Rule of Life Practice
Rule of Life Practice for the Month of May and June 2018
Just for Today:
I will open my day in prayer.
I will allow kindness into my heart at first breath.
I will open my heart to see kindness in others.
I will honor that kindness even if there are other things that I may take offense to.
I will lead with this point of kindness.
I will accept that there are things that I do not understand, and I will let my innate desire to control, GO!
I will allow the Joy of Others and stand back and be grateful for the opportunity to witness Joy in Action.
I will write down every day a moment of Joy that I honored in another.
I will say a prayer of gratitude for being able to witness this Joy in the heart space of Loving Kindness.
What tool did you use to access compassion?
Have to accept ourselves s joyful ad peaceful people.
What is joy?
Think about building blocks of joy
When not focused on our character, and we suddenly see it in our lives, something happens
We look at joy as something that is our own...Joy doesn't belong to us as individuals. Joy happens with others. We can try to wake up and be joyful, we are talking about relationship with other.
We have to know self and other and other and self, we learn through compassion. We give up idea that we are individual self and joy is all about me. That is not joy. Wd are in relationship with others, and highest potential is being in relationship with our own species. Joy occurs in cooperation with our own species.
In communion, 1st trinity, we learn about identifying our personal individual wholeness. Who am I, who are you, etc...we stay within ourselves as much as possible.
Compassion in 2nd trinity teaches us life experience that happens every day in quality of our lives. Compassion asks us specifically does our commonality allow me to be kind to you and kind to me? How? That is what compassion asks us.That is where group wholeness comes together. Question about safety...whose responsibility is it to be safe? When children, responsibility lies with our parents.
How to be safe in our world is learned in self responsibility in adulthood. Sympathetic compassion tells us how to be safe, empathetic compassion comes from group that helps me understand safety. We learn about what is important to me and you...moving from sympathetic compassion to empathetic compassion within group, coming together in compassionate matter based on taking us responsible for individual safety and helping others feel safe. Not relying on other(s) telling me what makes me feel safe. Empathetic compassion tells us about wholeness. Co-operation fends sense of equality and equanimity...for this group and for all groups.
Cooperation requires examination by groups and group about what you want to build.
Compassion recognizes other...cooperation recognizes that group is here and is one of many-our job is to connect with other groups to sustain what we are trying to build. Joy is about cooperation in sets of groups.
Where am I in cooperation in my life?
In surrender- letting go of what I know and open myself to unknowing...that gives allowance to appreciate other(s).
Structure of cooperation is a miracle that flows through our world and universe. Witnessing another species cooperate is my compassion- observing compassion of another- like plants, etc.
Team wholeness bringing joy as singers, going out in relationship with different groups who are volunteering in community...elderly participates in cooperative joy from singers and volunteers..deeper resonance within shared group. Movement exponentially provides hope and grace to everyone around...becomes a fragrance. Person who sing is instrument of miracle..participation in resonance of the universe.. Sustainable outside of individual wholeness which is communion within self. Importance of group is metta, unconditional loving..where that singer in a group does what they love, part of a group doing what they love, and the group participates and influences those around them...
What is the importance of joy?
Joy is shared, lives are with each other,
Joy opens us space for hope
Joy connects to Source, from individual to whole
Joy connects to something long ago.
Joy is immeasurable, it carries the same amount of weight as love and compassion. Not so present in our world. Taking individual into group selves into sets, into whole bouquet, creating possibility for ingenuity of creating something more...I can create something new and different that what I can myself on my own.
Place where we carry our wisdom and our emotions. We need to remember that our emotional wisdom body is third trinity, a wholeness. How do I stay in balance with my perceived wholeness? How do I prevent it from getting into my head? Where does Wisdom get the better of us and prevents me from moving outside of myself? Where I live in state of perfection? Where what I know is the perfection model that leads to wars...
How do we are people of joy participate in a world in cooperation? We have an idea of perfectionism, we all do.
Perfectionism is steady way we can maintain our balance when we concede 5% of each side.
How I keep myself steady in center and balance knowing that we always concede 5% on each side.
My perfection is the way I maintain balance within myself..I do ROL, etc...I know how to maintain balance in my own life. The 5% is way I identify humans we have a hand,,,,I can offer you my hand, I can listen, hold you...but if you squeeze my hand too tight, you'll break me. The joy of holding hands in cooperation is the experience of love shared...the part I can share with you, but it isn't giving my whole self to you.
what is prayer...conversation in the heart with your Source. Not in you hand. Prayers in morning, a place of open heart space with our Source.
Meditation...breaths are different.
3rd breath connects you to your skin. Allow energy to drop into 1st chakra, creating taurus loop around you.
Listen to recording of 1st class.
Do day by day in book.
Do compassion and cooperation work together.
Cooperation work- page 27
Next week put together prayers. Finish before June.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024