2009 - Contemplation for longest day of the year

Take a moment today and celebrate the longest day of the year, June 21st.

The summer solstice is a day celebrated by many cultures of the world. As Sacred Reflections of the Heart of the Sun, we celebrate this day as the day in which Heaven and Earth meet and become One.

We gather our herbs and copal and create fire starters in ceremony and heart celebration. These we light throughout the year reminding us of the easy days of summer, of warmth, of gentle days of walking along the river, of easy laughter, scents of pine and cedar, lemon grass and fish, waterfalls and ponds, roses and lilacs. We are reminded to light fires of happiness and celebration, to wear colors which warm our hearts, to wear smiles that lighten up hope in our world. It is a time of ease and it is a time to give ease generously to others. Let us be the happiness of light in inspirited matter.

Let us together be the light, form, color and harmonic that lives between heaven and earth. The light in me honors the light in you.

Blessed Be,
Willow Tequillo

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