the dreamer as enmattered spirit and enspirited matter.
It is here that Three and Nine become Twelve, and all life in Magic, Mystery and Miracle Become and the collets are formed substance,
"Presence InLove" and We are Unified as DivineHuman Being

InLove. JiMi

Theme: Authenticity of Loves Vision Concepts

  • Creative Playfulness merges time and space through Co-Operation.
  • 10-19-2013 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.
  • Living Life as the Art of Nature
  • Presence is a Sonorous of Stability

Letter of Spiritual Direction Summary articulating what has been learned.
Assignment Concept: Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.
Part I Read the Letter of Spiritual Direction Answer these questions briefly:

  1. What would happen if you were to believe what another said, regardless of your own unknowing?
  2. What would this require?
  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?

Part II Experience: Noticing Transparency

  1. How does the boy experience transparency where time and space merge?
    Take into consideration the six senses: Sight Hearing Taste Touch Smell Intuition

  2. Find a 'being' in nature to sit in Presence with.
    Use all six senses. With each of your senses, give this being a name.

    Example: A puddle of water Looking, Sight says, "Clarity of Water as clear" Touching, Touch says, "Coolness of Water as clear" etc.

  3. How does your sensory experience speak to the unity oftime and space merging?

Part III
Answer the questions again,

  1. What would happen if you were to believe what another said, regardless of your own unknowing?
  2. What would this require?
  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?


Concept: Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.

Part I

Read the Letter of Spiritual Direction
Answer these questions briefly:

  1. What would happen if you were to believe what another said, regardless of your own unknowing?
  2. What would this require?
  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?

Part II
Experience: Noticing Transparency

  1. How does the boy experience transparency where time and space merge?
    Take into consideration the six senses:

  2. Find a being in nature to be Present with, using all six senses. With each of your senses, give this being a name.

    Example: A puddle of water
    Looking, Sight says, such as, "Clarity of Water"
    Touching, Touch says, "Coolness of Water"

  3. How does your sensory experience speak to the unity of time and space merging?

Part III
Answer the questions again,

  1. What would happen if you were to believe what another said, regardless of your own knowing?
  2. What would this require?
  3. How would this idea become a remote possibility?

Theme: Authenticity of Loves Vision Concepts

  • Creative Playfulness merges time and space through Co-Operation.
  • 10-19-2013 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.
  • 11-16-2013 Living Life as the Art of Nature
  • Presence is a Sonorous of Stability

Direction Summary articulating what has been learned.
Assignment Concept: Living life as the Art of Nature

Part I Re-read the Letter of Spiritual Direction and describe one way you have lived life as the Art of Nature this past year.

Part II Experience:

  1. Describe one aspect of the Art of Nature within 100 feet of where you are writing your response. Take into consideration the six senses: Sight Hearing Taste Touch Smell Intuition.

  2. In your own response to your experience of The Art of Nature
    What is your intention?
    Through what qualities does your intention show up?
    Again, re-Write a brief description of your experience now using intention and quality.

Part III
Now read again the beauty in the words
"The Art of Living Life requires a spiritual relationship of unison in thought, word and deed. Like the pine tree which provides circle for the aspen grove; the aspen grove does provide sanctuary for the sweet blissful meadows where creeks flow, wild flowers lush, butterflies dance and dragonflies dart. It is here that the new born lay nestled in the heart of mother and buck stands guard with friends."

  1. How does this become useful in your day to day walk in life?
    Give a solid example of how the Art of Nature is a supportive strength

Theme: Authenticity of Loves Vision


  • Presence is a Sonorous of Stability.
  • 10-19-2013 Transparency is a vehicle between This and That.
  • 11-16-2013 Living Life as the Art of Nature
  • 12-21-2013 Creative Playfulness merges time and space through Co-Operation.

Assignment Concept: Creative Playfulness merges time and space through Co-operation.

Part I Read JiMi Tao's 3rd Letter of Spiritual Direction after 6th Initiation

Part II Reflect on your dreams and intentions for new light of new year (winter solstice). Write these down and keep them on your altar for the week. NBH's, you may want to refer to the dreams/intentions that were first dreamed during the Death Dance.

Part III Experience

  1. How does the boy in either/both of the stories teach you something about your quality?

  2. What role does playfulness play on your spiritual path/Beauty Way?

  3. What helps you be playful? Journal during the week about your relationship with playfulness.

  4. Tell one story from the week in which "playfulness merged time and space through co-operation."

Part III: Creative Play in Action
4. Create a playful and cooperative game to be shared with community. The game is to be played in 5 minutes or less and involve all participants. It can be a new form of an existing game or a game you made up. You get to define 'game' in any way that you wish. We will pick a game from the hat as a playful warm up for ceremony. The other games will be used for future meetings.

Theme: Authenticity of Love's Vision

Assignment Concept: Presence is a Sonorous of Stability.

Part I Read JiMi Tao's 3rd Letter of Spiritual Direction after 6th Initiation

Part II Reflection:
Journal this week your perceptions through hearing. Explore in Presence the various levels of hearing-when sounds are present, when they overlap, when they unify, when they are silent. Play with Silence and Sound to explore their interaction and practice hearing where sound lives. (From, "What I learned from JiMi today." Thank you BiJa for your recording of 'Concepts of Learning to take Silence' with JiMi)

Part III Experience: Practice Hearing
Spend 10 minutes out on your front porch hearing the sounds of the world. Write your experience mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Spend 10 minutes closed in a closet and listen. Again write your experience from three bodies of Mind, Physical Body and Emotional Body.

Spend 10 minutes in the bathroom with water running and/or music playing. Record your experience.

"Sonorous is many sounds coming together in harmony. When we are in Presence with another who is in Presence, the sound creates Harmony, and Harmony creates Stability" (JiMi).

Share one story of how your experience of hearing helped you to find Stability and be Present in Harmony with self and others.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024