LSD 6/2014 - Series: Being inLove - Letter 1 of 12 - Inloves Completeness - Beyond Narcissism


Week 1 - The Communion: Mind of Love in Ego/Soul Conversation

Week 2 - The Compassion to express compassion through Physical Decomposition

Week 3 - The Co-operation for Emotional Evolution through Experience

Week 4 - Co-Creative Ascension through Expression

Blessings All Relations,

May this series of letters provide you with passionate passageways of strength in grace, thus allowing for the unfolding of the essential self-found in all of US.

May this essential self, know love as a giving and receiving in shared care. May we come to know wholeness; completeness as a forever journey in the harmony of kindnesses that we choose to share.

Blessed Be,


Week 1 - The Communion: Mind of Love in Ego/Soul Conversation

Dear Soul,

These last couple of weeks have been really a great challenge. And, I am happy to report that last night I had a great breakthrough.... It is hard to admit, but after fully examining my personality; I have come to the conclusion that "I am narcissistic."

A Narcissism grown from, Born of duty without emotional support. Like a drone, this narcissism is born from endless perfections, the endless perfects. And though I have made my way through seemingly endless surrenders, I find our relationship of partnership still reflects a core inbetween that is not so easily passible.

I find that our partnership, this ego/soul unity of core friendship, needs space to be loving. I wonder dear soul, 'What is the Vehicle that can transfer my awareness into loving kindness?'

Question #1
'What is the Vehicle that can transfer my awareness into loving kindness?'

Week 2 - The Compassion to express compassion through Physical Decomposition

I am grateful for this time passed. I can see where my narcissism can get in the way of creating space for a willingness to even move. Move toward having a roadway, a passageway, a gateway.......a doorway to a open heart of compassion.

I have come to recognize my gifts and talents, and am fully aware of the place of surrender in the inbetween.

I wonder, "What are the considerations and questions that I can ask myself which can allow me to see..........Innocence for the purity that it is.”

Innocence is the purity of Being In Presence.

I consider, "Of Being 'Without' Privilege"

In this sense I am speaking to, being without the expectation that another must serve' me in order that my inner fragile self knows that I am loved.

Such as we who have grown up on this planet Earth without a bond to the Mother Father relationship of this planet. Belonging to something outside of, but not the heart of.

This is a reason that the sounds of this planet are so important to me. I learn every day of our shared intimate heart. And in the OM moments of our everyday we are learning how to love and live with each other in respectful and devotional ways.

I consider, "Of Being 'Within' Privilege"

It is wonderful to experience and share life, living, loving together. Sharing sacred space as a gift we in an innate way understand. This understanding is often without reason and is based in an unseen faith, and daily shown us through the natural senses of our Beingness.

Such as the fragrance of a flower, or the way a branch of leaves reach for the sky, the lap of a wave and the warmth of the sun. Each of these and a gazillion times more, are the expressions of love of our relationship.

There is a privilege in the sunset and there is an experience of this privilege when I take a moment within my senses to watch, listen, hear, touch, smell and taste. My heart opens and I begin to see the unseen. Radiance flows from all of my senses and I begin to understand my worth and value.

Question 2
How, do I, as the narcissistic ego and the narcissistic soul, learn to respect the encounter of the other?

One answer might be; by discovering that I am One with All.

Question 3
How, do I come to know this? Consider letting go and remembering.

As I remember I come up against some dilemmas, paradoxes if you will. Such as,

  1. When I come to know myself, I come to know what it means to be narcissistic. Though my intention is to be and let everyone else just BE........I find a paradox in my striving to be a. "I" in allowance to BE the greatest of my kind, such as in gift and talent.
    b. "I", Being in loves connection ingenerosity. This kind that allows for the highest potential of presence.
    c. "I", Being of conscious awareness. This conscious awareness which allows each the access to become the Being that each is created to be.
    d. "I" in this communion, which gives tools for further creativity in compassion and co-operation.
    e. "I" in search and seeking of ways to create structures.

And in the end I am left with this inbetween core space of unconnected. I find myself Becoming narcissistic to fill the void of without love and within creation.

Dear Ego,
I understand these dilemmas. Yup, I know these dilemmas very well. What if we considered Presence in Conscious Awareness from another view, Structure itself? Structure as a Quality of Life as self.

