
Spring Equinox 2007

Subject: Spring Equinox Ceremony

Sacred Reflections: Community of New Breed Healers
Welcomes all to the:
Spring Equinox Ceremony

Please bring:

  • Your dreams for the new season: Individual, family, ancestral, global or universal.
  • Your seed intentions which are the chart that is attached.
  • Some Dirt from your yard. If you have been maintaining sacred soil, please bring a sample to share in the cauldron.
    • If you are able do this ceremony at home and be with us remotely.
    • Please keep yourself in prayer and meditation from 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., holding the intentions for this Sacred Ceremony.
  • One small stone to the form and manifestation for building of the spiral.
  • Corn meal and flowers as offerings.


  • Woman wear dress or skirt with scarf to cover head during ritual.
  • Men white head covering with ceremonial belt.

Who are the Guides:
We call upon Great Spirit, Mother Earth, the Ancestors and the Ancient Ones, Divine Light and Accompaniment for guidance upon our journey. May all our counsels and guides be present today guiding our heart intentions and providing us with safe and gentle passage as we move through the spiral from the darkness of the night into the light of the day.

Universal Ceremonialists:

The Spring Equinox Ceremony

The Spring Equinox Ceremony is an opportunity to review the long dark days and nights spent within the great mystery. Our Inner Light moves outward into the great light as the long dark nights of the soul have been honored and examined.
In the void we have listened to Great Mystery, received inner guidance, direction, clarity and vision.
Tonight we take the days of wisdom and humus and plant a single seed of intention in the Light of Father Spirit and Mother Earth.
Today we make commitments of constancy by planting seeds of our heart intentions into the soil. It is in the soil of mother earth, warmed by the radiant fire of Father Spirit that our dreams take form. It is in the constancy of devotion to what we know holds our highest intention, that we uphold in Unity within self and within our world.
It is through the Peace of Unity as Divine Creation that we explore in gratitude, adoration and cherishment the blessings of our lives.
Today we honor the transformation of humus that we have experienced through the darkness and look toward the transmutation of seed into rooted plant as we embrace first light of new begins. Today we Dream Anew.


Rules for participating in the Sacred Circle of Reverence.

  • Being creation in silence.
  • Be of a mindful heart of the Sacred Space we are holding.
  • ‘Attention’ is silent Alertness with no interfering thoughts.”
  • If you have a need quietly ask [Redacted].
  • Follow the Fluid Flow of Time allowance and Space allowance.
  • Anyone who is unable to participate in this ceremony without quiet reverence is asked to place themselves outside the circle.
  • If you are already in the circle and need to leave take direction from [Redacted].
  • Thank you in advance for your participation and considerations.

Offering of Gifts

  • Altar - Bowl of Corn Meal with a candle in the center.
  • Small votive candles to be lit by the participants.
  • Flowers
  • Spiral of Night and Day

Ceremony Begins: 4 p.m.

Gather New Breed Healers into the circle
Clearing individual participants for entrance into the Sacred Space.
New Breed Healers are asked to take 15 minutes in silence before entering circle and in silence interceding by holding the group, time, space and the ceremony for Divine Loves Light Intention.
Opening Prayer by [Redacted].

Invocation song – Ya Ma Ya
Calling in the Directions
Toning by TwoHawks
Dance of Creation – Willow and New Breed Healers
Setting of Altar

Sacred movement- Dance.
[Redacted] song: Bo Bo Ma Le / Sho Sho Ma Ya
(Spirit Make this Body Dance
Mother make this Body Dance)

See Instructions for Ritual
Celebrants: Willow


  • Ether
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Air

Lay Ceremonialists:

  • Gate Keeper of East: [Redacted]
  • Wisdom Keeper of the North: [Redacted]
  • Gate Keeper of the West: [Redacted]
  • Wisdom Keeper of the South: [Redacted]
  • Light Guides: [Redacted]
  • Directions for Ritual
  • Passage Spiral, Reed, Medicine Wheel

[Redacted] allowing the passage of each participant into the Spiral.
Each person walking alone will carry an unlit candle to the center of the Spiral
Contemplate on the inward journey of the winter.

Gate Keeper of the East: [Redacted]
"Take reverence, you walk within the Sacred Heart of Great Mystery.”
[Redacted] give each person a flower to bring in as a gift.

