Inner Chaos - Teachings of the Inner Circle - LSD 5/2007

Letters of Spiritual Direction: Teachings of the Inner Circle

by Willow Tequillo

"We can define Compassion as Warm Hearted Kindness."
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, 4-29-2007

Dear New Breed Healers,
Blessings and grace to each of you and all that you hold dear,

The month of May is here. This is the month that we open clearly our eyes to the light which cleanses and washes away any left over sleep. We greet this awareness of Inner Chaos with open arms and heart as we welcome this opportunity which provides us with the intentional space for what we want to plant in our life. This 3rd Awareness of Inner Chaos, intentionally creates the foundational bed to plant the visions of our dreams firmly in the ground. We intentionally begin to clear the ground of matter for where we want to live.

Over the last few months we have coursed through the rocky seas of (0)Unknowing, (1)Essential Being and (2)Inner Light. Sometimes we were consciously diligent and sometimes half hearted. We have traversed through the long cold months of winter and upheaval of early spring winds of change. We have experienced the depth of cold and the warmth of the fire, security and insecurity. We have experienced the tension of thinking that it is time to plant the new idea and been stumped by the attitudes of opposition and resistance. We have found ourselves standing in our bitter cold disillusionment of thinking that we know, only to realize again that every step must surrender to the next. We have had the reminder that what we think we know must be surrendered to the unknowing. The lesson of thinking that we know the path and Mother Earth once again showing us that we can have no attachment to what we think we know.

We have experienced the natural course of Great Mother Earth in her Natural Order. The constancy of Great Spirit and ever changing face of Great Mother Earth. Only together in Communion is this Divine Source (Great Spirit and Great Mother Earth) able to find Stillness in Chaos. Only in this understanding that we as Creation are both Spirit and Matter, Mater, Mother, are we able to gain clarity to why we exist. Great Spirit being gifted the place to rest, Great Mother being given the gift of touch. Embrace and Embracing, giving and receiving, one moment of communion and compassion in adoration (cooperation).

We have experienced our Inner Light as First Faith or our first step in the development of faith, trusting only in Divine Love and Guidance. The Divine Love of Great Spirit and Great Mother who 'gives and receives' the gift of self and each other.

Together each teaching us to meet ourselves as Co-Creation. Co-creation within ourselves through our intentional examination of our life as aspects of Ego and Vehicle, Soul and Home, Work and Friendships, Family and Partnerships. Co-Creation begins in the common union of Divine Love meeting and greeting in allowance and gratitude the gift of self as self and self as the other in the sacred space of the various aspects of our life.

It is here in this understanding that we BEGIN to comprehend that Giving and Receiving are one thing. Great Spirit and Great Mother, each giving and receiving as one movement, in harmony, in adoration for self and other. This compassionate heart (warm hearted kindness) allows each to fully BE Present in our fullest potential. Each being the teacher and student for the vision and reflection of highest and fullest potential.

Communion - Stillness in Chaos is the lesson of the Inner Light .
The common union, where self meets self, shadow meets light where we see the truth of ourselves for the first time. It is here in this place of humility that we learn to be still in the matter that we are. We learn that we are creation inspirited or enlightened by spirit. When we know this, we discover that we are alive, we know where we live, we honor our home and the vehicle which has brought us to this place, sanctuary.

As we move into the month of May, we remember the labor which we have intentionally offered for our seeds of Inner Light which now sprout in the safe haven of small individual containers. The containers of Home, Vehicle, Work, Partnerships, Soul, Ego, Friends and Family. Each container holding a single seed, or twin seed, just sprouting and coming into form. Each seed holding the potential of matter to be enlightened by the spirit of our personal spiritual relationship of our qualities. In other words, the various aspects of our life are played out through the spiritual relationships of our qualities. How well, how clear, how attuned we are to our qualities within each of the aspects of our life, will determine the harmony of our life. Harmony and peace are the measuring sticks of· personal happiness.

This month we will begin to either, re-examine Inner Light or we will begin to examine Inner Chaos.

