LSD 7/2009 - Still-Point: Center and Balance within Chaos

Sacred Reflections: Center For Transformational Awareness
Letter of Spiritual Direction
July 2009
by Willow Tequillo

Still-Point: Center and Balance within Chaos

by Willow Tequillo

I don't recall if I dreamed last night, I woke with anxiety of the Inner Circle today and the realization of a (1) Day: Divine Mind and Human Mind in the 5th World Supreme Quality of Truth. Focused attention where "I" must be within my Highest consideration of Human Empathetic Compassion in the passionate passageways of gratitude. I realize the significant impact that this day could have on our community and the potential for it to BE ALL Beautiful as well as to fall completely apart. I remember that this is the Day that we are in, in our world and in our universe and I ponder with You Divine Source how to enter into these times, giving self and other permission to Allow and Accept your Divine Intervention.

A Wisdom Pathway of the Inner Circle:
This is the day where we must put all our fantasy and toys away. A day where we must stand centered and firm with bended knees, taking up our shields of humility in courageous faith and exceptional integrity. Still-point is not for the faint hearted but for the HeartMinded. We must surrender all to the Divine Wisdom of Emotional Faith and let go of all of our attachments to -how we process and also to outcome. We must allow the Natural Flow of Divine Source to move through us as we accept ourselves as Being both the very the Breath of Life and the Sustaining Matter.

Within and without this unknowing we ask Great Father Spirit and Great Mother Mystery to fluidly speak through us. We ask that the air and the water of our whole Being allow for our more solid matter to soften and open our very knowing to the unknown. As water and air create the fluidity which helps the stream to take direction, let us also remember that this direction is compelled by Great Mystery - Earth Mother's willingness to surrender to the gravitational pull (gravity, energy) of Great Spirit.

May we let the gravity of the Spirit of Humility move the humus (matter) that we are, that our own stagnation of out worn belief, thoughts and systems; be moved and shifted in gentle ease. Let us allow the Breath of Great Spirit to co-mingle in interdependence with Great Mystery's water, that their life giving fluidity does dance and caress us tenderly though our own tears of humility, thus allowing us gentle pathways to surrender. Let us surrender ourselves again and again to new life, new promise and new knowing.

Let the sisterhood (Inner Circle) and brotherhood (Outer Circle) of our heartmind connections give hope and strength, solidarity, companionship, noble trust, keen affection, respect, honor, reverence and an uncanny devotion to the WE that WE ARE to and with one another.

Spiritual Direction to the Inner circle.

Dear Feminine,
I call upon you to put away old ways and reclaim NOW in Full Presence of the Universal Galactic Mother, the Divine Feminine Nature that you Are, that We Are. For we are the mother, the womb of life. We are strong in faith, sure in hope, allowing in dream, sustaining in ever becoming. Through the humus of our nature, the next evolution of life does evolve.

Through our surrendering in Emotional Wisdom,
we are the sacred reflecting nature of compassion,
desire in common union,
vision seers of the highest potential of co-operation,
eternal assurance of faithful knowing
the infinite gift of co-creation.
For we are the 'OF', of all life.

Our very structure and form can be spoken of, for our natural make up in Natural Order does give life. It is the very essential essence of who we are. Let us Honor and offer the gifts that we are. Let us everyday, in everyway, let go of and give up affliction. Let us allow our Divine Feminine, the nature of noble trust, to strengthen and embody us. And when we feel lost or discouraged let us surrender our pride to the clan sisters, that together we may ponder our dreams and dillema's in the caldron of Emotional Wisdom. It is then through this action that we may become the fullest potential of life, our own evolution. This is our gift to the universe, our galactic mother, our Source. For it is and always will BE the very nature and desire of Great Mother Mystery, all that She IS, to BE in Unison in every way with Great Father Spirit. Only together will enlightened matter become EnSpirited as embodied self. WE of noble trust, let us remember what matters to each of us for we are the fruit of the SpiritMatter that we are.

As Divine Feminine, let our contribution to this blending mix, Be the Divine and Human expression of our greatest capacity and potential centered in giving and receiving in Natural order and balance. For we RE-member that we are the clay, we are the matter and what we form ourselves into, 'matters'.
Let us keenly remember that the vessel, in which we receive Spirit in, is the vessel which feeds our partnerships, friendships, families, homes, work, and vehicles and is the very core of where we become unified within ourselves. It is from this core that we, Divine Feminine do co-create our cultural structures as the womb of life. Inner Circle let our vessels Be of the highest potential and offering to our world and universe, to our completeness and our wholeness, to our partnerships, friendships, family, home, vehicle and work. Let us be the Unified Self by offering our qualities in 'peaceful adoration in humility'. For this is the way of Conscious Awareness.

Let our voices sing the humility that we are as gentle words of encouragement, flowing leaves in gentle breezes, flowing streams in glistening crevices. This is us, this is we, humus as the courageous faith of hope and embodiment of enspirited matter in happiness. We are the Heartmind of creation; we are deep and unending empathetic compassion. As the vessel of hope we offer the gift of freedom to others as this gift of freedom has been given and received by us. As the Divine Feminine part of the whole, let us be respectful to Freedoms eternal reverence of Life. Let us always in always surrender in faith, to the caldron of sisterhoods unknowing mystery, that our union with each other and with our brothers may be a safe and joyful sanctuary of common union.

Just For Today
Just for today let me open my heart deeper than I ever have before.
Just for today let me allow Great Spirit to fill me with the noble trust in exploration of my deepest self as I enter into the deep and mysterious recesses of my soul.
Just for today let me know the matter of vessel that I Am and the deeper mystery that I am.
Just for today, let me know myself to be creation, the humus in the hands of Great Mother Mystery and Great Father Spirit.
Just for today, let me Be in total surrender, that I might Be the Awe of Wonder and the emotional evolution of enspirited matter.
Just for today, let me be the gentle ease of conscious awareness in humble humility. Just for today let me be ME.

Blessed Be Inlove's devotion,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Willow - Eternal Co-Creation Series from Vision Quest 7-2009

07-27-2009 = 9 in 4 revolutions, equaling Eternal Co-Creation

Post #1 on Eternal Co-creation

As I surrender to my own nothingness, I come to know the no-thing.
In my heart where there is no sound, no voice, no need and no desire
I come to surrender, for all that is within me is finished.

In this space of point of light,
The inner cauldron of dreams once visioned
the place where emotions became wisdom
where faith Became hope
where magic became mystery
and miracle became me.

I sit in wonderless unknowing
without and within the no-thing that I am
and I find myself to be empty

Spirit is my essence
I matter move only through the wave energy
of that which I am, and I am

In the eternity of bliss
I am the dreamers dream
I am the unknown mystery of sounds
I am qualities ringing through the universe

I am reflections of sound in the lights translucent glitter
sparkling off mothers first form of water

I am dreamers dream,
My dream once upon a universe
Your dream once upon eternity

Here in the silent surrender of all that I Am
I remember No-thing becoming something
I remember US as WE
Inlove Vatemare

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