4/2014 - PROJECT for 2014

Dear New Breed Healers,
Thank you so very much for the love that you have shared with me and each other. We are a blessing to our world and Universe.

Enclosed you will find the project we will be working on for the next year.

Part 1

  1. We are on vacation. This means that you will work out your spiritual path in your personal forum area. There are no conversations about Spirituality or the path that you walk. Your journey at this time is one of noticing and participating in the life breath of this planet. Be conscious, be aware and post your awe in your personal private places in the forum.
  2. Create a Topic area in your Community 5th Awareness area with the Following:
  • Air of the East

  • Air of the East

  • Air of the East

  • Air of the East

  • Water of the South

  • Water of the South

  • Fire of the West

  • Fire of the West

  • Fire of the West

  • Earth of the North

***Post Weekly ONE insight.

Part II
Soul Initiations
We have just spent the better part of April taking that part of our journey that has been illusive to us as self. That part which takes us to the top of the mountain. The pathway which crests and shows us the valleys, the rivers, the tree tops, the streams and snowflakes. Life. This is the Path of Initiation.

Your Individual Initiations are as follows:

  • First Initiation
    Physical Body Mastery

Emotional Body and Astral Body Mastery

  • Second Initiation (Astral Level Complete)
  • Second Initiation
  • Second Initiation

Mental Body Mastery

  • 3rd Initiation
  • Third Initiation
  • 3rd Initiation
  • Third Initiation
  • 3rd Initiation

VateMare are Seekers on the path and have taken vows for 6 months to examine this path.

****See "Traveling Through The Worlds"

It will take at least one year for you to integrate your Soul Vows on this earth plane. This will be a time where you will meet yourself at the beginning of your vow. Take it slow, easy and most importantly Happily. Allow others to be happy too.

You have made your vows on a Soul Level, your Ego must be able to create peaceful pathways for your wholeness to be unified in understanding.

For One Year we will Be working together through the Elements, Directions and Aspects. Enclosed you will find your contemplations for the next year.
Please follow the Inner Circle timing.

*** You will need to note the moon cycles specifically and also when the changes are to take place. Please keep us aware of the Important Sky happenings such as comets and eclipses.
And also of times when the outer joins the inner circle.
All participants will consider the inner and outer merge as the Soul Inner and Ego Outer.

  1. Create a space in your 5th Awareness a topic Area with your name, element and direction. Here you will place weekly an insight you have gained in regard to your direction, element and eternal aspect.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024