Assignment May 2015: Cause and Effect
Assignment May 2015
Part I Letter points
"For this next month, we ask that you explore cause and effect, how your actions cause and affect others.
Process this first using the points in the letter. (Part I)
Then process it through your own life experiences.
A guide:
When I ________________
, it causes ___________________
and I know this
because _____________________
The overview:
- When I act out of fear, it causes chaos and disruption for others.
Acting out of fear can look like:
- Wanting to be acknowledged or appreciated; wanting vindication; wanting others to see my perspective
- Expecting validation or support because I'm doing what is "right"; dogmatic thinking and actions; spiritual pride or arrogance
- Believing I am powerless, unworthy, less than; not respecting the power of my own words and actions
- Looking outside of myself for reassurance, self-worth and belonging, wanting, bargaining or demanding others to provide this
- Anger, mistrust and resentment
- Allowing desperation to overtake my discernment in action
- Belief in myself or others as a victim
- Distraction from Presence in anxiety, and not thinking this is a big deal
- When I am willing to ask for help inHumility, it allows others to listen and respond in care.
- When I honor the gift of another in openhearted and openminded receiving, we connect authentically, and expand kindness and compassion.
I know this because...
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