Considerations of Agression
Week 1 What does this mean to you?
I say this to you and to all who come near to you,
These are my children.
All of my treasures are theirs.
They know what has been taken in,
They know what has been taken out.
I trust them, each of them to remember
who we are as a whole.
I trust them to carry our ways and means
into the world
in conscious effort
in integrity
in empathy
in resilience
in sentimentality
and to be very mindful, cautious, and alert
knowing the boundaries of aggression
both outward and passive.
I trust that the common heart of these my children will and do serve to know authentic self and the authentic wholeness of community.
I do trust that each will give clear voice and clear ears,
that listening is perceiving and perceiving is answering in kindness health and well being for self and other.
I love you,
It is up to you now to get together co-creatively create supportive ways to create your common story.
What is your story?
Who are you?
what qualities do you bring to the table.
how do they support each other.
Who are you?
This week you are to have read everyone else s work.
Once you have done so.
You may write a note to each person re: their work in your own weekly update section.
Week 2.
Choose one way in which you practice passive aggression, use your own writings. Answer the following questions:
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) conscious effort?
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) integrity
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) empathy
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) resilience
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) sentimentality
Choose one way in which you practice passive aggression use another s writings and answer the follow questions.
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) conscious effort?
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) integrity
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) empathy
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) resilience
- How does passive aggression support (Supreme Quality Here) sentimentality.
Make a choice.
Is this the way you want to live?
Is this what you believe in?
How will you change your conduct to reflect the kindness of your Supreme Quality?
Give examples of both.
Look at your Supreme Quality and ask these questions:
- What is Kindness?
- How does it look?
- Does it have boundaries?
Looking over your original work from the gathering. How could Kindness of your Supreme Quality have helped you to face a difficult situation and be in harmony of your own Inner Light?
Give examples while you answer the following questions.
- How does Kindness support (Supreme Quality Here) conscious effort?
- How does Kindness support (Supreme Quality Here) integrity?
- How does Kindness support (Supreme Quality Here) empathy?
- How does Kindness support (Supreme Quality Here) resilience?
- How does Kindness support (Supreme Quality Here) sentimentality?
Who are you?
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024