Course: Method Development of 'A Beauty Way Contemplations'
Course Syllabus
Welcome to "Method Development of 'A Beauty Way Contemplations'. This is considered to be a very advanced course in A Beauty Way.
The intention of this course is to help you to learn to develop your own,
"A Beauty Way Contemplations" for the purpose of discerning Emotional Wisdom through the various methods and tools of the work I have brought into this time; the Work known to you know
A Beauty Way
It is from My Conscious Awakened Awareness that I have presented to you a alternative way of
Being these many years
through the Eternal Vehicle; Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness. This syllabus is being provided to you so that you may be prepared to speak through knowing intimately the prerequisite constructs.
For this purpose the classes will begin June 11, 2015 on Skype.
Please be able to navigate the Forum and at least be able to log into Moodle.
The Contemplations for Ancestral Healing through A Beauty Way involve the following.
a. The Ascended Wisdom Matrix
b. Thread
c. Organic and InOrganic Essences these are new and will be presented in the course.
d. Sacred Geometrics
e. Personal Character from your worthiness box.
f. Personal QualitiesYou will need
a. 1 large sketch book
b. 1 journal book
c. Pencil
d. Pen
e. Color pencils which include the prisma colors listed in the back of your small prayer book.Required reference books you will need to be familiar with the contents of these.
a. Small Prayer Book
i. Be especially clear about the Awareness's and how they make up part of each thread. Be particularly conscious of the Awareness's as related to your Thread.
b. Large prayer book
c. Ancestral Lineage Haiku book
d. 12 Thread Prayer Book
e. Galactic Light Calendar
f. Ascended Wisdom MatrixYou will need to be familiar with both
a. 4 Breath Mediation of NoOpinion
b. 7 Breaths of Silence Mediation
i. You will need a print out of the original instructions making sure you have the forms and the chakra system information.You will have an accessible list of
a. Your personal Qualities with your symbols defined and sketched in color and sacred geometric form and shield.
b. Your Character through the worthiness box exercise.
c. Identification and knowledge of your personal thread.You will bring with you a clear idea and practice of you creative genius in art form.
May this class bring you consciousness in joy and may you awaken in awareness of your own self and your shared self with all life.
Inlove this is course is offered to you,
Dear Class,
Blessings. Glad to be back today.
Today we are in discussion of Essences.
There are two types of Essences, the InOrganic and the Organic.
InOrganic is generally refered to in reference geolocical.
Organic as carbon based or biological. Living through decomposition.
Where does The Essence both InOrganic and Organic live in the Matrix?
Inorganic remains in the same state whether it is a mountain or a grain of sand.
Organic constantly changes form while maintaining essential Inorganic properties.
A cup of Tea. When does it become not organic?
What parts remain INOrganic Essence?
Soul Ego
which best represents Inorganic and Organic?
Look at the Trinity of your Thread #.
Where does Inorganic and Organic Essence Live.
State awareness of this.
Speak to Authenticity of both the Inorganic and Organic of your Thread.
ReMember the Essence of Any Given Form Lives in the Color of that form.
What is the relevance of Being an Amethyst Essence Today?
Next class we will be discussing Sound, Experience.
Re: Class Info. By JiMi READ ONLY
2nd Post
Essence of life is the emotion for love.
Emotion for love supports the transfiguring substance of conscious awareness as unity.
Emotion is recognized in its most primal level as harmonics, color, vibration and sacred geometric form.
The emotional essence of life is the harmonic event in the song of creation. Within the essence of life true feelings are clearly experienced through all of the bodies with mindful acknowledgement and knowing through the emotions of understanding.
Center and balance meet in the scintillating splendor of harmonic dance.
Beauty and joy unite in co-operation as supportive substance of
new life for the soul purpose of love. Faith is known.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 4:26 PM
Look up your Trinity
Thread # in top left hand part of the box
#6 is in 2nd Trinity
#1 through #9 repeats itself throughout the matrix
Take a number (#87) Human knowing understanding Divine Truth
Take original question, taking your immeasurable with your character and discover something about the geometric you chose (Blue diamond of wisdom embracing turquoise infinity symbol.
So question might be: What does it mean to understand the Mystery of Compassion as courage of human knowing understanding Divine Truth?
Divine experience is horizontal, Human experience is vertical
Discuss as a group
Post discoveries at least once a week on matrix class gallery
Post art work in matrix gallery
Here is the outline for the next few classes.
Please consider whether or not you would want to participate in two or more classes per month.
Class Out Line Segment 1
Trinities: Love, Compassion, Joy, Equinimity
Thread: Name, Cycle of Eternal Aspects
Participants: Inorganic Essence, Organic Essence, Character, Being
Sacred Geometric: Color, Form, Sound
Much love and grace to us all,
Inlove's Connections InGenerosity,
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024