It is now time to move outside our stigma of thinking that we know and begin to prepare the soil of happiness for the purpose of planting the sprouts of our qualities within the safe beds of our intentions. It is a time of caution, a time of exploration, a time of slow and meaningful movements. It is a time of attention and a time of moving the soil around to see it's ability to maintain and sustain it's self as the intentional foundation for our work or life purpose. WE, each of us is the humus of our bed. WE are each individually the soil of our life. How we pay attention, intention and gratitude for our life is our individual 'will' as the foundation of our fruit.

May each bed be the fertile soil of humus. May we surrender to the constancy of Great Spirit and the ever changing face of Great Mother as the act of Humility which creates this humus (or rich bed of soil) called our life. Living in humility allows for happiness to grow in sanctuary without attachment. May each bed be the rich soil which grows our highest potential in the sanctuary of care and kindness.

It is my hope and deepest intention to be supportive to each of you as we travel this inner pathway of self awareness which leads to the pathway of conscious awareness of our inner relationship IN All That Is.

In All Love through Grace and Peace,

Inner Chaos - Part I

Teachings by Willow Tequillo

Before you begin the assignment for May, please do these two things:

(1) Read and consider the latest in the Letters of Spiritual Direction:

dated May 3, 2007
Letters of Spiritual Direction: Teachings of the Inner Circle
by Willow Tequillo ;


(2) Make sure that all of your Inner Light work is posted in your Gallery under the appropriate stages of your Inner Light work.

Here are your May Assignments, which we will Begin on May 8th (the day Guatama Buddha's is said to have gained Enlightenment)

Assignment # 1 - (Please complete in 5 days.)

This assignment is to be done in one sitting
Post the following exercise in the Category called "Spiritual Relationship"
Also post in your individual weekly assignment section.

  1. Ask yourself - "If there were ONE Supreme Quality that would speak to and encompass all that I am, what would it be called?"

    "This Supreme Quality is made up of my 5 spiritual relationship qualities and is reflected in the 8 aspects of my life."

  2. Post a paragraph on what you have learned about Spiritual Relationship and Inner Light.
    (Make sure that you use the 5 spiritual relationship qualities that you have been working with, remember these may never change throughout your process of 17 Awareness's. Include your Supreme Quality and how it is reflective in your life through your 5 spiritual relationship qualities and in the 8 aspects of your life.)

Assignment #2 - (Please complete in 6 days)

To be done in one sitting.
Examination of Inner Chaos, Awareness #3 of 17.

Read the following before you answer the questions:

  1. Consider these AND answer the questions which follow; and
  2. Post your answers to the questions in your Individual Weekly Assignment forum.

We continue our spiral upward in the First Trinity with the essential participant - "Thought" of love.

Inner chaos is the 'thought' of love.
In, Inner Chaos, the minds unsettled self has a place to be cherished, heard and spoken to.
The mind begins the deep search for 'that something' which is un-named and unresolved deep within.
'Ego Self' experiences the initial taste of 'inner depth'.

'Ego Self' explores Soul's (self's) memories of existence of authenticity through present and past life time experiences and beliefs.
In Inner Chaos, both Ego Self and Soul Self are fragmented (they are split into 4), so they cannot remember what is missing or how to get to the sacred place of Inner Unity.
Soul memories re-member 'the thoughts of love' which dream the origin of the ego/soul's intention for this incarnation.
These thoughts support the connections of dreams and intentions of personal beliefs and expectations and simultaneously processes reasoning within societal belief and societal expectations.
Ego Self and Soul Self meet in communion through an initial acknowledgement of preconceived ideas and judgments.
This communion creates a pathway for the allowance of new considerations of personal truth.
Humility is reflected as the New light in this awareness of personal understanding.

Inner Chaos brings us to the place where we begin to think or have thoughts about our ideas or the essential matter that makes up the seeds of our thoughts.

We call the 3rd awareness, Inner Chaos, because this is the place where we examine our beliefs. We thoroughly examine what we believe in, what motivates us, where our scarcity lives, where our joy lives.
We examine our stories and make peace with them.
Peace does not come from walking away, peace comes from acknowledgement, reconciliation and consciousness.
This requires great bravery, respect, self control and sobriety.
It requires humility, tenderness and utmost care for self and the other through forgiveness of self and the other.
As long as we have no need for forgiveness or no need to forgive the other, there is no need for reconciliation.
In other words we are One in complete humility, in compete surrender to All That Is.
"One" without polarity or duality.

