Community Development

Dear Community,
What a nice time today. I loved seeing and hearing each and every one sharing and being together again. Our Goals for the coming 15 months are to continue development in a healthy and joyful community by maintaining harmony and getting everyone settled into their new visions of manifestation.
I have heard each of you and have looked at your needs. Here are three options for moving forward, please vote on one option, remembering to look at your own needs and those of your families.

Option 1: Mountain Climbers - Deliberate focused action with high visibility.
Option 2: Cave Digger - Breaking though the rocks.
Option 3: Wave Rider - Surfing the waves.
Each option has its own challenges bringing the known and unknown to clarity, see below a description of each.

Option 1: Mountain Climber - Deliberate focused action with high visibility

All Community - 46 Week Contemplation
Optional - 54 Awareness's of Soul Development with 3 classes on Tuesday, 3x's per month. 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
All Community continue monthly meetings with JiMi.
All Community take January off.
All Community participate in personal development of the Full Moon Ceremony through January. (Do your moon ceremony's on your own and be prepared to share your learnings when we convene as a group in February.)
All Community begin Group Altar work in February 2017.
No Healing Group meetings.

Option 2: Option 2: Cave Digger - Breaking though the rocks

All Community - 46 Week Contemplation
Optional - Healing sessions for those people who have not received their healing. This was planned to be completed after the gathering. Remember this is extremely intensive and can take several weeks to months for stability to set in.
Those persons are: Mitch, Linnea, Teresa and Annie
Mark and Jude you are not ready for this part.

Optional Groups: Monday night prayer circle and Men's Group
Healing groups to be merged and group leadership is to be alternated among the group members monthly.
All Community: No monthly meetings with JiMi.
All Community take January off.
All Community participate in personal development of the Full Moon Ceremony through January. (Do your moon ceremony's on your own and be prepared to share your learnings when we convene as a group in February.)
All Community begin Group Altar work in February 2017.

Option 3: Option 3: Wave Rider - Surfing the waves

All Community - 46 Week Contemplation
Optional : Tuesday group discussions on the contemplation. 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
All Community take January off.
All Community participate in personal development of the Full Moon Ceremony through January. (Do your moon ceremony's on your own and be prepared to share your learnings when we convene as a group in February.)
All Community begin Group Altar work in February 2017.
No Healing Group meetings.
All Community continue monthly meetings with JiMi.
Optional Groups: Monday night prayer circle and Men's Group

Please submit your preference by Sunday noon.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024