LSD 2/2014 - 2nd Letter of LSD after the 6th Initiation

Dear Community,
Welcome to our monthly gathering and consideration of the Letter of Spiritual Direction.
This month we will be taking our first look at the 2nd Letter of Spiritual Direction after the 6th Initiation.

"Taking first breath in gratitude and there after each breath as the sanctuary of precious Presence of Loving Kindness."

Take time to read and become acquainted with the Letter, and core concepts. Remember to process your experience of Gratitude in all your bodies: Mental Body, Physical Body, Emotional Body

Write a summary that answers the following questions:

What is Gratitude?

How is Gratitude the fragrance of Life?

For the next 5 days, upon awakening, turn your thoughts to that which you are grateful. Do this for a few moments, before you even get out of bed. Then look back over the week to see if this gratitude practice seemed to set the tone for the days? If it did, share how, as well as what you have learned.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024