Inner Chaos poses the following questions for us to answer:

  1. Am I there?
  2. Am I without polarity, am I without Duality?
  3. Do I allow myself to know and practice my boundaries?
  4. Do I allow the other to know and practice their boundaries?
  5. Do I respect the other while walking my path in faith?
  6. Do I pay attention or do I sluff off in apathy the things that I 'think' are mundane?
  7. Do I think too much of the other and forget my own pathway causing me to stumble and forget my own way?

Assignment #3 - (Please complete in 15 days).

This is a multi-part assignment that needs to be worked on day by day.
I have broken the questions down into sets of two for each day.
It is important to work on these each day for two reasons: (1) to keep the line of consciousness open and receptive; and (2) so you do not fall behind and become too overwhelmed by the process. You have 16 days to do 16 sets of questions.

Please read and consider the following and then answer the questions:

Inner Light is a difficult and enlightening awareness as it provides for us a starting point of personal truth.
A solid foundation in which to build our faith within the context of personally validating our own existence and validating the existence of others.
It is a place where we form the solid bed of communion through our thoughts of what we believe.

Initially our ideas of who we are and what we believe are developed through the thoughts or the veils of family beliefs, cultural beliefs, societal
beliefs, world beliefs and universal beliefs. We live in places where our beliefs are cherished and supported. We consciously and unconsciously
support and promote ways of living. Now we will examine what we are promoting, why we are promoting it and whether or not any of this truly
reflects who we claim to be. Let us begin our examination of where we live.


Using the language of your 5 spiritual qualities examine and answer the following questions:

A1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Vehicle?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Vehicle?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

A2. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Work?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Work?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

A3. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Family?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Family?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

A4. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Ego?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Ego?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

A5. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Partnership?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Partnership?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

A6. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Home?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Horne?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

A7. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Soul?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Soul?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

A8. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my Friendships?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Friendships?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Vehicle?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Vehicle?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B2. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Work?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my work?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B3. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Family?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my family?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B4. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Ego?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my ego?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B5. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Partnership?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Partnership?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B6. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Home?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Home?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B7. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Soul?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Soul?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

B8. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously support me in my Friendships?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Friendships?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Vehicle?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Vehicle?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C2. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Work?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Work?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C3. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Family?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Family?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C4. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Ego?
Who was my teacher for this belief? Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Ego?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C5. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Partnership?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Partnerships?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C6. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Home?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Home?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C7. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Soul?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Soul?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

C8. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my Friendships?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Friendships?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Vehicle?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Vehicle?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D2. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Work?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Work?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D3. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Family?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Family?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D4. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Ego?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Ego?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D5. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Partnership?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Partnerships?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D6. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Home?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Home?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D7. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Soul?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Soul?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

D8. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which unconsciously sabotage in my Friendships?
Who was my teacher for this belief?
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Friendships?
Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How?
Do I want to keep this belief or not?

Take a day off.

Assignment #4 - (Please do between June 6 - 10).

Side-by-side (in two columns):

  1. Make a list of the beliefs that you want to keep.
  2. Make a list of the beliefs that you want to let go of.

  1. -10. Using the list of the beliefs that you Want to Keep -- for each of the 8 aspects of your life -- write a summary answering the following question:
    How am I developing and supporting my Supreme Quality through the active use of my 5 spiritual qualities in the (one of the 8 aspects) by keeping this belief?
    Make sure that you make your way through every belief that you want to keep.
    Remember that all of these beliefs are now conscious.

  1. When you are finished (i.e., June 10), take the next 5 days to fully pay attention to how you are actively participating in what you believe in.

Assignment #5 :

  1. Paint Inner Chaos
    (unless you receive instructions from me otherwise, plan on doing this at the NBH gathering on June 16).

Please make sure that all of your work is posted by June 16, 2007.