Meet at the Gateway of the Medicine Wheel
We meet as One Body in the reed –

We have been in the spiral, in the darkness of the soul for several months now.
Inward healing has taken place.

[Redacted] will walk each person one at a time through the Medicine Wheel to the Center.

[Redacted] you will say to each person who wishes to enter into the Medicine Wheel:

"You are healed of grief and sorrow.
Look deep within for the light which shines in the darkness.”

[Redacted] light each persons candles as they carry it forth into the Medicine Wheel.

[Redacted] will walk each person one at a time through the Medicine Wheel to the Center.

Keeper of the Seed: Willow,
In the Center of the Medicine Wheel
[Redacted] lead participants to leave flowers and candle will be left in the center of the Wheel as Gifts to the Mother.

Willow will give each person the blessing.
Each person will state their dream for this new season and be given a seed.
A prayer will be offered up for them.
We will all remain in the center of the Medicine Wheel.

Wisdom Keeper of the South:
[Redacted] will hold the space at the altar say:
"Prepare to bring fruition into your life."

A new candle will be given to each and a single seed which represents that which will be brought forward into the light of the new life.

[Redacted] holding the bowl of Earth where each participant will drop the seed into the earth you will say,
"Plant the seed of constancy for it is here that you will learn to maintain the stable gifts of fruition."

Water Element Sage/Water:
[Redacted] pour drops of water from their hands into the bowl of dirt being held by the keeper of the East.
Your blessing sung through Divine inspiration.

Fire Element:
[Redacted] direct the participant to light a candle for the intention of constancy.

Air Element Breath:
[Redacted] you will breath the breath of Great Spirit into the cupped hands at the third eye
Say: It is our unified hands in the world which sustain the connections of vision and dream.

Attention = Silent Alertness with no interfering thoughts.

Everyone gathers in the middle of the Medicine Wheel.
Closing Prayer: Willow
Willow will say a prayer to Mother Earth,
Womb of Life,
the sacred vessel of the seeds of our life.

[Redacted] give a prayer/personal choice of voice for Father Spirit as the Sacred Fire.
to offer a song of Universal Oneness.
And in unison each participant lifts prayer of thanksgiving.

Intention of Unity In Peace

Blessed Be

Sacred Reflections: Community of New Breed Healers

Welcomes all to the:
Spring Ceremony - Open
Sunday, April 13th @ 2:00

Please bring:

  • Your dreams for the new season: Individual, family, ancestral, global or universal.
  • Your seed intentions for the new season. In a sealed envelope.
  • You may give them to Willow before or during the ceremony.
  • For persons who are unable to physically attend.
  • Some Dirt from your yard. If you have been maintaining sacred soil, please bring a sample to share in the caldron.
    • If you are able, Please be with us remotely.
    • Please be holding the intentions for this Sacred Ceremony.
  • One small stone to the form and manifestation for building of the spiral.
  • Corn meal and flowers as offerings.
  • Gourd Offering


  • Woman wear dress or skirt with scarf to cover head during ritual.
  • Head Covering White covering for ceremonialists at the altar.
  • Gate Keeper, Head Covering Black. Please have a ceremonial belt.

Who are the Guides:

We call upon One Divine Source as separated into two known as Creatrix/Creator, Great Spirit/Great Mystery, Father Time and Mother Space, Mother Earth and Father Energy, the Ancestors and the Ancient Ones, Divine Light and Accompaniment for guidance upon our journey. May all our counsels and guides be present today guiding our heart intentions and providing us with safe and gentle passage as we move through the spiral from the depth of Great Mystery’s womb into the day in Co-Creation.

Universal Ceremonialists: [Redacted]

The Spring Equinox Ceremony

The Spring Equinox Ceremony is an opportunity to review the long dark days and nights spent within Great Mystery. Our inner work moves outward into the light as the long dark nights of the soul have been honored and examined. In the void we have listened to Great Mystery, received inner guidance, direction, clarity and vision.

Today we gather the days of wisdom and humus and plant a single seed of intention in the Light of Father Spirit and Mother Earth - Great Mystery.
Today we make commitments of constancy by planting seeds of our personal heart intention into the soil.
For it is in the soil of mother earth, warmed by the radiant fire of Father Spirit that our dreams take FORM. It is in the constancy of devotion to what we know holds our highest intention, that we uphold in Unity within self and within our world.
It is through the Peace of Unity as Divine Creation that we explore in Gratitude, Adoration and Cherishment the fullest blessings of our lives.
Today we honor the 'transformation of humus' that we have experienced through the darkness and look toward the 'transmutation of seed' into rooted plant as we embrace the first light of new beginnings.
Today we Dream Anew.

