54 Day Contemplation – Passionate Passageways – Thread 7

Dear Community,

Blessings. May this exercise in Contemplation bring you into deep and meaningful places and spaces of clarity. May your heart and hara be opened, and may you ultimately join hands in the journey that is Life as Art.

Enclosed you will find a 54-day exercise. You will be examining the 7th Thread Quality, "Passion Passageway" which is found in the 12 Thread Prayer Book. It is the quality of the 7th thread which examines the Eternal Aspects: Vehicle, Home, Partnership, Family, Friends, Work and Ego/Soul Unity.

As in your previous contemplation you will need to address a specific Eternal Aspect each day, this order is determined by the order found in the small prayer book under your thread number. If you need help, please contact Teresa.

Please continue posting as is comfortable for you, writing no more than 5 lines no less than 3.

No less than 3 times per week and 5 times per week is the best. A Daily Contemplative practice develops a really healthy connection for your Ego and Soul to develop a sound Trust relationship. This trust relationship provides for clarity in understanding dreams and visions. You choose today the path that is most doable for you and stick to it. This may seem difficult to do every day; however, it is the path we have all taken for many years now and seems to work in learning the language of the soul which is not as easy as it appears. ©) It also develops an easy pathway for the lower bodies' expression of sacred art (necessary for clear pathways of visioning).

You will want to use your own quality and symbol as the outer shell of the Passion Passageway form as a symbol of embracing and allowing the embodiment of Passion Passageway into your heart and hara. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Hara, it is considered to be the Soul Heart and is located four finger breadths below the belly button Oust above the pelvic bone).

I send you blessing and deep caring love, Faithfully Knowing that each of us is exactly in the center of where we are supposed to be. May grace flow through each of us as strength fortifies our blessed journey.

JiMi Tao

Name: _______________________________ Date: ______________________
Name of Personal Quality: ________________________________

Day 1:

  • Read Thread 7 in the 12 Thread Prayer Book.
  • Choose one of your Qualities to work with for this contemplation.
  • Make sure you have your sacred geometric symbol and color for your quality.
  • Place your quality in the box below.

Day 2:

Unified Divine Human Quality:

Passion Passageway (Aspect - Image to Love 'Imagination)

Is described in three parts:

  1. Center the YinYang Symbol color turquoise. Divine Faith/Human Knowing (Thread 6)

  2. Spiraling Diamond color Egyptian Gold. Divine Soul/Human Manifestation (Thread 9)

  3. Reed color Green. Divine Body/Human (Matter Thread 5)

Draw this Symbol and post in your 'open to share' Gallery.

Day 3:
Human Prayer: Cycle of Life May Beauty surround each of us and may each be given the creative voice to sing of this Beauty, that our shared Compassion may open Earth's Heavenly Gateways of Eternal Bliss.

Place 'Passion Passageway' and your quality together in this box. Use this form as a consideration each day.

Day 4:
Divine Prayer: 5th Awareness I am the Spiritual Cosmos, the connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.

Day 5:
Metta: Unconditional Love Truthfulness and Honesty

Day 6:
Passionate Passageways of Wisdom's Truth, "Image" ways for us to live our lives more fully.

Day 7:
We co-create these Passionate Passageways through the Eternal Aspects of Work, Friends, Family, Partnership, Vehicle, and Home in the relationships of Ego/Soul Unity.

Day 8:
How we traverse these pathways helps us to learn about what is important to each of us in our individuality and in our relationship with one another.

Day 9:
Question for self-examination: How do I interrelate with all that is created?

Day 10:
The song of the DivineHuman Being lnlove, which Joys in living through breath's warmth, soft gentle touches, belly laughter, sliding icicle memories across frozen pathways and creating ways to letting go in Joy and Happiness.

Day 11:
These frozen constructs of enlightenment give us ways to move through the tender earth which grows flowers sweet, bountiful and fragrant in Adoration for Life as Art of Living.

Day 12:
The Art of Living is Beautiful in Nature.

Day 13:
My mind floats upon the waters of the river.

Day 14:
Thoughts and images of Mother Quan Yin come to me. I wonder how she floats in Peaceful Ease in such Balance and Grace, equally upon the rough and placid currents of the river.

Day 15:
She speaks in images, and helps me to Imagine Passionate Passageways of Equanimity, teaching me through the nature of all relation, the beautiful ways of Equanimity.

Day 16:
It is early Spring here upon the river.

