Death Dance - 11/2007

The Death Dance Ceremony

The Death Dance Ceremony is an opportunity to participate in letting go of patterns, obstacles, fears and doubts which no longer serve our heart intention and intentional life purpose.
It is also a time for planting seeds of intention and devotion for that which each of us holds sacred within our hearts.
This ceremony naturally occurs on Nov. 1 - The ceremony embraces the natural rhythm and cycle for clearing on a universal level through a vortex opening in Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos.
This year the moon will be almost at it's fullest during our ceremony on November 4th, 2006. This is in sequence with the interior work that is going on, on a universal level. This year we acknowledge both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine meeting and the work that is going on to bridge discrepancies of view and perception through understanding of self and other. This has been occurring on an interior level though our ego/soul work, in our interpersonal relationships with each other, in our world through examination of societal value, in our universe through choices of accessibility within our selves and our guides and counsels.
As we enter into the last edges of our inner and outer void, we embrace our greatest transformation with joy, remembering and renewal.
We acknowledge with great appreciation and cherishment what it means to be joined with universal accompaniment in this universal event.

from Willow re: the current energies.

This year is especially interesting and significant as the moon phase is in last phase of progression which is actually the next to the last of the eight lunar phases. During our retreat and Death Dance Ceremony we will be in the last waning cycle of the moon with Mercury retrograde and going direct on the 1st. This Balsamic time encourages the energy of early and late seed sowers of the FUTURE. The numerical equivalent for the Day 11/01/2007 is important as it is a '3' which allows for the Trinity Energy to flow most easily directly and easily through the vortexes as a complete and balanced union of the Mind, the Matter and the Emotion.

On the date of the Death Dance when we let go of our fears and we set the our intentions for the new year, Mercury is direct in Libra and the numerical value of the date is (4), the Mind, the Matter and the Emotion move into the 4th Trinity of Communion, Compassion, Co-Operation and Ascension, therefore providing us with a more active then passive planting of the seed intentions for the future.

The significance of this alignment has to do with Mercury being the Master of Communication. When in retrograde often tricks us into believing our own fantasy and then allows our fantasy to shake our world. This can be a really hard lesson if we are not paying attention to deep personal core beliefs rather than societal and cultural norms. When in Scorpio, which it has been since the 12th of October, this retrograde has taken us back and required that we FOCUS on the area of our lives which we have be latent in tending to. This focus has been with the clear focus of the fire element. It has been somewhat painful for some, for others it has been a tidying up and pulling together what is being brought forward in this sorting process.

As Mercury, the Master of Communication moves into Libra, the balancing scales, we see are able to bring our Future Now into clear focus and attention and set our deep heart Intentions with blessed assuredness.

Rudhyar lists among those born in this phase to be Beings such as Luther and Gandhi, Einstein and George Bernard Shaw. This is important for those who are entering (birthing) into a new cycle in your lives, such as moving from 4th world chaos to 4th world simplicity. As you give up your fears and set your new intentions you will easily make this adjustment as your guides have already prepared the way for you, and your ego has made the adjustment for easy movement and flow.

For those of you who are moving or being birthed from the 4th world into the full stand within the 5th world, this is very important as you are the seed sow-ers of the future. Your Intentions, your Teachings and your way of living will be examples of 5th World Highest Potential Living for the cultures in which you reside, for our world and our universe.

In any case, mark your calendars as this date is the Date of Your New Birth.
lnLove and In All Care of the Blessed Sacred in our Lives,
Willow and Counsel

Dear NBH,
Thank you each of you for sharing some of your experiences and keeping sacred some of them.
Please Go from here to the "Sacred Space Forum" and write about what you personally learned and experienced in creating - co-creating sacred space.


Some of the things to think about:

In the Rock Breaking Ceremony -

How do we personally break something and still maintain the co-creative relationship of Being Loving?

How does Earth Mother allow the action and force of Great Spirit to penetrate her body without feelings of anger or remorse?

Is it disrespectful to break?
Is it not Disrespectful to break rocks?
At what point does expressing our anger and our frustration become abusive to self and others?
At what point does not expressing our feelings become abusive to self and others?

In the Creating of the Inner and outer Circle:

How does the setting of sacred space create a co-operative energetic pulse for all Beings?
Who and what Beings did you experience as participants in the Ceremony?

When did the Ceremony begin and when did it end for you?