  1. The highest potential of the structure.
    a. I, Ego am the structure.
    What is the highest potential that I am?
    b. I, Soul am the structure.
    What is the highest potential that I am?
  2. The fallibility of the structure. (Fallibility meaning, liable to error, especially as in being deceived or mistaken.)
    a. I, Ego, what is my fallibility?
    b. I, Soul, what is my fallibility?
  3. The fundamental value of the structure.
    a. I, Ego, what is my fundamental value?
    b. I, Soul, what is my fundamental value?
  4. The intrinsic need of the structure. (Intrinsic referring to, the belonging to the essential nature of a thing as a natural occurring of...)
    a. I, Ego, what are my intrinsic needs for self and for the whole?
    b. I, Soul, what are my intrinsic needs for self and for the whole?
  5. The decluttering and clearing of the structure.
    a. I, Ego, what can I let go of?
    b. I, Soul, what can I let go of?
  6. The advancement of the structure through decompensation.
    a. I, Ego, what will I fill this newly cleared space with?
    b. I, Soul, what will I fill this newly cleared space with?


Decompensation refers to the letting go of that which has served its purpose. Decompensation is important in purpose, as it allows for the new forming to bring in our dreams of yesterday. Being clear of what we are dreaming becomes important and a reason for Being in Presence.

It's really important to live life happily in Presence every moment.

The advancement of our world and universe is a direct result of our ability to be consciously aware of our Being in Presence. When our dreams are clear, our energies are clear, we can be the connections in the highest and fullest potential of our Beings.

In regard to decompensation, some would call this dying. Defined as, 1) the allowance of the physical structure to leave its unified intelligence to become matter within Earth. 2.) The soul self-remaining with the Earth or be split and move to heaven.

What if we considered decompensation to be a chemistry change which allows for the formation of new substances?

Consider this. Because Earth is the highest evolving system of conscious awareness (that we are aware of), the decompensation of Unified Self becomes of most importance. The important part of Earth Being is our Intrinsic Nature to Be Inlove.

When we are consciously aware of Being InLove, we naturally move with the gravitational core of Kindness and new evolutions of self and other naturally evolve. This Kindness recognizes self as whole and complete and other as whole and complete.

Decompensation is like the exfoliation of the skin.

Decompensation is mentally letting go of ideas and beliefs that no longer work in harmony with the original intentions we set out with.

Example: The Eternal Aspect Vehicle

  1. Divine Mind of Love - I want a vehicle
    a. This vehicle is so wonderful, it will take me where I want to go in safety.........
  2. Human Mind of Love I want a vehicle
    a. This vehicle is so wonderful, it will take me where I want to go in safety..........
  3. Dreams Intention - A wonderful safe vehicle that takes me where I want to go.
  4. Dreamer - Manifestation.
    Not so much. (it is here in the dreamer that the actions and intentions become separate)
    a. What are the ideas and beliefs that keep the dreamer in the cycle of "without"?

Week 3 - The Co-operation for Emotional Evolution through Experience

"What are the ideas and beliefs that keep the dreamer in the cycle of 'without'?"

WE consider the Quality of Desertion. Desertion is a quality that defines the experience of the separation between ego and soul. Desertion occurs when the intention and actions of the dreamer separates in belief through the broken environmental plausibility to maintain the structural integrity of the design. This can occur as a whole unit or within a single unit.


Dreamer: My intention is to drive my wonderful safe vehicle
Experience: I sit in traffic for 2 hours sucking up exhaust.

Alternative course of action
Get a new vehicle.
a. Now I ride my bike because.
b. Now I walk because.........
c. Now I sit in my house because.........
d. Now I don't move........because........

The Victim Narcissist is created, exhibiting behaviors of, everyone else's behavior diminishes My happiness'.

And here is the dilemma. Yes, new courses of action need to be examined and the dreamer must dream. Though each of these steps of the dreamer is important, they continue to create support systems of sympathetic victimhood through core and central beliefs of privilege. A key ingredient is Being in Conscious Awareness of the Dreams, Needs, Concerns and Limitations of the Self and the Whole. This awareness produces that new ingredient, RESPECT.

Today there is a global consideration for the respect for our Planet Earth. This respect teaches us about our attitudes and choices. We begin learning about respect for our own Physical Forms, our Mental Stability and our Emotional Sobriety. And we are beginning to recognize our, Vehicles need attention.

Before we can build a healthy Home, our Vehicles must be strong and unified in a supportive manner within Ego/Soul.

Our Vehicle is our Divine or Soul Nature. Our Conscious Awareness of who we are and our purpose is directly related to our beliefs of our divine soul nature. These beliefs must be examined by each individual.