Blessings, grace and surefooted perseverance to all,
Inlove and Peace,

Part 2 - 3rd Awareness - Soul Portrait Inner Chaos

  1. Using the list of the beliefs that you Want to Keep and the 8 aspects of your life -- write a summary answering the following question.
  • How am I developing and supporting my Supreme Quality through the active use of my spiritual qualities measured in the 8 aspects of my life by keeping this belief?
  • Make sure that you make your way through every belief that you want to keep. Remember that all of these beliefs are now conscious .
  1. . Take the next 5 days to fully pay attention to how you are actively participating in what you believe in. Take notes for creating your Mantra.
  2. On the 6th day, create a Mantra for each Aspect of your life
    A Mantra honors the fact that you have called this forth, manifested as experience in your life and are now living in gratitude with it.
  3. From your Mantra List, Create a prayer for your life. This is a prayer that you will pray the rest of your days in this incarnation. This prayer is a Letter To Your Source.
  4. With your prayer take a day of silence and paint Inner Chaos.
    Here are some ideas and thoughts for you to explore in regard to the Mantra work.
    Aspect Family:
    Mantra : I am held and supported by my Supreme Quality, 'unconditional' love offered through free will with my family.
    Aspect Partnership:
    Mantra: I believe that I am wonderful and lovable and that it is safe to trust myself and another in partnership. Aspect Home
    Mantra: I live in my home that is a beautiful and sacred space of sanctuary and peace .. )

***Remember that you work as a group through this. Choose dates and times for rhythm and complete together. Much love and may this part of your journey bring recognition to the tenderness of your Life Well Lived.
Inlove and Peace,
Willow JiMi
Spiritual Guide/Master Teacher

Letters of Spiritual Direction : Teachings of the Inner Circle

by Willow Tequillo
revision of 5-2007

"We can define Compassion as Warm Hearted Kindness."
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama , 4-29-2007

New World Memory Keepers,
Blessings and grace to each of you and all that you hold dear,

The month of October is here. This is the month where winds blow away any leftover stuff in our lives. Cold winds change the colors of the leaves, the way we dress, what we place into our bodies and more attention is paid to how we walk in our world . It is a wonderful time of flying leaves and howling at the moon. So as you begin this new journey in the stable form of Libra, balancing perfectly the inner and outer self, may you find so much joy here. May you adore where you are, learning about where you have been and finally coming to a deep, curious and crucial understanding of yourself. May you gather nurturing fruit and vegetable to sustain you through this time of inner reflection. And may the chaos of once was, be let go of as a gift to nurture and support that part of the Great Mystery that needs it. May you know yourself as the Dreamers Dream and may this knowing bring Faith's devotion into your unfolding beauty as joy in happiness.

We greet this awareness of Inner Chaos with open arms and heart as we welcome this opportunity which provides us with the intentional space for what we want to plant in our life. This 3rd Awareness of Inner Chaos, intentionally creates the foundational bed to plant the visions of our dreams firmly in the ground . We intentionally begin to clear the ground of matter for where we want to live .

Over the last few months we have coursed through the rocky seas of (0)Unknowing, (1)Essential Being and (2)Inner Light. Sometimes we were consciously diligent and sometimes half hearted . We have traversed through rocky mountains and swirling oceans and now we enter into the winds of change. We have experienced the depth of cold and the warmth of the fire, security and insecurity. We have experienced the tension of thinking that it is time to plant the new idea and been stumped by the attitudes of opposition and resistance . We have found ourselves standing in our bitter cold disillusionment of thinking that we know, only to realize again that in every step must surrender to the next. We have had the reminder that what we think we know must be surrendered to the unknowing . We continually learn the lessons of thinking that we know the path and Mother Earth once again showing us that we can have no attachment to what we think we know.

We have experienced the natural course of Great Mother Earth in her Natural Order. The constancy of Great Spirit and ever changing face of Great Mother Earth.
Only together in Communion is this Divine Source (Great Spirit and Great Mystery - Mother Earth) able to find Stillness in Chaos.