How does the Dance of Creation create a unified invitation for All to explore Co-creative celebration?

Thank you all for your extended participation.

Ceremony Begins
Rules for participating in the Sacred Circle of Reverence.

  • Be mindful heart of the Sacred Space we are holding.
  • If you have a 'need' quietly ask __________________.
  • Follow the directions of time allowance and space allowance of ________________________.
  • Anyone who is unable to participate in this ceremony with quiet reverence is asked to place themselves outside the circle.
  • If you are already in the circle and need to leave,
  • please leave the way in which you entered, do not move forward.
  • Thank you in advance for your considerations.

Offering of Gifts
Lighting of the Fire - Ceremonialists
Clearing individual participants for entrance into the Sacred Space. - Ceremonialists
Sage/Water to the Sacred Space - _____________
Fire Dance- ____________
Dance of Creation-Community

Entrance into the Spiral-
We begin our mindful heart walk slowly - entering into the spiral in sacred intention of and for healing of self and our universe - each individual is given time to reflect inwardly upon the path of their life. Special attention and reflection is given to the things that each are letting go of.
We wait at the fire pit for each member to arrive.
A prayer will be said by Willow as an offering to the Divine Oneness -
Father (Great Spirit) Mother (Earth matter form).
Each individual places the envelope holding their doubts and fears into the fire saying,
"I let go of all doubt and fear."

Entrance into the Reed
______ and _____ will meet at the entrance of the reed.
They will hold the space and witness this event.
_______ will go through the reed first and hold space at the altar.
Willow and the community members will follow.

About the Reed.
Today the reed represents leaving 4th World or 3rd dimensional thinking and living.
Entering into this reed specifically speaks to entering mindfully with heart intention into 5th , 6th and 7th world or 4th , 5th and 6th dimensional thinking and living.
This is the place of surrender to communion, compassion, co-operation and co-creation.
This is the place where ego knows self to be the vehicle and
soul knows self to be the driver.

Please be prepared for transformation to occur in your lives on multi-dimensional levels of your existence. I Willow am available for Individual Spiritual Guidance.

As we walk the reed we are silent observers of ourselves, our world and our universe.
We let go of all judgments of what we thought our lives to be and look like.
We walk in courage and heartmindfullness of Truth from Divine Love as the anchor of our personal Faith.
We allow Divine Oneness to embrace our being and
transform us with Divine Love and all that that means.
We Surrender all that we have, all that we are and all that we know to our
Divine Source.

Reverence at the Altar
Here we stop. We place the envelope which holds our written heart and seed intentions in the basket upon the altar.
With gentle gratitude, appreciation and cherishment for the blessings of our lives and experiences, we allow and embody Divine Light and Love within and without.
WE know ourselves as being held in the sacred light
as individuals and as community members.

Upon leaving the altar we gratefully place our contribution of support of the community into the gourd.
We take a single handful of cornmeal from the bowl and flowers from the altar and move to the water.

Gifts to the Mother
We meet at the edge of the water with our corn meal and flowers.

We wait until everyone has arrived.

Willow will say a prayer to Mother Earth, Womb of Life, the sacred vessel of the seeds of our life.
Then in unison each member says a prayer of thanksgiving to Universal Oneness through Mother Earth and Father Spirit.
In Unison joyfully releasing our gifts of corn meal and flowers into the water.

Intention of Unity: Dance of Creation - Community Dance

Final Draft

Edited 10/29/2007

Welcome all New Breed Healers to the Death Dance
4 Day Retreat
Locations: The Domes in Reno, NV
Oct. 31st - Nov. 3rd.

Dear New Breed Healers,
What a wonderful time to get together. The crisp mornings are upon us, and here in Lake Tahoe we have had 3 days of snow in the last 2 weeks.
There is a newness in the air. The ways that we have previously experienced the Death Dance will change this year as we as a community have grown. It is a time of wonder and 'wonder' for all of us. It is with great anticipation of growth and renewal that I look forward to this blessed event in our lives.
As you can see, our retreat will occur at the Domes. I received word this morning that the 'hand shake' has happened between the various partnerships and the papers are being signed.
On so many levels we are growing, from the evolution of a home for the NBH to gather, to the inner essence of our individual Being, being most sacredly touched.
Please remember, whether you are here in physical form or in the heart-mind light, know that you are being held and cared for as we co-celebrate this ceremony of living and dying.

There are some things to remember, please stay conscious of these few concepts.

