5th Awareness - LSD 11/2007

Part I

Letter of Spiritual Direction
Inner Circle Teaching within the Halls of Healing
September 11, 2007

Dearest New Breed Healers,

As I sit here this early morning waiting, anticipating the rising of the sun, I hold each of you tenderly one by one in my eternal embrace. I pray that each of you do find your way through the darkness of doubt, traveling freely into the light and dawn of the new day. May the eternal Halls of Healing renew and strengthen you in every way.

As the New Moon eclipses the sun this morning, I consider the wondrous significance of this time in our lives. We too travel through the natural order of rhythm, rhyme and cycle. WE too follow the course of New Moon exploration of Light.

We are the crescent breath, the Being in discovery of a new and eternal way. We are in the process of self discovery. WE are on the path of discovery of those places hidden deep within the places mostly covered, rarely seen except on those small occasions when we get a glimpse of our shadow where an aspect of our hidden nature is revealed.

In our process and journey what we discover about ourselves as beautiful, joyful, amazingly wonderful, leaving us with a deep sense of connection and desire to delve more fully into self examination. Some of what we learn about ourselves boggles our mind, shakes the foundation of our physical being and leaves us emotionally spent. It is in this place of dark being illuminated by light and light being covered by darkness, that we realize, discover and come to know and embrace who we truly are as individuals.

Like the New Moon eclipse of the Sun today, we are given a rare opportunity to see our dark side brought alive by light or enlightened. These rare occasions give us opportunity and courage to ask ourselves the hard questions, because we are held in a rare and universally generous way, where dark takes courage and allows light to shine upon it, warm it and be transformed by it. It is a time for allowing the fear of our secret self most hidden away, to be tenderly revealed and held, transformed and recreated into the higher form of its highest potential and quality.

The hard question for us personally and for our world today is:

How has my own callous disregard for another,
impaired the natural order of care and concern offered for the whole?

The New Moon eclipse of the Sun today helps us to shine light on the shadow side of our life and reveals to us the opportunity to warm and heal that outer wound which has been left unattended.

As we move deeper into these times of great change and fast pace, we must be hyper diligent in knowing what attitude we project into and onto our world.

As Beings on the road of Divinity, we are called not to walk as Soul or Ego alone, but to walk this Heavenly Earth path as a Divine Human Being. The time of lack of consideration, avoidance and sheltering shadow has past and is left in 4th world.

Our mission is kindness, courage, respect, clarity, vision and hope. As New Breed Healers we must STOP!!!! and allow the Chaos to be a part of our past. Stop, not for a moment, not for a day, but for all time.

We Remember that it is TODAY in this Eternal Time of Times, that the Akasic Records for New Earth Formation are being written and recorded.

What we experience today, what we focus on today, what we Love today is what is being formed for our future generations and for the next time of times. Do you understand this? Where do you live? What do you feel? How do you share? What is important to you? What are your dreams? These are the questions that the Akasic Records ask us. What are your answers and what do you bring forth for the future?

As New Breed Healers, we are Leaders, Teachers, Healers, Shamans, Beings of Great and wonderful Medicine. We must take the most inner road of integrity and lead the way past our own callous disregard and become Beings of Heart Mind Light.

Let us experience living our Life as Great Mother and Great Spirit in union and communion. Let us experience our life as Earth in all Creation and Relation. Let us learn to live tenderly and love humanity, encouraging the further development and process through hope and consideration of another's plight. As New Breed Healers we must learn about ourselves (our self), and when we come to know SELF, recognize and state our personal Dream. We must then have the courage to share our dream and we must co-create the sacred space for others to dream and discover their Dream.

REMEMBER with Humility, the arms which held you tenderly and listened intentionally and intently as you discovered your frailty. Remember the sacred space that you were given. The place that you were given to discover you and your highest potential and dream. Now, in the natural order of giving and receiving, create and co-create this sacred space of your dream for others, that they might be able to experience the Divinely Sacred Being that they are.

Remember to give hope, there are many who experience despair and disappointment in their travels of the fourth world.

Share laughter in Joy as often as you can, for this kind of happiness refreshes and renews the Energy Flow of Great Spirit. It is through this remembering that Great Mother becomes tender and able to endure the chance and changes of time.

Pay attention and be as clear as possible in your heart path. A clear heart will always renew intention and motivation. Words of the mind will rarely make a difference in ones life. Words born of the heart will bring clarity and vision to humanity.

Share what you have been given. You have been given all things. Possessions are for the purpose of delight. Share willingly your delight from the generosity of your inner most enlightened being.