Day 17:
The banks are brown and golden blankets. remnants of grass and leaf of another time.

Day 18:
Barren red willow branches and some aspen trunk thrive, reminders of an inward Hope of new life to come.

Day 19:
Sunlight touches the buds, giving encouragement through freezing breezes. as winter breath stills the self in inner solitude.

Day 20:
This sunlight gives Hope and develops the Strength of a new and evolving dream which requires the Strength of endurance and stamina found in the extremes of weathers.

Day 21:
So the moments of sunlight are basked in. as Father Spirit nudges crystal ice forms in play.

Day 22:
The edges of the riverbanks are frozen, making a pathway from one side of the river to the other. Water and earth are connected pathways between water and earth.

Day 23:
The Ice forms crystal pathways, making the impassible, passable;
the impossible, possible.
moments of chance.

Day 24:
Divine Truth and Human Wisdom are pathways like the frozen river connecting two banks.

Day 25:
The secret sacred meeting place of Divine Truth and Human Wisdom is in the center of the river, on ice crystal bridges.

Day 26:
Passionate Passageways made available in a single moment of time in space.

Day 27:
This is a space where the bridge of worlds can easily transverse.

Day 28:
And because of its ease and fluid availability we can tend to treat it as if it were easily accessible.

Day 29:
However, it takes a lot of personal self-examination and letting go of attachments that may weigh one down.

Day 30:
Let's face it, if you are walking across a frozen river you want to be sure to take off the backpack which may have more weight than the bridge of ice can handle.

Day 31:
So, we try our best to walk peacefully, remembering that this bridge is a Holy and Sacred place.

Day 32:
A place where Angels and Elements meet in Human form to play out the experience of 'Mind in the sense of Emotion,' and, in this union, Co-creations are agreed upon.

Day 33:
The Eternal Aspects help us to determine what matters to us as Truth and Wisdom give the soul boundary from which to develop Eternal Knowing.

Day 34:
Faith is the center of Wisdom as Honesty of Joy in Compassionate Love.

Day 35:
And because Love is without end and is immeasurable, the Aspects become the Passionate Passageways from which to measure and grow lnLove.

Day 36:
Like the frozen river in early Spring, Love gives Passageway to get to the other side where 'Dream and Wisdom' are called forth to be the leaders of our journey.

Day 37:
This journey is a Noble journey where Truth often seems beyond our reach or comprehension.

Day 38:
For truly 'how can everything be created in Love?'

Day 39:
Yet during these times of Wisdom's insights on frozen river crossings, we are able to transverse the frozen thought patterns of our Mind's domestication, and reach further, stride longer, and dream deeper for Clarity in Love's Reason for Living.

Day 40:
And it is here that we learn that, as the season warms our bodies with one 'chance' breath of Spring's exhale, and Hope finds the inner light of the deep residing connection of Wisdom's Truth, 'We are all Love.'

Day 41:
'We are all Love.'

Day 42:
It is in the conscious recognition of this connection in our Mind, Heart and Sense, that we are able to consider the pleasant awakening of the soft and subtle Spring Time Heart/Hara yearnings, of new ways of being.

Day 43:
In this new way of being we enter into numerous phases of Gratitude, Appreciation and Grace that are given by Source as a beautiful way of Being in the Art of Living.

Day 44:
These Smiles of our Inner Heart bring forth the Strength of new Bodies as cellular regeneration.

Day 45:
This cellular regeneration 'Become' the connective tissue for our Expanding Brain Capacity and Emotional Authenticity.

Day 46:
For these are the basic forms of health which are gifts of Gratitude from which Adoration Becomes the outer expressions of an inward Cherishment and reign as the Ultimate Song of our Heart.

Day 47:
Place your writings days 1-11 together. Summarize Mind of Love.

Day 48:
Place your writings days 12-23 together. Summarize how Sympathetic Compassion moves to Empathetic Compassion.

Day 49:
Place your writing of days 24-35 together. Summarize Joy of Co-Operation.

Day 50:
Place your writing of days 36-46 together. Summarize Co-Creation inAscension.

Day 51:
What have you learned about The Eternal Aspects?

Day 52:
How does your personal quality help you to develop an understanding of your journey through passions passageways?

Day 53:
Pull forth 5 of your most important insights and place them together to create a prayer.

Day 54:
Create a prayer.

May you find Joy in every Eternal Aspect of living life as Art and may this Joy cause you Great Pathways of Compassionate Love.

JiMI Tao

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024