Contemplation – Nonattachment
Nonattachment is a very big deal.
Some of the questions that come up have to do with fear. That if I move into a state, a vision, am I going to get lost. How do I know that J am not going to launch into some insanity. How do I know that I'm not crazy, coming out with ideas that are bizarre and not really function in this world. Important questions to ask, we want to be sane.
There are 3 things that contemplative contemplation gives us- gives us opportunity to examine and understand what is going on in our we relative to one another.
The thing is that contemplative vision in consciousness always leads andin kindness. Important to understand.
We're not in contemplation just to find out creativity- to find out about us, to be truthful with ourselves.
If walking down a street, something is happening to us, there isn't much time for conversation re what am I really experiencing in my life...can't go into detail as to what it means...the process allows us space to find out truthful, accurate range of a person's life in honest kind and truthful way.
Contemplation gives the opportunity to correct the suffering of self and others. Gives us opportunity to correct suffering of self and others.
Our quality of life is ours. When we learn about the quality of life and invest in that quality, it ends suffering. When we don't have suffering within ourselves, we bring up the vibration we don't livein place of resentment, we are simply in presence and help create presence in others.
Our cc opens up heart space of qualities that open up who we are and develop relationship of nonsuffering with others.
Contemplation gives us the opportunity to self-examine suffering at its source within and to let go of suffering forever. Healing....we want to heal forever when we go into contemplation, requires us to go into the space of origin and to honor it and see what it is and let it go. Contemplation allows us to have that relationship with our suffering. Because we want to let it go forever.
We might say like is that all that contemplation is about. Wouldn't go into contemplation without suffering, our life would be heaven, .we would already be in relationship with our source.
Contemplation allows for a need, Prayer is not supplication, supplication is when I ask for something to to be okay, etc..“. Prayer is when heart is open and we connect in mind, body, emotions, soul and spirit, a point of presence where our whole being is in conscious relationship with Source."
Relationship with a drop of water, that is prayer. Presence with Source...Source beinga drop of water...prayer ..give it a change. Religion talks about supplication as prayer. Prayer is different from contemplation...when you look at drop of water, appreciating the drop of water, you are in prayer.
When you are asking that drop to ask for guidance, you move into contemplation.
Prayer is a place of presence.
As we self-examine Contemplative Consciousness and find sunlight, whatever that is, we are looking for something, there is an intention, a question, looking deeper into soul memory when we find that space of suffering, we find remedy, letting go of that suffering forever, the whole purpose behind contemplation.
The process of C C helps us know to understand the relationship of Ego and Soul. humbling. How much our soul knows, relationship with divine and human ..humility in that relationship.
It allows the binding of ego and soul in authentic unity and kindness in life. Within ego and soul per contemplative experience, it causes us to be happy and requires us to put down anger and place for disharmony.... leads to peaceful ease and presence in self and others. True C C experience, when move into relationship with others, you create balance...letting all suffering go.
Sit in contemplation for 10 minutes, have totem come to you...totem is guide, follow into visioning in homework.
Learn about other places you live in. Where does totem live, how does it get along with others, what kind of friend is your totem?
C. helps us take a subject and guides us through our walk.
Dear Community,
This is a very important message about the Autumn Equinox tomorrow.
Please take the time to do a private ceremony, gather some dirt that has no pesticides from your garden, or from wherever you are if your garden is not accessible.
Please send this dirt to me and state where it is from.
Please note that sometimes people have just passively opted out of participation and contribution to the larger ceremony by way of the elements.
If you decide not to send earth, please advise me so that I may remove your and your intentions from community activities and programs.May this time of Equanimity of Earth bring us all into balance, in the stillness and peace of Love, Compassion and Joy.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024