  1. WE are a family of beings on various spiritual paths. We are united in the Essence of Life called Love.
  2. WE leave our prejudices, biases and judgments behind us and make room for Allowance, to help us discover something about the Wonder of being InLove.
  3. WE acknowledge our 'fears' and leave them in the fear box at the front door. This will allow us all to co-create a space of expansive safety and room to explore our personal and community truths with more clarity and sobriety.
  4. This is a great time of joy and renewal, let our attention and intentions be set here.
  5. Ask if you have a need. Speak clearly and truthfully and you will find that you are amongst beings who desire to share communion and compassion in co-operation therefore facilitating the co-creation of our dreams.
  6. WE, each of us, are all fully involved in our process, this alone is reason to know and understand that the highest potential of truth will be heard and honored by each.

Let us walk forward in peace and unity and enjoy this sacred sanctuary co-created by Divine Human Beings InLove.

Things to bring:

  • Warm cloths – it will likely be snowing somewhere up here.
  • Outside shoes such as boots or tennis shoes, hat, scarf….
  • Inside slippers.
  • Comfortable clothing as we will be doing stretching and meditations throughout retreat.
  • There will be an option of going to a Hot Springs, bring your bathing suit if you think this is something you want to do.
  • Some people bring their own towels.
  • Journal and writing material.
  • Women will need a skirt and scarf or shawl
  • Men will need a waist cloth and something to cover your head.

For those of you who are doing a meditation or some sort of teaching or healing please let me know what you need to bring.

Please remember All times --- the activities are offered IN Freewill Participation. There is No-thing that you HAVE to do.

  • If you are tired, rest.
  • If you are thirsty, drink.
  • If you are hungry, eat.
  • If you are frazzled, take silence.
  • If you are hyper, take a run.
  • If you need to be held let someone know.
  • It is okay and you are okay.

WE are here to co-create unity in peace. Remember to acknowledge your needs to yourself and give yourself permission to take care of you. Make sure you let someone in one of your groups know your needs and have them relay to Willow if you are unable to do so yourself.

Sleeping arrangements. The men will be in one area and the women will be broken up into Regional Groups. Because of the intensity of this retreat, you will not be sleeping with your partners.

AGAIN, this is an initial sketch of the retreat. Don’t hold me to it, yet to give us an idea, the days will look something like this:


Team 1 - (4)
Team 2 - (4)
Team 3 - (3)
Team 4 - (4)

Wednesday, Oct. 31st

****Note for the Day ****
Today we gather together to observe and share a part of ourselves,
that we may be one maintainable and sustainable connecting cord in
Human Divine Love through humility and grace.

Arrival and Greetings.
Come in, get cleared by ______________________ Go see Willow for centering and balancing.

6:00 - 6:45 pm Retreat Begins with Community Dance of Creation led by ____________

6:45 - 7:00 pm Community Evening Meal - Team 3 cooks, opening sharing by ____________

8:45 - 9:15 Grand Mothers Initiation by ____________

9:15 Om by ___________

9:30 - 11 :00 pm Regional Group Community Sharing. Be prepared to share your project.

Silence and Journaling
Silence is maintained daily until after the morning sharing at the breakfast table.

Friday, November 2nd

****Note for the Day ****
Today is the Death Dance.
Prepare Mentally, Physically and Emotionally for Ceremony

Silence 6:00 - am Community New World Yoga led by ______

6:30 - am Community Dance of Creation led _________ and by Small Groups

6:45 - 7:00 Personal Morning Prayer and journaling.

7:30 - 8:30 Silence Ends/Community Breakfast Team 3 Cooks, sharing by _______ and morning conversation.

8:30 -10:00 Prepare and Pack vehicles for the Death Dance.

10:00 - Leave for Pyramid Lake

11 :00 - Meet at ________ to caravan with anyone from outside the community who wishes to attend the ceremony.

1:00 - Unload vehicles, eat lunch and have discussion of set up.

2:00 - Dance of Creation and Clearing of Sacred Space

3:30 - Ceremony Begins

6:30 - Ceremony Ends

Team 1 Cooks
Location of Evening meal and sharing to be determined by the community.
Return to our lodging, enter into silence and journal.

Saturday, November 3rd

Note for the Day:
This is a day to settle and integrate our various bodies. Set up a time today to work with Willow privately for "Bodies Alignment" 20 minutes per person.

