Inner Light in Community - LSD - 4/2007
Letter of Spiritual Direction on Inner Light in Community
By Willow Tequillo
April 4, 2007
Dear New Breed Healers,
There are Two things that I would like to speak to:
Inner Light and the Rule of Life
Inner Light and Living in community
Inner Light and the Rule of Life
I see My Rule of Life as the vehicle and home of my Inner Light.
It allows me the form and format, the structure for discovering who I am, where I live and where I want to live.
It is my friend, my guide and my memory. It holds for me all that I am as a record for my daily existence and choices.
I have found that taking the opportunity to write my monthly report has over the years allowed me in my practice of eternal discipline, to see where and how I am actively participating in my life and what chair I am sitting on at any given time. It helps me to see how I am working in community and how I am feeling in my personal walk and in my walk with others.
Signing, dating and mailing my rule has given me some sort accountability which speaks to surrendering something out of my hands. Not like being able to change something on the computer, but getting it out. Allowing me to be a part of the universe, in humility, the way that I am in all of my truth.
I have found over the years that this has taught me something about trust on so many levels and it has also taught me about matter. What matters to me, how it matters and if and when it really matters.
So I want to thank each of you for continuing so diligently in the reporting of your rule as the gathering place for you Inner Light, of personal collective thoughts, feelings and actions on a monthly basis.
I am sure that through my own experience and magnitude of Santana (eternal discipline of all prior masters) that together our Rule of Life continues to up hold the process of knowing and exploring personal truth and the truth of all that is.
Inner Light and Living in community
Living a Rule of Life requires by it's very make up that we live consciously as Inner Lights within community.
Community requires that we move outside of personal isolation and sit in a chair around a table of like Beings. Some of these Beings we will have a natural affinity for or kinship with, others we will find to be a challenge by their very existence and by the way that they breath air.
In community we are both to each other for we are each others teachers.
Considerations of Inner Light and it's shadow and how community provokes us to examine how we intentionally isolate ourselves for the purpose of self protection.
Today I would like to consider the conversation of Inner Light in regard to it's shadow and how this shadow does call forth and bring forth the depth of what matters to us.
Remember that each Awareness has a light and shadow side. Like Great Spirit and Great Mystery. Energy and Matter. Together they make a whole, without the other there is no ability for either to be a creative substance which is maintainable or sustainable. Energy would simply be energy without direction, matter would simple be a solid without movement.
Consider the core relationship of co-creation:
The sperm without the egg has no "REASON for Being".
The egg without the sperm has no "BEING with Reason".
Neither have the ability to fully know self, they are only able to know each other through the mind, or outside of self through the reflection of the others knowingness of them self.
When united in common unity or community each becomes the exploration of self and other and a new a wonder filled expression of life becomes a new body encompassed and embraced by all of the bodies.
Basic Trinity overview:
Each Trinity consists of:
Prime Qualities = Emotions = Emotions are the containers of information (memory).
Seed Essences = Feelings = Feelings are the agents (promoters).
Essential Participants = supportive feelings = Supportive feelings are the actors (actions).
Every trinity goes through the process stages of:
Transformation or magic of communion, or leaning to be of love.
Transfiguration or mystery of compassion, or learning to love.
Transubstantiation or miracle of co-operation, learning to Be for love.
Ascension or Co-creation of Divine Human Being, learning to Be From Love.
Each aspect of the trinity perpetuates and gravitate to 'like' energies and feeds those energies co-creating greater energy and matter.
Exploration of our Inner Light as a Community pulls us out of personal isolation.
Consider the following as a trinity:
Fear is the Prime Quality
Loneliness is the Seed Essence
Isolation and Scarcity are the essential participants.
Isolation and Loneliness are the essential participants (actions) of the Prime Quality or Emotion of Fear.
The seed essence (Feeling) of Isolation - promotes the feelings of misunderstanding, unworthiness, hatred, and denial.
The feeling of Isolation in and of itself is a 'chair' in the Love Room.
Isolation intentionally serves the purpose of self protection and when used in a mindfully healthy way, it can protect self from outside abuse.
When the feeling of Isolation is used as a companion tool or essential participant of scarcity it becomes the conduit for an unlived life.
The Buddhist say that there is only one sin, that is taking away the 'Joy' of another.
This includes the joy of ones self.
When we choose to live in isolation and its companion scarcity, we choose the 'unlived life' or a life without Joy, a life of loneliness filled with despair.
The Paradox between Isolation and Aloneness
It can be appealing for us to be lured into Isolation.