We are here on this Earth Plane for One reason, to learn to Love Unconditionally. Unconditional Love requires that we learn to Be InLove Deeply without Attachment to the material and/or the outcome. Remember that truly we possess no-thing nor are we possessed by anything. Our own inner balance of Being InLove Deeply and Allowance for All Life to continue in its natural course of change and chance, BEGINS our Experience of who we truly are.

Be a steward of Highest Intention being always mindful of your Dreams, your Needs, your Concerns and your Limitations.

Trust in your relationship with your Divine Source for this is the place where the essence of your Being truly exists.

Be in Allowance of Others and encourage dialogue and dreaming. Listen and Hear the dreams of another. Listen to their dreams, needs, concerns and limitations. Provide access for problem solving without solving the problems for them.

Be truthful in your word. Be honest in your heart. Be kind in your manner. These are the keys to the gateway where heaven meets earth.
Remember that harshness has a place in the Fourth World of Chaos, it is the focus quality which drives Ego.

Remember that Fifth World is driven by the Humility of Humanity, with Peace as its Highest Intention and Unity being the Dream. Strive for Peace through Humility and Unity will come.

As teachers and Lover's of Humanity, take great care of yourselves. Remember to take silence and renew your relationship daily with your Divine Source. Play and work everyday filling both with the Joy of laughter and happiness. Develop a rhythm in your life which celebrates all of your bodies and each aspect of your life in beauty and in joy. Renew the Hope of Great Mother Earth and Great Father Spirit by renewing your relationship with each as One. Reclaim every grain of sand as the sacred grain of all life in gratitude.
We are One Being living through our individual experience of our qualities. We bring forth our highest potential and mix our magic within the caldron of the Eternal healing halls. In this Sacred Bowl of Life and Living, we are the Healing Humus of New Earth Formation.

Blessings and grace to each of you as you journey upon the path of Enlightenment. May your journey be happy and may you know the embrace of Divine Source.
InLove and InPeace,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Part II

Sacred Reflections: Center For Transformational Awareness
Inner Circle Teachings by Willow Tequillo
Second Trinity 5th Awareness – Matter of the Void
Soul Portrait: Halls of Healing
Halls of healing brings "what matters of us" to love.

In the Halls of Healing, pre-initiation takes place.
Ego/Soul begin conscious awareness of the spirit body, the soul body, the mind body, the emotional body and the physical body.
Healing dreams the connections of 'what matters', on all levels and in all bodies for the purpose of complete harmony within and without.

Through the fullest conscious awareness of our inner and outer brokenness, new pathways are created for a gentle understanding to love self and others.
Halls of healing dreams the connection of what matters to this awakening being.

As we enter into the 5th Awareness of 32 Awareness's we begin to explore 2nd Trinity of Matter, Knowing what Matters, Exploring the Void of Matter. This is a long and beautifully awakening and revealing set of Awareness's. This is Two of a Four part contemplation. The entire contemplation will take from 60 to 90 days. Be prepared to be awakened as a Divine Human Being through the Four Fold Process of Evolution, Experience, Involution and Transmission.

Part 1 Assignment:

Read and write a summary statement for each of the following areas. Note your understanding through your mind of thought, physical sense and your emotional feelings. Consider your personal spiritual qualities and how they relate and add to the highest vision of the New World Formation.

  1. Letter of Spiritual Direction - Inner Circle Teaching within the Halls of Healing September 11, 2007
  2. Introduction and Considerations for Contemplation
  3. Traveling through the World’s 5th World (you may want to review 4th world).
  4. Concepts in Understanding the 4 way Formation Process for the Divine Human Being
  5. Process of Personal Spiritual Development (chart) When you feel that you have a grasp on the relationships of each move on to the contemplation section of the assignment.

Introduction and Considerations for Contemplation

As we move into the 5th Awareness we begin to deeply examine, “What matters to us in our thoughts, what matters to us in our physical world and what matters to us emotionally.”
Matter, Mater, Mother is the part and particle of all LIFE. Life exists through the Desire of Divine Source to Know Love or to KNOW SELF. We exist as a part of that knowing. Our Knowing is made up of how we experience our lives through our various bodies, such as the what does the mind think, what and where does the physical body experience sensation, and what does the emotional body feel? Our knowing is made up of our experiencing as individuals and as a collective family, group or clan, community, society, world and universe. Our personal experience gives Divine Source a glimpse of SELF and gives each of us, as individuals a glimpse of our greater and Higher Self.

