Political Statement

Dear Community,
I have been in much concern over the political nature of our nations current course of action. I inform you today below the letter that I sent to our Mr. President Obama. It reflects my own views and not necessarily the views of this community and yet because I am your teacher and very rarely reach outside of this our community, I do think that it is both fair and important that you know my stand.

Dear Mr. President Obama,
Blessings and Thank you for the way in which you strive to create a peaceful cooperative harmonic platform for our Nation and World Nations.

In great respect for you and this country, in humility I offer my own considerations of what challenges our nation and world today.
Recently within the news there has been much strife in the up-and-coming political campaigning for presidency. More than any other election time, I see this particular season so very detrimental to the moral code of humanity. I also see that the word that has not been spoken is a word that needs to be spoken and heard by our world.

That word is Cynicism and the cynic. Cynicism is the one emotional action which creates a division among all people. Cynicism is the belief that everyone is in it for themselves purely motivated by self-interest, rather than behaving or acting in an honorable trusting and unselfish manner. Throughout history cynicism has been a steppingstone for synthesis, yet without the next step into synthesis, cynicism enables unhealthy fear to perpetuate the poorest representations of humanity.

Today I see this cynicism being overtly played out by primary presidential candidates of our nation. It is disheartening and this is exactly what cynicism does, it takes away the hope of people, leaving our world in a state of distrust and poor moral concepts. Cynicism creates strife, trauma, violence and an attitude and belief that there is not enough to go around. It creates an environment of scarcity which precludes the dreams of the emotional sobriety of humanity. It creates violence among those people closest to us, our families, friends and all relations.

I send you this letter hoping that it might shed some light on a true issue faced by our good nation today. It is my hope that all people are able to take the precious moments of their lives and hold sacred the sacred. This sacred being the relationships of joy that each of us have, thus promoting opportunities to embody openness in caring and kindness. This is what synthesis both offers and brings as we join together our ideas for a friendlier world.

Thank you again for excellence in Presidency and a good example of moral conduct.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024