LSD Thread 8, Prayer Book 2

Dear Community,


May happiness lighten your path, surround you in joy, follow you in compassion and fill you inlove.

Over the course of the next several months we will be looking at Thread 8 of Prayer Book 2. May we have a really good time in finding happy ways to connect with the Eternal Aspects of our lives. I have created a 6 month Letter of Spiritual Direction. Each month takes look at a part of Thread 8. May you fall inlove with community this year.

Part I February Letter of Spiritual Direction Assignment

Assignment 1 to complete before the Monthly Community Meeting.


  1. Create a beautiful Box.
  2. Make a list of your strengths.
  3. Place your list inside your box.
  4. This is your worthiness box.
  5. This is your Character, the action and effort that goes out into the world every day and meets and greets the Eternal Aspects of your lives.
  6. Look in this box often and remember who you are and what you are made of.
  7. Promote your character by stepping in the pool tides of loving kindness first, in this way joy can be your compassion's companion.
  8. Love deeply and explore your character through creativity.

Assignment 2

  1. As a group read the whole of Thread 8 together. It is found in 12 Thread Prayer Book or in sections within this document.
  2. Share a meal and community chat about how you chose your box.
  3. Note in Your Community Formation section
    a. 5 reasons you chose the box you chose.
    b. 5 reasons that made sense to you about why others chose their box.

Part II Assignment 1. – March 2015 Letter of Spiritual Direction

Mystery (Reason-Vision of Love)

  1. Read the first section of Thread 8 before you meet with your region.
  2. Gather and read Thread 8 Section 1 together. Chat.
  3. You may want to invite some robustness to your considerations by using Prayer Book 1-Thread 8 Information.
  4. Complete the form using your personal Sacred Geometric and Quality of your choice.
  5. Fill in the appropriate Sacred Geometric for this section found in 12 Thread Prayer Book of The Galactic Light.
  6. Consider your 'strength' from your worthiness box.
  7. Watch as a group, PBS Nature Series, "Otters fo Yellowstone". You can find it on You-Tube.
  8. Look at the relationships of the Otter, environment, activity...........
    a. How does it help you to better understand Thread 8?
    b. How does it help you to better understand community?
    c. How are you like the Otter as an individual?
    d. How are you like the Otter Family as a Community?
    e. Likes and dislikes

Post your personal statements in the Community Formation section of the Gallery. NBH please post in both NBH and VAV.

Human Prayer: Cycle of Life

May Mother Earth experience our every devotion,
and may we share with our own bodies
this life of Being in gratitude and cherishment

Diving Prayer: 5th Awareness

I connect with my counsel and my guides

Metta: Adhitthana meaning

Determination and Resolution

Thread 8 part 1

Mystery Visions Reasons of Love. The mystery is the void. The void is the place where all Life Matter awaits unification with all like matter.

Mystery is the colors of blue and red which form purple, mulberry and pink when unity occurs as complete.

Mystery is the more feminine encounter of wholeness and is considered to be the Womb of Life, where spirit and matter meet in co-creation.

Mystery is patient, waits, ponders, and realizes the visions of love's dream.

Mystery is receptive.

Mystery is like a bowl, seed and crevice

Story:Deep within the woods lives a tenderness. A, tenderness that is not easily reached by the scattered and obstructed thought.

To reach this place 'deep within the forest', one must be keen in sense and aware in thought.

Be careful in your desire to play within the woods, for the mystery of all life lives freely here.

Here, deep within the woods, All Life is honored as SACRED. The sacred is not just a fleeting thought,

Rather it is WAY of BEING.

All senses and aspects are complete within the Mystery of the Woods. Life is free and boundaries are set, honored and respected. Domestication is not of One sort, but rather is a common agreement of versatility of all peoples of the forest.

So it is that the Hawk flies by day while Owl sleeps in the hole of the tree. And it is that at night Owl flies while Hawk is guardian of the nest.

Geese are the guardians of the river as they play and scout in large numbers on the wave of the flowing river. And nested in the brush of willow the deer, doe and fawn are quietly hidden from plain sight. Aware of surrounding by the call of geese.

Granite rock, pristine mineral and crystallized forms bring nutrients and energy to the water and dirt while Father Sun rays down warmth. Unison is met and life flourishes in peaceful abundance as life seeded, tended and loved.

Great Mother Mystery uses every part of herself to replenish her children. She does this through the warming heart rays of Father Sun, husband, partner spouse. Together they are the warmth, shelter, comfort of the womb of existence, the Reason that Visions Love.

Part III – Assignment 1 – April 2015 Letter of Spiritual Direction

Thread 8 part 2

Thread 8 part 2


Aspects in Imagination as Gratitude create Images of Love. Gratitude is the Image to Love.

Living life in Unity occurs here deep within the Eternal Aspects of Life. Partnership on every level creates and ego/soul unification. From this unification all life and creation are birthed in the wisdom's truth as powerful thoughts of co-creation. Deep within the soft caverns, spiritual earth and deep recesses of cosmic spirit; mental, emotional and physical existence gives way to a co-creation of new form and new life is co-created.

Work; Friends; Vehicle; Family; Home; Partnership are unified as the Ego/Soul in Unity. Unity is the union of ego/soul. A union in partnership continually and mysteriously provides in the ever eternal expansion of aspects from which to grow. From this wisdom daily learning about the common and uncommon love in great mystery just happens. And from this simple gratitude of living the sacred in the sacred, life happens as happiness.