Within the, Hall of Healing, or the Matter of the Void or the Mater of Life or the Mother of Life……… WE begin to integrate the thoughts of our mind into physical sensual experience and emotional feelings. Thoughts of joy warm our heart and waves of energy move through our physical being. As we become more Aware of our thoughts, we begin to understand, how we Manifest through Becoming. WE manifest what we think, period.

A great importance of knowing this movement is that the Akasic Record (or the Record of Eternity) is further journal-ed as memory through the Emotional recognition of LIKE Minds through Physical Experience of All People. (People being All of life in experience.)
Imagine for a moment that 'Experience' has TWO faces, two views. One, the view of Mother, Mater, Matter and the other View of Great Spirit, Energy, Life Force. When we are able to examine the two views of experience and simply experience without attachment to personal or global judgment of right and/or wrong, we are then able to better co-create a sacred space for our Divine self or Soul to incarnate into this physical human form.

How much could we grow in our understanding and Knowing if we were to simply experience Mother as dirt, experience mother as air, experience mother as water, experience mother as fire? Imagine for a moment that mother has experienced herself as evolution through the life times, realms and worlds. Through these cycles and rhythms mother or mater has experienced self (enlightened by Great Spirit) through all life forms. Each elemental force - air, ether, water, fire, earth have 'Become' Manifestation of Self (Great Mother Earth and Great Father Spirit on this planet) in each individual form such as Bear, Eagle, Horse, Rose, Pond, Mountain, etc.

Think for a moment about the Human Being. What if we are already enlightened beings? What if our "enlightenment" means only a new part of our existence of all life need be brought into the experienced relation of our highest potential? What if the way in which mother experiences self at this point in our evolution, is the very thing which separates us as humans from other life forms. What is the one thing that separates us from other life forms and the way in which Great Mother experiences her self? Is it possible that the answer might be the EGO?

Human Beings are the only 'part' of CREATION to see 'self' as superior to, rather than a part of the Experience of Mater (Great Mother and Great Spirit). In this 4th world of duality there is a competition between the Human Ego and the Divine Soul. The dynamic of duality allows for the exploration of individuality, competition and separation. If we can simply consider 4th world as and evolutionary step without becoming emotionally involved in judgment of right and wrong, we may be able to make the shift into 5th World.

In 5th world the two, Human Ego and Divine Soul, return and become one unified dynamo in Co-operation.

If the human being can recognize the "Ego" as the 4th world Evolutionary step of Great Mother and Great Spirit, it possible for the Human Being and the Divine Being to intentionally Co-create dreams. This recognition, could then make the shift of Human understanding into embracing our role as caretaker and co-creator/trix of our world and New World Formation. This concept of 'Ego Development' must be explored in the 4th world – or world of Chaos. As the individual moves into this understanding they will then enter into the "Pre-Initiation Stage of Development" **

Please re-read, "Traveling through the Worlds" on the Forum.
When the Human Being is able to grasp the concept that 'ego' is the Human experience of an evolutionary step of Great Mother and Great Spirit, then the next evolutionary step of the "Divine Human Being" is able to begin to be explored. The Aspirant is then able to access the beginning steps in a grounded fashion in 5th world.

Excerpt from “Traveling Through the Worlds” considerations from the book of “Ascension” and “Robes of Light” and Tewa Hopi understanding of the development and co-creation of New Worlds.
5th World is an invisible world.
5th world allows the spiritual aspirant initial and preliminary access into the higher realms and dimensions through REN. The aspirant begins to assimilate information from Spiritual Cosmos and Spiritual Earth through the KHAT.

Soul is both the Gate Keeper and Memory Bank for each incarnation. Entrance into Fifth world allows the spiritual aspirant to begin the probationary period of personal character building.

Ego and Soul together must make the shift into the 5th world of higher dimensions and realms in agreement. This shift must successfully integrate all 'feelings' in 'personal truth' through 'Natural Order', meaning that there is a Natural Law and Order which exists as the co-creation and maintainer of the Universe. Natural Order requires that Each individual must be able to see clearly 'self' and 'self's relationship to personal validity as a universal co-creator.

All students of Sacred Reflections: Center For Transformational Awareness are beginning to make this transitional shift. Many 4th world issues must be overcome before this work can begin.

Quest of the 5th world probationary aspirant is to Know Self through:

  1. Building of personal character.
  2. Identification of personal qualities.
  3. Cultivation of personal qualities.
  4. Emotional Sobriety through personal diligence.

Access to:

  1. Divine Wisdom
  2. Halls of Healing Lessons


  1. Personal knowledge and developing relationship with the Master.
  2. In the care of the disciple of the Master.
  3. Open to Spiritual Classroom during the period of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Productive process into higher realms is based upon the individuals capacity to integrate light into the physical form.

