Summary Calculating the Soul Journey of the Day

Lesson 6: Summary

READ over your work in Freedom and Surrender/Lost and Bound.
Write an extensive summary of what you have learned about yourself through this process.
Use the following questions to formulate your summary.

  • What do I understand about Myself, My actions and My behaviors?

  • How has this examination strengthened me as a Divine Human Being?

  • How has this examination allowed and facilitated an intimate revealing conversation with myself?

  • What epiphanies and revelations have helped me to discover and RE-Member who I am?

  • What new agreements am I willing and able to make with myself?

Submit Summary two- page statement to Willow upon completion.
If you feel that you are able to make a commitment to yourself to examine personal freedom and surrender and personal game of Lost and Bound, you may sign the above contract and send a copy to Willow.

Blessings In Peace and lnLove on this most sacred journey

Calculating Soul Journey of the Day

Blessings and joy to you as we enter into this time of Harvest.
May your efforts and actions of this year provide you with the fruit of your intentions.

As we move into this time of reflections of cycles and count our daily blessings, we embark on a way that helps us to understand our Soul's Journey in this Ego oriented world. As the masculine reaches out into the discovery and exploration of our world, so does our feminine look to the past and future to create stability into today.
What are these cycles made of?
What are the Awareness's that the Soul knows as points of clarity and understanding?
Within the next few months we as community will be examining as individuals our personal Soul Journey in this incarnation, the land of the Ego.
We will begin our process of understanding this weekend at our monthly meeting. This will give us a time to create a conversation, find some understanding on where we are on our journey as a community and as individual community members.


  1. This week you will need to download the 54 Awareness's of the Soul Journey.
    Read it.
  2. Use the date of our community meeting to calculate and determine the Awareness of the Day by using the Sacred Geometric of the Day.
  3. Contemplate its meaning to you in your life in regard to a culmination of one daily sentence for the contemplation Healing Energy.

Much love to you as we embark on this lovely self-discovery. May it serve you well.
If you have not received your Soul Journey mapping, I will be doing a mailing on Monday.

In love,


© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024