Ascended Wisdom Matrix Class

Part 1 – Character

APRIL 18, 2016


CHARACTER- Character in Trinities

Divine descending character is hope.
Human ascending character is thought

What is character?
Speaks to us of a number of things.

  1. How we move in action
    We have to become responsible beings; our character tells us how to move in action
  2. Provides stability through evolutionary changes
  3. Every movement and momentary change
  4. Character helps define our ability to work within time and space- our ability to maintain our energy in matter- how does our spirit maintain its equilibrium within soul, and soul maintain its equilibrium with spirit while being in syncretic within ourselves and with each other?
  5. Character defines what is important to self and is defined by the group on value and viability.
  6. How is my character useful to myself? Using symbols to find yourself as a useful being in cooperation
  7. How is my character useful to the other?
  8. Character lives within the aspects, the aspect we are looking at today is Home.
  9. How is my character useful to myself and the other person within my Home?
  10. Pull character out of your box, use the form to find out who we are, our individuality in our world
    And within ourselves. Paint from lower body- something recognizable from 1,2,3rd Chakra.
    Decorating home is creating beauty as sacred art.
  11. Allow the sacred sound from our Soul, write a poem, and create a piece of art that deals with
    Using geometrics and idea of home and self. Painting, not photos.
  12. What does it mean to me to be divine character of ___?
  13. Looking at Human thought, how do I manifest my quality in my home?
    For Willow, it is through her hands. Ascending symbol is thoughts, how does that become expressed in home? How does home create a place for hopeful thoughts? Hospitality, gathering chairs around a fountain...How does Home benefit from Hopeful thoughts? What nurtures hopeful thoughts?
    Thread 6 has faithful knowing that divine hope supports the character of compassionate intentional Human thoughts in Unity.

Character within each thread helps us define the who, what when and where, how and why of life. We all upon our character of our thread, and the being of the thread. People can become disconnected from earth if they can't identify dirt as form and sacred. If I'm not connecting to my planet, I'm not connecting to people.

Purpose of character: to determine capacity for cooperation. What have I learned about my capacity for cooperation in my home?


pt trinityThread 1Reason of love in Divine/Human MindSpirits of wisdom
2ndThread 6Aspect to love in Faithful KnowingSpirits of Fire
3rdThread 11Intention for love in emotional wisdomSpirits of Will
4thThread 13Reason of love in Magic of CommunionSpirits of Form


pt trinityThread 2Aspects to love in charitable ideasSpirits of Will
2ndThread 7Intention for love in truthful wisdomSpirits of Love
3rdThread 9Reason of love in soul manifestationSpirits of harmony
4thThread 14Aspects to love in compassionSpirits of personality

EXPRESSION (character)

1st trinityThread 5Intention for love through powerful thoughtsSpirits of Motion
2ndThread 5Reason of love through body of matterSpirits of Personality
3rdThread 10Aspect to love through Hopeful becomingSpirits of Wisdom
4thThread 15Intention for love through co-operationSpirits of Fire


1st trinityThread 4Reason of love in Magic of communionSpirits of Form
2ndThread 8Aspect to love in Mystery of CompassionSpirits of twilight
3rdThread 12Intention for love in Miracle of cooperationSpirits of Motion
4thThread 16Being inlove in Co-creationSpirits of Love

Questions to be answered in written form and left in my basket along with your vows.

  • What kind of compassion is used while walking on the journey without intention?
  • In Ceremony what type of compassion is needed to be Present?
  • In Ceremony what type of compassion is needed to be in Presence?
  • What is the difference between Sympathetic Compassion and Empathetic Compassion?
  • What kind of compassion does the Witness use to be present?

Part 2 – Teaching Vows

Letter of Spiritual Direction

Opening Prayer

Today I awaken, knowing myself as a part of the Adoration of Life.
The Awe of Being.
I am alone here and all one here.
I am in Presence Joyfully with you.
Within and without, Joy immeasurably permeates every part and sort of me.
All this because of one moment of one love where I sat in pure Presence with my All, Great Spirit and Great Mystery. It is here within this Sacred Union I learn of the First Kiss.
I learn the Ceremony of First Kiss.
lnlove I move forward remembering All as One.

Blessed Be

Immeasurable Love in Communion
Immeasurable Compassion in Compassion
Immeasurable Joy in Co-Operation
Immeasurable Equanimity in Co-Creative Ascension

The Celebrants intention is to Empathetically Connect lnGenerosity to all Source and Resource of Existence in the Communion of ONENESS.

To Be One with All Nature of Being is Empathetic as Compassion rises to a state of Pure Presence. In Pure Presence there is no discrimination.

We begin our journey learning about compassion. Compassion begins in the creation of this planet in pt world as the elements learn to empathetically connect with each other in the four immeasurable. Yet this communion, compassion and co-operation began in sympathy. We call this sympathy, sympathetic compassion. So, it is here that we begin our journey, because it is here that we learn to Love. It is here that we learn of Joy.

To say that 'I am the reed or the vessel from which life flows' is a sympathetic experience of self and other.

And yet before we can move into the Empathetic Compassionate Eternal Abyss of All ONENESS, each individual must play out the roles of self and other in sympathetic compassion. For without sympathetic compassion one cannot know self as a reflection of other. Nor can one care about the impact that one's life has upon the other. If an individual does not know the impact, he/she has upon another, then this individual can never know the value of self. Without knowing the value of self, one cannot honor, respect, share interior genuine and authentic self. Even if an individual were to know the greatest of discovery of external life and all of the how's of existence were all available to the individual, without sympathetic compassion; this one remains alone in the desolation of the eternal clanging hollows of emptiness.

