Rule of Life – Yearend Summary

For those who did not have an ROL for some months, you will figure out significant events for the months where you did not have an ROL report.

Consider the lower questions of the ROL report as places where you saw your growth.

Plug in the lower questions to help you to discover what the important parts of your journey have been back home!
Expand your writing in these areas.
You will want to use the ROL Form for your overall Year-end report.


Date: _______________________________________________________
Report# _______________________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________
e-mail: _______________________________________________________
The name of your spiritual guide: _______________________________
1. Prayer:
a. Personal-How is this rule of life serving to teach you about joy? Why?
In January of this year, I decided I needed to move into a deeper understanding of my spiritual walk.
I had come to a place where I realized I needed others to journey with.
b. Prayer of cycle of life
c. Special prayers
d. Dance of Creation
What is your morning.
2. Meditation/Contemplation/study:
Please note what books you have read this period.
What parts of your rule challenge you? Why?
In February as I sat to do my regular meditation, again I was awakened to an inner yearning that asked me to seek out my spiritual family.
3. Exercise
4. Journaling:
Speak to day dreams and night dreams
5. Evening Dedication
6. Weekly contact with Spiritual Guide:
a. Weekly Silence
b. Personal Retreats
c. Community Retreats
7. Monthly report
8. Service
9. Contribution: Financial Contribution to Personal Soul Work?
Financial Contributions are sent to your Guide.
Contribution to the Community through the Forum?
10. Write a page answering the following questions:
How is this rule of life serving to teach you about joy? Why?
What parts of your rule challenge you? Why?
What parts come easily? Why?
How is the community serving you and are you developing relationships with the other community members?
How do you see the community better able to meet your needs and how can you better serve the community?
11. What have you learned about yourself this month?
12. What have you learned about community this month?
13. How has your individual process helped you to gain clarity about supporting relationships within community?
14. How has community helped you to gain insight into a more supportive relationship with yourself?
15. With what new insight will you approach this new month?
16. Special prayer requests?
Signature ________________________________________
Date _____________________________________________

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024