Only in this understanding that we as Creation are both Spirit and Matter, Mater, Mother, are we able to gain clarity to why we exist. Great Spirit being gifted the place to rest, Great Mother being given the gift of touch. Embrace and Embracing , giving and receiving , one moment of communion and compassion in adoration (cooperation).

We have experienced our Inner Light as First Faith or our first step in the development of faith, trusting only in Divine Love and Guidance. The Divine Love of Great Spirit and Great Mystery who 'gives and receives' the gift of self and each other.

Together each teaching us to meet ourselves as Co-Creation. Co-creation within ourselves through our intentional examination of our life as aspects of Ego and Vehicle, Soul and Home, Work and Friendships, Family and Partnerships. Co-Creation begins in the common union of Divine Love meeting and greeting in allowance and gratitude the gift of self as self and self as the other in the sacred space of the various aspects of our life .

It is here in this understanding that we BEGIN to comprehend that Giving and Receiving are one thing. Great Spirit and Great Mother, each giving and receiving as one movement, in harmony, in adoration for self and other. This compassionate heart (warm hearted kindness) allows each to fully BE Present in our fullest potential. Each being the teacher and student for the vision and reflection of highest and fullest potential.

Communion - Stillness in Chaos is the lesson of the Inner Light.
The common union, where self meets self, shadow meets light where we see the truth of ourselves for the first time . It is here in this place of humility that we learn to be still in the matter that we are. We learn that we are creation inspirited or enlightened by spirit. When we know this, we discover that we are alive, we know where we live, we honor our home and the vehicle which has brought us to this place, sanctuary.

As we move into the month of October we remember the labor which we have intentionally offered for our seeds of Inner Light which now sprout in the safe haven of small individual containers. The containers of Home, Vehicle , Work , Partnerships, Soul, Ego, Friends and Family. Each container holding a single seed, or twin seed, just sprouting and coming into form. Each seed holding the potential of matter to be enlightened by the spirit of our personal spiritual relationship of our qualities. In other words, the various aspects of our life are played out through the spiritual relationships of our qualities. How well, how clear, how attuned we are to our qualities within each of the aspects of our life, will determine the harmony of our life . Harmony and peace are the measuring sticks of personal happiness .

This month we will begin to examine Inner Chaos.

It is now time to move outside our stigma of thinking that we know and begin to prepare the soil of happiness for the purpose of planting the sprouts of our qualities within the safe beds of our intentions. It is a time of caution, a time of exploration, a time of slow and meaningful movements. It is a time of attention and a time of moving the soil around to see its ability to maintain and sustain its self as the intentional foundation for our work or life purpose. WE, each of us is the humus of our bed. WE are each individually the soil of our life. How we pay attention, intention and gratitude for our life is our individual 'will' as the foundation of our fruit.

May each bed be the fertile soil of humus. May we surrender to the constancy of Great Spirit and the ever changing face of Great Mother Mystery as the act of Humility which creates this humus (or rich bed of soil) called our life. Living in humility allows for happiness to grow in sanctuary without attachment. May each bed be the rich soil which grows our highest potential in the sanctuary of care and kindness.

It is my hope and deepest intention to be supportive to each of you as we travel this inner pathway of self awareness which leads to the pathway of conscious awareness of our inner relationship IN All That Is.

In All Love through Grace and Peace,

Transcended Inner Chaos

Based upon your writing thus far in your Transcended Inner Chaos work, look, see, hear and emotionally process, how your qualities unify into a supreme pathway.

Write 3 paragraphs on the fluidity of your personal experience of their qualities unifying in personal journal

  1. Dignified Truth
  2. Noble Trust
  3. Generous Allowance
  4. Courageous Faith
  5. Humbled Humility
  6. Passionate Strength
  7. Passageways (to, of, for, from Love)
  8. Grateful Gratitude
  9. Beautiful Splendor
  10. Graceful Cherishment
  11. Delightful Devotion
  12. Supreme Quality Authentic Eternal Devotion

Divine and human mind in dignified truth, gives me a sense of being the small rock of eternity, through great rocks of worlds. I begin in a wondering if there is a reason for all of this existence and realizing that the only way that I can make sense of any of it, is to realized the truth that, I do not know.

