LSD: Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice June 21, 2015
Letter of Spiritual Direction
Love Begins in the heart of all life. The light which is within and emanates out into Becoming more than we know.
This longest day, when light within and without collectively embraces our human self, this Solstice, let us be the ceremony of our lives.
Create your own ceremony of gratitude of light this year. Choose the light (fire) and another element and look at their relationship in creation.
Relate your whole form, body, mind, spirit and inform your soul of your journey.
Connect deeply to the Human Being that you are and allow your Divine Source to give the gift of wonder in awe to you, that you may know of a grateful communion that was unknown to you. You will know that you have reached your Mystery as your Being becomes Presence in Gratitude.
After this ceremony of Awe in Communion is complete, journal your experience, Hold it Sacred for One year and allow it to unfold you, inform you of YOU. Share in One Year. Journal your experiences of unfolding as often as possible.
I am Light
I am Love
I am Presence
JiMi Tao
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024