1/2014 - 1st Interval: Art of Living Life

Dear Community,
Thank you for part 1 of your Siddhartha work.

1st Interval: The Art of Living Life requires a Spiritual Relationship of Unison in Thought, Word and Deed.

If you have completed reading all of your companions work on Siddhartha, please move on to part II, III, and IV.

Part II

  1. Identify one act and action of dissidence in Siddhartha's journey. a. Speak to how and why dissidence occurs in Siddhartha's journey - your opinion, using one of your qualities as a vehicle.
    b. How does this dissidence support and sabotage himself?
    c. How does this dissidence support and sabotage the group?
    d. Was Siddhartha conscious of his dissidence, if so who, what, when, where and how did this consciousness come about? e. What did he learn?
    f. How does this relate to your own process in acts and actions in consciousness?

Part III

  1. Take the 7 Transitions of your work.
    a. Make a statement for EACH individual Transition.
    b. From that statement make a sentence.
    c. From the sentence, go to the back of your small prayer book. Find Sacred Art, 32 Awareness's - Soul Journey

    Choose one Awareness for each transition. Identify ONE awareness which best describes your sentence (transition)?

  2. Create something that blends these transitions together and a prayer which will guide you daily through the transitions of your life.

  3. Read everyone else's work.

Please continue to post your work in this interval space.

2nd Interval: The Art of Living Life requires an intimate relationship of our qualities within the eternal aspects of our lives.

Inlove's grace, JiMi

7 transitions: state them, make a statement for EACH individual Transition.
From that statement make a sentence
From the sentence, choose one Awareness which best describes your sentence (transition)

Transition 1:
Lack of being - Disquiet of my Soul - sense of being lost in all aspects of my life.
My inner disquiet reflected my Soul's disquiet, and I was walking lost in all aspects of my life

TRANSITION 1 - Essential Being

Transition 2:
Suffering from the lack of finding one's own self - seemed askew, off somehow
Suffering from dismissing my own matter lead me to a life of sacrifice and despair


Transition 3:
Rigidity, attachment, irreverence, arrogance, where is my innermost self?
This rigidity was killing me, giving me a distrust of beauty, joy, love, of myself in the embrace of sacrifice


Transitions 4:
Distrusting irreverence, unease with arrogance, start anew in new vision without attachment
It was time to begin anew using my inner reverence for beauty, to reclaim the joy of beauty


Transition 5:
Choosing life, grandmothers appear, faith in real acts of cherishment And so, I choose reverence, reverence of self, my bodies, of the Grandmothers, of all I don't know in Faith that reverence is the path to Source and Joy


Transition 6:
Striving for no-thing, identifying attachments of fear, innermost truth perceived- Soul sings in Community
My Soul begins to sing with the elements and all things, and in this place of nothing I glimpse perfection greet me as beauty.


Transition 7:
Searching vs. Finding - perfection in agreement with flow of events... And now, I find myself seeking to live with the flow of life without judgment in an effort to belong in
Oneness with Community, with Source, with all life


Questions from Siddhartha work:

  1. How has my dismissal of my matter reflect my Soul's lack of being present?
    Transition 1 - Essential being

  2. How does attachment, irreverence, arrogance and rigidity dismiss my Soul of Compassion?
    Transition 2 - Inner Chaos

  3. How does dismissal of beauty, joy and love leave me in the embrace of sacrifice?
    Transition 3 - Matter of the Void

  4. How do I begin anew using my reverence for beauty to reclaim life as Joy?
    Transition 4 - Surrender

  5. In choosing reverence, how does my Soul body of Faith guide my path to Source?
    Transition 5 - Crystallization

  6. How does my Soul sing with the elements and all things, giving me glimpses of perfection?
    Transition 6 - New Vision

  7. How does searching without finding lead me in fluidity to oneness within Community, Source and all life?
    Transition 7 - Wisdom of Matter

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024