In my surrender to unknowing, I come to trust. When my heart stands full, in passionate strength trusting in the wisdom of emotions, the body of matter and the focus of the mind,,,, I experience noble trust. For I connect with my soul. In the trust I give my self permission and a wide birth, generous allowance to become the hope that lives in my heart. I know this hope only as a feeling within a physical form, a watery, fluid, emotion of a love so deep that there is not cure for it. There is only a hope of the journey of life experience. This hope brings me to diving deep into courageous faith. A faith that I am the mystery which allows the magic to dream in. And in my self I allow the generosity of myself to lend 'miracles' a home of formation.

It is here that I become humbled humility of unknowing, for I do not know what will become of the alchemy of magic and mysteries love so deep. I only know that life does grow and flourish in my surrender to becoming more than I am and fully allowing the generous space within and without to evolve in co-creation.

It is through this co-creation that I ascend into a deeper fuller knowing of the Courageous Faith that I am. This courageous faith takes me to a place of passion for life, passion for living, and creates within my various bodies, clear and sustainable pathways to love openly, to be of a loving nature, for the co-creation of a greater love yet to be born, from a love that is immeasurable.

And from this love I find the peace that comes from a grateful heart. My gratitude for this life becomes the fullness of my being, radiating hope beyond that which was ever my dream and I know myself to be selfless love. Metta, one without attachment, for all life IS love in simplicity. This brings me to Beautiful Splendor .......... my experience of my life journey, for all is lovely, all is necessary, all is good and my heart is full in no name. And I come to know cherishment of living for it is my heart, my feelings, my emotions which knows itself to be the life force elixir connecting all body of matter of golden particle into form. Gravity is the emotional resonance of chemistry drawing like to like here upon this earth plane and through the universes, realms and worlds. And it is in this gravitational pull of passionate strength that we build in co-operation the tender new worlds based upon unification of qualities of self and other. And we become the delightful devotion to the evolution of the body of matter that we are, coming to know that our Soul does carry the unfolding Authentic Eternal Devotion of our BEING, from and into eternity.

Hi NewBe Group,
I hope that you are all recovering and have your feet placed firmly on the ground. As part of your Rule of Life you have a section called "Meditation and Study".

This part of the Rule of Life, keeps us in touch with our Mind Body, our Physical Body and our Emotional Body by first moving through the First Trinity of the Mind.

You will come to fully understand the Trinities as you begin to process your work. Just for today, relax and enter into the Meditation.

Meditation and Study help us by providing us with:

  1. An inner sacred space to examine our 'self' and our relationship with our self.
  2. Gives us clues about what matters to us in our lives.
  3. Gives us access to hidden shadows which have formed consciously or unconsciously through out our lives.
  4. Provides for us a space for inner and outer exploration of our lives.
  5. Provides for us a landscape for reflection and accountability.
  6. Provides for us access to Joy and Beauty hidden deep within ourselves.


We have 9 bodies (see Traveling Through the Worlds in the Policy section of the Forum).

We work consciously with 3 of those bodies. The Mind Body, the Physical Body and the Emotional Body.

We Think with our Mind Body
We Sense with our Physical Body
We Feel with our Emotional Body

The alignment and understanding of these three bodies, creates within us the ability for our Whole Nine Bodies to align or line up. This is important for clear Soul and Ego communication and Merging or another way stated, for the experience of DivineHuman Being to Be Birthed on this Earth plane recognizing self as Whole/One/Unity.

Get a Color Journal that you can carry with you all day.

  1. Make a list of 10 colors

  2. Consider what "sense" you must relate to in your physical body.
    Is it touch, is it taste, is it sight, is it hearing, is it vision, is it smell.

  3. Each day when you wake up and go to your altar, light your candle and incense.
    Call in your counsel and guides ......
    Ask for guidance for the day.

  4. Choose a color from your list.
    It doesn't matter how you pick, just choose one.

    Say to the color:
    What do I think of you? Write down your thoughts
    Where do I sense you in my Physical body? Write down your experience.
    What feelings do I have in my emotional body? Write down your feelings.
    Check in with your primary sense:
    Consider for your self what sense you are most connected to and complete Color Contemplation with that one sense.

