LSD 6/2009 - Summer Solstice

Letter of Spiritual Direction for the Summer Solstice, June 2009

Heart of the Sun you appeal to me.

You shine your light brightly upon me and I reflect the Joy that you are.

I measure the time and space of knowing and unknowing by your warm smiles and fragrant warmth within the matter that I am and you are. You warm the bodies of great mother Earth and we together as enlightened matter, enjoy the life journey that we have become. In your dedication and devotion I come to know that you and I are We, as your warmth inspires the hope of Our Becoming US.

So long you have been devoted. How well you have held the hope in becoming the dreams of our co- creation. Your warmth inspires colors to dance, waters to flow, and earth to form. Your smile shines light through crystal reflections while softening mineral and metal into flexible and sustainable form. Your light brings heaven to earth, and we the 'humus' of Mother Earth, do reach up our arms to welcome you home, into our hearts. WE are here and fully present awaiting the beauty of your smile each day.

I hear your gentle whisper at sunrise as you beckon in the day with colors of magenta, golden orange, blues and violets. Your morning song gives my heart hope and this hope within my heart gives hope to the people of our earth. And as I dance the Dance of Creation receiving your tender care, turning in every direction lifting up to you, giving back to you, sharing with you myself and all that is within me, I call forth your loving arms to embrace our world and universe.

You are dear light, the beloved of my mother earth. You are dear light, the happiness inspired creativity within the dreams of the Great Mystery.

You call forth heaven on earth and remind us at noon time that heaven is not separate from where we are. WE receive this absolute clarity as you stand straight above us rooting our feet into the ground and blessing our head in your loving arms.

Tenderly you welcome our dream time at dusk. As your arms reach around toward the ending of the day, our hearts, our movements and our emotions allow us the time of gentle reflection of this day and all days past.

Dear keeper of time, measurer of space, our gratitude and delight enlighten the horizon of our world in memory of you. Lime green vapors of Emotional Wisdom touch the translucent mulberry inspiration of laminar flow in this day of co-creation. Birds stop and face the sun, and for a moment we can feel the brush of angels wings as they gather around us, one heart beat, one happiness, one union of Faith upon this beautiful place we call heaven on earth. Together we gather our hopes in the silence of breath letting go of the day by honoring, cherishing, Being Inlove through you, Dear Light.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024