Wailing Ceremony - 6/2007

Thoughts of Consideration in Preparation of the Wailing Ceremony

June 14-17th

What are different reasons that we cry?
What is significant about wailing?
What is difference between crying in anger and crying in sorrow?
Why is wailing important and crucial to our existence?
What is the benefit in examining and experiencing our fears in a sacred ceremony vs. examining our fears from a place of anger?

This is a very powerful celebration.
What is the value of wailing?
What is wailing?
How do we create a space for this sacred rite?
What needs to be present?
What needs to not to be present?
What do you need when you are fragile with emotion and venerable and yet need to be held?
What is the heart space?

How do you create a space in the Spiritual Cosmos and Spiritual Earth for this?

Discuss what your dream for this event looks like here.

The intention of the ceremony is to provide a Sacred Space for people to come and participate in reconciliation, through fire and water, earth and air in the ether of emotion.

A wailing ceremony is the essential sacred space of Charity.
Charity is the intentionally created sacred space for a gentle spiritual experience.
This gentle sacred space is created for us to examine our intimate fears and speaks to the core relationship with our fears for the purpose of reconciliation.
In this particular ceremony will create within each of us a place for safety in intimacy and honor for life and living.
It is a scary thought to imagine being in a shared space with our intimate selves and an even scarier thought to share any of this space with another human being, counsels, guides and Divine.

But how do we let go of fear if we can not recognize that we feed our emotional addiction to ?fear??
How can we possibly learn to trust if we do not believe that we can co-create a place and a space which holds the intention of safety?

We must learn to create the place and space which cares enough to know our personal sorrow. These sorrows are the ones we have created for ourselves, sorrows created by us toward others and sorrows created by others experienced by us.

We are whole parts. As a individuals of this human race we have created through our intentional and unintentional acts, suffering for ourselves and others. So we must ask ourselves, how have I created sorrow in my life?

As a collective human race we have co-created through intentional and unintentional acts, sorrow for our world and universe.

Question: How have I as a collective participant created sorrow in my life and in the life of others?

We are very good at creating and co-creating. As long as we hold secret our fear based actions of betrayal and suffering for ourselves and others, we continue to feed the emotional addiction of our fears. This ceremony and ritual is a way delve deeper into the abyss, providing ourselves and others with a place to name and acknowledge sorrow and thus move into the place and space of joy.

This ceremony is a time to look within and ask ourselves:
Where have I intentionally created, through my own intentional actions, suffering and death to my self?

Where have I intentionally created, through my own intentional actions, suffering and death to another being? Being as in any and all of creation.

Where have I unintentionally created, through my own actions suffering and death to myself?

Where have I unintentionally created, through my own actions, suffering and death to another being?

How do I and how have I, fed my own personal addiction to fear, by drawing on chaos to stimulate my personal desire? What are my cloaks that blind me to my actions?

How does this intentional or unintentional action serve to further dis-empower myself and others?

How does this disempowerment further create destructive behaviors which sacrifice Mother Earth and All of Creation?

When we can get to this sacred space in our hearts, we can remember that we are imperfect, and in our imperfection we remember humility. In our humility we surrender to the power greater than ourselves. Here we find forgiveness. In our experience of forgiveness we find reconciliation. In reconciliation we find charity. In charity we find peace. In peace we find compassion. In compassion we seek ways to ease the burden of all life.

This is the essence of the Wailing Ceremony.

Consider deeply the ramifications of personal fear based actions and choose to choose a new path; the path of Conscious open trust in truth.

Consider the fear based actions of all humankind, write down these atrocities and ask that they be healed in our ceremonies. In our Wailing ceremony we surrender all hurts and sorrows to be mended and healed infinitely through all of eternity, from the spiritual earth to the spiritual cosmos, from spiritual cosmos to spiritual earth.

At the ceremony we will gather in a circle around a fire, we will burn our fear based actions and transform them through reconciliation, into hope of a new and brighter path of love as joy. This is one way, we as human beings begin to walk the path of the Divine Human Being. We are the Healers of Emotion. Emotion is the substance of the Soul. When we are in communion, we contribute our feelings through the mind body, physical body and emotional body, the soul body -
WE RE-Member the Harmonic of Love and Joy, and all charity in peace becomes the powerful driving force of Co-creation from Love.

InLove and InPeace,
Blessed Be,
Willow Tequillo,
Spiritual Guide and Medicine Woman

Summary of tasks:

  1. In the mail, one person from each small group will receive several beads (one for each person in your small group) and a piece of string. Select your bead and tie it to the string. Set aside the other beads in a safe place. You will hold your bead for 3 days in a safe place (e.g. your alter). During those 3 days you will be placing your personal intention for your small group into your bead/seed. As your formulate your intention, please post it on the forum in your small group conversation. The other group members must respond to your post through questions and reflections on the forum. On the fourth day, please mail all the beads to the next person in your small group. Then the next person repeats the process, by selecting a bead and placing all your personal intentions for the group into the seed for 3 days. The last person who receives the beads will repeat the process and then become the keeper of the seeds and bring them to ceremony in June. One time per week, your small group will talk on the phone via conference call to explore your intentions in more detail.
  2. Each regional group will make a Mercaba shield together. Each member of the group will select one of their symbols (of the four from your personal shield) that resonates most deeply for you. The regional group will then integrate one symbol from each member to create a group shield on a 12 x 12 canvas. As you walk in your community and out in nature, please select materials to use in constructing your shield (e.g. flowers, sticks, etc.). The materials should resemble your symbol in shape and color, which means you may need to be creative (e.g. wrapping a material around a pen to make a spiral). You will make your shield out of things from nature/matter. You will then bring your community shield to ceremony in June. This process is about connecting to physical earth in preparation for ceremony (wailing ceremony is about connecting to spiritual earth; death dance is about connecting to spiritual cosmos). Finally as a conference call to discuss the Mercaba shield and to prepare the entertainment.
  3. Each morning the NBH'ers will be Dancing together -- The Dance of Creation -- at exactly the same time. In other words, on the west coast, we will be dancing at 5:30 AM with the east coasters at 8:30 AM.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024