Personal recognition of advancement into higher dimensions:

  1. Increased mental ability to see in the world in which they reside.
  2. Increased mental ability to see into higher dimensions and realms as witnessed by personal capacity to meet with counsels and guides.
  3. Psychic sensitivity.
  4. Personal desire, motivation and practical application toward Unity and Peace.

“Well meaning people can be thought to be a spiritual aspirant but are not, as reflected in their personalities continued desire and participation in ego based actions.” Book of Ascension

Excerpts taken from Hopi Mandala: Transition into the Fifth World by Willow Tequillo
Song of Creation
Life Plan
Entering the Fifth World
The Life Plan was written on Prophecy Rock near the village of Oraibi.
It cautioned of plagues, of doubt and of misery.
It cautions of illness and sorrow.
Perhaps with this warning the people will Remember to:
Sing the Song of Creation

It will do us all well to practice Joy.

continued........Introduction and Considerations for Contemplation

Concepts in 5th world reveal to us the Sacred Marriage of Duality. The Sacred Marriage is the marriage of the Human Ego and the Divine Soul.
If our Ego is this earthly human vehicle of our Soul, and Soul is the home of Eternal or Akasic Record or memory, then The Matter of our Whole Being Becomes the Divine Human Being. As Divine Human Being we hold the highest potential as CREATED FORM to be the caretaker and co-creator of the next highest potential of existence. WE are in the Time of Times in which so many wonderfully Spiritual Cosmic and Spiritual Earth Events are coming together in Communion. If we can find Compassionate Communion within our selves, then we have the absolute potential to invoke the Highest Potential of Qualities of All Life Experience. When invitations of Peace are the Norm and all lower Vibrational energies gravitational fields are naturally attracted to their complementary Highest Vibration = Harmony.

Concepts in Understanding the 4 way Formation Process for the Divine Human Being –

Imagine for a moment, that one of the reasons for the chaos in understanding of 4th world comes from our 'thinking' that there is only one way of 'right'. If another does not understand our view or relationship to an idea, then they are 'wrong'. The Four Fold Way as related to the Trinities gives another interpretation for consideration. Imagine for a moment that there are numerous ways in which to think and that they are all right. What of a world that is of this extreme? It is the world of chaos again. Now imagine that there might be a process which allows for the linear mind to think, the physical body to sense, and the emotional body to feel. Imagine that these are gateways for understanding and comprehension of self and another. Imagine that we could recognize these various learning modalities and then accept and allow another to be themselves in their personal truth. When we allow another to be in their personal truth we can learn to move into the next world of co-operation and co-creation.

Concept 1 Evolution

First Trinity - the development of Way 1 = Evolution, defined as a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
The Human Beings process of Ego’s experience of Mind, Idea and Thought in the Magic of love.
The Divine Beings process of Soul’s experience of Mind, Charity and Power in the Magic of love.
This is the Evolution or Communion (Common Union) stage of Divine Human Being Development.

Concept 2 Experience

Second Trinity, the development of Way 2 = Experience defined as the apprehension of an object, thought, or emotion through the senses or mind.
The Human Beings process of Ego Knowing, Matter and Wisdom through the Mystery to Love.
The Divine Beings process of Soul’s experience of Body, Faith and Truth through the Mystery to Love.
This is the Experience or Compassion (Common Passion) stage of Divine Human Being Development.

Concept 3 Involution

Third Trinity, the development of Way 3 = The Involution or the act of involving or a state of being involved, in intricacy and complexity.
The Human Beings process of Ego’s development through the involution of Emotion, Manifestation and Becoming through Miracle’s desire for Love.
The Divine Beings process of Soul development through the involution of Soul, Hope and Wisdom through Miracles desire for Love.
The Involution is the development of Co-operation for the purpose of becoming a Divine Human Being.

Concept 4 Transmission

Fourth Trinity, the development of Way 4 = Transmission is defined as the sending of a signal, picture, or other information from a transmitter, the Divine Human Being.

The Divine Human Being’s process in the Ego/Soul development through the transmission of Communion, Compassion, Co-operation from the desire to Co-create.

The Transmission contains the Co-Creative frequency, vibration, harmonic and form of the New Being – Divine Human Being. This transmission is sent in all directions enlightening the Grid or Matrix from higher vibrations, creating new memory patterns for the Akasic Records and inspiring New Creations for New Earth Formation. The transmission is sent in polar directions so that both Heaven and Earth are brought into a single pathway where Two become One.

