LSD: 2nd Trinity – Thread 3: Divine Power and Human Thoughts
Letter of Spiritual Direction 6-2017
Thread 3 from the 12 Thread Prayer Book (Conscious Awareness: Structures of Emotional Wisdom)
Jimi Tao- A Beauty Way - 2012
Name ___________________________________________Date ___________________________________________
Human Prayer: Cycle of Life
May we find the Courage and Strength to hold steady in center and balance
Divine Prayer: 5th Awareness
I honor what I know and let go of the attachment to being stagnant
Metta: Unconditional Love
- Renunciation of death:
- Surrender to living without fear
- Surrender to living life in Peaceful Ease
- Surrender to living life in New Form,
1a. Descending Divine Reed Quality: Power (Reason- Vision of Love)
1b. Ascending Human Reed Quality: Thought (Reason-Vision of Love)
Powerful Thoughts give Reason to the Vision of Love through Silence
Powerful thoughts give reason to the vision of love through silence. Silence lives within the still point of MIND as support and is supported by the stillness of the physical and emotional bodies. Our first thoughts upon waking and our last thoughts of the day give REASON to the Vision of our day and fuel the dreamtime.
- Attachment - emotional bond or connection
- Stagnant - still, without moving
We are what we THINK and the universe supports what we 'think' by matching our energy focus (thoughts) 7X's (seven times).
Focusing our Thoughts on Gratitude before we open our eyes is a healthy way to let the universe support what we are Grateful for. Smiling for the warm coziness of our bed, the scent of a baby's head, the laughter, the morning sun moving across the bed.
When we greet our day with Gratitude, Gratitude greets our Universe like a kiss of Home upon the heart, and our Universe supports what we are Grateful for.
What we are Grateful for can be measured by what we have in our lives. Taking a mental, physical and emotional accounting of where our Thoughts live can help us to determine where we can focus more Gratitude.
Prayers of Gratitude are the most Powerful Thoughts (Prayers) that exist
Energy is Power and Power is Divine
Thoughts are Human expressions and experience of en-spirited Matter, and en-mattered Spirit.
Thoughts are fueled by divine energy as Power. Someone with a 'super-power' is one whose thoughts are clear, focused and open to divine energy, Power.
Energy, Power, is captured and streamlined in Thought.
Prayer is equal to Powerful Thoughts or Word Made Manifest
Thoughts originate in the Mind a Natural Unfolding.......
Mind to charitable idea to Powerful Thought to Magic of Communion (Manifestation)
- Unified Divine Human Quality: Allowance (Aspect-Image to Love 'Imagination')
Thoughts work best in Silence through order, moderation and deep inner listening, recorded as experienced in the Eternal Aspects: Work, Home, Friends, Vehicle, Partnership, Family and Ego/Soul Unity.
Through the practice of Silence, inner depths can be reached, and Divine Power can move through the intricate channels of stillness where Divine and Human images become a dance of Miracles.
Thoughts become empowered when they are :
- Descending Divine Quality: Generosity (Intention -Dream for Love)
The Divinely empowered, inspirited, inspired Thoughts are Generous and dream for the abundance and fruition of love to be manifest as Love's Beauty in Peaceful Ease, depth and Allowance.
- Ascending Human Quality: Generous (Quality- Dreamer from Love)
Generosity becomes the Generous Dreamer from Love.
Powerful Thoughts move from dream to dreamer.
The advanced Qualities incarnate as 'Specific Beings' which make up our Counsel, Guides, and Ancestors
These Specific Beings unite in the further development of...
The eternal Aspects through
Allowance of the Universal Whole
To become the
Deeper Visions of Love
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024