In a healthy way, Isolation gives us the opportunity to be alone in silence. Being alone allows us the time for personal exploration in all that we are with divine. Personal isolation provides us with the opportunity of All-One-Ness and this is a Divine Gift.
The paradox involved in personal isolation:
For those persons who give too much, personal isolation is a very scary challenge. This personal isolation requires that one reach a new understanding of what Al-One means in silence.
For us to go to this place of silence we must be driven by a personal curiosity of what is this space is? What does it mean to explore who we are without any distractions? In this space of aloneness we are forced to be personally accountable to one Divine Source and there is no place to hide behind the busy-ness of life, others, others thoughts, language or actions. In this aloneness there in only the ONE and the one(self) . Here we have the opportunity to explore our personal feelings, belief and faith and our buy-in of personal unworthiness. If we can let go of personal imposed distractions and the tumult of our thoughts, we can reach the place of peace, renewal and faith.
On the other hand there is another place where personal isolation is used as fearful selfishness for the means of self protection thereby intentionally or unintentionally creating a space for loneliness.
When Isolation creates the space for loneliness, Aloneness stops being the sanctuary of renewal and becomes the safe haven for emotional scarcity. This type of isolation does not have to be an active participant in the evolution of life, but is a choice made by the individual.
This kind of self imprisonment begins in the pathway of least resistance by claiming that we have no need to be bothered by another's life process. When another acts or behaves, says or implies something that strikes the 'injury' button within us, we can walk away. This creates for us the feelings that we are unloved, not heard, not cared for, not held. We perpetuate and gravitate to the loneliness of isolation and feelings of being alone, vacant, safe from others, untouchable......
Living in Community pushes all of our happy and hurt buttons.
Living in community is one of the very core paradoxes of living. How do we allow ourselves to be us and also another be themselves? At what point do we choose to step out of the relationship and at what point do we step up and cooperatively co-create a relationship that is meaningful and harmonic? What are the reasons to stay and what keeps us from taking the chance?
When I get into the fear of Being able to Be Me there are a few things that I do.
I take silence and consider the following:
What is it that I am feeling in all of my bodies? writing done and fully acknowledging each one.
What is the trigger that has promoted this feeling of unworthiness, loneliness, misunderstanding, scarcity?
How am I actively self promoting this unworthiness in my life?
Who is the other who has acted as my teacher as a reflection of this in my life?
I REMEMBER that - I am the co-creator of my reality. I have called in this situation to teach me something.
First I ask myself Personal Examination Questions:
Why am I choosing personal isolation as a safe haven for my fear and scarcity?
What are my present hurts?
What are my past hurts?
What am I afraid of?
What kinds of self protective forces do I use in relation to Inner Light (home, vehicle, ego, soul, friendships, partnerships,....... ).
Second I ask myself:
Is the person who is provoking me, in a conscious relationship with their process?
Are they also reflecting, examining and working out their personal understanding of conscious living? Are we willing to share our process with each other in a clear and open fashion?
Am I assuming a relationship that does not exist for the other?
If they are not and have no desire to consider conscious living and process, then I understand that the relationship is there to serve chaos and disillusionment. I may or may not decide to continue in such a relationship based upon my own needs and curiosity.
If the other is in a personal process of understanding and personal desire of consciousness, and has the desire to continue in conversation, then we will each make a choice to stay in the relationship or not?
Boundaries clearly spoken to.
Thirdly I ask myself,
How do I share with another my hurts and vulnerabilities without allowing myself to be the sacrificial lamb?
How do I allow others to share their hurts and vulnerabilities without allowing myself to be caught up in their victim?
How do I allow others to share without creating a space which makes them feel as if I am attacking them?
How do I allow the other to explore themselves in a safe and honest way?
How do I support the intentional unity we share?
I find that being truthful with myself about my Emotions and Feelings are the first step to co-operative communication.
If I am being honest with myself by being in humility of who I am and where I live in any given situation, then the other has a better understanding of me too.
When the other lives by these same Rules for Life then our communication can only gravitate to understanding and cooperation. Consciously creating a pathway of understanding from humility allows for open and honest communication.
I find that this is an effective way to learn to co-operate for the examination of fourth trinity highest intention.
Considerations of a healthy community:
Being in spiritual relationship within a healthy community does not mean that we are not going to get our feelings hurt, rather you can bet that each person at one time or another will get their feelings hurt.
Being in spiritual relationship within a healthy community does mean that we are going to be given opportunities to know ourselves, to be our self, to know the other and to allow others to be themselves all in a very intimate way.
It means that we are going to learn about our dreams and the other's dreams.
It does not mean that we are going to fully understand or feel the dream of another in the same way.