Sacred Form

Rules for participating in the Sacred Circle of Reverence.

  • Being creation in silence.
  • Be of a mindful heart of the Sacred Space we are holding.
  • "Attention is silent Alertness with no interfering thoughts."
  • If you have a need quietly ask ________ to escort you out of the spiral.
  • Follow the Fluid Flow of Time allowance and Space allowance.
  • Anyone who is unable to participate in this ceremony without quiet reverence is asked to place themselves outside the circle.
  • If you are already in the circle and need to leave take direction from __________.
  • Thank you in advance for your participation and considerations.

Offering of Gifts

  • Altar - Bowl of Com Meal with a candle in the center.
  • Small votive candles to be lit by the participants.
  • Flowers
  • Gourd
  • Spiral of Night and Day

Ceremony Begins

2:30 p.m.

Clearing individual participants for entrance into the Sacred Space.

New Breed Healers are asked to take 15 minutes in the separate room, in circle and in silence interceding by holding the group, time, space and the ceremony for Divine Loves Light Intention.
Opening Prayer by Mitch.

Invocation sung by Community YaMaYa

Calling in the Directions by _____________________________

Introduction by _________________

Words of the 4 Grandmothers __________________________

OM - Toning by ____________

Dance of Creation - Lead by the Eastern Region New Breed Healers

All New Breed Healers are invited to participate in the Dance of Creation
Discuss amongst yourselves and let me know what directions you will be holding.
Please submit to me written direction language if you wish to speak the direction.

Calling in the Elements and Arch Angels
Music/Drumming honoring sacred movement in silence - ____________


See Instructions for Ritual Celebrants: ______________________

  • Earth Element Seed: ________
  • Water Element Sage/Water: ________
  • Earth/Fire Elements: ________
  • Air Element Breath: ________
  • Metal: ________

Lay Ceremonialists: Gate Keeper of East: ________ Wisdom Keeper of the North: ________ Gate Keeper of the West: ________ Wisdom Keeper of the South: ________ Light Guides: NBH Community

Directions for Ritual

Gatekeeper of the West

________ will hold the outer circle allowing the passage of each participant. You ·will need a staff with a metal object on it.
________ gives each person a flower to bring as a gift.
________ you will say:
"Take reverence. you walk within the Sacred Heart of Great Mystery."
________ is the leader of all lay ceremonialists:

If you need help ________ is the person to signal.

Attention = Silent Alertness with no interfering thoughts.
Everyone gathers in circle
Closing Prayer: ________
________ will say a prayer to Mother Earth, Womb of Life, the sacred vessel of the seeds of our life.
________ will say a prayer to Great Spirit for the energetic life force which sustains us.

Song offering of Universal Oneness.
Oh Great Spirit, earth, sky, land and sea, you are within and all around me.
Oh, Great Mother, earth, sky, land and sea, you are within and all around me.

And in unison each pa1ticipant lifts a personal prayer of thanksgiving.
Intention of Unity In Peace
Blessed Be

all questions, concerns and directions are to be discussed with her.
Wisdom Keeper of the North: ________

Entrance into the Spiral-

We are in the spiral within our hearts for we have been here in the darkness of the soul for several months now. Inward healing has taken place.
Ruthie you will say to each person who enters into the spiral:
"You are healed of grief and sorrow.
Look deep 'within' for the light which shines in the darkness."
Lead each person across the rounds to Willow one at a time.

Wisdom Keeper of the Seed - Willow

In the Center of the Spiral-

Flowers left as Gifts to the Mother
Willow will sit with the seed.
Each person will state their dream for this new season and be given a seed.
A prayer will be offered up for them.
They will leave by walking the spiral.

Wisdom Keeper of the South: ________

________ will hold the space between the spiral and the altar.

________ you will say:
"Prepare to bring fruition into your life."
Allow them to pass when the last person has left the altar.

Gate Keeper of East: ________
________ you will be holding the bowl of Earth where each participant will drop the seed into the earth.
You will say,
"Plant the seed of constancy. for it is 'here'. that you will learn to maintain the stable gifts off fruition."

++++Return to the Larger Circle+++++
Lay Celebrants Reform in a line.

