LSD: 2nd Trinity – Thread 2
Letter of Spiritual Direction April 2017
Thread 1 from, The 12 Thread Prayer Book
(Conscious Awareness: Structures of Emotional Wisdom)
JiMi Tao -A Beauty Way© 2012
Thread 2 See the Threads of Consciousness Book
Name ___________________________________________Date ___________________________________________
Human Prayer: Cycle of Life
May we be surefooted and grateful for the abundance of Hope which lies within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our soul.
- Charity gives reason to Idea's Vision of Love as Generosity of Self.
- Charity is Divine and comes from that part of us which is divine.
- Charity is openhearted Sharing. It is not giving, though giving is half of the whole. It is not receiving, though receiving be the other half of the whole.
- Charity is the giving/receiving or the sharing of Ideas as forms as birthed in Visions of Love.
- Charity is the pathway of "Generosity of Self" for the tender and loving care of another.
- Charity seeks to be the actions of Hope made manifest.
- Charity is without attitudes of judgment.
- Charity does not want recognition or validation from either the giver or receiver. For true Charity knows self to be both. True Charity finds Equanimity of heart in the Generosity of Sharing.
- Charity requires openhearted Sharing, which is really the ability to walk away from personal judgment about another's state of neediness.
- Charity is a teacher of the dualistic nature of the inner heart where the 'victim' role is unveiled and must come into clear understanding, that we are each responsible and empowered by the inner strength of our core light.
If one says, "I go to feed the hungry," then one must look inside at the hunger that is being fed by the one giving out the bread, beans or bowl of rice. The one giving becomes the receiver, for there is a need and desire to quench the hunger of the Soul.
If one says, "I have nothing to give," inwardly this one is Soul depleted and Ego must make way for the inner intervention of Divine Grace. This Grace brings forth Humility. Humility is not humiliation, but rather the surrendering to a Love so deep that it washes away all that we hide in the deep recesses of our Soul. This Humble Grace is a gift of Charity given by Divine Source as Love and this is a beautiful way to the generous open heart.
If one says, "We share," then we get closer to understanding Charitable Ideas of Universal Service, for there is no us and them. We are all US-needy, fragile, strong, and led by Grace.
Charity allows for each to know the worthiness of all life and relation, and allows for a more compassionate heart for self. When one is able to be compassionate with self, less judgmental about another's acts and actions, then one is more able to be compassionate with others.
So it is
- Charity provides us opportunities to give.
- In the giving of Charity we learn that we too receive. We learn that we are receiving and that the open heart of the needy opens our own heart in recognition of our own neediness.
- Our own heart awakened by the other reminds us that we are vulnerable, fragile, needy, and well-loved beings.
- In receiving, we learn to give.
- Charity is a place where Visions of Love begin as steps in Ideas of Peace and teach us openness of Tenderhearted Kindness.
- Unified Divine Human Quality: (Aspect-Image to Love 'Imagination')
Trust imagines ways of Compassion through the Eternal Aspects of our lives: Partnership, Family, Work, Home, Friends, and Vehicle, which all support Ego/Soul unified.
Charitable Ideas can flow through Trust in any Aspect and the relationship formed in the Aspect will create Compassion. Empathetic Compassion is birthed when each is able to maintain emotional balance in the giving and receiving of any Charitable Idea.
So, we might say that,
"Charitable Ideas allow Compassion to develop through the Eternal Aspects and give 'life' experience healthy boundaries so that Genuine Trust can be developed."
Charity provides the individual a place for Imagination to play and is most receptive when in participation with a personal Love.
Say that someone loves to cook. Charitable Idea through Partnership, Work, Home, Family, may look like:
Family baking cookies at Home, for Partners, Work, Friends, and using Vehicles of self, Family, and car for transport.
Charity provides Clarity of motivation ©. Inner Clarity of selfmotivation becomes evident when working with Charity. Charity helps us to understand something about ourselves. If Charity is helping us learn something about someone else, then a deeper inner look inside needs to happen ©. Reflections of judgmental-ism are evident in our noticing how others give or receive. In Charity, we allow another to follow their own path of inner discernment and divine growth.
Charity is divine, and so it is that the way in which another learns the lesson is that we allow for the lesson to be learned as a conversation between each individual and Divine Source.
It is helpful to teach our children early in life about Charity, the giving and receiving, the sharing of unconditional Love. People who are not exposed to Charity as children fall hard to the first lessons in enlightenment. Charity is a pathway to the Generosity of Self. Generosity of Self helps us to understand that we are not an island living alone. Worthiness, Worth and Compassion are born from life experiences which teach us about Generosity of Self. Rather we are part of a Whole; we are part of one another; and the health and wellbeing of each, self and other, makes for the health and well-being of our lives as family, friend, group, community, nations, world and universes.
- Descending Divine Quality: Beauty (Intention-Dream for Love)
Beauty lives within the Charitable Ideas of Trust as the Dream for Love. Beauty says that all Life is acceptable as being worthy and born for the purpose of learning about Love.
Let us consider the stone on the bank of the river.
- To the otter, the stone is a place to rest, dig under, play hideand-seek.
- To the child who carries the stone home in his pocket, it is a valuable tool for something yet to be discovered. Maybe it is a part of a collection, maybe it will fit just right into the slingshot.
Maybe the window wants replacement and is just waiting for that rock to come through and create something new. - To the gardener, maybe the rock is found and wants to be a part of the garden mosaic.
Beauty Dreams Intentions for Love through the form of Matter of each Creation.
The stone is Beauty in play.
Intentions of Charity ask that we see Ideas of Beauty within each action. Now this is really hard to do, and so it in this way that Charitable Ideas do help us learn about Virtue, Morality and Proper Conduct. The rock is neither bad nor good, and Trust is built upon each individual's understanding of what is safe.
- Ascending Human Quality: Noble (Quality-Dreamer from Love)
The quality of the Noble Heart summons group comprehension of what is safe while remaining Joyful in experience.
Let us look at the Noble knight.
The Noble one knows that the life of the Universal Servant is a life of Charity-led Ideas. There is an intrinsic Love for Beauty, and there is an innate sense of Nobility. Joy leads the Charitable Heart, the Compassionate desire and need for the safety and well-keeping of Beauty, and the Love of a Vision, which allows for the Equanimity of Life. Happiness drives the knight through unforetold journeys of life
And so the knight does return from the quest, visioning a clear pathway of 'Universal Service'.
Thread #2, Development of charitable trust
- Divine Grace: intervention of humility when Soul is depleted, a gift from Divine
- Charity: actions of hope where visions of love begin as steps in ideas of peace and teach us openness of tenderhearted kindness
- Trust: developed through aspects with charitable ideas, aspects give healthy boundaries so trust can develop per life experiences
Charitable ideas hold grace within beauty...emotional balance in aspects provide boundaries opening up pathways of empathetic compassion for genuine noble dreamer from love.. charitable ideas flow through aspects as trust creating compassion in relationships.... charity allows another to follow their own pathway of discernment and divine growth,,,,pathway to generosity of the self....
- Beauty: Dream for Love, Divine, Dreams intention for love through form of matter of each creation...
- Noble - summons group comprehension of what is safe while remaining joyful in experience leads the charitable heart- the compassionate desire and need for safety and well being of Beauty- love of a vision which allows for the equanimity of life.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024