Death Dance

Dear Community,
Today we begin our Death Dance.

What is this dance, but the place, the moments which are given to us to let that which is past be past.
The place where we look at that which is gone and allow it gracefully to be gone.

So it is on this first day, where veils are lifted and the this and that become transparent..
It is here that we let go of the lingering of that which is already gone.

Today we consider,
What is gone that I still cling to?
This is what each of us prepares to surrender into the great mystery.

Day one of four days,
The day of simple consideration.

INLove's connection may we each find the courage to see that which is already gone.
Honing in to self to more clearly free the space of inner clutter.

INLove's generosity
May this day be filled with grand surprises of loves devotions of happiness.

Round 2 part 6 10-30-2013

LSD "I think about the years that I have spent in working with my qualities of truth, trust.......this system of communication, Communion.
This development of a language system to help each Being come to know and to know their authentic truth.
And in so knowing, develop a keen wave resonance to help our relations to understand their unique frequencies.
This, so that each frequency becomes a sonorous, a harmonious wave of one Sound Symphony of pure heartrnind that Is One.
One Universal Love's clear frequencies of all walks and ways of Being. Frequencies unfiltered by domestication's of culturally bound taboos.
So I begin to think, "What would happen if I were to believe what another said regardless of my own unknowing?" "

Day One Death Dance.

Today we begin our Death Dance.

What is this dance, but the place, the moments which are given to us to let that which is past be past.
The place where we look at that which is gone and allow it gracefully to be gone.

So it is on this first day, where veils are lifted and the this and that become transparent..
It is here that we let go of the lingering of that which is already gone.

Today we consider,
What is gone that I still cling to?
This is what each of us prepares to surrender into the great mystery.

Day one of four days,
The day of simple consideration.

INLove's connection may we each find the courage to see that which is already gone.
Honing in to self to more clearly free the space of inner clutter.

INLove's generosity
May this day be filled with grand surprises of loves devotions of happiness.

What has gone that needs letting go of?
I awaken to Companion ready to go out.
I dream of treasures given and received in unexpected goodness,
and I am grateful. Awakening today with a grateful heart.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024