JiMi Turns the Community over to the NBH Active Teachers

Dear Community,
This morning I completed the Death Dance Ceremony.
Resting today, listening to the Ancestors, hearing love, compassion and the asking of Joy to be guides in our lives.

It took some time for me to make my way through the this and that of the completion and incompletions and in the realization theNew Vision would have to come forward as I surrender the known and unknown.

Ceremony was simple, one light, one moment, one fire and the breath of air flowing across the surround yet never touching my altar.

Moon streaming through the crystal hanging in the east I offer suffering to end in each of us, in our world and our universe and in all universes. Each by name I call you and offer your heartmind prayers, intentions, and your willingness to find sacred presence within self. Self and Source united in Harmony in/for Peace.

Sage smells sweet and wafes of gardenia warmly pass through the open air.

VaTeMaRE and New Breed Healers, all our families and relations, all kin known and unknown in heaven and earth. You are loved. We are loved.

And I pray for New Vision, and such was given in great detail of my role as your Teacher and your role as People learning to be in Equanimity of Communion, Compassion and Co-Operation of Community.

This first day of the year, I offer this..............

I see that you have come to the outer circle of your capacity of togetherness. Now it is time to fill your inbetween with care, kindness,
consideration, and stability.Like the YinYang you must develop
your balance in health and well-being.

As the Ancestors were telling me that a Flyer would come into
my life to guide me, a Large Raptor circled overhead.

Eagle reminds me that sometimes we must set ourselves apart from
the other in order to see and help. For it is this global sight that is given
to the few and as few, I am asked to allow you to create your

It is right for me to guide you like GPS@
It is right for me to spend my time with your individual and community healings.
It is right for me to continue to listen and be creative, for this is my calling to provide future generations with pathways of peaceful evolution.

These things I am asked by the ancestors.
And this remembering they light up in the memory of my eternity.

This is my last incarnation of individual existence. Gladly in much appreciation I am summoned home in ONENESS. Not as a grain of sand, nor as any identity.
And with this remembering, I am reminded that these teachings are not for the few but for all. Including the evolution of generations and worlds to come. It is in this way that I am reminded that as your circle has reached its outer harmony and now seeks its inner harmony, it is also time for me to stand as an overseer.

In this way I can move in the rhythm and harmony of my own nature and may be called upon by you in the event that you have aquestion. To guide your Souls through Ceremony and to prepare a place of Balanced Circle for you to arrive to.

You have a lot to consider these days and it I good for us to be beginning again.

New Breed Healers you may set an appointment with Teresa if you have a specific unconvoluted question appropriated for guidance.VAV will continue to receive guidance set as is.

You are my charge, I will, Like in the Death Dance these last few days, carry you over the threshold and planting you gracefully in the new space as a community.

I will continue with your healings and classes
InLove and Grace,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024