Yet it does mean that as we mix together the qualities, colors, and the songs of our combined dreams that we will co-create a beautiful and joyful tapestry made up of visions and desires of Inner Light.
It means that we will learn to respect ourselves and each other.
We will lend a hand of help from our Inner Light of our desire to help.
We will learn to give through our desire of Inner Light and we will do this while standing in our center and in our balance.
We will learn to ask for help and be embraced by arms which desire to hold us.
It means that we will learn to receive in gratitude, cherishment and adoration.
We will learn what it means To Love.
We will learn what it means to be Of Love.
We will learn what it means to live For Love.
And we will learn what it means to Love From Love.
Living in the Inner Light of community means that we will get out of the humiliation our personal hurt feelings and get into our feelings of humility, owning them, loving them for what they are and embracing the fact that we are human beings with the gift of expression through our emotions of feelings.
It is through this gift of feeling our emotions that we are able to travel through our Soul’s life times of Being.
We are only as isolated as we believe our self to be.
There are those who would be physically hugged and not feel the hug.
There are those a thousand miles away in physical form and a single thought would embrace them with the most intense knowing of such a hug.
We are only as isolated as we Believe our self to be.
We are all connected.
We are all loved.
We are all appreciated.
We are all heard.
We are All that Is.
InLove and InPeace I hug and know the hug of each of you,
Inner Light Spring Equinox Exercise begin before the ceremony - further work after the ceremony
Inner Light Exercise for Spring Equinox
Teaching of Willow
Purpose: To encourage and seek self discovery of personal truth.
This exercise takes the insights we are developing with the "Where do I Live" (chart 1) and "Where do I Want to Live" (chart 2) and definitions and integrates your personal quality. Additionally, with the help of your definitions of spiritual relationships, it will show you how the various aspects of your life are interrelated and how you can create a life, "where you want to live."
(1) Take your personal "Where do I Live" chart and combine it with the new "Communion Circle" chart
Next, consider your quality that you have been working with and examine how you are using this quality in the various areas of your life/sections of the chart. How are you using your quality to encourage a cohesive relationship between these areas?
For example: "How do I use my quality of Humor to develop my spiritual relationship between my family, home and vehicle?"
What are the strongest cohesive paths for you? (A cohesive path is the way in which you relate to the aspects of the Essential Being within each section. Such as: Family, Home and Vehicle.)
(2) Now use the new chart (chart 3) you have, the combined Communion Circle and Where Do I Live chart and compare to the Tree of Life / 10 dimensional Medicine wheel (chart 4)
Just as you considered the areas of your life, consider these Divine Qualities and how they relate to how you are living your life.
What new perspectives does this offer you concerning how you are paying attention to your life. Where and how could your energies be used to better serve your highest intentions?
For example: When I use my quality of humor to develop my spiritual relationship within my family, home and vehicle --- I am encouraging the support of the Divine qualities of the Mind (the Miracle of Love), the Understanding of Matter (what matters), and the Splendor and Glory of Manifestation.
Further considerations: Are you aware that miracles come into your life through these paths? Are you aware of these magical and mysterious forces at work in your life? If so, what is your understanding of the relationship between these things and how they work?
(3) Now look at the how you have shaded your "Where I Want to Live" Chart
Consider the insights you have gained from these previous two exercises to identify and understand what energies to invoke in order to better manifest your ideas of spiritual relationship and bring yourself into the Inner Light of balance.
Further exploration:
Lay the various charts on top of each other up to the light and see if you can make further relationships.
Love and Grace to all on this very beautiful day,
My love to each of you.
Please talk with each other about your experiences and how holding a space in ceremony expanded your experience of acceptance and allowance for self and other, also how clearing ourselves of the issues that plague us, provide the inner humility to participate in the understanding of how expansively wonderful life is.
Please speak to the shift that you feel taking place within all the aspects of your life, especially the work that is taking place in the area where you sit on the medicine wheel.
Remember to place the medicine wheel and the Inner Light #3 together. Both centers together, then shine into the light. Notice where you are on the wheel and then where you are in Inner Light. This is the place where your greatest work and advancement will take place. Then look at the qualities which surround that area, these are the Divine Qualities which support you through your talent.
The qualities which you bring in support you through the gift given when asked for.
Have fun with this as you sort out a pathway which most supports you.
Thank you again.
I will be taking off for the week returning on Monday.
Please take this time to communicate what you have learned this month and this week about Inner Light.
Please take the time paint your Inner Light Portrait.
Please complete all of the assignments and share your reflections.
In gratitude and Peace,
Your teacher and guide,
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024