Four Fold Spiritual Process Chart found in the Gallery in the Diagrams and Chart Section

Part III

Sacred Reflections: Center For Transformational Awareness
Inner Circle Teachings by Willow Tequillo
Second Trinity 5th Awareness – Matter of the Void
Soul Portrait: Halls of Healing

Part 2 - Assignment

There are twelve points of recognition which help us to identify our footing in the 5th world. Consider one point per day for the next 12 days. You may wish to take 2-3 days for each point, let me know what your plan is. Be constant.

  1. Read the statement in the morning as part of your morning dedication.
  2. Carry the statement with you for the day...write or print.
  3. Consider how this statement is reflected in your life, use your spiritual qualities to be your guide.
  4. During your evening prayer take 5-15 minutes to write down your understanding of the point and where and how it is present in your life.

Comments on the 5th Awareness.
*****Note that we are in the 5th awareness and entering the 2nd Trinity which is the exploration of all matter. This is a very intensive shift. In the second Trinity we move from the concepts of the Minds newly formed Ideas, into experiencing the self in a new way.

Many of you are waking up to new levels of experience and consciousness. This is called the pre-initiation stage. Here you take the step from 4th world into 5th world and are now finding your feet within the Reed. The geometric symbol for this shift is the reed. The experiential learning in this new world is different than you are used to.

The crucial points of understanding are listed below.

Take one point per day, analyze and recognize where you are with each point, use your spiritual qualities to help you to identify your understanding of each point.

Ask each of your bodies, Mind, Physical and Emotional. Do this to help you to stay centered. Read and contemplate for a day then in the evening of the first or second day write your response.

Follow your Rule of Life.

Make sure that you are entering your work onto the forum in your assignment section so that I can see that you are clearly 'getting it'.

Write a summary statement about your understanding of the 5th world and where you are in your process. Again remember to use your spiritual qualities and your Supreme qualities to guide you, use the words in your summary and address your three bodies.

  1. I allow Divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of All life and relation.
  2. I sit in patience in discovery and revelation of all that I do not know.
  3. I honor what I know and I let go of attachment to being stagnate.
  4. I breath the breath of life in and out of the channel of my throat and find moments of silence between the breath in and the breath out.
  5. I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord, bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body of my physical body and I experience the emotion of breath.
  6. This consideration of breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth. a. I am the colors of the wind.
    b. I am the gap of the tree.
    c. I am the great and small rock of the mountain.
    d. I am the water in mist, cloud, rain and sea.
    e. I am Sun with and without.
  7. I am Spiritual Cosmos, the connection of Life between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.
  8. I connect with my counsel and my guides.
  9. I dance with all Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos in the Dance of Creation, we are ONE.
  10. My sight, my heart, yearns for one dance in highest truth. This truth is formed only in each individuals foundation of personal truth.
  11. I long to hear the truth of another and experience my own truth in unison.
  12. Humility is my home and I cherish this sanctuary of sacredness where all life is honored and respected.

Write a summary statement about your understanding of the 5th world and where you are in your process. Again remember to use your spiritual qualities and your Supreme qualities to guide you, use the words in your summary and address your three bodies.
Blessings and may this contemplation bring you eternal joy and revelation, connecting you with all that you are created to be.

Blessings and may this contemplation bring you eternal joy and revelation, connecting you with all that you are created to be.

Inlove and Trust,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Part IV

  1. Take each quality through each statement.

Identify how you have developed relationship in your human community. Be literal.
Such as:

I sit in patient discovery of all that I do not know.
Quality: splendor.

I sat outside today, watching the budding splendor of the cherry blossom tree. The other day I was immersed in my own energy so amazed at my ability to make it grow. Today I notice that the limb is stunted and all the other branches are booming together while the one that I forced energetically has now stopped growing.

Certainly at the time I was not conscious of my push, shove....however today I feel a deep sense of sadness at my lack of clarity.

Inwardly in my relationship to my friends, I can see how my self-importance takes me to places of disengagement. Disengagement, where I can overlook the needs of another by placing my energy in front of them, as if I have the answer. Or I can place my resistance in them to make myself feel important and I can see my power in action.

Often I am in a dilemma about how to be a contributing part of community. So today I notice splendor in the world. Splendor In the way that the air brushes the tall grass.
The way Ann brushes her hair from her face. The way I must accept my eccentricity.
The way my heart opens in loving. And here in this splendor I learn about my authenticity.
I have nothing to offer but my pure and open heart.

Part 5

  1. Summarize what you have learned about your authenticity. Choose a guardian that will walk with you forever. Create a prayer and painting of the two of you.


Inlove and Trust,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024