Before we begin projecting blanket decisions of, 'How it Should, Would, Could Be', we might choose to be Consciously Aware of something greater than the smallness of our limited beliefs and actions. Our Divine Nature is not outside of us. It is the basic nature form from which each individual is created. It is the basic nature from which each existence is manifest.

We Begin our consideration today by asking ourselves;
About our Divine Nature

a. What do I believe about my divine nature?
b. What do I believe about my soul?
c. Where does my soul live?
d. Who and what has a soul?

Of Our Narcissistic Nature

a. How does my narcissistic nature develop character attitudes within me?
b. Which of these attitudes create a block and an unwillingness to better develop my ego/soul connections?
c. How is the vehicle, called my physical incarnation affected by my lack of presence to the whole?

Week 4 - Co-Creative Ascension through Expression

Our individual qualities give life breath to our senses, thus providing us with a 'Sense' of Belonging.

The first vehicle we are given is our 'self. Our incarnated form in its completeness is our Vehicle. Our personal qualities help us to define what is important to each of us in relation to self/self and self-other.

Again..........Our incarnated form in its completion is our first vehicle and this form gives Residence to the Soul. Our incarnation is a WELCOME Member, belonging to our 'Planet EARTH. Planet Earth is a Heavenly Body. Our Soul is a member belonging to the Heavenly Body, Planet Earth.

A Father Song of Belonging

When "I" look into the mirror.
What do "I" see?
I see 'Me' looking at 'Me'.

'I' look into the river.
What do 'I' see?
'I' see a tree looking at me.
'I' see a bird looking at me.
'I' see sand looking at me.
'I' see a ripple looking at me.
'I' see.......... 'we'.

When We look into the night sky
What do we see?
We see the stars of Heaven looking at US.

WE Belong. WE belong to each other. We are a part of the relative gravitational experience of our world and universe. (Relative meaning, we are a member of a common group by our very nature of our place of birth. EARTH !!!)

Do the above song in its expression. Go to a mirror and look and notice. Go to a body of water, maybe different kinds. Look out by yourself to the heavens on a clear night. Look out to the heavens on a starry night with others. What are your experiences and connections through your mind body, physical body and emotional body?

Now consider this.
Narcissism allows for each individual to understand separation. And when we move beyond narcissism, we allow self and other to know whole self as part of a greater whole self in completeness.

When we consider ourselves to Be, A consciously aware structure within structures which are consciously aware, we can know changing completeness as Harmony.

This harmony reminds me that my soul is the vehicle which gives you and me the gift of creativity, imagination, communion and US.

This harmony reminds me that your soul is the vehicle which gives you and me the gift of creativity, imagination, communion and Us.

Our individual and unified soul vehicle allows each of us to fully experience the qualities that I AM and that you Are.

When we allow space for the vehicle of soul's expression in conversation of us, we are given the freedom to move around. Our soul vehicle guides us through pathways which move us beyond the loneliness of the isolated, 'I'.

When I look in the mirror, I see 'I'.
When I look in the river, I see 'We'.

When we look to the sky, we see US and all our relations. We belong to each other. I, you, me, we, us....we are all a complete wholeness ever changing in harmony. WE are in Harmony. We are in harmony of the Earth as we are a part of the earth. We are in harmony of the Heavens as we are a part of the heavens.

Just for today

Just for today, I do my part, I hug and examine narcissism for teaching me about separation.

Just for today, I let go of narcissism as I remember, I belong.

Just for today, I breathe connection through my heart and will.

Just for today, I allow myself and others to Be the highest potential and expression of the Breath of Peace.

Just for today, I weep in gratitude for Unknowing and Inknowing the value of We as US

Again, I ask myself and I ask you to also Consider; How do we create connections in ego/soul unity which can contribute in greater conscious awareness for the whole?

Together, may our world and universe know the Vehicle of heartmind happiness that we are. May this essential self-know love as a giving and receiving in shared care. May we come to know our wholeness, our completeness as a forever journey in the harmony of kindnesses that we choose to share.

JiMi Tao

Dear Community RE: 1st Letter of Spiritual Direction
here are some additional questions which can guide you in working through this passageway.
Use them for each week.

Questions for guidance and direction.
After initial writings of the ego/soul dialogue, what are:

  1. Identify my anxieties and outcome.
  2. Identify "Who Am I and be okay with that, this.
  3. Identify the Supreme Quality of my Existence.
  4. Identify beginning point and end point.
    a. Such as I begin my awareness of myself in Thread 1 and I complete this awareness in thread 10.

Write down 2 memories that you have about your eternal life.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024