  5. Complete the following statement:
    When l experience this color as (choose your primary sense - smell, taste, vision, touch, hearing, .. ) I (and complete this sentence) ...................

  6. Consideration for thought.
    Many people are concerned that they can not meet their counsel or can not connect the way they want. A way that I have found to be extremely helpful in connecting to my Creative Genius, is to understand first what makes me tick. Figuring out what sense I am most keen to helps me to look there for my guidance and understanding.
    I am also building a foundation to 'wake up' my other senses.
    Senses are the primary ways in which human beings experience life and living.
    Our culture has moved away from this understanding and have become MIND monkey's allowing our thoughts and ideas to take full control of our living.
    Because we are bent on the Mind of out thoughts, we become Emotionally unstable as the emotions must be able to work themselves out through the physical form.
    Physical form, being the most dense form or body, does not respond easily to stagnate mental blocks.

This color exercise is one of many which will begin to help you to open and clear pathways within each of your bodies. It will help you discover something about yourself.

It is primarily important to honor each of your three bodies.
Write, and allow your mind the expression of word to help you discover your experiences and feelings.

Take the time to physically sense the sensations within your physical body, think about when the last time was that you truly sensed your physical form.

Acknowledge your emotional feelings and allow them to move through your physical form.

When you have completed the 10 days of color, go back and re-read your work.
Write a 2 page summary paper on what you have learned about you and your feelings about the assignment.
Be honest and learn to trust yourself.

Make sure that you enter daily, your color contemplations in your personal assignment section in your personal space on the forum.

If you have any questions, please ask.

Much love and grace to you,

Inner Chaos -

Thread 3 Key: Powerful thoughts move in allowance in magical faith of Communion in passionate passageways of gratitude.
"The Arrow and the Air must find balance together in order to hit the mark in Co-operation."

Inner Chaos - Part 1

Read and digest the Letter of Spiritual Direction - post # 3

As a group:

  1. Take a few of the paragraphs and begin a common dialogue.
  2. Agree on 5 questions that you will ask yourselves.

These questions are to reflect each of your trust statements and will remain standard through out this part of your assignment.

  1. Post the assignment weekly in the Dreams, Needs, Concerns, Limitations and Trust section of New World Memory Keepers.

Post your answers in the same section.
Note: Make sure that you are also posting your work in you individual forum under your assignment section for easy access later in your process.


"Letters of Spiritual Direction: Teachings of the Inner Circle"
by Willow Tequillo

"We can define Compassion as Warm Hearted Kindness."
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, 4-29-2007

New World Memory Keepers,
Blessings and grace to each of you and all that you hold dear,

The month of October is here. This is the month where winds blow away any leftover stuff in our lives. Cold winds change the colors of the leaves, the way we dress, what we place into our bodies and more attention is paid to how we walk in our world. It is a wonderful time of flying leaves and howling at the moon. So as you begin this new journey in the stable form of Libra, balancing perfectly the inner and outer self, may you find so much joy here. May you adore where you are, learning about where you have been and finally coming to a deep, curious and crucial understanding of yourself. May you gather nurturing fruit and vegetable to sustain you through this time of inner reflection. And may the chaos of once was, be let go of as a gift to nurture and support that part of the Great Mystery that needs it. May you know yourself as the Dreamers Dream and may this knowing bring Faith's devotion into your unfolding beauty as joy in happiness."

Question #1; How can we support each others process in working in a time frame which meets all of our needs.

Willow's answer: This part of the letter, helps me to reflect upon my own need to have things a certain way, and yet here we are in the another changing season. The seasonal changes, reflections of color, falling leaves, cycles of the moon, cooler air..... remind me to be flexible. As the cool air comes in, I find myself thinking about moving more consciously in my walk, in our walk together. I also notice the steadfast. How the trees are rooted deeply and how, though the wind is blowing the leaves off of the trees, the roots are deep and grounded. This reminds me that there is room for structure, agreements, showing up. So I like the Willow Tree, do plant firmly in the ground/group my dedication to being both firmly planted and swaying with the flow."

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024