6:00 - am Community New World Yoga led by ______

6:30 - am Community Dance of Creation by Region.

6:45 - 8:00 Personal Morning Prayer and journaling.

8:00 - 10:00 Silence Ends with Community Breakfast Team 4 Cooks, sharing by ________ and morning conversation.

10:30 - 11 :00 Break

10:30 - 11:30 Community Meditation/Contemplation

Part 2 of "The Light", by ________ Open discussion about the meditations

11:30- 12:30 Discussion of the Dance of Creation by Lori and Christina

12:30 - 1 :00 Break

1:00 - 3:00 Community Meditation and Journey - (_____________ will share the Foot Washing Ceremony) in silence.

Immediately following journey:
Reclaiming our Soul Essence of Unconditional Love.

3:00 - 5:00 Free Time (Willow will be seeing people privately between 3-6)

5:00 - 6:30 Meal set up.

6:30 - 8:00 Community Evening Meal - Team 2 Cooks sharing by _____ conversation about the Retreat and Death Dance Experiences.

8:30 - 9:00 Evening Prayer and Closure

11:00 Silence begins

Sunday, November 4th

Note for the Day:
Today we return to the wonder of our personal lives.
Having pondered, remembered and reformed our Universal Eternal relationships,
we leave this sacred form and walk together in a new way, in the world as individuals
in communion with each other as New Breed Healers. WE are grateful for the
time that we have shared together and we walk forward sharing our experience as
Light in our world.

Silence 6:00 - am Community New World Yoga by ____________

6:30 - am Community Dance of Creation by Region.

6:45 - 7:15 Personal Morning Prayer and journaling.

7:30 - Community Breakfast Team 1 Cooks sharing by _________, morning conversation, departures.

Blessed Be Wellness in All Love and Grace,


Sacred Reflections: Community of New Breed Healers
Death Dance Ceremony
November 2nd, 2007
Pyramid Lake, Nv.
3p.m. - 6p.m.
This is an open ceremony, all are welcome.

Please bring

Intentions in a sealed envelope:

  • Your doubts, fears, patterns that you wish to let go of, whether they are personal, family, ancestral, global or universal.
  • Your seed intentions for the new season.
    • For persons who are unable to physically attend, please e-mail these items to Willow and they will be respectfully cared for as we hold a space for you.
    • New Breed Healers if you are unable to attend, please be with us remotely by creating personal sacred ceremony yourself and by being in prayer and intentional meditation from 3:30 - 6:30 pm - PST.

We will need:

  • Wood for the building of the fire of transformation.
  • Stones which are the form and manifestation for building of the spiral.
  • Sacred Soil - Please bring soil from your homes and bring soil that has been mixed from previous ceremonies.
  • Corn meal and flowers as offerings.
  • Financial contribution for world wide support.
  • Community meal, plates and utensils.
  • Women you will need to wear a skirt and a shawl or scarf. You may wear warm clothes underneath.
  • Men you will need to have a waist cloth and a covering for your head.

Who are the Guides?
We call upon Great Spirit, Mother Earth, the ancestors and the Ancient Ones and all of our Relations for guidance upon our journey. May all our counsels and guides be present today guiding our heart intentions and providing us with safe and gentle passage through the reed and dance within the spiral.


The Death Dance Ceremony

The Death Dance Ceremony is an opportunity to participate in letting go of patterns, obstacles, fears and doubts which no longer serve our heart intention and do serve as the transmutation-ed 'humus' of our focused intentional life purpose.
It is also a time for planting the seeds of intention, dream and devotion for that which each of us holds sacred within our hearts.
This ceremony naturally occurs on Nov. 1 - The ceremony embraces the natural rhythm and cycle for clearing on a universal level through a vortex opening in Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos.

This year the moon will be half shadow and half light during our ceremony on November 2nd, 2007, which is the date of our ceremony. This is in sequence with the interior work that is going on, on a universal level.

This year we acknowledge and honor the unity of both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine integrating in Unity.

The Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmic Cycle is to "Fall Inlove" with the view and perception of the other through a deepening and understanding of self and other.

This inner transmutation has been and continues to occur on an interior level though our ego/soul work, within our interpersonal relationships with each other, within our world through examination of societal value, within our universe through choices of accessibility and within our selves and our guides and counsels as we learn to walk together.