Water Element Sage/Water: ________
Linnea you will pour drops of water from their hands into the bowl of dirt being held by Amy. Linnea you will spontaneously sing Your blessing Divine inspiration.

Fire Element: ________
Lori you will direct the participant to light a candle for the intention of constancy.

Air Element Breath: ________
________ you will breath the breath of Divine Source into the cupped hands at the third eye.
Prayer: "Through the Unified hands of the World. We bring forth the maintaining and sustaining connections of your vision and dream."

Light Guides: NBH Community Each of you will take turns walking the participants back to the seating area. ***A participant may become unstable after receiving the Breath. It is important that you stand behind 'without touch' unless needed.

In seeking the inner light of ourselves we come up - face to face with ourselves.

This is a time which will invoke our fears.

Consideration and questions for thought are:

What fear do I practice unconsciously which supports and feeds my feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness.

What does this fear look like, feel like, how do I cherish it, what comfort does it give me?

How do I unconsciously use this fear to hold me in an abundance of scarcity which keeps me in 4th world thinking where I have no voice?

What would happen if I choose a new chair in the room?
A new chair that held my creative genius voice abundantly?

What is my fear of success?

What losses are connected to the fear of moving on in awakening?

Know that everyone is going through this intensive time of facing the transition of this awareness.
The level that we are dealing with is different, but it is part of the process, just a different stage of development.

Knowing and getting down with our Inner Light requires that we get down with understanding what holds that essence of the shadow of fear.

It is helpful to think of the Essential Being as being dressed in 17 different veils.
Each veil is a screen which allows us to notice our separation.
Each separation is dualistic in nature, i.e. the nature of light and the nature of dark.
Both are so importantly valuable in understanding our whole self, we are equally made up of both.

Each awareness has a purpose, or veil.
The veil of Inner Light that is being looked upon at this time is:

What fear do I practice which supports and feeds my feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness?
How does this practice help me to sustain myself in Forth World values of scarcity and therefore promote disempowerment of self and others?

Where does my victim fit into this mold and how do I call others into supporting my victim?

Please take some time to consider this thought.

Much love and grace, strength and empowerment through this awareness,

Dear NBH,
Thank you for a wonderful time and thank you for taking the timeout before hand - to work through your issues of betrayal.
I see that it is not easy to stop what we are doing and consider that our 'stuff' can hold up the progress and advancement of our dreams and the dreams of the community. Yet rather than sweeping it under the rugh, It is so important to deal with our stuff when it comes up so that it does not later on become the closet monster which hinders and keeps us in the dark.

The Spring Equinox ceremony was too wonderful for words and waking up on mother earth and the sun shining so wonderfully, warms my heart so deeply, not to mention my sun burn.
The spiral, reel and medicine wheel, elements and all of the forces of co-creative nature in unison.
What perfection as always.

I want to thank all who participated physically and remotely.
I hope that all who we held space for felt the wonder of the event in your own special way.
Please share what you did.

The community here co-created a sacred space for each of you with rocks for setting your place in the Medicine Wheel, corn meal and flowers and offering and a lit or unlit candle depending on your own desire to be with the community or be time separate from it.

We slept to the sound of Mother Owl guarding us and the frogs singing.

We woke to the geese song and sound of wings.

I am happy to be present with each of you as we continue to travel and explore this road of introspection and out formation.

My love to each of you.
Please talk with each other about your experiences and how holding a space in ceremony expanded your experience of acceptance and allowance for self and other, also how clearing ourselves of the issues that plague us, provide the inner humility to participate in the understanding of how expansively wonderful life is.

Please speak to the shift that you feel taking place within all the aspects of your life, especially the work that is taking place in the area where you sit on the medicine wheel.

Remember to place the medicine wheel and the Inner Light #3 together. Both centers together, then shine into the light. Notice where you are on the wheel and then where you are in Inner Light. This is the place where your greatest work and advancement will take place. Then look at the qualities which surround that area, these are the Divine Qualities which support you through your talent.
The qualities which you bring in support you through the gift given when asked for.

Have fun with this as you sort out a pathway which most supports you.

Thank you again.
I will be taking off for the week returning on Monday.
Please take this time to communicate what you have learned this month and this week about Inner Light.
Please take the time paint your Inner Light Portrait.
Please complete all of the assignments and share your reflections.

In gratitude and Peace,
Your teacher and guide,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024