Within the sacred the arrogant must be very careful in asking to cross, pass through the forest. For Mother Earth, Great Mystery, The Womb of Life takes great effort to protect that which has been named SACRED. It takes great effort to un-claim the sacred if not impossible because these forms are created from the very images of gratitude; unified thought, emotion into physical form.

The sacred is matter in form.

Matter in form sustains the memory of existence through Thought Forms of cherishment - Thought forms in Matter, maintained in the smallest part and particle which includes part and particle of thought.

Our thoughts of Empathetic Compassion are most valuable in the co-creation of New World Memories of Peaceful Ease.

Thoughts of empathetic compassion bring the heart to cherishment through the expressions of gratitude.

Part IV – Assignment 1 – May 2015 Letter of Spiritual Direction

  1. Read the Third section of Thread 8 before you meet with your region.
  2. Gather and read the third section of Thread 8 Section. Chat.
  3. You may want to invite some robustness to your considerations by using Prayer Book 1-Thread 8 Information
  4. Fill in the appropriate Sacred Geometric.
  5. Consider your strength from your worthiness box.
  6. Watch as a group, PBS Nature Series "Gathering of Swarms". You can find it on You-Tube.
  7. Look at the relationships of the Swarmer's, environment, activity.............
    a. How do the Swarmers help you to better understand Thread 8?
    b. How do the Swarmers help you to better understand community?
    c. Read the Community Intentions found in the Small Prayer Book 1.
    d. How are you like a swarmer as an individual?
    e. How is the community like the Swarm Family?
    f. Likes and dislikes.
  8. What insight this helped you to understand your Ego/Soul Relationship and your relationship to community?
  9. Post your personal statements in the Community Formation section of the Gallery. NBH please post in both NBH and VAV.

Thread 8 part 3


The Genuine dream for love is the intention of great mystery. Authenticity, pure experience, deep resonance "IS" all characteristics which define the mystery's matter of existence. The realness that is so absolute and authentic.

This is the place from which the sacred birthed eternal devotion; it is the place where ALL emanates from. Following the path of the genuine self is a conversation with Great Mystery which moves us beyond courage and requires all our heart.

Part V – Assignment 1 – June 2015 Letter of Spiritual Direction

  1. Read the Fourth section of Thread 8 before you meet with your region.
  2. Gather and read second section of Thread 8 Section. Chat.
  3. You may want to invite some robustness to your considerations by using Prayer Book 1-Thread 8 Information.
  4. Fill in the appropriate Sacred Geometric.
  5. Consider your strength from your worthiness box.
  6. Watch as a group, PBS Nature Series "Parrot Confidential". You can find it on You-Tube.
  7. Look at the relationships of the, environment, activity...........
    a. How does the nature of current existence of the Parrot help you to better understand Thread 8?
    b. How does the current life of the Parrot help you to better understand our community?
    c. Read "The Dance of Creation, Grandmother of the North" found in the Small Prayer Book 1.
    d. How are you like the Parrot as an individual?
    e. How are we like the Parrot Family as a Community?
    f. Likes and dislikes.
  8. What insights have helped you to understand your Ego/Soul Relationship and your relationship to community?
  9. Post your personal statements in the Community Formation section of the Gallery. NBH please post in both NBH and VAV.

Thread 8 part 4


The heart of the Grateful is the quality of the Dreamer from Love. The open heart, the freedom of breath, the allowance of authenticity, the Being in completeness. The grateful, this is the dreamer from love. Finding one's own sense of rightness within; Being in step, in breath, in tune.

The blending of self and other without concession of self or other.

This requires a kind of consciousness that simply requires Humility, Moderation and Compassion. It requires hearing the sound of 'self' and Being glad to be alive. It requires, hearing the sound of the 'other' and Being glad to be alive.

The grateful heart is a heart that is complete in complexity and simplicity, and glad to be alive. The grateful heart is a heart of empathetic compassion which breaths happiness through the universe in a breath in of gratitude and a breath out of gratitude.

The grateful Heart honors Being as SACRED through the limitless, infinite, eternity in delightful devotion of peaceful ease.

Part VI – Assignment 1 – July 2015 Letter of Spiritual Direction

This is a group project.

  1. Read all of Thread 8 together as a group.

  2. From your group conversation notes over the last 5 months; each person select a(n)
    a. REASON of Co-Creation
    b. Aspect to Work (Image) With
    c. Intention for Dream
    d. Quality to Be a Dreamer from.

  3. Choose a clan (or more than one clan) which best represents #2 above.
    a. Otter Clan
    b. Beaver Clan
    c. Swarmer Clan
    d. Parrot Clan

  4. Share a meal and community chat about how you chose your clan.

  5. Note as a group in Your Regional Community Formation Section
    a. 5 reasons you chose the clan you chose.
    b. 5 reasons that made sense to you about why others in your region chose their clan.

  6. Create Clan masks / costume for your region.

  7. Prepare a Unified Clan Dance and Song and be prepared to share with the community.

  8. Videos of Clan Song and Dance are to be distributed before Summer Autumn Equinox as part of the Harvest Distribution.

  9. Send Gratitude's of Appreciation to neighboring clans for community strength and participation.


May this work help us all to find unification in loving each other.

JiMi Tao

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024