So, it is the we as a Community of A Beauty Way continue to relieve suffering in our world, in our lives and in the lives of all that we love........ we help to relieve this suffering by teaching, by being examples of immeasurable compassion. We do this by keeping the intentions of our existence in all the Eternal Aspects of our lives, attentive in awareness of our thoughts, acts and actions. We remain in humility as we know our own limitations. We remain grateful for were know that there are like beings who are our companions on this our common journey. Together we remember the very reason of Being is Always to Love in Compassionate Joy Immeasurably in Equanimity.

We begin our journey in our community gathering in the Second Trinity of Compassions' Compassion. You have been looking at this concept for over a year now in your learning about the 8th Thread of Divine and Human Mystery. The purple merging triangles hold all of the Eternal Aspects and the Immeasurables' find a place to call home. This merging takes place in the Third Thread understanding Divine Power and Human Thoughts and is the 120th movement in the Ascended Wisdom Matrix.

Here Sympathetic Compassions learns to become Empathetic Compassion. During these long months you have been learning about this merging of compassion's compassion. You have learned how the nature of each clan displays through acts and actions this merging of the Divine and Human Mystery of Compassions Compassion. This week you will tell us of your discoveries regarding this immeasurable merging.

Question: Can one walk into the Eternal abyss of Empathetic Compassion without knowing the Sympathetic Compassion of life?

The answer is NO, because sympathetic compassion requires each to know fear. Sympathetic Compassion knows fear as its leader and follower. Fear is the essential life essence of sympathetic compassion. Further advancement takes us to Empathetic Compassion and teaches us that all are a part of the whole. Harmony, balance and trust in the Value of our existence. Y/our existence was determined by Creation long before you questioned your own worthiness.

Yet again, each must go through the dynamic changing of process of sympathetic compassion to empathetic compassion and it is here within the Eternal Aspects of life that we learn the true meaning of life. In this life learning we embrace and are embraced by Loves Unconditional experiences of Passionate Passageways of strength and grace. These tender passageways continually grant us options and opportunities to recognize what our essential essence is and we have a choice to exchange our Fear for Presence.

During this week you will learn about Ceremony. In this basic teaching of ceremony, you will learn how the cycles of the Universe have learned to be In Presence. Maybe you will opt to change your Essential Essence into Presence.

May it be so.

Powerful thoughts to take with you this week.

Sympathetic Compassion allows each to be Present in I AM HERE and Fully Present.

Where do I live in each of these?

        Fear of Love
       Love of Fear

        Fear to Compassion
       Compassion to Fear

        Fear for Joy
       Joy for Fear

Empathetic Compassion as Presence. Presence as in the Dance of Creation, 'I stand here in your Presence. Presence allows Being within and without.

Where do you live in each of these?

        Presence of Love
       Love of Presence

        Presence to Compassion
       Compassion to Presence

        Presence for Joy
       Joy for Presence

It is from here that Equanimity is measured within you. It is here that Co-Creative Ascension can determine the next step in evolution of Being, for we are one and whole as ONE.

Blessed Be,

JiMi Tao -A Beauty Way

Day 1 Teaching - Sympathetic Compassion Clearing the land.

What is the land that we clear but the landscape within ourselves?

Immeasurable Love in sympathetic compassion we clear this landscape of our own making.

In awe and wonder of your life Great Spirit and Great Mystery we your humble creation do walk I fear and trepidation of our own knowing and unknowing.

We in your compassionate care ask you to clear this Body of Land from discarnate and discordinate energies, that our harmonies of Communion, Compassion and Co-Operation may find balancing harmonies of joy in grace and ease. That we may learn about the awe of being present in all of our bodies and enter into your eternal gladness in presence.

Blessed Be

Day 2 Teaching of Ceremony- Transition into Empathetic Compassion

Gathering of the Offerings

I/we remember in witness, your life journey. A journey which has reflected to me/us parts of my/our own journey. For in the days of your life journey the Sun and Moon have blessed you, me and us without discrimination. In this compassionate union of Knowing which lives between us, let us Hear each other's story and journey of freewill participation.

Nature of Creation, my/our relation, Call out to me that I might hear your song. You who would offer yourself as I offer myself, an offering of grateful gratitude in delight of LIFE. Let us Be Communion in Compassion.

Of the Offerings
Make Cornmeal an offering of the EARTH Altar
Make Fire Bundles an offering of the Fire Altar
Make Water an offering of the Water Altar
Make Song an offering of the Air Altar

Air of Communion carries the Song of all the Elements while allowing self to be transparent.

Water carries the Compassion of the Eternal Memories of all the other elements within Heaven and Earth.

Fire Co-Operation carries the light within all nature, bringing life force to all of the other elements.

Earth of Equanimity carries the changing and unchanging memories of Eternal Balance and Harmony.

Day 3 -The Communion of Consorts
Choosing your Altar and Companion

Write a letter of Presence to the Altar which you choose.

Day 4 - Ceremony and Vows

Natural Order reminds us

First sustainable life is given in Presence
Second maintainable life requires you to decide and choose your Essential Essence. Life is a choice as is love, compassion and joy. You may live your life in Presence if you so choose.

Blessed Be

JiMi Tao -A Beauty Way

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024