As we enter into our inner and outer void, we embrace our transmutation with cherishment and adoration for the grace of remembering who we are and the renewal that we find in our interdependent relationship. We co-create a sacred space and allow ourselves and other to experience in Trust and Truth, Unity in Peace as a conscious choice.

We remember what it means to be joined with Universal Accompaniment in this universal event as cherished and cherishing Beings of Eternal Love.

Taking time each day for 28 days will help to integrate and create a more profound experience in awakening.

Caravan to Pyramid Lake.

1:00 p.m.
Unload vehicles and set up camp.
Lunch with last minute instructions on ceremony.

Dance of Creation-Community

2:00 p.m.
Clearing of the Sacred Space

Creating the outer boundaries - the Masculine will prepare.
Building of fire pit, spiral, reed and altar. - Community
Setting the Inner Circle - the Feminine will prepare.

3:30 p.m.
Ceremony Begins

Rules for participating in the Sacred Circle of Reverence.

  • Be of mindful heart of the Sacred Space we are holding.
  • If you have a 'need' quietly ask ______ and/or appointed masculine.
  • Follow the directions of time allowance and space allowance of _________________ and appointed masculine.

Anyone who is unable to participate in this ceremony with quiet reverence is asked to place themselves outside the circle.
If you are already in the circle and need to leave,
please leave the way in which you entered, do not move forward.
Thank you in advance for your considerations.

Offering of Gifts:

Lighting of the Fire - Ceremonialists
Clearing individual participants for entrance into the Sacred Space. - Ceremonialists
Sacred Soil - Please bring soil from your homes and bring soil that has been mixed from previous ceremonies.
Sage/Water to the Sacred Space - _______________________ Fire Dance

Entrance into the Reed:

___________ and appointed masculine will meet at the entrance of the reed.
They will hold the space and witness this event.
One will go through the reed first and hold space at the altar.
Willow and the community members will follow.

About the Reed:

Today the reed represents leaving 4th World or 3rd dimensional thinking and living.
Entering into this reed specifically speaks to entering mindfully with heart intention into 5th , 6th and 7th world or 4th , 5th and 6th dimensional thinking and living.
This is the place of surrender to communion, compassion, co-operation and co-creation. For a greater understanding go to the forum and read "Traveling Through the Worlds."

The reed is the place where ego knows self to be the vehicle and
soul knows self to be the driver.

As we walk the reed we are silent observers of ourselves, our world and our universe.
We let go of all judgments of what we thought our lives to be and look like.
We walk in courage and heartmindfullness of Truth from Divine Love as the anchor of our personal Faith.

We allow Divine Oneness to embrace our being and
transform us with Divine Love and all that that means.
We Surrender all that we have, all that we are and all that we know to our
Divine Source.

Entrance into the Spiral:

You will meet Willow at the gateway between the reed and spiral.
She will ask you a question.
You must be prepared to answer the question before you enter into the Spiral.
Be in Humility.

We begin our mindful heart walk slowly. WE enter into the spiral embracing and being embraced
by the sacred intention of and for healing of self and our universe.
Each individual is given time to reflect inwardly upon the path of their life. Special attention and reflection is given to the things that each are letting go of.

We wait at the fire pit for each member to arrive.

A prayer will be said by Willow as an offering to the Divine Oneness -
Father (Great Spirit) Mother (Earth matter form).
Each individual places the envelope holding their doubts and fears into the fire saying,
"I let go of all doubt and fear."

Reverence at the Altar:
Here we stop. We place the envelope which holds our written heart and seed intentions in the basket upon the altar, we place our energetic offering into the gourd.

We take a single handful of cornmeal from the bowl and flowers from the altar and move toward the water.

With gentle gratitude, appreciation and cherishment for the blessings of our lives and experiences, we allow and embody Divine Light and Love within and without.
WE know ourselves as being held in the sacred light
as individuals and as community members.

Gifts to the Mother:
We meet at the edge of the water with our corn meal, flowers and song.

We wait until everyone has arrived.

Willow will say a prayer to Mother Earth, Womb of Life, the sacred vessel of the seeds of our life.
Then in unison each member says a prayer of thanksgiving to Universal Oneness through Mother Earth and Father Spirit.
In Unison joyfully singing our gifts of corn meal and flowers into the water.

Intention of Unity: Dance of Creation – Community Dance

Please be prepared for transformation to occur in your lives on multi-dimensional levels of your existence. I Willow am available for Individual Spiritual Guidance.

Blessed Be,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024