LSD: Otter, Beaver, Swarm, Parrot
I care to care about freedom
your, mine, ours
Us in Freedoms graceful balance.
JiMi Tao
March 2015 Letter of Spiritual Direction
Look at the relationships of the Otter, environment, activity
a. How does it help you to better understand Thread 8
b. How does it help you to better understand community?
c. How are you like the Otter as an individual?
d. How are you like the Otter Family as a Community?
e. Likes and Dislikes
Look at the relationships of the Beaver, environment, activity
a. How does it help you to better understand Thread 8
c. How are you like the Beaver as an individual?
d. How are you like the Beaver Family as a Community?
e. Likes and Dislikes
Look at the relationships of the swarm environment, activity
a. How does it help you to better understand Thread 8
b. How does it help you to better understand community?
c. How are you like the swarm as an individual?
d. How are you like the swarm Family as a Community?
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